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Lesson Plan for PEER TEACHING #1 and #2

Teacher Name:__Shelby Goss____

Standards Being Addressed:

MU:Pr6.1.2a Perform music for a specific purpose with expression and technical accuracy.
MU:Pr6.1.2b Perform appropriately for the audience and purpose.

Materials of Instruction:
Pease Porridge

Phrase 1 Phrase 2

Phrase 3 Phrase 4

Phrase 5 Phrase 6

Phrase 7 Phrase 8

Lesson Sequence (lessons may have more or less activities as appropriate):

Entry Activity/Transition: Welcome the class, ask them to sit in a circle.

Activity #1 Objective (This is Peer Teaching #1): Second graders will recite Pease Porridge
with accurate beat and rhythm.
1. T asks the Ss to listen to the rhyme while T also establishes a beat pattern
2. Ask Ss to listen again and tell T how old the porridge is
3. Ask Ss to listen once more and tell T how some like it
4. T will establish the beat pattern again
5. T will ask Ss to listen to one phrase at a time and repeat
6. T: Pease porridge hotecho
7. T: Pease porridge coldecho
8. T: Pease porridge in the pot echo
9. T: Nine days oldecho
10. T: Some like it hotecho
11. T: Some like it coldecho
12. T: I like it in the potecho
13. T: Nine days oldecho
14. T will assess Ss through each phrase and repeat to correct Ss if needed
15. T will ask Ss to keep beat pattern going.
16. Using nonverbal communication such as pointing at myself, T will begin reciting two
phrases at a time, and point to Ss when they need to echo. (Use now we will try two
phrases at a time if needed)
17. T: Pease porridge hot. Pease porridge cold echo
18. T: Pease porridge in the pot. Nine days oldecho
19. T: Some like it hot. Some like it coldecho
20. T: I like it in the pot. Nine days old echo
21. T will correct errors as necessary was assessing each phrase
22. Now lets try 4 line phrases
23. T: Pease porridge hot. Pease porridge cold. Pease porridge in the pot. Nine days old
24. T: Some like it hot. Some like it cold. I like it in the pot. Nine days oldecho
25. T will assess and correct errors as necessary
26. Ss will perform the whole rhyme with the assistance of the T
27. T will listen and assess to correct any additional problems
28. T will ask Ss to recite the rhyme to themselves without saying anything out loud
29. T will ask if there was any part that anyone forgotaddress those problems
30. Ss will perform the rhyme on their own (Okay, lets see if you can do the whole
thing without my help!)
31. Ss will perform rhyme while still patting the beat
32. T will provide feedback and make any additional corrections.

Assessment: I will assess students accuracy of beat, rhythm, and lyrics. There should
be no mistakes made in the first stanza before continuing to the second stanza and
performing the rhyme.

Transition/Closure: We will have a discussion about eighth notes and how eighth notes
compare to quarter notes previously learned. T will ask Ss how many eighth notes the
students think are equal to 1 quarter note. We will discuss why this is and how its
beneficial to music.

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