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Amino Acids (2015) 47:135146

DOI 10.1007/s00726-014-1848-2


Employing invitro analysis totest the potency ofmethylglyoxal

ininducing the formation ofamyloid-like aggregates ofcaprine
brain cystatin
WaseemFeerozeBhat SherazAhmadBhat
PeerzadaShariqShaheenKhaki BilqeesBano

Received: 22 August 2014 / Accepted: 29 September 2014 / Published online: 21 October 2014
Springer-Verlag Wien 2014

Abstract Thiol protease inhibitors (cystatins) are impli- AGEs Advanced glycation end products
cated in various disease states from cancer to neurodegen- AD Alzheimer disease
erative conditions and immune responses. Cystatins have PD Parkinsons disease
high amyloidogenic propensity and they are prone to form mM Millimolar
fibrillar aggregates leading to amyloidosis. Particularly
challenging examples of such disorders occur in type 2
diabetes, Alzheimers and Parkinsons diseases. The aim Introduction
of the present study is to find an interaction between the
compound methylglyoxal (MG) which is particularly ele- Brain is a surprisingly active tissue in terms of glucose
vated in type 2 diabetes with caprine brain cystatin (CBC). metabolism; almost all the energy supplied to maintain its
Results have shown that elevated concentration of MG vital functions are derived from glucose oxidation. Because
forms amyloid aggregates of CBC. This was achieved by very little glycogen is stored in the brain, the high energy
allowing slow growth in a solution containing moderate to requirements of the central nervous system must be met by
high concentrations of MG. When analysed with micros- external sources of glucose. Thus, the brain is highly vul-
copy, the protein aggregate present in the sample after incu- nerable to hypoglycaemia and may suffer irreversible dam-
bation consisted of extended filaments with ordered struc- age after hypoglycaemic events (Marks 1992). However,
tures. This fibrillar material possesses extensive -sheet epidemiological data have shown that hyperglycaemia was
structure as revealed by far-UV CD and IR spectroscopy. associated with higher risks of strokes and that ischemic
Furthermore, the fibrils exhibit increased Thioflavin T cerebral injury was, at least partly, attributed to hyper-
fluorescence. glycaemia as well (Asplund et al. 1980; Riddle and Hart
1982; Pulsinelli et al. 1983). Hyperglycaemia is associated
Keywords Caprine brain cystatin Methylglyoxal with diabetes; in fact, chronic hyperglycaemia is the defin-
Amyloid Fluorescence -Sheet Diabetes ing characteristic of the disease. Intermittent hyperglycae-
mia may be present in prediabetic states. Acute episodes
Abbreviations of hyperglycaemia without an obvious cause may indicate
MG Methylglyoxal developing diabetes or a predisposition to the disorder. The
CBC Caprine brain cystatin first disease state where evidences emerged for increased
formation of methylglyoxal (MG)1 and ketone bodies is in
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
fact diabetes. It is noteworthy to mention that in a diabetic
article (doi:10.1007/s00726-014-1848-2) contains supplementary patient the concentration of ketone bodies can exceed up
material, which is available to authorized users. to 25mM (Laffel 1999; Stephens et al. 1971) but in nor-
mal individuals their concentration is less than 0.5mM
W.F.Bhat S.A.Bhat P.S.S.Khaki B.Bano(*)
(Candiloros et al. 1995). Apart from elevated blood glu-
Department ofBiochemistry, Faculty ofLife Sciences, Aligarh
Muslim University, Aligarh202002, UP, India cose levels, both glucose and ketone bodies are the influ-
e-mail: ential compounds for the production of MG. The highly

