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Umted States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 5,694,281

Roberts et a1. [45] Date of Patent: Dec. 2, 1997

[54] ZERO SEQUENCE VOLTAGE-POLARIZED 5,365,396 11/1994 Roberts et a1. ......................... .. 361/80
PROTECTIVE RELAYS Primary ExaminerBrian K. Young
Assistant Examiner-Ronald W. Leja
[75] Inventors: Jelfrey B. Roberts. Moscow, Id.; Atwmey Agent, 0'' Finn-16118611 & Plmtigam. P-S
?ggrndo Guzman-Caslllas. Pullman. [57] ABSTRACT
, _ , , , The directional element produces a quantity related to the
[73] Asslgnc?' Schwelmr Engmeering Labommnes zero sequence source impedance of the power system rela
Inc Pun-man wash tive to the location of the directional element. from values of
zero sequence current and an adjusted value of zero
[21] APPL N04 546,224 sequence voltage. The impedance quantity is then compared
- _ against ?rst and second threshold quanti?es to identify the
[22] F?ed' Oct 20 1995 direction of a fault. Further. the zero sequence voltage
[51] Int. GL6 ..................................................... .. H02H 3/26 polarized directional element can be combined with othm
[52] U.S. Cl. ............................................... .. 361/80; 361/84 individual directional elem?nts- including a Zero sequence
[53] Field of Search ................................ .. 361142.44-50, Current-Polarized directional ?lcmcnt and a ncgativ?
361/54_ 56_ 577 53_ 6346 76 7g_80_ 32, sequence voltage-polarized directional element to form a
84,. 85~ 187, 188; 324/512 5217 522v 52q universal directional element for unbalanced faults. in which
525 the individual directional elements operate in a particular
sequence. with the other directional elements being blocked
[56] References Cited from operating if a prior directional element in the sequence
provides a direction indication.
5,349,490 9/1994 Roberts et al. ........................... 361/30 11 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets

IR [it 32VF

(SETTING) 42 56
49 z
54 53

V0 to = Re-*_
{3V0- [mom-1R1 } - c AR
32IF IR |1R|2 LE
321R 60

32 F 32VR
Q 52 20R T
320R (SETTING) 44 55
U.S. Patent Dec. 2, 1997 Sheet 1 of 5 5,694,281

l2 2I 3RF
Z2Z Ti.m
7% w
m. ZZ

PM}, 2



7:2MM ma.

| IA
| _
| mm.
i O
US. Patent Dec. 2, 1997 Sheet 2 of 5 5,694,281

FIG, 3

:- _ 1 a I I

30 a; ZLo +ZRo l
: 34A iiinjiiji'ign'f ,mm?maCE: NO OPERATION
I -. - . _ " f \ 20F THRESHOLD
. - ~ ' I

i 32 '_ > > +RQ :

l , '.
| L . _ 'ZSO :
l_ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _J


U.S. Patent Dec. 2, 1997 Sheet 3 of 5 5,694,281

wm mm
Emd m?d
mm ow


E19A$"mm50.5. NE:

