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Pharmacology of Diuretics


ABSTRACT: The diuretics in our therapeutic armamen- and cirrhosis, multiple doses and/or combinations of
tarium have predictable effects based on their nephron diuretics should be used. Therefore, thiazide diuretics
sites of action. All but spironolactone must reach the coupled with loop diuretics are most logical because
lumen or urinary side of the nephron to exert their they affect different nephron sites and the thiazide coun-
effects. Thus, in settings of decreased renal function, teracts distal nephron hypertrophy that may occur with
doses must be increased to deliver more diuretic into the loop diuretics alone. Ample studies have shown that
urine. In other edematous disorders, such as congestive such combinations can result in a truly synergistic re-
heart failure (CHF) and cirrhosis, adequate amounts of sponse. Using pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynam-
diuretic reach the site of action if renal function is ics of diuretics, we can design therapeutic regimens in
satisfactory. Diminished response in these conditions is which satisfactory control of fluid and electrolyte ho-
caused by a decrease in the sensitivity of the nephron to meostasis can be achieved in the vast majority of pa-
the diuretic, the mechanism of which is unknown. tients. [Am J Med Sci 2000;319(1):38-50.]
Rather than using large single doses of diuretic in CHF

D iuretics differ considerably in chemical deriva-

tion, efficacy, sites of action, and mechanism of
carbonic anhydrase. Various chemical modifications
of the structure of the antibiotic were studied and
acetazolamide was the drug with the most desirable
action; namely, their pharmacology and pharmaco-
dynamics. (Table 1). Effective use of diuretics re- diuretic features. Parenthetically, in addition to
quires knowledge of the pharmacology of each di- clinical use, acetazolamide has been used in physi-
uretic agent coupled with an understanding of the ologic studies to define the role of carbonic anhy-
pathophysiology of the patient's disease. Diuretics drase in the kidney.s
have uses in clinical conditions other than edema-
tous disorders and hypertension, including treat- Osmotic Diuretics
ment of hypercalcemia with loop diuretics, treat- Mannitol is a sugar that remains within the vas-
ment of diabetes insipidus or hypercalciuria with cular space, and is freely filtered at the glomerulus.
thiazide diuretics, treatment of glaucoma with car- After being filtered, mannitol creates an osmotic
bonic anhydrase inhibitors, and treatment of cere- force throughout the length of the renal tubule that
bral edema with osmotic agents (Table 2).1 The ob- blunts reabsorption of sodium and water. This same
jective of this article is to review and summarize the effect occurs with other sugars and causes the vol-
pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of commonly ume depletion in patients with uncontrolled diabe-
used diuretics to facilitate their clinical use. tes mellitus in whom renal excretion of glucose re-
sults in osmotic diuresis.
Loop Diuretics
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors The site of effect of the first consistently effective
The carbonic anhydrase inhibitor acetazolamide diuretics was the thick ascending limb of the loop of
is a derivative of the sulfonamide antibiotic sulfanil- Henle. These organic mercurials are no longer pro-
amide, which was noted to cause a diuresis with duced because better agents have been developed
metabolic acidosis as a side effect. 2 This effect was that are less toxic.
subsequently found to be caused by inhibition of Ethacrynic acid and furosemide were developed
independently and virtually simultaneously. Devel-
opment of ethacrynic acid followed a strategy based
From the Department of Medicine, Division of Clinical Phar- on mercurial diuretics wherein it was assumed that
macology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, inhibition of sulfhydryl groups in the kidney would
Indiana. cause a diuresis. Screening for such compounds led
Correspondence: D. Craig Brater, M.D., Indiana University
School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, 545 Barnhill Drive, to the discovery of this agent. At the same time,
Emerson Hall 317, Indianapolis, IN 46202-5124 (E-mail: screening of compounds for diuretic activity resulted in a group of active sulfamoylanthranilic acids that

38 January 2000 Volume 319 Number 1


Table 1. Characteristics of Diuretics

Effect(% of
Filtered Load of
Type Chemical Class Sodium) Site and Mechanism of Action

Carbonic Anhydrase (CA) Inhibitors Sulfonamide derivative 3-5 Proximal tubule; inhibit CA
Osmotic Agents Sugar 20-25 Proximal tubule and thick
ascending limb of the loop of
Henle; osmotic effect
Loop Diuretics Carboxylic acid 20-25 Thick ascending limb of the loop
of Henle; N a+ -K+ -2Cl-
Bumetanide, furosemide, ethacrynic acid, torsemide sulfonamide derivatives
Thiazide Diuretics Sulfonamide derivatives 5-8 Distal tubule; electroneutral
N aCl reabsorption
Bendroflumethiazide, benzthiazide, chlorothiazide,
chlorthalidone, cyclothiazide, hydrochlorothiazide,
hydroflumethiazide, indapamide, methyclothiazide,
metolazone, polythiazide, quinethazone,
Potassium-Retaining Diuretics Pyrazinoyl-guanidine, 17- 2-3 Distal tubule and collecting
spirolactone, and duct; Na+, K+ exchange by
Pteridine, respectively inhibiting aldosterone or
blocking luminal sodium entry
Amiloride, spironolactone, triamterene

Modified from Brater DC. Diuretics. In: Munson PL, Mueller RA, Breese GR, editors. Principles of pharmacology. Basic concepts and
clinical application. New York: Chapman and Hall; 1995. p. 657-72. Copyright 1995 Chapman and Hall. Used with permission.