136 W. F. Bhat et al.

consequential relationship that was observed between ace-

tol (ketone body) and MG suggests that MG is produced
directly from acetol by oxidative mechanisms (Thornalley
1996). The relationship between MG and acetol with a lin-
ear regression analysis was found to be highly significant
(Beisswenger et al. 2005), with a similar highly significant
relationship between Beta hydroxybutyrate, acetol and
acetone. Plasma MG levels in healthy human subjects are
14M (Wang et al. 2007; Thornalley et al. 1989). How-
ever, the physiological concentration of MG in normal rats
is between 0.5 and 10M (Wang et al. 2004). In patients
with type 2 diabetes, plasma MG levels are twofold to four-
fold elevated (McLellan et al. 1994). This increase in MG
concentration leads to modification of various proteins in
the body. Being up to 40,000 times more chemically reac-
tive than glucose, it has multiple cytotoxic effects (Fig.1).
These include inhibition of cell growth, apoptosis, muta-
genic effects, inhibition of enzymatic activity, production
of protein cross-linking and fragmentation, and serving as
an important precursor for advanced glycation end product
(AGE) formation. Hotspot protein targets of methylglyoxal Fig.1Schematic diagram showing the formation of MG from differ-
that suffer functional impairmentthe dicarbonyl pro- ent sources, degradation of MG in normal levels and fate of MG dur-
ing elevated levels (normally in hyperglycaemia and diabetes)
teomelikely play a key role in the mechanisms underly-
ing the development of vascular complications in diabetes.
In diabetes, hyperglycaemia triggers enhanced produc- the fibrils. It typically occurs under conditions that stabilise
tion of methylglyoxal, one consequence of which is the partially folded or unfolded states (Holm et al. 2007).
rapid modification of proteins and other substrates to gen- Fibril formation is, thus, generic property of proteins
erate what are called advanced glycation end products, or (Fandrich et al. 2001). Fibrillation generally starts from
AGEs (Shinohara et al. 1998). The in vitro experiments an intermediate state, either partially unfolded or partially
suggest that glycoxidation (oxidation of the Amadori or folded, molten globule or native-like intermediate (Rochet
Heyns product) is the predominant chemical pathway in and Lansbury 2000). In case of globular proteins such
the formation of AGE-derived cross-links on -amyloid as cystatin C partial unfolding (Ekiel and Abhrahamson
peptide. It is reported that in vitro glycation of tau protein 1996), and for -synuclein, unfolded polypeptides (Uver-
resulted in paired helical filaments (Ledesma et al. 1994). sky et al. 2001) are the initiation points for fibrillation. In
Incubation of -amyloid peptide with sugars causes the vitro variation of solvent conditions by changing pH or
formation of high-molecular-mass oligomers. These oli- adding organic solvents can lead to partial unfolding and
gomers and aggregates are able to interact and associate subsequent protein fibril formation. With unfolded poly-
with cell membranes because of their exposed hydrophobic peptides, partial folding can be obtained by lowering pH or
surfaces and can generate toxicity and impairment of cel- by heating. In vivo, partial unfolding may happen as a con-
lular function (Stefani and Dobson 2003). The exact cause sequence of lowered protein stability due to mutation, local
underlying protein aggregation and misfolding remains change in pH of membranes, oxidative and heat stress,
unknown presenting a seemingly insurmountable challenge where as partial folding may happen on exposure to envi-
to delineate the conditions(protein sequence, pH, tempera- ronmental hydrophobic substances, such as chemicals and
ture, presence of metals/toxicants) existing in vivo forcing pesticides (Zervonik et al. 2006).
the proteins to aggregate and collect as amyloid deposits Cystatins, a family of structurally related cysteine pro-
leading to incurable and often debilitating consequences. teinase inhibitors, have proved to be a useful model system
Under various conditions, many proteins can aggregate to to study amyloidogenesis (Skerget et al. 2009). Cystatins
regular arrays of -sheet-rich filaments or fibres of indefi- are crucial for proper brain functioning. It has been inves-
nite length, often coiled together in higher order structures. tigated that lysosomal proteinase (cathepsins) and their
The ability to fibrillate is independent of the original native endogenous inhibitors (cystatins) have been closely associ-
structure of the protein, whose amino acid sequence pri- ated with senile plaques, cerebrovascular amyloid deposits
marily appears to play a role in terms of filament arrange- and neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer disease (AD) and
ment, fibrillation kinetics and overall yield and stability of Parkinsons disease (PD) (Ii et al. 1993; Bernstein et al.

Employing in vitro analysis to test the potency of methylglyoxal 137

1996). The over expression of human cystatin C in brains

of APP-transgenic mice reduces cerebral amyloid- depo-
sition and that cystatin C binds amyloid- and inhibits its
fibril formation (Stephan et al. 2007), However, results
have shown that cystatin C caused the disappearance of the
fibrils and appearance of amorphous aggregates (Sastre et
al. 2004). Most importantly, the occurrence of cystatin C
in A amyloid deposits may result from cystatin C binding
to the precursor protein prior to A generation, or alterna-
tively, cystatin C may bind to A prior to its secretion, or
following A deposition in the brain.
Cystatins are prone to form amyloid (Skerget et al.
2009). Cystatin C L68Q variant is an amyloid fibril-form-
ing protein with a high tendency to dimerize. It forms
self-aggregates with massive amyloid deposits in the brain
arteries of young adults, leading to lethal cerebral haem- Fig.2Gel filtration of CBC on a column of Sephacryl S-100 HR.
The precipitate obtained from 40 to 60% ammonium sulphate satura-
orrhage (Mussap and Plebani 2004). The fibril formation
tion was subjected to gel filtration at a flow rate of 20ml/h. Fractions
is also known to occur in chicken cystatin, Latexin stefin of 5ml were collected and monitored by inhibition of caseinolytic
A and stefin B under in vitro conditions (Zerovnik et al. activity of papain. Fractions 4, 5, 6, were pooled for further studies
2007; Turk et al. 2008). In the present study, the interaction
of CBC with MG has been investigated and it was found
that maximum unfolded state has been achieved on day
9 of incubation with different concentrations of MG, and
the aggregated state was obtained on day 14. Using fluo-
rescence studies, it was found that the intermediate state
which is possibly a misfolded state sets the path for CBC