\ EA
EH mOm
@zrFwmV AOZFPwmv
momI E

mONm mOm
1 2
ZERO SEQUENCE VOLTAGE-POLARIZED means for establishing a ?rst threshold quantity which is
DIRECTIONAL ELEMENT FOR more positive than the zm'o sequence local source
PROTECTIVE RELAYS impedance and a second threshold which is less posi
tive than the zero sequence line impedance plus the
TECHNICAL FIELD zero sequence remote source impedance. wherein the
?rst threshold quantity is less positive than the second
This invention relates generally to directional elements threshold quantity; and
which are used in protective relays for power systems to
determine the direction of a fault relative to the relay means for comparing said calculated value against the
location, and more speci?cally concerns such a directional ?rst and second threshold quantities to identify the
10 direction of a fault relative to the relay, the ?rst
element which uses zero sequence voltage in its directional
determination. threshold quantity being for a forward fault and the
second threshold quantity being for a reverse fault.
When a fault is detected on a power system. it is important 15
to identify the direction of the fault relative to the location FIG. 1 is the positive. negative and zero sequence imped
of the protective relay which makes the fault direction ance network for phase-to-ground faults.
declaration. The fault direction is either downstream of (in FIG. 2 is the zero-sequence impedance plane diagram
front of) the relay. which is referred to as a forward fault, or showing the irnpedances. Z50 and ZRO+ZLO for forward and
upstream of (in back of) the relay. which is referred to as a reverse faults. respectively.
reverse fault. The ability of a protective relay to provide such FIG. 3 is a diagram showing the forward and reverse fault
directional information is of great importance in the overall regions in the zero sequence impedance plane relative to the
operation of the relay. forward and reverse fault thresholds.
Accurate directional information will guarantee that the FIG. 4 is a circuit diagram showing the operation of the
relay will not declare a forward fault condition for reverse 25 zero sequence voltage polarized directional element of the
faults and vice versa. Directional elements are used to present invention.
provide the desired fault direction information. A relay FIG. 5 is a circuit diagram showing the operation of a zero
which has the capability of determining faults in both sequence current-polarized directional element.
directions will either have separate forward and reverse
directional elements or a single directional element capable 30 FIG. 6 is a circuit diagram showing a negative sequence
of providing information for both directions. voltage polarized directional element.
Directional elements in general are well known. among BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE
the most popular being negative sequence polarized direc INVENTION
tional elements and zero sequence polarized directional
35 FIG. 1 shows the sequence networks for a phase-to
elements. Examples of a useful negative sequence direc
tional element are shown in U.S. Pat. No. 5.349.490, and ground fault, i.e. from one phase line (A. B or C phase) to
also in U.S. Pat No. 5365396. both of which are assigned ground. for a power transmission line. A protective relay will
to the same assignee as the present invention. The present typically monitor all of the sequence network currents and
invention is a zero sequence directional element. A disad voltages. In FIG. 1, a remote fault resistance 10 is shown as
vantage of known zero sequence polarized directional ele 3RF. The positive sequence network includes a positive
ments is that the zero sequence voltage at the protective sequence local source impedance (28). a positive sequence
relay must have sufficient magnitude that its measured angle line impedance (Zn). and a positive sequence remote source
is reliable. i.e. when the zero sequence local source imped impedance (Zm). shown at 12. 14 and 16. respectively. A
ance is relatively small compared to the zero sequence line protective relay 17 is located relative to the network imped
impedance. such as might occur for remote faults in strong 45 ances as shown. The negative sequence quantities and the
systems, a conventional zero sequence directional element zero sequence quantities for a remote ground fault are also
cannot reliably declare a forward fault condition. which of shown in FIG. 1. with the relay monitoring those quantities
course is a disadvantage, due to the very low magnitude of as well.
zero sequence voltage. In the directional element of the present invention. only
The present invention is an improved zero sequence the zero sequence quanti?es are used. Conventional zero
directional element which overcomes this disadvantage of a sequence directional elements calculate the torque on the
conventional zero sequence element. while at the same time element which is produced by a fault in accordance with the
providing correct directional declarations where the nega following formula:
