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Group Of Forty

Biorelativity Education Program

January 22, 2016
The Medicine Wheel
A Tool for Personal and Planetary Healing and Transformation!
Presented by Maggie McLaughlin, International Biorelativity Coordinator

Origins of the Medicine Wheel:

According to the December 3, 2011 David Millers channeled message of Juliano on the
Medicine Wheel, sometimes referred to as Sacred Hoops, the circle geometry as symbolized in
the Medicine Wheel, and also seen in crop circles, is a gift from our galactic Star Family, a group
of higher masters similar to the Galactic Council. The Medicine Wheel is a relatively simple
geometric pattern that corresponds to communication patterns of humans. Crop circles are more
highly advanced energetically with geometric patterns related to deeper energies within the
There has been a unique relationship established between the Star Family and the Native
peoples of the planet and Native American Peoples, playing an important role in the culture and
spirituality of the Native Americans. One of the main reasons for this special relationship is that
in earlier times, Native Americans lived under the skies, interacting with our Star Family directly
on a nightly basis.
Our Star Family oversees the evolution of Earth energies and other planetary energies
throughout our galaxy. Some of our star family known to us are the: Pleiadians, Arcturians,
Higher Sirians, Antareans, Andromedans from our sister galaxy. Our Star Family has created an
expansive Medicine Wheel that resides energetically over Earth and is always available for us to
tap into its energetic harmonic energy field at any time.
The medicine wheels were first discovered between 4500-5500 years ago can be found
all over northern USA, southern Canada South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Alberta
(It is suggested that at the center of the galaxy is a black hole surrounded by exploding stars
giving the center the appearance of a great sun. The black hole might be thought of as a portal)

The Medicine Wheel represented by the circle is a galactic symbol, a communication tool
with the Earth and her Feedback loop system and with the galaxy, sending and receiving galactic
energies. It is a tool to be used for harmonization! It is a physical manifestation of spiritual
energy and represents harmony and harmonization of the elements or intentions created as
symbols within the circle of its wheel.
. The Medicine Wheel represents a base to anchor the consciousness at personal, collective
and planetary levels in the context of the life experiences on this planet and beyond in an even
larger context of creation. It is a larger awareness about existence and life not only related to
Mother Earth, the spirit of the planet and the connection of man with this spirit and all HER
earthly kingdoms and planes, but also the awareness about life itself on this planet and the role of
the humans and the Earth in a larger context of creation at the solar system, galactic and
universal level. The Medicine Wheel is a bridge, a portal between Mother Earth and Father
Sky, allowing for the energy of harmony, balancing and aligning of energies.
The Medicine Wheel is a tool that allows for harmonization of energies, bringing all life
into unity. Some understandings:
Is the opposite of polarization
Amplifies and increases your powers of harmonic thinking.
Harmonic energy has a multidimensional energy field and radiates harmonic light.
When you build a Medicine Wheel this establishes a harmonic energy field that can be
used to send harmonic energy to Earths feedback loop system
The more Medicine Wheels there are on Earth, the more harmonic energy is manifested.
A Medicine Wheel can communicate with all Medicine Wheels on the planet
exponentially increasing its harmonic power.
Harmonic energy can help hold your thoughts and communicate those telepathic thoughts
to the Earth. Newer thoughts/vibrations are now needed to change and repair earth and
energetically help Earth upgrade in preparation for Ascension.
While physically in your Medicine Wheel or thought projected there, the medicine wheel
has the ability to receive the highest light from the center of the galaxy. You will be able
to send this harmonic light in personally and outward to where you intend, including
mother earth.
When the energies are in harmony and are balanced, then healing can occur for your own
personal needs; for the Earth and that which is manifested as out of balance; our relationship
with our solar system, the galaxy and the universe. Harmonic energies provide the possibility of
healing of all that is out of balance and harmony.
Manifestations of the Medicine Wheel and Construction
The Medicine wheel can take many different forms. It can be a piece of art or an artifact,
a painting or it can be a physically build on the ground. The movement in the Medicine Wheel
while in meditation is generally clockwise or in the direction of the suns movement in the sky.
This helps with the alignment with the forces of nature, like gravitation, sunrise and sunset.
Different tribes interpret the Medicine Wheels in different ways but generally the wheel
is represented by four different directions (East, South, West and North); as distinct colors;
stages of life; seasons; aspects of life; elements of nature; animals; ceremonial plants; central
values of life.
Presented on the monitor now are differing representations including artifacts, art and
formation of the wheel on the ground.
Diagram on how to put a medicine wheel together!

