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20 (2007), 73-80

Eimeria spp. (Coccidia, Protozoa) infections

in a flock of sheep in Iceland:
Species composition and seasonal abundance


Institute for Experimental Pathology, University of Iceland, Keldur, 112 Reykjavk, Iceland

The Eimeria spp. and their seasonal infection pattern in three replacement ewe lambs (REL)/young ewes on
the Fossrdalur sheep farm in East Iceland were characterized. Ten species were identified; Eimeria ovinoid-
alis predominated in all seasons with a relative abundance of 40.7%, followed by E. bakuensis (18.9%), E.
weybridgensis (11.1%), E. granulosa (8.2%), E. parva (6.7%), E. ahsata (5.6%), E. faurei (4.2%), E. intricata
(1.6%), E. pallida (1.6%) and E. crandallis (1.4%). On average 7.4 species (range 5-9) were found in each
sample. The eleventh species reported in Central and Western Europe, E. marsica, has also been identified in
Iceland but in a different flock of sheep. Seasonal abundance differences were mainly observed for E. ovinoi-
dalis, E. bakuensis, E. weybridgensis and E. granulosa. Spring and summer coccidiosis was rarely observed,
probably due to the early releasing of ewes and their lambs to sparsely oocyst-contaminated grazing areas.
The faeces of ten REL lambs were studied specially in autumn and they got coccidiosis, usually with severe
diarrhoea, approximately three weeks after their return from the summer rangelands in adjacent mountains.
Intermittent oocyst excretion peaks were observed during winter. Oocyst excretion did not markedly increase
during the periparturient period in spring. Comparison of the Eimeria spp. composition in ewes when they
were 14-15 month old and their six-week-old lambs indicated similar abundance values except for E. faurei,
which was absent in the ewes but quite often identified in their lambs.
Keywords: Eimeria spp., Iceland, identifications, lambs, seasonal occurrence, sheep

Tegundasamsetning og rstasveiflur hnsla setningsgimbrum fjrbinu Fossrdal
Tegundasamsetning og rstasveiflur hnsla (Eimeria spp.) voru rannsakaar setningsgimbrum fjrbinu
Fossrdal Berufiri fr september 2002 til oktber 2003. Einnig var gerur samanburur hnslaskingum
gemsanna og lamba eirra jl ur en eim var sleppt fjall r strri giringu ar sem f hafi veri beitt
mjg dreift. Alls fundust tu tegundir hnsla. Eimeria ovinoidalis var langsamlega algengasta tegundin
llum rstmum me 40,7% hlutdeild. Tegundin er vel ekktur sjkdmsvaldur en meinvirkni margra hinna
tegundanna er yfirleitt lti ekkt. Nstalgengust var E. bakuensis (18,9%) en san komu E. weybridgensis
(11,1%), E. granulosa (8,2%), E. parva (6,7%), E. ahsata (5,6%), E. faurei (4,2%), E. intricata (1,6%), E.
pallida (1,6%) og E. crandallis (1,4%). A mealtali fundust 7.4 tegundir (5-9) hverju sni. Ellefta teg-
undin sem vita er um sauf Evrpu, E. marsica, fannst ekki Fossrdalshjrinni en hn var stafest um
svipa leyti lmbum Gerpissvinu. rstasveiflur komu fram einkum hj tegundunum E. ovinoidalis,
E. bakuensis, E. weybridgensis og E. granulosa. Hnslastt virist sjaldgf a vori og sumri bnum, senni-
legast vegna ess hversu f er sleppt fljtt eftir bur beitiland me litlu hnslasmiti. hinn bginn f lmb

sig hnsla strax og au koma af fjalli niur lglendi haustin. Tu lmb sem athugu voru srstaklega voru
komin me hnslastt eftir um rjr vikur og einni til tveimur vikum sar ni hnslafjldi saur hmarki.
Nokkrir lgri hnslatoppar greindust a vetrinum. Hnslafjldi saur virtist ekki hkka a neinu marki kring
um saubur og reyndist vera ltill en stugur fr mijum vetri allt fram haust egar 17 mnaa aldri var
n. Smu hnslategundir fundust gemsunum og sex vikna gmlum lmbum eirra byrjun jl og voru
tegundirnar svipuum hlutfllum, ef undan er skilin E. faurei sem einungis fannst lmbunum.