tive sequence directional elements disclosed in the 490 and 55
396 patents cannot be used.
DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION where * indicates a complex conjugate. The torque deter
mination is accomplished by a cosine phase angle compara
Accordingly. the present invention is a directional ele tor. The S1 input=3Vo and the S2 input=IRZw. where
ment for use in a relay for protection of power systems. 3VO=VA+VB+VC and IR=IA+IE+IO Zso is the local source
comprising: means for obtaining zero sequence voltage and impedance. The VA. VB, Vc voltages are the voltages for
current values for a power signal on a power system having each phase (A. B and C) of the power system signal at the
known values of zero sequence local source impedance. zero relay location. while the IA. I3. I: currents are the currents
sequence line impedance and zero sequence remote source for the three phases at the relay location.
impedance; 65 Since zero sequence current leads the zero sequence
means for calculating a value representative of zero voltage if the fault is in front of the relay. and lags the zero
sequence impedance for the power system; sequence voltage if the fault is behind the relay. then when
3 4
the calculated torque is negative. the directional element element declares a forward fault condition. while if Q0 is
declares a forward fault condition (if a minimum torque greater than ZOR. the element declares a reverse fault
threshold is exceeded) and conversely declares a reverse direction. Hence. in the present invention. the ZOF value
fault if the torque is positive (if a minimum torque is de?nes the forward zone boundary of the relay. while ZOR
exceeded). value de?nes the reverse zone boundary. In order to provide
As indicated above. however. such a conventional zero good forward and reverse coverage. but so that the two
sequence voltage-polarized directional element is not reli regions do not overlap. the values of ZOR and ZOF are
able in a situation where the zero sequence local source separated in the embodiment shown by a value of 0.1 ohm.
impedance 280 is small compared to the zero sequence line The adjusted forward threshold Z0,- is set to be larger than
impedance Zw. which may be the case. for instance, for 10
C0,,- and less than the reverse threshold ZOR minus 0.1. The
adjusted reverse threshold ZOR is set to be less than go, and
remote faults on long transmission lines and strong systems. larger than the forward threshold ZOF plus 0.l. The forward
In such a situation. the conventional zero sequence direc and reverse fault regions are seen most clearly in the
tional element will not be able to reliably declare a fault impedance plane representation of FIG. 3. where region 30
condition. because the value of 3V0 is so small that its is the reverse fault region. region 32 is the forward fault
measured angle is not reliable. region. and intermediate region 34 is the region where the
The present invention. while using zero sequence relay will not operate.
voltages. is capable of providing a reliable indication of As can be seen from FIG. 3 and the above description. the
direction even when the zero sequence source impedance is thresholds are within an impedance region boundaried by
in fact very small compared to the zero sequence line ZSO and ZLO+ZRO. so that even if the source impedance is
impedance. This is accomplished by adjusting the forward 20 zero or close to it. there is still suf?cient room or margin to
and reverse threshold values. so that the calculated zero select the two thresholds.
sequence impedance when there is a forward fault is below FIG. 4 shows the implementation of the above-described
the forward threshold and when there is a reverse fault is zero sequence directional element. FIG. 4 includes several
above the reverse threshold. protective functions in addition to the basic calculation and
The adjustment to the thresholds is determined as follows: 25 comparison functions noted above. The calculation of Co is
For a forward fault condition, the S1 value can be increased accomplished by element 40 in accordance with the formula
by a value kIRZm. where k has a preselected value. The k (3) indicated above. This calculation block has inputs of
value should be less than (Zw+ZR0)/Zw. in order to have 3V0 and IR. The output of element 40 (C0) is compared
a reliable S1 for reverse faults. where Zw is the zero against the forward threshold ZOF setting by comparator 42
sequence line impedance and ZRO is the zero sequence 30 and against the reverse threshold ZOR by comparator 44.
remote source impedance. The calculation element 40 is enabled by the output of
Setting the torque value T (from Equation 1 above) equal AND gate 46. The output of AND gate 46 is high when
to zero with the new S1 value determines the boundary several conditions coexist. The ?rst is when the magnitude
conditions of the compensated directional element as fol of residual current IR is larger than the magnitude of the
lows: 35 positive sequence current I1 multiplied by a selected super
vision factor ao. This determination is made by comparator
