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ECOLOGY Copyright 2017

The Authors, some
rights reserved;
Networks of global bird invasion altered by exclusive licensee
American Association
regional trade ban for the Advancement
of Science. No claim to
original U.S. Government
Lus Reino,1,2,3 Rui Figueira,1,3,4 Pedro Beja,1,3 Miguel B. Arajo,2,5,6 Works. Distributed
Csar Capinha,1,7* Diederik Strubbe6,8,9 under a Creative
Commons Attribution
Wildlife trade is a major pathway for introduction of invasive species worldwide. However, how exactly wildlife NonCommercial
trade influences invasion risk, beyond the transportation of individuals to novel areas, remains unknown. We License 4.0 (CC BY-NC).
analyze the global trade network of wild-caught birds from 1995 to 2011 as reported by CITES (Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). We found that before the European Union
ban on imports of wild-caught birds, declared in 2005, invasion risk was closely associated with numbers of
imported birds, diversity of import sources, and degree of network centrality of importer countries. After the
ban, fluxes of global bird trade declined sharply. However, new trade routes emerged, primarily toward the
Nearctic, Afrotropical, and Indo-Malay regions. Although regional bans can curtail invasion risk globally, to

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be fully effective and prevent rerouting of trade flows, bans should be global.

INTRODUCTION servation approach has been actively debated (11); although it is known
Global wildlife trade has attracted public attention in recent years be- that gross metrics of international trade generally correlate with the
cause it is a major driver of species extinctions around the world (1, 2), global distribution of invasive alien species (1214), exactly how trade
and because it helps promote the spread of invasive species (3) and of networks influence the success of biological invasions remains un-
diseases to both humans and other animals (4). Outright bans on known (15). However, this knowledge is key to effectively manage trade
wildlife trade of both threatened and potentially damaging species have networks in relation to their potential effects on global patterns of inva-
been proposed as a strategy to reduce its negative effects (5). This sive species establishment.
strategy can have major social and economic costs, so its effectiveness We assess how the topology of the global bird trade network relates
needs to be thoroughly evaluated. Arguably, the most prominent to the establishment of imported non-native bird species. We also in-
application of trade bans was enacted by the European Union (EU), vestigate how the unilateral EU import ban on wild-caught birds has
which placed a temporary ban on wild bird imports in October 2005 changed the species traded, their traded volumes, and the network of
to prevent the spread of avian influenza (6). The ban was made perma- trading relationships and balance among countries. To do so, we com-
nent in July 2007 and comprised all wild bird imports regardless of spe- bine a large data set on wild bird trade among biogeographical realms
cies conservation status (7). Although supported by a coalition of derived from CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered
conservation and animal welfare organizations (8), the decision was cri- Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) with the analysis of trade network
ticized on the grounds that blanket trade bans would risk stimulating topology. Our focus on birds and the EU import ban is especially rele-
illegal activities (9) and, when imposed by northern on southern con- vant because the EU has been, historically, the main importer of wild
stituencies, run counter to values of equity and sustainable development birds worldwide (16). Moreover, birds are among the most internation-
(10). Also, rather than reducing market demands, trade bans could lead ally traded animal taxa (17), and highly traded avian orders such as
to the opening of alternative markets and trade routes, thus contributing the Psittaciformes represent both the most threatened (18) and most
to spread of invasive species into areas otherwise disconnected from invasive (19) bird group. Results of our analysis have broader im-
major trade networks. The effectiveness of trade bans as a generic con- plications to understand the links between trade networks and bio-
logical invasions, and thus to devise trade policies reducing invasion
CIBIO/InBIO-Centro de Investigao em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genticos,
Universidade do Porto, Campus Agrrio de Vairo, Rua Padre Armando Quintas,
n9, 4485-661 Vairo, Portugal. 2CIBIO/InBIO-Centro de Investigao em Biodiver-
sidade e Recursos Genticos, Universidade de vora, 7004-516 vora, Portugal. RESULTS
CEABN/InBIO-Centro de Estudos Ambientais Prof. Baeta Neves, Instituto Superior
de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa, Portugal. Avian invasion success is related to global fluxes of wild-caught birds,
LEAF-Linking Landscape, Environment, Agriculture and Food, Instituto Superior de and as expected, countries that import more birds are more prone to
Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa, Portugal. being invaded by birds (Table 1). In addition, a number of intrinsic
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC, Calle Jos Gutirrez Abascal, 2,
28006 Madrid, Spain. 6Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, Natural properties of the trade network topology also relate to invasion prob-
History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, ability. Regardless of levels of bird importation, countries that have a
2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. 7Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, more diversified number of importation sources (that is, high indegree
Museumsmeile Bonn, Adenauerallee 160, 53113 Bonn, Germany. 8Terrestrial Ecology
Unit, Ghent University, K.L. Ledeganckstraat 32, 9000 Ghent, Belgium. 9Evolutionary
centrality) are more likely to be invaded. The same is true for subgroups
Ecology Group, University of Antwerp, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 of countries that form a dense interconnection of trading relationships
Wilrijk, Belgium. among themselves (that is, having a high clustering coefficient). Last,
*Present address: Global Health and Tropical Medicine, Instituto de Higiene e invasion risks are higher for countries that have a more central position
Medicina Tropical, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Rua da Junqueira 100, 1349-
008 Lisboa, Portugal. in the whole trade network (that is, that have higher values for close-
Corresponding author. Email: ness centrality; see Table 1). Before the EU ban (19952005), trade in