were substituted on the amine group of the aromatic that would result in a N aCl diuresis as opposed to a
ring. 4 5 Of this group, furosemide was developed; in NaHC0 3 diuresis. Additional chemical modifica-
later years, bumetanide, azosemide, piretanide, and tions of the sulfa nucleus were studied until chloro-
torsemide followed. These loop diuretics represented thiazide was discovered. 6 7 Additional thiazides
a major breakthrough. Their large magnitude of were then developed that have different pharmaco-
effect made them useful in patients who did not kinetic features but the same pharmacology.
respond adequately to other drugs, including those Other modifications of the sulfa nucleus resulted
with severe renal insufficiency, severe heart failure, in quinethazone, metolazone, and chlorthalidone;
etc. these drugs have pharmacological effects similar to
Thiazide Diuretics those of the classical thiazides but represent a dif-
ferent chemical category.
The discovery of acetazolamide led to the realiza-
tion that it would be preferable to have a diuretic Potassium-Retaining Diuretics
Physiologic studies had identified the pivotal role
Table 2. Other Uses of Diuretic Agents of aldosterone in stimulating reabsorption of N a+ in
the distal tubule and collecting duct in exchange for
Type of Diuretic Uses K+ and H+. Derivatives of the steroid nucleus of
spirolactone were found to be active in animals with
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors Glaucoma, metabolic intact adrenals and inactive in those with adrenal-
alkalosis, altitude sickness
Osmotic agents Cerebral edema ectomy. Thus, it was presumed that the activity of
Loop diuretics Hypercalcemia, hyponatremia, these agents occurred by blocking aldosterone. As
renal tubular acidosis methods for studying steroid receptors and effects
Thiazide diuretics Hypertension, hypercalciuria, became available, these compounds were shown to
diabetes insipidus
Potassium-retaining diuretics Potassium and/or magnesium block the receptor for aldosterone competitively.
loss From this series of compounds, spironolactone was
developed clinically. 8
Modified from Brater DC. Diuretics. In: Munson PL, Mueller RA, Triamterene was discovered from studies of the
Breese GR, editors. Principles of pharmacology. Basic concepts
and clinical application. New York: Chapman and Hall; 1995. p. biological activity of pteridines. Chemical modifica-
657-72. Copyright 1995 Chapman and Hall. Used with permis- tion of xanthopterin, a pigment in butterfly wings,
sion. resulted in the discovery oftriamterene. 9 Amiloride


Pharmacology of Diuretics

20 Loop Diuretics response, the "dose" causing 50% response, an upper

asymptote (or maximal response), and a slope factor
that defines the steepness of the relationship.
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
FENa (%) By catalyzing the hydration of bicarbonate at the
10 proximal tubule, carbonic anhydrase facilitates the
reabsorption of virtually all the bicarbonate filtered
at the glomerulus. Sodium reabsorption accompa-
5 Thiazide Diuretics nies bicarbonate. Carbonic anhydrase inhibition
predictably causes a NaHC0 3 diuresis This loss of
base leads to a metabolic acidosis.
Because the proximal tubule absorbs the majority
of filtered sodium (60-70%), one might expect a
LOG URINARY DIURETIC AMOUNT proximally acting diuretic to have a large effect.
LOG URINARY DIURETIC EXCRETION RATE This is not the case, however, because most but not
Figure 1. Schematized pharmacodynamics of loop and thiazide all of the sodium rejected from the proximal tubule
diuretics; namely, the relationship between diuretic at the in- is reabsorbed at the thick ascending limb of the loop
traluminal site of action and response expressed as fractional of Henle, thereby diminishing the overall efficacy of
excretion of sodium (FENa). (Reprinted from Brater DC. Diuret-
ics. In: Munson PL, Mueller RA, Breese GR, editors. Principles of
proximally acting diuretics. Increased delivery of
pharmacology. Basic concepts and clinical application. New York: sodium to the distal nephron and collecting duct
Chapman and Hall; 1995. p. 657-72. Copyright 2111995 Chap- results in increased exchange for potassium. Addi-
man and Hall. Used with permission.) tionally, the luminal bicarbonate creates a negative
charge that facilitates potassium secretion. The net
result is that bicarbonate is excreted with both Na+
is essentially an open ring version of the pteridines. 9 and K+; thus, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors can
Like many of the other diuretics, it has been an cause potassium depletion.
extremely useful physiologic probe because it specif- The pharmacokinetics of acetazolamide are pre-
ically blocks the luminal N a+ channel of the distal sented in Table 3.1 4 - 16 Acetazolamide seems to be
tubule. completely absorbed after oral dosing. Its half-life of
about 13 hours means twice-a-day dosing is suffi-
DIURETIC PHARMACOLOGY cient and that steady-state concentrations are at-
tained after 2 days of therapy (4 times the half-life).
General Because virtually all acetazolamide is excreted in
All diuretics except spironolactone must reach the the urine, its renal elimination is compromised in
lumen of the renal tubule to cause an effect. Osmotic patients with renal insufficiency.15
diuretics are filtered at the glomerulus, whereas Acetazolamide is now used infrequently as a di-
other diuretics are actively secreted into the lumen uretic. In patients refractory to loop diuretics, par-
at the proximal tubule. Acetazolamide, loop diuret- ticularly those with heart failure, proximal tubular
ics, and thiazide diuretics are transported via the reabsorption of sodium seems increased.l 7 Thus,
organic acid secretory pathway; amiloride and tri- loop diuretics alone have limited efficacy, because
amterene are transported via the pathway for or- less sodium is delivered to their site of action. Occa-
ganic bases. 9 - 11 Different classes of diuretics affect sionally, coadministration of acetazolamide in this
different nephron segments (Table 1). These discrete setting can cause a clinically important diuresis
sites of action along the nephron account for the when such was unobtainable before.l8 - 20 In this
additive effects that occur with combinations of di- setting, the theory of combining a proximally acting
uretics, the so-called sequential nephron blockade. and a loop diuretic is sound. The inevitable meta-
In addition, these sites of effect, coupled with the bolic acidosis that occurs with chronic use of acet-
physiology of nephron function at these sites, allow azolamide limits its utility. Blocking adenosine re-
prediction of the various responses to different types ceptors at the proximal tubule also inhibits sodium
of diuretics. reabsorption at this site. 21 Recent data with specific
In assessing the pharmacodynamics of diuretics, adenosine antagonists confirm their diuretic ef-
studies have shown that the best index of drug at fects.21-23 As such, they may prove to be useful
the intraluminal site of action is its excretion rate in agents for future use.
the voided urine. 12,13 This parameter can be related Because carbonic anhydrase is also important for
to the amount of sodium excretion as illustrated intraocular fluid formation, inhibitors of this en-
schematically for loop and thiazide diuretics in Fig- zyme are effective in decreasing intraocular pres-
ure 1. This relationship is a typical sigmoid Emax sure and are therefore used to treat glaucoma. Ac-
model, in which the critical parameters are the basal etazolamide and its derivatives, such as