(2) 48. This comparison is made so as to provide security for the
where * is the complex conjugate. directional element for three-phase fault conditions on
Now. substituting QOABLO for ZLO and setting k=1. where unbalanced transmission lines. One example of a0 in a
6w is the zero sequence line impedance angle. Q0 may be horizontal tower con?guration is a0=O.0828.
solved for as follows: In addition, residual current 1,, must be greater than a 50F
element setting. the 50F element being a particular fault
(3) detection element. In the embodiment shown. the 50F
threshold is within a setting range of 025-5 amps for a 5
45 amp nominal relay. The comparison function is accom
plished by comparator 50. Likewise. the residual current IR
must be above the 50R threshold to enable the directional
element for reverse faults. The 50R setting range is also
0.25-5 amps for a 5 amp nominal relay. The comparison
50 function for the 50R setting is carried out by comparator 51.
The outputs from comparators 50 and 51 are applied to an
go: OR gate 49. the output of which is applied to AND gate 46.
A third input (NOT) to AND gate 46 is from the output of
OR gate 52. This particular input involves another aspect of
For forward faults. C_.o=lZsol. referred to hereinafter as Q01... 55 the invention to be discussed in more detail below. and is not
while for reverse faults. QO=IZLO+ZROL referred to herein present if the zero sequence voltage-polarized element of
after as (20,... This is shown in a zero sequence impedance FIG. 4 is used as the only directional element in a protective
plane diagram in FIG. 2. where the forward fault value is relay. When the output of OR gate 52 is high. the output of
shown as Zso (line 20). while the reverse fault value AND gate 46 is low and the calculation element 40 is not
ZL0+ZR0 is shown at line 22. The 280. Zw and ZRO values enabled.
are known. The zero sequence impedance plane of FIG. 2 The output of forward threshold comparator 42 is applied
has a reactance axis X0. referred to at 2A. and a resistance at one input to an AND gate 54. The output of AND gate 54
axis R0. referred to at 28. provides a forward fault indication referred to as 32VF. The
The calculated value Co (equation 3 above) in the present other input to AND gate 54 is a NOT input from OR gate 56.
invention is compared against adjusted forward threshold 65 This input is enabling (such that a high output from com
Z0, and adjusted reverse threshold ZOR ZOF and ZOR are parator 42 will produce a 32VF forward fault indication)
discussed in the next paragraph. If CO is less than ZOF. the when the 50F setting has been reached or when the output
5 6
from OR gate 52 is low. or when there is no indication of a by reference. Brie?y. the negative sequence voltage V2 and
reverse fault. OR gate 56 thus provides a "clearing or current I2 are applied as inputs to an impedance calculation
terminate function for a forward fault indication when a element 90. which produces an output which in turn is
reverse fault is subsequently indicated compared in comparators 92 and 94 against forward and
Likewise. the output of comparator 44 for reverse faults reverse thresholds respectively. The impedance calculation
is applied as one input to an AND gate 58. The other input formula is shown in FIG. 6 as
(NOT) to AND gate 58 is from OR gate 60. The output from
OR gate 60 is low (so that the output from AND gate 58 is
high when the output from comparator 44 is high. indicating
a reverse fault) when the 50R reverse threshold setting has 10
been exceeded. or when the output of OR gate 52 is low, and Comparators 96. 98 and 100 provide speci?c qualifying
when there is no subsequent indication of a forward fault protection to enable the calculation element 90. The negative
from AND gate 54. When the output of OR gate 60 is low sequence current must exceed a certain minimal threshold
(so that the N01 input is high) and the comparator output a2(I1). where a2 is a selected constant. and I1 is the positive
is high. the output of AND gate 58 goes high and there is sequence current. The negative sequence current also must
provided a signal indication of a reverse fault (32VR) on line have minimum values for forward and reverse fault
55. Should a subsequent forward fault indication be determinations. respectively. An OR gate 97 and AND gate
produced. the output of OR gate 60 will go high. blocking 102 complete the enabling protection feature. AND gate 102
AND gate 58 and clearing the reverse fault indication is also responsive to the lack of a signal from OR gate 103.
32VR. The negative sequence directional element of FIG. 6 also
Hence. the zero sequence voltage-polarized directional features an output clearing capability through OR gates
element of FIG. 4. using the two separate modi?ed thresh 104. 106 andAND gates 108. 110, for the respective forward
olds for forward and reverse faults. provides a reliable and reverse direction outputs. similar to that for the circuit
indication of fault conditions even for remote faults with elements of FIGS. 4 and S.
strong local sources (small zero sequence source 25 In the universal directional element embodiment. the zero