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CITES-listed wild birds between biogeographical realms totalized ca. Europe, North America, and parts of Latin America and Asia (fig. S1).
1.3 million individuals annually. The EU bird trade ban reduced the importance of trade volume globally
The EU ban reduced trade volumes to about 10% of their former (dominant in 47% of countries) and increased the contribution of
levels while strongly redistributing the remaining trade flows across network parameters for explaining invasion success [closeness centrality
the globe (Figs. 1 and 2 and table S1). Before the ban, trade volume (27%), clustering coefficient (19%), indegree (6%); fig. S2]. In the period
was the dominant invasion risk parameter for 59% of countries globally, 19952005, European and North American countries were most central
followed by closeness centrality (27%), clustering coefficient (8%), and to the global trade network. After the ban, the United States remained
indegree (5%). Network parameters were especially influential across among the most densely connected trading countries, whereas EU

Table 1. Relationships between trade network topology and avian invasion. The variable quantity refers to the total number of individual of the species
that were imported. Indegree describes the number of countries from which a country imports birds. Closeness centrality indicates how close a country is to all
other countries in the trade network. The eigenvector centrality measures the influence of a country in the trade network, whereas betweenness centrality
measures the role of countries as pass-through centers. The clustering coefficient quantifies the extent to which a country is integrated into a subgroup of
countries that have a highly interconnected trade network among themselves. Avian invasion success was best explained by the quantity of birds traded and by
having more closely connected trade networks [that is, high values for indegree centrality, closeness centrality, and the clustering coefficient; model deviance
information criteria (DIC) weight, 0.82; DDIC with the second-best model > 3]. Quantity and indegree centrality were also included in the second-best model, as
was betweenness centrality, but this model was only weakly supported (DIC weight, 0.16). All other models had virtually no support (all DIC weights 0.021).

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Variable DIC weights and posterior means and confidence intervals (CIs) support the relevance of the four variables included in the best-ranked model (all DIC
weights 0.82, 95% CI excluding 0). Heidelberger convergence diagnostics indicate that models reached stationarity.
Variable Posterior mean and CI Effective sample size MCMC P value DIC weight

Quantity 0.020 (0.0055 to 0.034) 1122.7 <0.001 1.00

Indegree 0.051 (0.028 to 0.076) 1424.7 <0.001 1.00

Closeness centrality 0.12 (0.066 to 0.17) 1624.9 <0.001 0.84

Clustering coefficient 0.040 (0.0066 to 0.076) 1855.2 0.033 0.84

Betweenness centrality 0.016 (0.024 to 0.056) 2869.0 0.45 0.18

Eigenvector centrality 0.030 (0.044 to 0.10) 1638.8 0.42 0.02

Fig. 1. Global wild bird trade fluxes. Flows of wild bird trade among different biogeographical regions, before (A) and after (B) the EU ban.

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member states were replaced by predominantly Asian nations and about 75% belonged to 12 Afrotropical species, with the main trade
South Africa (table S2). Overall, network parameter values were reduced fluxes concentrated from West Africa to western Europe (fig. S6 and
to 18 to 21% of their former levels (fig. S3), and this reduction was es- tables S4 and S5). Parrots and allies (Psittaciformes) were the second
pecially strong across the western Palearctic (table S3). Corresponding- most traded group (17.5% of trade). As for passerines, main trade fluxes
ly, overall avian invasion risks have decreased strongly across much of were toward western Europe, but they came from a more varied range
the globe, and especially so in (western) Europe, where invasion risks of source countries across South and Central America, South Africa,
were the highest before the ban. Minor to moderate increases in inva- and Southeast Asia (fig. S7 and tables S4 and S5).
sion risk attributable to rerouted trade flows are apparent especially in After the EU ban, exports toward the western Palearctic and exports
the Nearctic and, to a lesser extent, in parts of the Indo-Malay and Afro- from the Afrotropical region were reduced to a mere 1.25% (Table 2)
tropical regions (Fig. 3 and figs. S4 and S5). Almost 90% of pre-ban trade and 4.34% (Table 3) of their pre-ban level, respectively. The Neotropical
fluxes corresponded to imports into the western Palearctic, mainly region gained importance as a main source of wild birds, generating
coming from the Afrotropical region, with secondary fluxes from the over 50% of global wild bird exports (Table 3). The role of the EU as
Neotropical and Indo-Malayan regions (Fig. 1 and Tables 2 and 3). the predominant bird importer shifted toward other regions, principally
Before the ban, a small set of countries was responsible for a large to the Nearctic, and especially to Mexico and the United States, where
share of global wild bird trade because, overall, about 66% of global bird imports increased from over 23,000 to more than 82,000 birds annually
imports were made by only five EU countries (Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, (Figs. 1 and 2, Table 2, and table S1). The Indo-Malay and Afrotropical
Portugal, and Spain), whereas three West African countries (Guinea, regions also gained (relative) importance in the global trade network,