40 January 2000 Volume 319 Number I


Table 3. Diuretic Pharmacokinetics

Bioavailability Clearance Vd Half-life

(%) (mUminlkg) (Ukg) (h) Comments

Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor

Acetazolamide 100 13
Osmotic Agent 7 0.5 1
Mannitol Tv, in ESRD = 36 h
Loop Diuretics
Bumetanide 80-90 2-3.5 0.15 0.3-1.5 Tv, unchanged in ESRD
Ethacrynic Acid Kinetics presumed similar to furosemide
Furosemide 10-100 1.5-3 0.15 0.3-3.4 Tv, prolonged in ESRD
Torsemide 80-100 3-4 Tv, unchanged in ESRD
Thiazide Diuretics
Bendroflumethiazide 90 4.3 1-1.5 2.5-5 Duration of action: 18-24 h
Benzthiazide 100 10 Duration of action: 12-18 h
Chlorthalidone 65 24-55 Duration of action: 24-72 h
Chlorothiazide 30-50 4.3 1 15-25 Duration of action: 6-12 h
Clopamide 8-12 Duration of action: 18-24 h
Cyclothiazide Duration of action: 18-24 h
Hydrochlorothiazide 65-75 4.6 2.5 3-10 Duration of action: 6-12 h
Hydroflumethiazide 75 6.4 5 6-10 Duration of action: 18-24 h
lndapamide 90 1.6 6-15 Duration of action: 24-36 h
Methyclothiazide Duration of action: 24-48 h
Metolazone Duration of action: 12-24 h
Polythiazide 25 Duration of action: 24-48 h
Quinethazone Duration of action: 12-24 h
Trichlormethiazide 3.4 1-4 Duration of action: 24 h
Potassium-Retaining Diuretics
Amiloride 17-26 Tv, in ESRD = 100 h
Spironolactone 1.5 Tv, of active metabolites = 15 h
Triamterene 83 (55) 14 (0.7) 3.0 (0.14) 3 (3) Parentheses denote active metabolite;
Tv, in ESRD = 10 h

Vd, volume of distribution; T'~> half-life; ESRD, end-stage renal disease.

Modified from Brater DC. Diuretics. In: Munson PL, Mueller RA, Breese GR, editors. Principles of pharmacology. Basic concepts and
clinical application. New York: Chapman and Hall; 1995. p. 657-72. Copyright 1995 Chapman and Hall. Used with permission.

methazolamide, are used in glaucoma. The latter the pharmacologic activity of the diuretic. In addi-
was developed to have comparable effects on ocular tion, acetazolamide, particularly in large doses, can
carbonic anhydrase but little systemic effect. As cause central nervous system side effects, including
such, benefit is retained but the diuresis and meta- light-headedness, paresthesias (particularly circu-
bolic acidosis that occur with acetazolamide are less. moral), weakness, and confusion. The mechanism(s)
The systemic metabolic acidosis caused by acet- of these effects are unknown.
azolamide can be used to correct metabolic alkalosis.
If sufficiently severe, metabolic alkalosis per se re- Osmotic Diuretics
sults in hypoventilation, which is a normal reflex Mannitol is freely filtered at the glomerulus. 2 4-26
aimed at raising blood C0 2 concentrations to correct Because it is not reabsorbed in the nephron, it re-
systemic pH. In some patients, such as those with mains in the tubule lumen, where it exerts an os-
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, this hy- motic effect, thereby impairing the ability of the
poventilation can cause further hypoxemia. Correct- proximal tubule and thick ascending limb to reab-
ing the alkalosis with short-term use of acetazol- sorb sodium. Although the proximal effect of man-
amide can reverse this scenario and improve nitol causes some excretion ofbicarbonate, the effect
oxygenation. at the loop of Henle predominates, so that sodium is
Acetazolamide has also proven to be an effective mainly excreted along with chloride. In addition, the
treatment of and prophylaxis against altitude sick- increased delivery of Na+ to distal tubular sites
ness. Several days before ascending and while at allows increased exchange forK+ so that potassium
elevation, patients can take twice-daily doses as low is also lost. This effect accounts for the potassium
as 125 mg and ameliorate the effects of altitude. The deficits encountered in most patients with uncon-
mechanism of this effect is not known. trolled diabetes mellitus and a glucose-mediated os-
As noted above, metabolic acidosis and potassium motic diuresis.
depletion are the primary adverse effects of carbonic Mannitol is eliminated quickly, with a half-life of
anhydrase inhibitors; these effects are extensions of about 1 hour in patients with normal renal function