impedance). sequence current-polarized directional element (FIG. 5) is
In a related aspect of the speci?c zero sequence voltage ?rst in line; if this individual element makes a directional
polarized directional element disclosed above. it is possible decision. then the other two elements do not run. This
to combine such a directional element with other directional arrangement is implemented. for instance. by the 321F and
elements, e.g. a zero sequence current-polarized directional 321R inputs being applied to OR gate 52in FIG. 4 and OR
element and a negative sequence voltage-polarized direc gate 103 in FIG. 6. which e?ectively disables the impedance
tional element. to provide an adaptive or universal direc calculation element in those circuits.
tional element system for unbalanced faults. If the zero sequence current-polarized directional element
FIG. 5 shows a zero sequence current-polarized direc (FIG. 5) does not make a directional decision. then the
tional element which could be used in such an arrangement. 35 negative sequence voltage-polarized directional element
A calculation is made by element 70. multiplying the (FIG. 6) is next in line in the sequence of the embodiment
residual current IR and an external polarizing source current described. If the negative sequence directional element
(IP01) and obtaining the real portion of the value thereof. makes a directional decision. then the zero sequence
This resulting calculated value is applied to two comparators voltage-polarized directional element (FIG. 4) is disabled.
72 and 74. Comparator 72 compares the calculated value by inputs 32QF and 32QR in FIG. 4 operating through OR
with a +0.0625 value for a 5 amp nominal relay. If the gate 52.
calculated value is greater than the threshold. the high output If the negative sequence directional element of FIG. 6
of comparator 72 is applied to an AND gate 75. which does not make a directional decision. then the zero sequence
produces a 32IF forward fault indication on line 75. The voltage-polarized directional element of FIG. 4 has the
forward fault indication can be cleared. however. by a 45 opportunity to make the directional decision. Hence. the
subsequent reverse fault indication from AND gate 78. sequence of operation of the individual directional elements
Conversely. in comparator 74. the calculated value from comprising the universal directional element of the present
calculator 70 is compared against a 0.625 reverse fault invention is (1) the zero sequence current-polarized direc
threshold value. If this threshold value is less (more tional element. (2) the negative sequence directional element
negative) than the calculated value. a high output from 50 and (3) the zero sequence voltage-polarized directional
comparator 74 is applied to AND gate 78. The AND gate 78 element.
is cleared by a forward fault indication from AND gate 75. This sequential arrangement has advantages in many
The calculation elements have several threshold operating situations. such as when the voltage and current values
requirements. First. the absolute value of IR must exceed necessary for operation of a particular directional element
pre-established settings. This is established by comparator 55 may not be available in a selected application. For instance.
84. Further. the absolute value of the polarizing current IPOL in a situation where the positive sequence source is removed
must exceed 0.25 amps. as established by comparator 85. from the power system. the negative sequence sotn'ce is
Further. there must be substantially no residual current in the removed as well. If the directional element in the relay is a
parallel phase line. as established by comparator 88 and at negative sequence element, then the relay cannot make a
the same time. there should be a lack of assertion of the directional decision because the negative sequence quanti
IMIBL input which is for the detection of zero sequence ties are not available.
source isolation. which may cause misoperation of the Commercially available relays select only zero sequence
current-polarized directional element. or negative sequence quantities for direction determinations;
The negative sequence directional element shown in FIG. after the initial element selection is made. the same direc
6 which is appropriate for use in the adaptive or universal tional element must be used for all power conditions. This
directional element is explained in detail in the 490 and involves compromises. depending upon the particular appli
396 patents discussed above. which are incorporated herein cation.
5 ,694.281
7 8
In the present invention. however. a directional decision direction of a fault relative to the relay. the ?rst
is virtually guaranteed for all power system conditions. since threshold quantity being for a forward fault and the
sequence quantities and application conditions necessary to second threshold quantity being for a reverse fault
run at least one of the individual directional elements in the 2. An apparatus of claim 1, including means for providing