INTRODUCTION The species composition and the impor-

Oocysts of Eimeria spp. are normally present tance of each species of Eimeria on the farm
in small numbers in the faeces of healthy sheep were unknown. Therefore, it was of interest
of all ages. Disease outbreaks, referred to as to evaluate their abundance in the replacement
coccidiosis, occur when susceptible animals ewe lambs (REL). Here, the results on
are exposed to infection with pathogenic spe- the Eimeria species composition are presented,
cies. The severity of signs depends on the size not only during the coccidiosis phase of the
of the infecting dose and the susceptibility replacement ewe lambs in autumn but also
of the host (Gregory 1989, Rommel 2000). in other seasons of the year. Furthermore,
The major cause of ovine coccidiosis is E. comparisons were made on the Eimeria spe-
ovinoidalis McDougald. E. ahsata Honess, cies composition in the young ewes and their
E. bakuensis Musaev, E. crandallis Honess approximately six-week-old lambs in early
and E. parva Ktlan, Mscy & Vajda have July.
also been suggested to be associated with
this disease (Catchpole et al. 1976, Catchpole MATERIALS AND METHODS
& Gregory 1985, Gregory 1989, Gregory et The lambs and sampling
al. 1989, Mahrt & Sherrick 1965, Rommel In the second half of September every year,
2000, Venkataratnam & Hafeez 1985). The soon after the return of sheep to the low-
pathogenic influence of the remaining spe- land, replacement ewe lambs are weaned from
cies, E. faurei (Moussu & Marotel) Martin, their mothers on the Fossrdalur sheep farm
E. granulosa Christensen, E. intricata Spiegl, (644513.47 N, 143103.81W) and kept graz-
E. pallida Christensen, E. marsica Restani and ing in a flock on home pastures until the middle
E. weybridgensis Norton, Joyner & Catchpole, of October when hay feeding starts in a sheep
is either mild or unknown (Rommel 2000). house. In late May the one-year- old ewes usu-
Morphological studies of sporulated oocysts ally give birth to one lamb and are released
of a few lambs in Iceland (Reginsson & Richter within a few days to extended home pastures
1997) confirmed the occurrence of 9 of the 11 where they graze for approximately one month
Eimeria species that are usually reported from before being released on extensive summer
sheep in Western and Central Europe (Eckert et rangelands in the adjacent mountains. The
al. 1995, Rommel 2000). young ewes that give birth to twins are kept
Approximately three weeks after the return longer on the farm, usually for an additional
of four-month-old lambs on the Fossrdalur two to three weeks, and fed with concentrates
sheep farm in Eastern Iceland from the moun- supplementary to hay to increase their milk
tainous summer rangelands to the lowland production.
severe coccidiosis usually starts to affect lambs The farmers collected rectal faecal samples
on the farm. The diarrhoea lasts for one or more (wearing disposable gloves) from ten replace-
weeks and sometimes ends fatally (Skirnisson ment ewe lambs (REL 1-10). This was done
& Hansson 2006). However, at the same time, at four-day intervals from late September to
older sheep on the farm do not develop clinical early November 2002 (13 occasions in 50
coccidiosis, indicating that adult sheep have at days), again in late November and after that at
least some immunity to the disease. the beginning of each month until July 2003.