Pharmacology of Diuretics

(Table 3),27 Thus, its onset of effect is rapid, but it treat hypercalcemia. 31 However, their use should be
dissipates quickly. For this reason, it is often admin- withheld until the volume depletion associated with
istered as a continuous intravenous infusion. Man- hypercalcemia is corrected. Volume repletion itself
nitol elimination is markedly impaired in patients may suffice; if not, loop diuretics can be used, but
with renal insufficiency (half-life of 36 hrs). 28 As scrupulous attention must be paid to maintaining
noted below, retention of this agent in such patients intravascular volume in the face of the vigorous
can be dangerous. diuresis caused by these agents.
For the most part, loop diuretics have relegated The thick ascending limb is also important for
osmotic diuretics to nondiuretic uses (Table 2). Man- urinary concentrating ability. Formation of concen-
nitol is a highly effective treatment of cerebral trated urine requires not only antidiuretic hormone,
edema and is used frequently in neurosurgical pro- which permits reabsorption of water across the col-
cedures, in head trauma, and in patients with ful- lecting duct, but also a hypertonic medullary inter-
minant hepatic failure awaiting transplant who de- stitium that serves as the osmotic driving force for
velop increased intracranial pressure. This use is water absorption. This hypertonic medullary inter-
inevitably associated with a pronounced osmotic di- stitium is generated and maintained by solute reab-
uresis that, in this setting, is an unwanted effect. sorption at the thick ascending limb. Thus, loop
Scrupulous attention must be paid to sufficient vol- diuretics decrease this driving force and thereby
ume repletion in such patients. prevent generation of concentrated urine.
In animal models, generation of a diuresis before Intravenous loop diuretics have a short-lasting
virtually any renal insult (eg, hypotension, nephro- vasodilating effect that seems to derive from renal
toxic drugs, contrast agents) has been shown to release of such vasodilating prostaglandins as pros-
protect renal function. Mannitol has therefore been tacyclin.3233 This effect explains the immediate im-
explored as prophylaxis in patients likely to suffer provement that often occurs in patients with acute
ischemic insults to the kidney (as in some types of pulmonary edema before any diuresis has occurred.
surgery) and at one time it enjoyed widespread use The venodilation results in decreased cardiac pre-
before dosing with cisplatin. 26 There is little if any load, a fall in pulmonary artery wedge pressure, and
evidence to demonstrate that mannitol is better symptomatic relief. This effect, however, can also
than simply administering sufficient parenteral sa- trigger activation of the sympathetic nervous sys-
line to cause a brisk diuresis. Rather than using tem, causing increased afterload and diminished
osmotic agents for prophylaxis against renal injury, cardiac function. 34 One must balance the potential
a better alternative is assuring adequate volume benefits and risks of these 2 effects in individual
status in the patient.29,3o patients. Usually the need to quickly induce a sub-
Mannitol has also been used in patients with stantial diuresis prevails.
acute renal failure in attempts to "open up" the All loop diuretics are highly bound to serum albu-
kidney. There is no good evidence that this strategy min (>95%) and enter the urine by being actively
is effective; assuring adequate volume status in the secreted at the proximal tubule (Table 1).9-11,35,36
patient is probably the best treatment. 2629,3o If man- The high protein binding restricts these drugs to the
nitol is administered to a patient with acute renal vascular space, resulting in a small volume of dis-
failure, and the patient's renal function remains tribution (Table 3). The short half-lives of these
suppressed, the mannitol remains in the vascular agents mean that their duration of action is brief,
space, where its osmotic effect expands blood volume although intense. After intravenous administration,
with risks of precipitating heart failure. Today, response begins within minutes and continues for 2
mannitol should be used as a diuretic agent only to 3 hours. Mter oral dosing, peak response occurs
rarely. within 30 to 90 minutes and lasts another 2 to 3
hours. Because of this short duration of action, in
Loop Diuretics many patients, these drugs must be administered
Loop diuretics inhibit the N a+-K+ -2Cl- reabsorp- multiple times a day. Torsemide, the newest loop
tive pump at the thick ascending limb of the loop of diuretic, has a somewhat longer half-life and dura-
Henle, causing a diuresis ofNaCl and KC1. 9- 11 They tion of action and can therefore be administered less
bind with this transporter at the chloride binding frequently. 37
site. At the thick ascending limb, 20 to 30% of Bumetanide and torsemide are completely ab-
filtered sodium is reabsorbed. Because a maximally sorbed (:::::80%), whereas, on average, 50% of a dose
effective dose of a loop diuretic can cause excretion of of furosemide is absorbed. 9- 11 3536 Therefore, when a
20 to 25% of filtered sodium, these agents can block patient is changed from intravenous to oral dosing of
virtually all reabsorption by this segment of the bumetanide or torsemide, the dose is the same; in
nephron. 12 contrast, the oral dose of furosemide needs to be
Calcium is reabsorbed in parallel to sodium at the about twice the intravenous dose. Unfortunately,
thick ascending limb. As such, use of loop diuretics absorption of these drugs is more complicated. In
also cause a calciuresis and can thereby be used to particular, the variability of absorption of furo-

42 January 2000 Volume 319 Number 1


semide is enormous both among patients and within SEVERE RENAL INSUFFICIENCY

an individual patient from day to day, 38 with a range

of absorption of 10 to 100%38- 40 In addition, concom- SODIUM
3.0 20

itant ingestion of furosemide and bumetanide with EX'i.'l~ON 2 _0 FENa(%)

food dramatically decreases bioavailability41,42 This (mEq/min) 10

does not occur with torsemide. 43 Compared with 1.0

furosemide, variability of absorption of bumetanide

and torsemide is modest. 44 Highly variable absorp- -HEALTHY
tion of furosemide might translate to unpredictabil- ----- EDEMATOUS DISORDER

ity of diuresis and the potential for a poor long-term

outcome. An interim analysis of a recent study sup-
ports this hypothesis. Hospitalized patients with 3.0 20
CHF were randomized to either furosemide (vari- SODIUM
EX~'lWN 2.0
able absorption) or torsemide (predictable absorp- (mEq/min)
tion) and observed for a year after discharge. Those
on torsemide had statistically fewer hospitalizations
for CHF, hospitalizations for any cardiac cause, and
better measures of quality of life. 4546 Thus, a pre- LOOP DIURETIC EXCRETION RATE