Materials andmethods


Methyl Glyoxal (MG), Thioflavin T, and ANS (8-anilino-1-

naphthalenesulfonic acid) were procured from Sigma,
Aldrich USA. The solutions were prepared in 50mM phos-
phate buffer of pH 7.4. Salts were purchased from Merck
(India). The protein concentration was determined spec-
trophotometrically. All other reagents were of analytical
grade, and double distilled water was used throughout. Fig.3Gel electrophoresis of CBC during various stages of purifica-
tion. Electrophoresis was performed on 7.5% gel. Lane a contained
60g caprine brain homogenate, lane b contained 60g homogen-
Purification ofbrain cystatin ate after alkaline treatment, lane c is 60g dialyzed fraction after
ammonium sulphate fractionation, lane d is 60g brain cystatin after
The purification of cystatin was achieved by modification of Sephacryl S-100 HR gel filtration
the method reported earlier by Amin et al. (2011). Caprine
brain whole mass (150g) was brought fresh from slaugh-
ter house in an ice bucket. It was thoroughly washed with procedure involved a combination of alkaline treatment (pH
water, thin membrane and nerves were removed by forceps, 11.0), ammonium sulphate precipitation (4060%) and
and the whole brain tissue was homogenised in 50mM gel filtration chromatography on sephacryl S-100 HR with
sodium phosphate buffer (300mL) of pH 7.5 containing 20.46% yield and 312-fold purification. A single protein
0.15M NaCl, 3mM EDTA, and 2% n-butanol. After cen- peak with papain inhibitory activity (Fig.2) was obtained
trifugation at 11,000rpm for 15min at 4C, residue was corresponding to the caprine brain cystatin (CBC). Papain
discarded and the supernatant was further processed. The inhibitory fractions of peak were pooled, concentrated, and

138 W. F. Bhat et al.

checked for purity. Five millilitre fractions were collected Thioflavin T fluorescence assay
and assayed for protein and cystatin activity. Homogeneity
of the preparation was investigated by 7.5% PAGE (Fig.3). Thioflavin T (ThT) dye being indicative for amyloid/aggre-
The molecular mass of the inhibitor as determined by its gate testimonial (Tokunaga et al. 2013). Fluorescence was
electrophoretic and gel filtration behaviour was found to be measured to monitor amyloid aggregation of CBC. Typi-
~44kDa (see Supplementary Information). cally, 40 L of protein aggregate sample was diluted using
a phosphate buffer (50mM, pH 7.4) containing ThT to a
Interaction ofCBC withMG final concentration of 10M ThT in pH 7.4 at room tem-
perature (Kumar and Udgaonkar 2009). The following
To investigate the effect of the MG on the structural integ- parameters were adjusted for monitoring ThT fluorescence
rity of CBC, 50M CBC samples were incubated with intensity during experiments: ThT fluorescence emission
150mM sodium chloride, 0.1mM sodium azide and was measured with excitation at 450nm and recording the
sodium phosphate buffer (50mM, pH 7.4) in the presence spectrum between 465 and 565nm with 5nm slits using
of 110mM MG in capped vials under sterile conditions a Shimadzu RF 5301 spectrofluorophotometer (Tokyo,
for a period of 14days (2weeks) at 37C. To eliminate Japan). Emission spectra between 465 and 565nm were
possible contaminations, all dishes were autoclaved prior to recorded upon excitation at 450nm.
use and all solutions were filtered. Aliquots were taken day
wise to carry out spectroscopic analysis. Circular dichroism (CD) measurements