The last sampling was performed in early 50 from four individuals and 100 oocysts from
October, 2003, after the return of the sheep one lamb).
from the summer rangelands. Thus in total After sedimentation of faeces in a centrifu-
sampling of faeces occurred on 23 occasions gation tube at 800 g for two minutes where-
during 54 weeks. Actually, the June collec- by the supernatant was decanted and refilled
tion occurred in late May, when the REL flock with Parasitosol (specific density 1.27 g ml-1,
was still kept indoors. In early July, when Meku, DK 7171, Denmark) the sporulated
releasing the young ewes (REL) to the summer oocysts were accumulated (Anonymous 1986).
rangelands in the adjacent mountains, each Morphological examination was performed at a
ewe with an approximately six-week-old lamb 1250x magnification under a Leitz Laborlux K
(except REL 1 that had born twins), faecal microscope. Differentiation followed accord-
samples were also collected from six of their ing to descriptions given by Barutzki & Gothe
six-week-old lambs. (1988), Eckert et al. (1995), Gregory et al.
Each sample was put in an 80 ml plastic 1987, Joyner et al. (1966), Norton et al. (1974),
container with a screw cap. The samples were OCallaghan et al. (1987), Rommel (2000) and
sent overnight to the laboratory at Keldur Shah (1963).
where examination was usually carried out on
the next day or two. RESULTS
Total oocyst counts
Laboratory methods and identification Total excretion of eimerian oocysts was low in
To obtain quantitative estimates of the total ten lambs on returning from the summer range-
Eimeria spp. oocyst excretion samples lands in late September but within two to three
were examined with the McMaster method weeks all had come down with coccidiosis with
(Anonymous 1986). The minimum number of diarrhoea. Subsequently opg values peaked.
detectable oocysts per gram (opg) of faeces These results have already been published
was 50. Sporulation of oocysts followed at (Skirnisson & Hansson 2006). During winter
room temperature for 10 days after submerging one or more smaller opg peaks were noticed.
the faecal sample in 3% K2Cr2O7, following However, no marked periparturient increase
which samples were stored at 4C. The sporu- in the total oocyst output was observed in late
lation rate was not measured. May when the young ewes were about to give
To evaluate the species composition and birth to their lambs.
the seasonal occurrence of Eimeria spp. three Focusing on three of these lambs, one (REL
of the four-month-old replacement ewe lambs 1) or two (REL 6, REL 7) prominent opg
(REL 1, 6 and 7) were further examined until peaks were observed during autumn (Figure 1).
July of the following year. During September Maximum opg values reached 29,400, 49,800
to November 2002 two faecal samples were and 34,800, respectively in REL 1, 6 and 7. In
analysed each month and after that one sam- February smaller peaks were noticed (opg val-
ple per month. On average 87 oocysts (range ues 14,700, 11,400 and 10,800) but after that
50-150) were identified to species level from total oocyst counts remained low until summer
each lamb each month, in total 860 oocysts with minimum opg values of only 300 to 600.
from REL 1, 1070 from REL 6 and 920 from In October 2003, slightly increased oocyst
REL 7. excretion was exclusively noted in REL 7.
To compare the mother-offspring infections
the species composition was examined in early Species composition
July 2003 in five of the 14-15-month-old moth- In total 10 Eimeria spp. were identified in
ers (REL 1, 4-6 and 8, altogether 250 oocysts, the flock (Figure 2, Table 1). The predomi-
50 from each sheep) and their approximately nant species was E. ovinoidalis (the average
six-week-old lambs (altogether 300 oocysts relative abundance was 40.7%), followed by

40000 value
Opg value
opg REL



60000 Opg value

opg value





40000 Opg value

opg REL77


























Figure 1. Total oocyst excretion (oocyst numbers per gram faeces, opg) of Eimeria spp. in three replacement
ewe lambs (REL)/young ewes on 23 occasions from September 2002 to October, 2003 at the Fossrdalur
sheep farm.
Table 1. Relative abundance (%) of Eimeria spp. identified once a month from September 2002 to July 2003
from faeces of three replacement ewe lambs/young ewes at the Fossrdalur sheep farm. The overall average
value is shown in the last column.
REL 1 REL 6 REL 7 Average
(%) (%) (%) (%)

E. crandallis 1.64 1.00 1.55 1.39

E. pallida 2.36 1.45 1.00 1.61
E. intricata 0.18 2.18 2.55 1.64
E. faurei 6.18 2.27 4.00 4.15
E. ahsata 2.36 8.45 5.91 5.58
E. parva 7.45 6.18 6.55 6.73
E. granulosa 8.27 12.36 4.09 8.24
E. weybridgensis 11.91 10.27 11.00 11.06
E. bakuensis 16.27 18.82 21.73 18.94
E. ovinoidalis 43.36 37.00 41.64 40.67

E. bakuensis (18.9%) and E.

weybridgensis (11.1%). Four
species had a relative abun- 
dance of 4.2% to 8.2% (E. 
faurei, E. ahsata, E. parva and
E. granulosa), and the remain- 
ing species (E. crandallis, E. 
pallida and E. intricata) varied 
between 1 and 2%.