dictably absorbed diuretic seems advantageous. Figure 2. Schematized pharmacodynamics of loop diuretics in
patients with renal insufficiency (top) and with CHF, cirrhosis, or
.AI3 one would predict, in patients with renal dis- nephrotic syndrome (bottom). FENa fractional excretion of so-
ease, less total drug reaches the urine. 35,36,39,40 This dium.
accounts for the need to administer larger doses of
all of these drugs to attain effective amounts of the
diuretic at the site of action. In addition, entry into diuretic) to response as either sodium excretion rate
the urine of furosemide, but not bumetanide and or fractional excretion of sodium. When this analysis
torsemide, is prolonged, so that the duration of re- is performed in patients with renal insufficiency
sponse is longer than in patients with normal renal (Figure 2), residual nephrons seem to respond "nor-
function (Table 3). The explanation for this differ- mally," because response expressed as fractional ex-
ence is preservation of nonrenal (hepatic) pathways cretion of sodium is similar to that occurring in
of bumetanide and torsemide elimination so that healthy subjects (Figure 2, top right). 4748 Because of
overall clearance and half-life are not affected ap- impaired delivery of diuretic into the urine, attain-
preciably in patients with decreased renal func- ing maximal response requires a higher dose. Doses
tion.39,40 In contrast, in patients with hepatic dys- that reach this upper plateau have been determined
function, including congestive hepatopathy, in clinical studies and are presented in Table 4. This
elimination of bumetanide and torsemide, but not dose represents a ceiling dose, because larger doses
furosemide, is slowed, resulting in a longer half-life will not result in an increase in response. It is
and duration of action (Table 3).39,40 important to emphasize, however, that in patients
Loop diuretics are the most effective diuretics with renal insufficiency, although remammg
currently available. Many patients, particularly nephrons respond adequately, response measured
those with severe heart failure, severe cirrhosis, as overall sodium excretion is limited because of the
nephrotic syndrome, and renal insufficiency, require constraints imposed by the diminished filtered load
loop diuretics rather than less efficacious diuretics. of sodium (Figure 2, top left). Importantly, response
If creatinine clearance is less than about 40 mUmin, is not increased by doses higher than the ceiling
other diuretics as single agents are unlikely to be dose. Only administering effective doses on multiple
clinically effective and loop diuretics will usually be occasions per day increases cumulative response.
required. Although patients may require large doses In patients with CHF, cirrhosis, or nephrotic syn-
of these drugs, small doses should be tried first, drome, the pharmacodynamics ofloop diuretics (and
followed by upward titration according to clinical probably others) are altered so that maximal re-
response. Thus, 40 mg of furosemide or the equiva- sponse is lower (Figure 2, bottom).39,4o The mecha-
lent dose of another agent is administered first. If nism of this change is unknown. It could be caused
inadequate, the dose can be doubled sequentially by increased proximal and/or distal reabsorption of
until a response ensues or until a maximum dose is sodium and/or a change in the dynamics of the
reached. The maximum single dose that should be interaction with the Na+-K+-2cl- transporter. Re-
tried differs for different clinical conditions and is a cent data in animals suggest up-regulation of this
function of the pharmacodynamics of loop diuretics transporter in CHF. 49 The clinical ramification of
in different edematous disorders. this change is that the diminished response to a loop
AI!, noted above, the pharmacodynamics of a di- diuretic is not improved by administering large
uretic are quantified by relating the amount of di- doses. Consequently, ceiling doses of loop diuretics
uretic at the active site (urinary excretion rate of the in CHF and cirrhosis are modest (Table 3). If such


Pharmacology of Diuretics

Table 4. Maximum Doses of Loop Diuretics

Dose (mg)

Furosemide Furosemide Bumetanide Ethacrynic Acid Torsemide

Clinical Condition IV PO IV&PO IV&PO IV&PO

Renal Insufficiency
0 < ClcR <50 80 160 2 100 40
ClcR < 20 200 400 8-10 250 100
Nephrotic syndrome with preserved 120 240 4 150 40-60
renal function
Cirrhosis with preserved renal function 40 80 1 50 20
CHF with preserved renal function 40-80 80-160 1-2 50-100 20-40

ClcR, creatinine clearance; IV, intravenous; PO, by mouth.

Modified from Brater DC. Diuretics. In: Munson PL, Mueller RA, Breese GR, editors. Principles of pharmacology. Basic concepts and
clinical application. New York: Chapman and Hall; 1995. p. 657-72. Copyright 1995 Chapman and Hall. Used with permission.