Assay ofproteinase inhibitor activity Circular dichroism (CD) measurements were carried out on
a JASCO spectropolarimeter (J-816). The instrument was
The inhibitory activity of CBC was assessed by its ability calibrated with D- 10-camphorsulfonic acid. All the CD
to inhibit the caseinolytic activity of Papain by the method measurements were carried out at 25C with a thermostati-
of Kunitz (1947). Papain was incubated with various cally controlled cell holder attached to a Neslab RTE-110
amounts of inhibitor in 1ml of sodium phosphate buffer, water bath with an accuracy of 0.1C. Spectra were col-
pH 7.5 containing 0.14M cysteine and 0.047M EDTA at lected with a scan speed of 100nm/min and a response time
37C for 40min. One millilitre of 2% casein was added of 2s. Each spectrum was average of three scans. Far-UV
and the mixture was further incubated for 30min. The CD spectra measurements were carried at a protein concen-
reaction was stopped by adding 10% TCA, after centrifu- tration of 0.2mg/ml in the range of 200250nm in a cell
gation at 2,500rpm for 10min. Protein concentration was of 0.1cm path length. All spectra were smoothed by the
estimated in the supernatant by the method of Lowry et al. SavitzkyGolay method with 25 convolution width. Results
(1951). of the CD measurements were converted to [], the mean
residue ellipticity (degcm2mol1) at wavelength (nm)
Intrinsic fluorescence measurements using the Eq. (1).
The fluorescence intensity of tryptophan residue was [] = (1)
measured in a Shimadzu RF-5301 spectrofluorophotom- 10 c l
eter (Tokyo, Japan) with both emission and excitation slits where [] is ellipticity (milli degree) at , M0 is the mean
equal to 5nm. Protein concentration used was 0.2mg/ml. residue weight, c is protein concentration (mg/ml), and l is
The emission spectra were recorded over a wavelength path length (cm). The amount of secondary structure was
range of 300500nm. The excitation of protein samples obtained using K2D2 online software.
was at 285nm.
FTIR spectral studies
ANS fluorescence measurements
FTIR spectra were recorded at room temperature using
8-Anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (ANS) is a com- Spectrum Two FTIR spectrometer (Perkin Elmer) equipped
pound that is used for probing the available hydrophobic with deuterium triglycine sulphate (DTGS) detector. CBC
domains in proteins. Its binding was measured by exciting samples incubated with and without MG were placed
the sample at 385nm and emission recorded using Shi- between CaF2 windows separated with a spacer. Each spec-
madzu Rf-5301 spectrofluorophotometer (Tokyo, japan) trum represents the average of 256 scans recorded in the
from 400 to 600nm. Typically, ANS concentration was region 4,000400cm1 keeping 4cm1 resolution. For all
taken 100 molar excess of protein concentration while pro- spectra, the area between 1,580 and 1,710cm1 has been
tein concentration was taken 2.5M (Bhat et al. 2014). normalised to unity.

Employing in vitro analysis to test the potency of methylglyoxal 139

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) Table1Effect of MG on antiproteolytic activity of CBC

Time of %CBC activity
Transmission electron micrographs were collected on TEC- incubation
(days) CBC+1mM CBC+5mM CBC+10mM
NAI G2, FEI Company (Holland) transmission electron MG MG MG
microscope operating at an accelerating voltage of 200kV.
Fibrillar-like aggregate structure of CBC was assessed by 0 99.235.1* 98.365.8* 98.234.0*
applying 10l of protein sample on a carbon-coated copper (0.77) (1.64) (1.77)
grid and left to adsorb for 1min. After excess fluids were 5 68.262.3* 49.230.86* 37.320.82*
removed from the grid surface, the grid was washed with (31.74) (50.77) (62.68)
distilled water and stained with 0.3% aqueous uranyl ace- 10 39.501.2* 19.530.58* 11.250.07*
tate. Excess stain was removed and the samples were dried (60.50) (80.47) (88.75)
at room temperature. Images were captured with AMT dig- 12 34.300.57* 10.370.67* 1.170.03*
ital camera system. (65.70) (89.63) (98.83)
14 26.570.34* ND ND
The activity of native CBC is taken to be 100. Results are
mean SEM for three separate experiments; values in parentheses
Prior to embarking on aggregation studies, the conforma- represent percent change from control
tional and size changes of CBC were investigated by fluo- ND none detected
rescence and CD spectroscopy during different stages of * Significantly different from native CBC (control) at p<0.05 by
incubation period, while days 13 and 14 has shown ~maxi- one-way ANOVA
mum change, which has been taken for final effect of MG
on CBC.
Trp fluorescence spectra of the native CBC and the modi-
CBC activity profile fied CBC by MG exposed for various concentrations are
shown in (Fig.4a). It should be noted that the wavelength
To investigate whether MG induced a change in CBC of excitation was 295nm. The emission intensity of the
enzyme activity, aliquots at different incubation time inter- modified CBC by MG decreases with an increase in the
vals were withdrawn for Thiol proteinase activity. CBC concentration of MG. At 1mM MG, negligible change
was found to lose its Papain inhibitory activity by incuba- was observed which increased rapidly at 5mM MG reach-
tion with increasing concentration of MG. The results are ing maximum decline at 10mM concentration. The time
summarised in Table1. CBC modified with 10mM MG course of the change in the fluorescence intensity is shown
lost as much as 98% of its antiproteolytic activity and in (Fig.4b). It can also be seen in this figure that 9days
CBC+5mM MG also lost ~90% of its activity within of incubation caused the most decrease in the fluorescence
12days of incubation, while after two weeks of incubation intensity.
none of the above two samples showed activity. However, The reduction in Tryptophan fluorescence intensity of
CBC modified with 1mM MG retained ~30% its activity modified CBC was observed because of Trp transition to
after the 14days of incubation. This decrease in the activ- polar solvent, so the tertiary structure of modified CBC was
ity of the MG-treated CBC suggests that the enzyme has changed during the time of incubation compared to that of
started to lose its native structure in which it was biologi- the native CBC. This short term incubation of CBC with
cally active and the enzyme might have deviated from its increasing MG concentration caused abrupt decrease in
original structure and attained an unfolded state, which Trp fluorescence suggesting that conformational change
finally could lead to aggregation of CBC. accompanied to CBC via MG. A decrease in intrinsic fluo-
rescence intensity caused by tryptophan was previously
Fluorescence studies reported (Coussons et al. 1997). Their experiments also
revealed a strong decrease in intrinsic protein fluorescence
To investigate whether MG induced a change in the ter- with increasing sugar concentrations. Contrarily, they did
tiary structure of CBC, aliquots at different incubation not detect modification of tryptophan in amino acid analy-
time intervals were withdrawn and intrinsic protein fluores- sis even after 56days of incubation with 0.5M concentra-
cence was measured. However, results are presented only tion. Therefore, the decrease in tryptophan fluorescence
at which perceivable peak changes were observed. Intrin- should be due to conformational changes in the protein.
sic fluorescence measurement is an interesting method to Figure5 shows the ANS emission spectra of the native
observe unfolded or molten globule structure of proteins. and modified CBC with MG incubated for 14days. It is