Usually, the relative abun-
dance of Eimeria spp. showed 
similar values in REL 1, 6 
and 7, respectively (Table 1).
Most deviations (5.5-8.3%)
were noted for E. granulosa,
E. ovinoidalis E. bakuensis
and E ahsata. Exclusively
E. crandallis, E. granulosa
and E. weybridgensis showed
some periparturient increase
(Figure 2). Figure 2. Relative abundance (%) of ten Eimeria spp. in faeces of three
replacement ewe lambs (REL)/young ewes (average values) during
Proportion of pathogenic their lowland stay from late September 2002 to early July 2003 at the
eimerids Fossrdalur sheep farm. Species that are known to cause coccidiosis (E.
ovinoidalis) or have been suggested to be associated with this disease
A total of 73.3% of the oocysts
(E. bakuensis, E. parva, E. ahsata and E. crandallis) are presented with
are known sheep patho- hatched graphics.
gens (E. ovinoidalis) or spe-
cies that are suggested to be associated with eimerid in the lambs in all seasons and marked
this disease (E. ahsata, E. bakuensis, E. cran- seasonal abundance was observed (Figure 2).
dallis and E. parva). The most pathogenic The abundance peaked in autumn and early
species, E. ovinoidalis, clearly predominated winter, concomitant with the high oocyst excre-
(Table 1). tion during the coccidiosis phase (Figure 1).
The relative abundance of E. bakuensis
Number of Eimeria spp. per sample gradually dropped from early winter to July.
All samples were positive for Eimeria spp. An opposite tendency was noted for E. wey-
oocysts, confirming the 100% prevalence of bridgensis and E. granulosa, whereas E. parva
infection. Moreover, multiple infections were and E. ahsata appeared to be similarly abun-
confirmed in every sample. On average 7.4 dant throughout the study period (Figure 2).
species were identified per sample. The high- The remaining species were rarely identified
est species number in a sample was nine and no clear changes in seasonal abundance
(occurring in 18.2% of the samples) and the were noted.
lowest species number identified was five
(9.1%). A similar proportion of samples yield- Mother-offspring comparisons
ed seven (30.3%) and eight (33.3%) Eimeria A total of nine Eimeria spp. were found in the
spp. respectively. young ewes and their offspring in early July
(Table 2). Total oocyst excretion was low, not
Seasonal variation of Eimeria spp. only in the young mothers (opg value on aver-
E. ovinoidalis was by far the most common age 1,620, range 600-3,000) but also in their