doses do not cause a sufficient overall response, then occasional patient who is severely hypoalbumin-
multiple doses should be given rather than larger emic. Even then, such therapy is experimental. It is
individual doses. important to emphasize that patients with CHF,
Nephrotic syndrome is a complex process in terms cirrhosis, and nephrotic syndrome who have con-
of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of comitant decreases in renal function need higher
loop diuretics. One half to two thirds of all the loop doses than those listed in Table 3 to attain effective
diuretic that reaches the urine in patients with amounts of diuretic at the site of action.
nephrotic syndrome is bound to urinary albu- Once an effective dose is determined, the fre-
min.50-53 Thus, higher doses are used to attain "nor- quency of its administration must be determined.
mal" amounts of unbound, active drug in the urine. Dosing frequency differs among individual patients
In addition to this effect of binding, pharmacody- and depends on the sodium excretion needed rela-
namics are also changed in nephrotic syndrome as tive to the effectiveness of the drug in the individual
shown in Figure 2. 54 The net result is a need to patient coupled with the amount of sodium restric-
administer higher doses, but these doses will not tion with which the patient will comply. The impor-
cause the same diuresis as in healthy subjects, and tance of the utility of sodium restriction cannot be
frequent dosing is usually needed. overemphasized. The more sodium the patient in-
A recent study in analbuminemic rats has raised gests, the more frequent is the need for the diuretic.
the question of the potential utility of using ex vivo Loop diuretics also are used to treat hypertension.
mixtures of albumin and loop diuretic in patients Several studies demonstrate greater efficacy ofthia-
with nephrotic syndrome. 55 The rationale for this zides than furosemide in mild hypertension because
strategy is that normally the avid binding of loop of the ability of thiazides to decrease peripheral
diuretics to serum albumin "traps" the diuretic in vascular resistance as well as produce,s1
the plasma and carries it to the kidney where it can On the other hand, low doses of torsemide (2.5 to 5
be secreted into the urine and exert its effect. In mg) are effective as an antihypertensive agent with
hypoalbuminemic patients a hypothesis has been minimal or no diuretic effect. 62
formulated wherein diminished albumin binding re- Loop diuretics can be helpful in treating hypercal-
stricts a smaller amount of diuretic to the plasma cemia, hyponatremia, and occasionally renal tubu-
and, therefore, less reaches the urine, accounting for lar acidosis.l As noted above, the major site of cal-
decreased diuretic response. Indeed, in analbumin- cium reabsorption is the thick ascending limb of the
emic rats this scenario prevails and administering loop of Henle. Thus, by inhibiting solute reabsorp-
mixtures of albumin and loop diuretic restores re- tion at this segment of the nephron, loop diuretics
sponse.55 These findings, however, do not seem to cause a calciureisis. 31 Loop diuretics cause excretion
extrapolate to most patients with nephrotic syn- of water in excess of sodium. As such, replacement of
drome. Several studies have shown that patients loop diuretic-induced volume losses with iso- or hy-
with serum albumin concentrations as low as 2 pertonic saline results in a net gain of sodium rela-
g/100 mL deliver adequate amounts of diuretic into tive to water, causing the serum sodium concentra-
the urine, 56 -57 and preliminary studies suggest no tion to increase. 63 Whether to use this strategy
benefit of administering albumin.58,59 As such, using depends on the desired speed of correcting the hy-
mixtures of albumin and loop diuretic in such pa- ponatremia. In some patients with distal renal tu-
tients would be trying to fix something that is not bular acidosis who are unable to maintain an ade-
broken. This strategy should be reserved for the quate systemic pH with conventional therapy, loop

44 January 2000 Volume 319 Number 1


diuretics will allow excretion of an acid urine and agent, and the maximal dose is 50 mg. Higher doses
facilitate correction of the metabolic acidosis. result in no greater benefit but increase risks, par-
The majority of toxicity from loop diuretics is ticularly of potassium depletion and altered glucose
attributable to their effectiveness; the vigorous di- and lipoprotein homeostasis.
uresis may result in volume depletion and/or potas- The disposition of some of the thiazide diuretics
sium deficits. Loop diuretics can cause both auditory has been defined in detail, whereas the disposition
and vestibular toxicity. 64 65 This is usually associ- for most of them has been little studied (Table 3). 72
ated with administration of high doses, particularly Extensive clinical experience has demonstrated
in patients with renal insufficiency and in those pharmacological equivalence among them. Thus, the
receiving other ototoxins such as aminoglycoside maximal response (efficacy) to all is the same. Be-
antibiotics. Its mechanism is not well understood cause their potencies differ, different amounts are
but is associated with loss of cochlear hair cells. needed to achieve the same effect.
Most clinicians feel that the risk of ototoxicity is The major distinguishing features among thia-
greatest with ethacrynic acid, which accounts for its zides are cost and duration of action. The former
low use compared with other loop diuretics. With the varies among pharmacies and in large health sys-
other loop diuretics, it seems that ototoxicity from tems is determined by contractual discounts. In ad-
them per se is rare. Truly massive doses (4 to 5 g/day dition to cost, the duration of effect is occasionally a
of furosemide, for example) have been administered factor in deciding which of these drugs to use. Thia-
without ototoxic effects.66,67 zides are usually grouped according to short (6-12
Allergic interstitial nephritis can also occur with hour), medium (12-24 hour), and long (>24 hour)
chronic use of loop diuretics. This diagnosis should durations of effect. It is best to use those with short
be entertained in historically stable patients taking and medium durations of action, because those with
loop diuretics whose renal function clinically begins longer duration of effect usually cause more potas-
to deteriorate. If the diagnosis is made and the sium loss.
patient still needs a loop diuretic, ethacrynic acid is The greatest use of thiazide diuretics has been as
the best alternative, because it differs structurally, antihypertensive agents. Initial doses of a thiazide
whereas the chemical structures of other loop di- are associated with diuresis-induced decreases in
uretics are similar. blood volume and a consequent lowering of blood
pressure. This decrease in blood volume, however,
Thiazide Diuretics activates homeostatic reflexes such as the plasma
Thiazide diuretics block electroneutral NaCl reab- renin-angiotensin-aldosterone and sympathetic ner-
sorption at the distal convoluted tubule, connecting vous systems, which cause increased proximal tu-
tubule, and early collecting duct. 68 Interestingly, bule sodium reabsorption and restoration of blood
there is a genetic syndrome (Gitelman syndrome) volume. The antihypertensive effect, however, is
caused by a variety of mutations that render this maintained, presumably because chronic use of
transporter inactive. The phenotype of this syn- these agents results in diminished peripheral vas-
drome mimics the pharmacology of thiazide diuret- cular resistance. 73 This lowering of vascular resis-
ics.6970 In sufficient concentrations, all thiazides tance, the mechanism of which is unknown, has
have inhibitory activity toward carbonic anhydrase, made thiazide diuretics a mainstay of antihyperten-
but in doses used clinically, any effect at the proxi- sive therapy. They are effective not only as single
mal tubule is negligible because it is obviated by agents in patients with mild hypertension but also
reabsorption of solute rejected from the proximal in multiple drug therapy of patients with more se-
tubule by the loop of Henle. The diuresis that is vere disease. They are particularly useful for blunt-
manifest in the final urine occurs from distal tubu- ing the sodium retention that occurs with vasodila-
lar effects. 71 Thiazides cause a NaCl diuresis and tors.
the enhanced distal delivery of Na+ facilitates po- The homeostatic reflexes described above can be
tassium secretion, so these drugs can also cause helpful in treating hypercalciuria and diabetes in-
potassium depletion. The distal tubule reabsorbs sipidus (Table 2). Some patients with nephrolithia-
only about 5% of filtered sodium. Thus, the efficacy sis have idiopathically increased urinary calcium
ofthiazides is limited. However, these drugs are still excretion. Increased proximal reabsorption of cal-
sufficient in most patients with mild edematous cium plus increased distal reabsorption result in
disorders unless they have concomitant renal dys- diminished calcium excretion and amelioration of
function. renal stone formation. 74 This effect also causes
The thiazide diuretics have a very shallow dose- slight increases in serum calcium concentration. 75
response curve, as shown in Figure 1. This means Thus, although loop diuretics can be used to lower
that there is little difference between the lowest serum calcium concentration, thiazide diuretics can
effective dose and the maximally effective dose. increase it. These effects are predictable based on
Thus, the starting dose of a thiazide is 12.5 mg of the pharmacology of the drugs and the known phys-
hydrochlorothiazide, or the equivalent of another iology of calcium homeostasis.