140 W. F. Bhat et al.

Fig. 4a Fluorescence emission spectra of native and modified CBC

by MG with different concentrations, in sodium phosphate buffer Fig. 5a ANS fluorescence emission spectra of the native CBC
(50mM, pH 7.4), 1mM EDTA and 0.1mM sodium azide, incu- (curve 1), 1mM MG+CBC (curve 2), 5mM MG+CBC (curve 3)
bated at 37C. Different graph curves show the order of reduction and 10mM MG+CBC incubated (curve 4). b Relative ANS fluo-
in fluorescence intensity. The emission spectra were taken from 300 rescence pattern of CBC incubated with 1, 5 and 10mM MG from
to 500nm; samples were excited at 285nm. b Percent change in flu- days 0 to 14. Samples were excited at 385nm and the emission spec-
orescence taking the value of sample incubated without MG as 100 tra were taken from 400 to 600nm. The protein concentration was
(control) 2.5M with a path length of 1cm

seen in this figure that the fluorescence intensity increases hand, completely denatured or completely aggregated pro-
with an increase in the time of incubation. However, this tein lacks both charged and hydrophobic regions in an inte-
increase is highest for 9days of incubation, as aggregated gral manner. It is reported that molten globule intermediates
(unfolded) species are often present in very low concentra- of carbonic anhydrase B and -lactalbumins show strong
tions and may exhibit a short life span characterising the affinity to ANS via solvated hydrophobic core (Semisot-
intermediate states involved in the passage from the folded nov et al. 1987). The highest hydrophobicity was observed
to the unfolded state or vice versa (Carrotta et al. 2001). for modified CBC incubated with 10 mM MG. This sug-
Extrinsic fluorescent dyes (ANS, Bis-ANS) can provide gested that amyloid-like aggregates of CBC induced by
information about unfolding processes, and can be par- MG passes through a state similar to molten globular inter-
ticularly valuable to evidence the presence or absence of mediate or partially folded state. In addition to an intensity
molten globule intermediates. The enhancement of ANS increase, a blue shift in ANS fluorescence emission maxi-
fluorescence intensity is due to the increments of solvent mum demonstrated the exposure of hydrophobic surfaces
accessibility to its hydrophobic surface areas. The beauty on molten globules CBC indicating a stabilising effect via
of ANS or Bis-ANS lies in its attachment with proteins via ionic interaction (Gasymov and Glasgow 2007).
both ionic as well as hydrophobic interactions in an ori- From the ThT fluorescence binding data, it is clear that
ented manner, as partially folded intermediate of protein induction of amyloid properties in CBC is an exclusive
possesses hydrophobic regions adjacent to polar amino property of time and concentration of MG. ThT is an amy-
acids accessible to both kinds of interactions. On the other loid reporter which, when bound to amyloid fibrils, exhibits

Employing in vitro analysis to test the potency of methylglyoxal 141

Fig.7Far-UV CD spectra of native and modified CBC by MG with

different concentrations, in sodium phosphate buffer (50mM, pH
7.4), 1mM EDTA and 0.1mM sodium azide which were incubated
at 37C for 14days. The graph curves show a decrease in the order
of mean residue ellipticity (degcm2 mol1). Far-UV CD spectra were
measured from 200 to 250nm

deposits, which has been further confirmed by CD and

FTIR studies.