The traditional construction of a Medicine Wheel with stones, can be pictured above.
Start with the middle stone and place remaining stones per diagram starting with the East,
moving clockwise to the North.
One begins in the middle by placing a stone (stones/crystals can be chosen randomly or
through the meditative process). Center is the touching of spirit; the pure of heart, the
truth as everything extends from the circle and everything comes together in the middle.
Used for ceremony,
Place of love
A centered and grounding area
This middle stone or space is surrounded by a circle of stones with spokes or lines of
rocks radiating from the center and looks like a wagon wheel on the ground. Then stones
are placed to connect the spokes forming the outer circle.
There are many variations from this basic structure. None of them are wrong based on
your loving intent.
Purposes of the Medicine Wheel:
Helps anchor consciousness at levels:
o Personal
o Collective
o Planetary
o Galactic
o Universal
o Rituals
o Dance
o Visionary journey/Shamanistic
o Native spiritually
o Potential astrologically important
o In a meditative process starting with the East and its symbolism moving
clockwise back to the north.
o Helps us understand this reality we are in/collective and society reality in
relationship to the environment in context of our experiences here on Earth.
Incorporating the Medicine Wheel in our Biorelativity:
Use the Star Family Medicine Wheel above Earth
o Call down into the area you are working on and trying to create balance and
o Bring it down into the powerful Ring of Ascension to assist in focused arcan
power of intention for the meditation. Place the intention in the center circle.
Use medicine wheel to balance the relationship with the sun, the galaxy, universe with
the Earth.
Use the Medicine Wheel for alignment between all cycles, all directions, all weather
Use the Medicine Wheel for sending and receiving information from/to
Bring four elements in balance by bringing them into the harmonizing energy of the
medicine wheel. May be used in many situations where the elements are out of balance
or there are Earth traumas.
o Example: Australia-too much water and too much drought (place the medicine
wheel over Australia, or other areas, regions, countries, etc. and intend balance of
the elements. Africa in the same situation with tons of drought with consequences
on personal, social, economic levels, etc.
Medicine network: Connect with all medicine wheels on the planet by physically
standing in the center circle or a direction you are working with and calling for
connection; or intend if not in the traditional medicine wheel
o Able to ask for information
o Send information
o Send to extreme planetary energies such as severe drought and severe flooding
Sending balancing information/energies into Earths Biofeedback loop
Sending balancing information throughout the meridian system
You can thought project the symbol of the Medicine Wheel to any situation, any
traumatized area within or on Earth, her feedback loop system, her meridians as examples
etc. with your arcan power of thought and intention for harmony, balance, allowing for
o Over areas of human conflict
o Into the Noosphere and the collective unconscious with the intention of
We recommend that every PCOL, PORL have a Medicine Wheel so that these powerful
sites of Quantum Light can connect strongly with the network of the harmonization
energies of The Medicine Wheel, exponentially increasing the harmony/balancing
energies to assist in Earths and Humanitys Ascension.
As we are able to define more possibilities for harmonizing and balancing power of the Medicine
Wheel, we will place this information into the presentation on our Resource Library. If you have
suggestions, please email your suggestions to either Jane or myself.
The Medicine Wheel is a powerful tool of balancing, harmonizing as it is a central
point/portal between our Mother Earth and the Galaxy and Universe. Its powerful
harmonizing energies can be used in all situations where there is a need for harmonization and
balanceareas of polarization that need help shifting to the Higher energies.

Thank you!!

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