Pharmacology of Diuretics

The increased proximal tubular solute reabsorp- sodium forK+ and H+ is also stimulated by aldoste-
tion associated with chronic thiazide use is also rone. Mineralocorticoid receptors in the cytoplasm of
accompanied by increased water reabsorption. In principle cells bind aldosterone; this hormone-recep-
addition, the distal site at which thiazides act is also tor complex translocates to the nucleus of the cell,
responsible for generating a dilute urine. Conse- where protein synthesis, presumably ofNa+ pumps,
quently, thiazide diuretics impair the ability to di- is stimulated. 80 81 Spironolactone blocks the receptor
lute the urine maximally. Patients with central di- for aldosterone.
abetes insipidus can have urine volumes of up to 20 Thus, this class of drugs blocks N a+ reabsorption
Uday. Thiazide diuretics in such patients can often by mechanisms both dependent upon and indepen-
diminish urinary output to half its pretreatment dent from aldosterone. Amiloride and triamterene
value, an effect sufficient to improve the quality of reabsorption is independent of aldosterone, whereas
these patients' lives. Thus, a diuretic agent in this that for spironolactone requires the presence of min-
setting is actually used to diminish urinary volume, eralocorticoid. This latter mechanism of action is the
a seemingly paradoxical effect that makes sense rationale for specifically using spironolactone in pa-
once the site of action and pharmacology of the drug tients with primary or secondary hyperaldosteron-
is coupled with the pathophysiology of diabetes in- ism. Such patients include those with mineralocor-
sipidus. ticoid-producing tumors, adrenal hyperplasia, renal
As with other diuretics, much of the toxicity from artery stenosis, and cirrhosis. The most common
thiazides is predictable based on their pharmacol- clinical setting is the patient with cirrhosis and
ogy. Increased serum calcium concentrations can be ascites. In such conditions, the dose of spironolac-
mistaken for hyperparathyroidism. Impairment in tone needed will depend on the endogenous level of
urinary dilution prevents patients who drink large mineralocorticoid in each individual patient. Thus,
volumes of hypotonic fluids from excreting them. each patient must undergo titration until an effec-
Thus, free water is retained and hyponatremia can tive dose is reached. The duration of effect of spi-
occur. 76 In fact, thiazide diuretics are the most com- ronolactone is 1 or more days and plateau effects are
mon drug-induced cause of hyponatremia, which can not reached until3 or 4 days oftherapy. 8 Therefore,
be a particular problem in elderly patients or in in titrating patients, doses should not be increased
patients with psychogenic water drinking. more frequently than every 3 or 4 days.
The increased proximal tubular solute reabsorp- The actions of amiloride and triamterene contrast
tion with thiazide administration can affect other with spironolactone. They are effective in the ab-
cations that are transported in the proximal sence of mineralocorticoid and additionally are
nephron, such as lithium. Chronic treatment with shorter acting, making dosage adjustments possible
thiazides increases lithium reabsorption, decreasing on a daily basis. These agents are preferable to
its renal excretion and causing accumulation to po- spironolactone when a potassium-retaining diuretic
tentially toxic concentrations. 77 As a consequence, is needed in a patient without mineralocorticoid
patients concomitantly treated with thiazides excess.
should receive lower doses of lithium and dosing Because only a small amount of sodium is reab-
should be guided by measured serum concentra- sorbed at the site of action of these agents, they are
tions. not sufficiently effective to be of benefit in most
Thiazide diuretics also cause other adverse ef- patients (excluding mineralocorticoid excess). Their
fects, the mechanisms of which are poorly under- main use, then, is to correct potassium and/or mag-
stood. They disrupt glucose homeostasis. Some have nesium deficiency. The mechanism by which these
argued that this adverse effect is linked to potas- drugs diminish magnesium excretion has not been
sium depletion and can thereby be prevented by fully elucidated.
maintaining potassium homeostasis. There seems to Triamterene has a short half-life and duration of
be little current support for this hypothesis. Thia- effect (Table 3). Thus, it needs to be administered
zides have also been implicated in increasing serum multiple times per day. Triamterene must be con-
concentrations of low-density lipoprotein choles- verted to an active metabolite, which is a sulfate
terol. This effect is dose-related and currently rec- ester, by the liver. This process can be impaired in
ommended antihypertensive doses of thiazides have patients with liver disease, which can make this
negligible effects on it. Low doses also have negligi- drug ineffective in such patients. 82
ble effects on glucose, potassium, and magnesium Amiloride has a moderately long half-life (Table
homeostasis. 78 79 3).83 ,84 In patients with liver disease in whom an
alternative to spironolactone is sought, amiloride is
Potassium-Retaining Diuretics preferred over triamterene because it does not re-
In the distal nephron and collecting duct, sodium quire metabolic activation. Amiloride can be admin-
exchanges with K+ and H+. This process depends on istered twice a day and steady state is reached
luminal entry into the cell of N a+, a pathway within 2 days.
blocked by amiloride and triamterene. Exchange of Though spironolactone has a short half-life, it