Secondary structure determination

To gain insight into the structural protein modifications

of CBC upon formation of amyloid-like aggregates, CD,
FTIR, and Tryptophan (Trp) fluorescence spectra were
Fig. 6a Thioflavin T (ThT) assay depicting the formation of fibril- recorded. As a supplement to ThT, which provides infor-
like aggregates. ThT fluorescence emission spectra of native CBC
(curve 1), curves 24 show the ThT spectra of 1, 5 and 10mM MG mation only about the formation of fibrillar protein assem-
incubated with purified native CBC. b Relative ThT fluorescence blies, far-UV CD and FTIR data reveal the overall protein
of CBC incubated with different concentrations of MG for a period secondary structural composition and their evolution to
starting from days 0 to 14. Samples were excited at 450nm and the form amyloid-like aggregates.
emission spectra were recorded from 470 to 560nm. Concentration
of the samples was 2.5M and the path length was 1cm Far-UV CD measurements were used to study the vari-
ations in protein especially -helix to -sheet transition.
Figure7 shows far-UV CD spectra of native CBC and incu-
an enhancement in the fluorescence intensity with an emis- bated CBC with 1, 5, and 10 MG concentrations. The spec-
sion peak at 485nm. Figure6 shows a typical evolution of tra in the absence of added MG show two minima one at
ThT fluorescence spectra as a function of time and concen- 208 and other at 222nm characteristic of helical structure
tration indicating the formation of amyloid-like aggregates. of native CBC, which remains unmodified upon incubation.
The enhancement in the fluorescence intensity of ThT After 14days of incubation, 10mM MG containing pro-
upon binding to ordered protein aggregates is a rapid and tein sample no longer displayed a helical structure. Instead,
sensitive method to show the presence of fibrils. Changes the sample showed single minima at around 220nm. The
in fluorescence emission of ThT were monitored at regular signal greatly resembles that of a -sheet protein, in which
time intervals for the incubated samples. However, maxi- we would expect a single minimum at around 218nm. This
mum change has occurred at day 1214 with maximum indicates that high concentration conditions of MG spawn
increase in CBC+10mM MG incubated sample indicat- the formation of structure that is clearly less helical than
ing rapid growth of amyloid-like aggregates. At day 14, the starting conformations.
CBC+1mM MG incubated sample showed no such signif- Thus, the CD spectrum resembles typical spectra of
icant change in the intensity suggesting either very lengthy proteins with high proportions of -sheet structure, which
phase or concentration effect. This dramatic increase in flu- is characterised as a consequence of the presence of
orescence is probably due to binding of ThT to -sheet-rich amyloid-like aggregates in solution; it was also observed

142 W. F. Bhat et al.

upon binding with ThT. On the other hand, no significant

changes in far-UV CD spectra were observed when 1mM
MG was present in the protein solution.
The secondary structural content of CBC, -helix and
-sheet was analysed using an online tool K2D2 web
server. As can be seen in Fig.7, there is significant second-
ary structure change in CBC modified by MG after 14days
of incubation; the secondary structure of native CBC after
14days of incubation was not similar to that of CBC modi-
fied by the other concentrations. After analysis, it was
observed that the native CBC has a high -helix content
of 35.29%, which started to decline by the modification
of MG after 14days of incubation reaching up to 10.34% Fig.8FTIR spectra of the amide I region of native CBC and treated
-helix content of CBC modified by 10mM MG. -Sheet CBC with MG at different concentrations after 14days of incubation
content of native CBC was found to be 17.79% which at 37C
increases gradually up to 31.24% after 14days of incuba-
tion by the modification of 10mM MG. It is worth men- at 10mM concentration of MG at the end of incubation
tioning that the -sheet structure is a prime feature of cross- period of 14days. Shifting of the peaks in the amide I band
linked structures of amyloid fibrils; thus, from the above (with lower intensity) is in agreement with previous report
data, it was suggested that the amyloid-like aggregates of about the formation of amyloid fibril in case of prion pro-
CBC were formed after 14days of incubation with MG. tein (Jain and Udgaonkar 2010). Thus, our results clearly
FTIR studies were performed to reveal the secondary depict the induction of -sheet-rich amyloid aggregates
structural changes during the course of amyloid-like aggre- of CBC as a function of concentration of MG. This is in
gate formation and thus validate and confirm the findings agreement with the CD spectra, that the aggregates possess
of CD spectroscopy. Proteins conformation is mostly stud- mostly -sheet structure thus representing the formation of
ied in the range that constitutes the amide I band as this is -sheet structure along with a loss in helical content upon
the most intense absorption band for polypeptides. Amide I CBC incubation with different concentrations of MG.
band of protein spans from 1,600 to 1,700cm1, in which
wave number from 1,645 to 1,662cm1 corresponds to Microscopy analysis
-helical, while -sheet conformation corresponds to the
wave number range of ~1,6131,637cm1, and 1,682 The structures similar to amyloid-like aggregates of CBC
1,689cm1 (Damiran, and Yu 2011). Figure8 represents formed by the modification of MG were analysed by the
the FTIR spectra of different CBC-incubated samples. use of TEM. This analysis revealed that after 14days of
FTIR spectrum of native CBC solution shows a peak at incubation period, bundles of fibrillar aggregates of CBC
around 1,650cm1 characteristic of -helical structure and were formed. As it is clear in Fig.9, a CBC incubated with-
thus indicates the presence of abundant -helical content out MG did not show any type of aggregates; whereas incu-
in native form. However, the FTIR spectrum of CBC after bation of CBC with MG for 14days revealed direct propor-
1214days of incubation with various concentrations of tionality effect of MG concentration on CBC resulting in
MG showed a significant change in spectral properties in amyloid aggregates with a length of 100300nm. The pres-
the amide I region. At 1mM of MG, CBC showed some- ence of amyloid-like aggregates in CBC is accompanied
what less absorbance around 1,650cm1 and increased by an increase in -sheet content as measured with CD and
absorbance between 1,610 and 1,640cm1 as compared shown by FTIR and ThT assay; -Sheets were not detected
to native, this indicates the slight decrease in -content in solutions of CBC control.
and simultaneous rise in the -sheet content. 5mM MG All known amyloid fibrils, regardless of the nature of
caused more decrease in -content along with further the main protein component or the source of the fibrils,
increase in -sheet content as revealed by the shift of peak are rod-like structures. In the study, fibrils display typi-
to around 1,630cm1 and emergence of a small shoulder cal amyloid morphology, appear very long, straight and
peak at around 1,680cm1, both of which correspond to are approximately 100nm. They show a distinct, twisting
-sheet structures of protein. 10mM MG showed a pro- repeat which is similar to that observed in some prepara-
found effect on the overall shape of the spectrum compared tions of Alzheimer amyloid peptides. The fibril morphol-
to native. The emergence of two pronounced peaks, one at ogy strongly suggests that the transition involves the asso-
1,620cm1 and the other at 1,680cm1 signifies the abun- ciation and winding of aggregates, possibly accompanied
dant amyloid aggregate specific -sheet structures induced by a conformational change. The conformational change

