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To: j-----@----.

Subject: Problems in Figure 1-1 Memo
Date: 9/6/17

The purpose of this document is to detail problems in the memo on avoiding tap water scalds.
While I cannot comment on the accuracy or correctness of the memo, it has a number of issues
with its clarity, conciseness, readability, and usability.

-The memo splits a section on scald safety with sections on types of heaters, and the
safety info does not follow a logical order.
-The memo explains how to measure water temperature in both the electric and gas heater
sections, but not the furnace heating section.
-The memo explains concepts using big blocks of text which run together, instead of
breaking them into clear, precise lists of points
-The memo mainly directs readers to ask their fuel supplier for help, and where it
explains steps they can take themselves it spreads this information across sections.

If changes were made to fix these problems this memo could be greatly improved

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