46 January 2000 Volume 319 Number 1


seems that activity resides, for the most part, in ing additional sites in the nephron, a greater re-
several metabolites with half-lives of about 15 hours sponse can often be achieved.
(Table 3). 85 In addition, the duration of effect is even Th~ most useful combination of agents for this
longer (several days), as discussed above. purpose is that of a loop diuretic plus a thiazide
Potassium-retaining diuretics are most frequently diuretic. 91 Response to a loop diuretic alone can be
used in combination preparations with thiazide di- blunted considerably by increased reabsorption of
uretics. The rationale for these preparations is that sodium at sites distal to the thick ascending limb.
the thiazide component causes renal potassium and Chronic dosing of loop diuretics causes hypertrophy
magnesium losses, whereas the potassium-retaining of distal tubule cells with an enhanced capacity to
agents have the opposite effect. Hence, the combina- reabsorb sodium.9 2 ,93 Blocking sodium reabsorption
tion is presumed to have a neutral effect on potas- at these sites with thiazide diuretics usually in-
sium and magnesium excretion and to maintain the creases response to a clinically important degree and
efficacious effects to lower blood pressure. This ra- can occasionally result in a pronounced diuresis. 94
tionale is flawed. 86,87 Firstly, only about 5% of pa- Patients should be monitored carefully for volume
tients receiving thiazide diuretics become potassi- and potassium status when such combinations are
um-depleted. Thus, the remaining 95% of patients used. lfthiazides are combined with loop diuretics in
do not need therapy with potassium-retaining di- patients with renal insufficiency, they must be given
uretics. Secondly, potassium-retaining diuretics en- in sufficient doses to attain effective amounts of the
tail a risk ofhyperkalemia, which is more life threat- thiazide in the lumen of the nephron. Doses as high
ening than potassium depletion. This fact argues as 200 mg/day of hydrochlorothiazide or the equiv-
against prophylactic use. alent of other thiazides may be needed. 95 96 If a
A number of common clinical settings increase the thiazide is to be used with a loop diuretic, any
risk of hyperkalemia with these agents. Coadminis- thiazide can be selected, because their pharmacolo-
tration of potassium supplements is obvious. Angio- gies are similar and clinical trials have shown that a
tensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and nonsteroi- variety of them work similarly in this setting.94-99
dal anti-inflammatory drugs can also cause Some patients, particularly those with severe
hyperkalemia; combined with potassium-retaining heart failure, have increased proximal tubular reab-
diuretics, these effects are likely to be additive. sorption of sodium, which blunts response agents
Lastly, patients with renal insufficiency have dimin- that act more distally. Addition of an agent with
ished ability to eliminate potassium; these diuretics proximal effects, such as acetazolamide, can be help-
are particularly risky in such patients and should be ful in some patients. It is best to try combinations of
avoided. thiazides and loop diuretics first and reserve addi-
Blockade of H+ exchange for N a+ by these drugs tion of acetazolamide for patients who are still un-
can cause Type IV renal tubular acidosis. 88 Patients responsive.
may have an acid urine, but they are unable to Distally acting, postassium-retaining diuretics
acidify maximally. They characteristically demon- can also be used to enhance natriuretic effects. The
strate a hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis with hy- effects are not as great as adding thiazides, and this
perkalemia. Patients with mild renal insufficiency or strategy should be additive to loop and thiazide
with diabetes mellitus may be particularly susceptible. diuretics. Two studies have shown that measuring
Other adverse effects of these diuretics include urinary electrolytes allows prediction of patients
nephrolithiasis from triamterene, in which its me- who will respond to addition of a distal agent.wo,1o 1
tabolite precipitates in concentrated urine and Low N a+ and K+ predicts negligible response and
serves as a nidus for stone formation. 89 High doses of low Na+ and high K+ predicts response.
spironolactone have antiandrogenic effects and can Development and use of diuretics has been inex-
thereby cause gynecomastia. 90 This occurs only tricably linked to understanding renal physiology.
rarely at conventional doses. On the one hand, patterns of effect of a diuretic have
allowed prediction of its tubular site of action. On
DIURETIC COMBINATIONS the other hand, knowing a diuretic's site of action
allows accurate prediction of its effects (eg, hypona-
The use of potassium-retaining diuretics com- tremia as a side effect of thiazide diuretics, calciure-
bined with other diuretics that cause potassium and sis from loop diuretics). The net result is that under-
magnesium losses was discussed above. standing diuretic pharmacology allows their rational
Other diuretic combinations are used to obtain use in a diverse set of clinical conditions.
additive or even synergistic effects in patients who
respond poorly to single agents. The strategy em-
ployed is to block different nephron segments so that References
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50 January 2000 Volume 319 Number 1

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