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Running head: ESSENTIAL VIII 1

Essential VIII: Professionalism and Professional Values

Anne Waskiewicz
Frostburg State University

Essential VIII: Professionalism and Professional Values

Professionalism and Professional Values are core building blocks in a nurses daily

practice. Essential VIII is multi-faceted and helps to define the individual nurse.

Professionalism, as stated in the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nursing, is

the nurse ow[ing] the same duties to self as to others, including responsibility to preserve

integrity and safety and to maintain competence, and to continue personal and professional

growth. (Pozgar, 2013, p.55) A professional nurse provides care and compassion to the patient,

family and community, while advocating for their rights. The Essential helps guide a nurse

through complexity and diversity in the ever-changing healthcare environment. It guides them to

act with integrity and maintain respect for human dignity while giving a nurse confidence to

succeed. The Essential involves principles of altruism, autonomy, accountability, caring and

communication. (The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice,


Exemplar: Vaccinations and Immunizations

The hot topic chosen allows research on a current ethical dilemma and then navigates

through the process to achieve the best outcome. It is still highly controversial today.

Additionally, vaccinations and immunizations have returned to our lives because of a new

grandson. The topic provided the opportunity to investigate it as a professional nurse.


A healthcare provider is expected to practice with professionalism and professional

values. In the case of vaccinations and immunizations, disputes arise over whether the

vaccination is safe, do the benefits outweigh the risks and does the government have the right to

mandate such action. First, a nurse must evaluate personal bias to ensure that the patients

autonomy is not in jeopardy. (Pozgar, 2013, p.14) It is important to communicate clearly the

benefits and risks of the vaccine and then allow the patient to make an informed decision.

(Pozgar, 2013, p. 404) The trait of being a good listener is instrumental in exemplary patient

care, especially if differing opinions are involved. The Essential element is for a nurse to keep

the professional competence required current in a vastly changing healthcare. (AACN, 2008,

p.26) Today, education and research continue regarding vaccinations and immunization. Both

old and new vaccines are analyzed to present conclusive evidence regarding the risks and the

benefits. It is an exciting field of science with the hope of one day eradicating all deadly diseases

through a simple immunization.



AACN task force. (2008). The Essential of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing

Practice. Washington, DC: American Association of Colleges of Nursing.

Pozgar, G. D. (2013). Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals (3rd Ed.). Burlington,

MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

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