sequence will nearly always be available. Hence. the inven output indications of a forward fault and a reverse fault.
tion is appropriately referred to as an adaptive or universal
directional element for unbalanced faults. utilizing three 3. An apparatus of claim 2. including means for clearing
individual directional elements in a particular order. It a forward fault indication upon the occurrence of a reverse
should be understood. however. that a diiferent order than fault determination and vice versa.
that speci?ed above may be utilized. or in some cases two 4. An apparatus of claim 1. wherein the ?rst and second
elements or more than three elements could be used. threshold quantities are separated by at least 0.1 ohm.
Hence. a new zero sequence directional element has been 5. An apparatus of claim 1. wherein IA+IB+I equals
disclosed which provides additional directional assurance residual current and wherein the apparatus includes means
relative to conventional zero sequence elements and which for not enabling the calculating means if the residual current
has certain advantages over comparable negative sequence is small compared to the magnitude of positive sequence
directional elements as well. In addition. dilferent individual 15 current multiplied by a preselected value.
directional elements are combined in a particular order to
provide an adaptive or universal directional element capa 6. An apparatus of claim 1. wherein IA+IB+Ic equals
bili .
residual current. the apparatus further including means for
glythough a preferred embodiment of the invention has enabling the calculating means to declare a forward fault
been disclosed herein for illustration. it should be under only if the residual current exceeds a ?rst residual current
stood that various changes. modi?cations and substitutions threshold and enabling the calculating means to declare a
may be incorporated in such embodiment without departing reverse fault only if the residual current exceeds a second
from the spirit of the invention. which is de?ned by the residual current threshold.
claims which follow. 7. An adaptive. universal directional element. comprising:
What is claimed is: 25 at least two separate, individual directional elements
1. A directional element for use in a relay for protection
arranged in a selected sequence of operation. with a
of power systems. comprising:
?rst element in said selected sequence providing direc
means for obtaining zero sequence voltage and current
tional indications of forward and reverse faults within
values for a power signal on a power system having
known values of zero sequence local source 30
selected operating parameters; and
impedance. zero sequence line impedance and zero means for blocking the operation of the other directional
sequence remote source impedance; elements if the ?rst element provides a directional
means for mlculating a value representative of a zero indication and for enabling a second of said at least two
sequence impedance for the power system. in accor separate. individual directional elements when the ?rst
dance with the following formula: 35 element is unable to provide a directional indication.
8. The universal directional element of claim 7. including
three individual directional elements. arranged in a selected
sequence. one directional element being a zero sequence
current-polarized element, another element being a negative
wherein sequence voltage-polarized directional element. and the
other directional element being a zero sequence voltage
IR=IA+IB+IC polarized directional element.
VO=VA+VB+BC 9. An apparatus of claim 8. wherein the order of operation
of the three individual directional elements is the zero
6w=zero sequence line impedance angle 45
means for establishing ?rst and second threshold quanti
sequence current-polarized element. the negative sequence
ties which are within an impedance plane region voltage-polarized element. and the zero sequence voltage
bounded by (1) the zero sequence line impedance plus polarized element.
the zero sequence remote source impedance and (2) the 10. An apparatus of claim 8. wherein each directional
negative zero sequence local source impedance. and 50 element includes means for clearing an indication of a
wherein the ?rst threshold quantity is more positive forward fault direction upon the occurrence of a reverse fault
than the negative zero sequence local source impedance indication and vice versa.
and less positive than the second threshold minus 0.1 11. An apparatus of claim 7. wherein each of the indi
ohms and wherein the second threshold is less positive vidual directional elements includes means for enabling the
than the zero sequence line impedance plus the zero 55 element for forward and reverse fault determinations.
sequence remote source impedance and more positive respectively. when selected current values exceed threshold
than the ?rst threshold quantity plus 0.1 ohms; and values.
means for comparing said calculated value against the
?rst and second threshold quantities to identify the

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