Employing in vitro analysis to test the potency of methylglyoxal 143

Fig.9Transmission electron micrographs of native and treated CBC at 37C for 14days showing amyloid-like aggregates. a Native, b,
by MG with different concentrations in sodium phosphate buffer c, d shows 1, 5 and 10 treated CBC with MG (images were zoomed
(50mM, pH 7.4), 1mM EDTA and 0.1mM sodium azide, incubated using the 100nm scale bar)

scenario which is accompanied by increasing -sheet may of environmental change or mutation. Normally, when a
explain the enhanced stability of fibrils to dilution and polypeptide comes up from the cell or from cellular orga-
chemical denaturation. nelle, it may fold to the native state, degraded by proteoly-
These results suggested that increasing concentration sis, or form aggregates with other molecules. Aggregation
of MG increases the speed of polymerization of CBC into usually results in disordered species that can be degraded
aggregates, supposed to be as a direct binding of MG with within the organism but it may also result in highly insolu-
CBC and governing the change in native CBC. ble fibrils that accumulate in tissue. There are about twenty
known diseases resulting from the formation of amyloid
material including Alzheimers, Type II diabetes, and Par-
Discussion kinsons disease. Amyloid fibrils are ordered protein aggre-
gates that have an extensive beta sheet structure due to
During last two decades, significant efforts have been done intermolecular hydrogen bonds (Selkoe 2003). The forma-
towards identifying, isolating and characterising the aggre- tion of the amyloid fibrils is the result of prolonged expo-
gate or prefibril species that are present in solution prior sure to at least partially denatured conditions (Rochet and
to the formation of fibrils, both because of their possible Lansbury 2000).
role in the mechanism of fibril formation and because of The present study shows that incubating the CBC with
their implication as the toxic species involved in amyloido- 1mM MG could not induce any prominent structural
sis and in neurodegenerative disorders. Generally, amyloid change during this short period of incubation time, as con-
formation arises mostly from the properties of the poly- centration of the MG goes on increasing during this short
peptide chain that are similar in all peptides and proteins period of incubation, CBC deviated from its native con-
(Morshedi et al. 2010), but sometimes, protein misfolding firmation and started to unfold which ultimately lead to
results to the failure of a protein to achieve native confor- aggregation. Methylglyoxal may reversibly and irreversibly
mation efficiently due to reduction in stability as a result bind and modify proteins under physiological conditions.