Table 2. Relative abundance (%) of Eimeria spp. of five 14-15- ovine coccidians. For example E.
month-old ewes and their six-week-old offspring on 6 July, 2003 ovinoidalis was the predominant spe-
on the Fossrdalur sheep farm. cies in surveys that have been carr-
Mothers Offsprings ied out recently in Germany (Gauly
(%) (%) et al. 2001, Reeg et al. 2005), Gahna
E. crandallis 1.5 2.0
(Agyei 2003) and Brazil (Bresciani
E. pallida 6.8 3.0 et al. 2002). In Turkey, however, E.
E. intricada 0 0 crandallis (Kaya 2004) and E. parva
E. faurei 0 10.2
E. ahsata 6.4 2.2 (Gul & Deger 2002) were the domi-
E. parva 13.3 11.8 nating species, but in both these sur-
E. granulosa 2.2 0
E. weybridgensis 19.3 14.5 veys E. ovinoidalis was the second
E. bakuensis 8.8 4.3 most abundant species.
E. ovinoidalis 41.7 52.0 In the study of Reginsson &
Richter (1997) on one-month-old
lambs in Iceland E. ovonoidalis was
also the second most predominant
single offspring (opg value on average 3,675, eimerid but the species that was most com-
range 2,400-4,800). However, the only twin monly found was E. crandallis. This is com-
lamb examined had an opg value of 47,600. parable to the already mentioned results of
Usually a similar abundance was observed Kaya (2004). Other studies where E. crandallis
for the respective eimerids in the ewes and was found to dominate were carried out by
their offspring, with the exception of E. fau- Amarante & Barbosa (1992) and Joyner et al.
rei and E. ovinoidalis, which were both more (1966), among others. Exactly the opposite
abundant in the lambs (Table 2). was observed on the Fossrdalur farm where
The proportion of the species that has been E. crandallis appeared to be the rarest eimerid
associated with coccidiosis (E. ahsata, E. in the flock (Table 1).
bakuensis, E. crandallis, E. ovinoidalis and E. E. bakuensis and E. weybridgensis were
parva) was almost the same in the young ewes very common on the Fossrdalur farm; E.
(71.7%) as in their lambs (72.3%). bakuensis was more abundant during autumn
and winter than in spring and summer, but
DISCUSSION E. weybridgensis showed clearly increasing
Previously nine Eimeria spp. had been iden- abundance from mid-winter until summer.
tified from lambs in Iceland (Reginsson & Both species are usually listed among the
Richter 1997). In the present study all these most common ovine eimerids in other studies
species were identified again, but in addition (Agyei 2003, Bresciani et al. 2002, Gauly et al.
the previously questionable E. granulosa. E. 2001, Gul & Deger 2002, Kaya 2004, Reeg et
marsica, the eleventh species known to infect al. 2005, Rommel 2000).
sheep in Central and Western Europe (Eckert Ewes act as a reservoir of eimerid infection
et al. 1995, Rommel 2000) was not detected and shed low numbers of oocysts, particu-
on the Fossrdalur farm but was commonly larly around the periparturient period (Rommel
found in lambs that grazed during the summer 2000). In the present study no increased oocyst
of 2003 in Sandvk, 55 km northeast of the excretion was noticed during the periparturient
Fossrdalur sheep farm. Therefore, all sheep period in May. Exclusively, the usually rarely
eimerids reported on the continent of Europe occurring E. crandallis, E. granulosa and E.
have also been found in Iceland. weybridgensis seemed to become relatively
E. ovinoidalis clearly predominated in the more abundant prior to the lambing season.
Fossrdalur farm in all seasons. Similar find- In the present study comparison was made
ings have been reported in other studies on of the Eimeria spp. composition in 14-15-

month-old ewes (REL) and their six-week- 1985), predominated on the Fossrdalur sheep
old offspring in early July. Usually, quite farm in all seasons of the year.
similar values were noted for the nine Eimeria
spp. identified in the two groups. The main ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
deviation was observed in the case of E. The farmers Gun Grta Eyjlfsdttir and
faurei, which was absent in the mothers but Haflii Svarsson are thanked for collecting
was regularly identified in their lambs (every the samples and for delivering information
tenth oocyst). E. intricata was totally absent about farming practices and clinical symptoms
in both the ewes and their lambs this time of the lambs. Thanks are also due to Berglind
(Table 2). Gumundsdttir for work on the prepara-
Low opg values in single lambs in early July tion of the samples and species identifica-
were assumed to be mainly influenced by their tions and to Hkon Hansson for initiating the
quite early removal from the oocyst contami- project and valuable discussions. The Icelandic
nated areas around the farm. The relocation Agricultural Production Fund partly supported
occurred when the lambs were approximately the studies. Sigurur H. Richter and an anony-
one week old and the young ewes and their mous referee provided for valuable comments
lambs were transferred to extended, sparsely on the manuscript.
grazed, home fields. There, they grazed for
more than a month prior to the sampling date
in early July. Interestingly, the only twin lamb REFERENCES
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