144 W. F. Bhat et al.

This is expected to be enhanced in kidney, lens, and red consequently diseases. It has been established that failure of
blood cell proteins in diabetes mellitus, commensurate protein folding is a general phenomenon at elevated temper-
with the increase in the tissue and blood concentration of atures and under other stressful circumstances (Zervonik et
methylglyoxal (Lo et al. 1994). The assay of methylgly- al. 2006), usually proteins have the more propensity towards
oxal-protein adducts in vivo is under investigation, but the the interaction with other molecules being charged, possess
involvement of methylglyoxal modification in protein in side groups and present ubiquitously at every corner of an
the development of diabetic complications is an interesting organism, during elevated levels of interacting molecules
prospect. The formation of methylglyoxal-modified pro- such as in hyperglycaemia, diabetes. Proteins/peptides come
teins in diabetes mellitus is of both prospective diagnostic in the track and are distorted from normal/native struc-
importance and etiological importance in assessing glyce- ture. Normally, in diabetes, blood glucose level rises which
mic control and the development of diabetic complications. form advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in different
Since MG is formed during glycolysis, the intracellular parts of the body; however, certain other molecules such as
levels of MG are higher than circulating levels. Number of ketone bodies, glyoxal and MG have been reported which
studies has used higher concentrations and doses of MG. increases abnormally during different metabolic abnormali-
For example, a 1mM concentration of MG in rat pancre- ties such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyper-
atic cells caused rapid depolarization, elevated intracel- glycaemia, glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, dyslipi-
lular Ca2+ concentration and acidification in intact islets demia, and high blood pressure (Eckel et al. 2005).
(Cook et al. 1998). MG concentration of up to 500M has However, decrease in the intensity of ANS fluorescence
been used to study MG-induced apoptosis of jurkat cells on 1214days could be due to the reasons of non-availa-
(Du et al. 2000). Moreover, concentration between 0.1 and bility of hydrophobic residues for the dye to bind. Further,
10mM has been used to study the effect of MG on insulin- FTIR and CD confirm that the aggregated CBC mostly
secreting cells (Sheader et al. 2001). In one in vivo study, a contains -sheet, which is the main feature of amyloid-
dose of up to 500mg/kg MG has been used to see its effect like aggregates. FTIR measurements displayedthis
on plasma glucose levels in cats (Jerzykowski et al. 1975). fact that day14incubated CBC samples treated with
MG concentration between 2.5 and 5mM has been used to 5 and 10mM MG showed two amide I bands at around
study its effect on insulin signalling pathway in L6 muscle 1,620 and 1,680cm1, which is possibly a cross-linked
cells in vitro in cell culture studies (Riboulet-Chavey et al. (aggregated) structurehaving prominent -sheet con-
2006). Similar high concentrations of exogenous MG have tent. Appearance of a negative ellipticity in CD analysis
been employed in most in vivo and in vitro studies. at 217nm again suggests the formation of aggregated
Initially, the intrinsic fluorescence was done to access structure. Finally, ThT assay showed an increase in flu-
the interaction between MG and CBC molecule and it was orescence intensity on day 14 compared to the native
observed that the MG, facilitated unfolding and generation structure.
of a possible unfolded state of CBC. This was followed by To visualise the morphology of the aggregated state
the CBC inhibitory activity assay which showed a decrease of CBC, i.e. amyloid-like aggregated fibrils, TEM was
in the activity of the CBC from day 5 onwards as a result employed and it was found that these fibrils are rod
of deviation from the native conformation. This structural shaped; thus, confirming our suggestions about the for-
deviation was undoubtedly supported by the ANS fluores- mation of amyloid-like aggregates of CBC via unfolded
cence study, as the intensity of the ANS fluorescence rapidly state. Our contention that MG attributed the formation
increases suggesting the presence of unfolded state, which of amyloid-like aggregates of CBC is solely a concentra-
gets truly the bond with previous study (Fazili et al. 2014). tion-dependent process, which gives the clue that type 2
Unfolded regions play vital roles in promoting the aggre- diabetes, and hyperglycaemia patients are in risk of for-
gation of partially folded proteins. Some regions that were mation of protein aggregates in their bodies. Methylgly-
found to be flexible or exposed to solvent were prone to oxal is being unique because it is also produced by enzy-
aggregation. Other regions that are not involved in the matic processes such as glycine, threonine, and glucose
aggregation were found not to be exposed, but rather half catabolism. An impaired glucose fluctuation leads to a
buried even though they have high possibility of aggre- momentary elevation of triosephosphate and its degrada-
gating, while the exposed regions of the structure that are tion product, MG; this has been indirectly demonstrated
not involved in the aggregation have a low probability of by the detection of methylglyoxal-derived AGEs in the
aggregation. Proteins are in constant dynamic equilibrium brain (Kikuchi et al. 1999). MG is believed to increase
so even if the folding process is complete, unfolding in the subsequent advancement of macroangiopathy in
the cellular environment can occur. Unfolded proteins usu- type 2 diabetes mellitus, especially in patients who have
ally refold back into their native states but if control pro- postprandial hyperglycaemia (Rosca et al. 2002). Evi-
cesses fail, misfolding leads to cellular malfunctioning and dence indicates that increased MG production due to

Employing in vitro analysis to test the potency of methylglyoxal 145

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