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Mali, and Senegal) were responsible for more than 70% of bird exports because bird imports into countries such as Singapore and South Africa
(table S1). Most birds traded were passerines (almost 80%), of which declined less strongly than in the western Palearctic (59% and 17% of

Fig. 2. Annual number of birds exported to different biogeographical realms (19952011). Total annual numbers of imported birds (A), passerines (B), and parrots
and cockatoos (C). Color codes correspond to the different biogeographical regions depicted in Fig. 1 (light blue, western Palearctic; red, eastern Palearctic; yellow,
Indo-Malay; green, Nearctic; brown, Neotropical; dark blue, Afrotropical; pink, Australasia).

Fig. 3. Trade bandriven changes in avian invasion risk. Predicted changes in wild bird tradedriven invasion risk caused by the EU wild bird import ban. Country-
level invasion risk estimates were obtained by summing model invasion probabilities for all bird species exported to a given country in the pre-ban (19952005) versus
post-ban (20062011) period. Green and orange hues indicate decreases and increases in invasion risk, respectively; color gradients are on the same scales; and maps
have been drawn using equally spaced intervals. Invasion risks have most strongly declined across (western) Europe, whereas more moderate increases can be ob-
served across parts of the Nearctic and Indo-Malay regions.

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Table 2. Annual number of birds exported to different biogeographical realms before and after the 2005 EU ban.
Before the EU ban (19952005) After the EU ban (20062011)
Number of individuals Number of species Number of individuals Number of species

Western Palearctic 1,141,856 672 14,307 263

Eastern Palearctic 22,476 374 4,408 144

Indo-Malay 53,950 300 16,304 118

Nearctic 23,564 429 82,780 201

Neotropical 8,113 289 819 91

Afrotropical 49,433 342 10,438 154

Australasia 33 19 1 3

Not identified 302 48 2,245 87

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Total 1,299,729 806 131,340 422

Table 3. Annual number of birds exported from different biogeographical realms before and after the 2005 EU ban.
Before the EU ban (19952005) After the EU ban (20062011)
Number of individuals Number of species Number of individuals Number of species

Afrotropical 1,057,819 358 45,937 224

Western Palearctic 82,052 453 2,853 153

Neotropical 52,531 248 69,206 114

Indo-Malay 45,805 252 3,127 90

Eastern Palearctic 38,099 155 841 64

Nearctic 20,979 267 8,457 129

Australasia 2,187 40 810 13

Not identified 254 147 102 44

Total 1,299,729 806 131,340 422

pre-ban volumes, respectively; table S1). The taxonomic composition of number of birds traded is one of the most important factors in
the trade also changed, because passerine birds are no longer the dom- determining avian invasion risk, and the EU bird trade ban has
inant traded taxon (annual trade volumes in the period 20062011 effectively reduced global bird invasion risks. However, alternative trade
amounted to only 2.40% of the pre-ban volume; tables S4 and S5). Parrot routes have opened since then, leading to potential increases in invasion
trade declined as well (on average about 45% of its pre-ban volumes; risks in countries that otherwise had remained relatively less affected by
tables S4 and S5), although trade volumes had recovered to almost bird invasions. Remaining trade flows have also been redirected toward
60% of their pre-ban levels by 2011 (Fig. 2). Consequently, parrots are developing countries, mainly around the tropical belt where biodiversity
now the most traded group (accounting for 78% of global annual trade), is high but resources to manage invasive species are limited (20).
followed by Passeriformes (at 19%). Global changes in trade volumes, however, cannot alone predict the
magnitude, sometimes even the direction, of regional changes in invasion
risk. Network centrality measures are also needed to reliably predict in-
DISCUSSION vasion risk. For example, in the Nearctic, exports to both Mexico and
We show how detailed characterization of trade networks can reveal the the United States increased and yet invasion risk declined in the former
strong connection between global trade pressure and success in but increased in the latter (Fig. 3). This asymmetry seems to be a con-
biological invasions. The drastic drop in the global number of birds (le- sequence of the United States holding on to its central position in the
gally) traded following the 2005 EU ban on bird trade underscores the global trade network (indegree was largely stable, and closeness central-
importance of internationally coordinated policies in conservation. The ity and clustering coefficient increased; table S2 and figs. S1 and S2). In

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contrast, Mexicos influx of bird trade is largely driven by a strong in- risks (fig. S8). Therefore, to better understand how shifting trade
crease in imports of monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus), resulting in patterns influence species introductions and invasion success, we re-
increased invasion rates for this single species only (21). Whereas before commend that implementations of graph theory can be used to inte-
the EU ban, 47 countries exported 189 different bird species to Mexico, grate CITES trade data with actual international trade statistics (for
after the ban, trade was limited to 13 countries exporting only 55 species, example, see UN Comtrade, Furthermore, fu-
and the country became more marginal to global trade network ture assessments should take into account the environmental suitability
(network centrality measures fell to 14 to 69% of their former levels; of the non-native area to which traded species are transported. These
table S2 and figs. S1 and S2). This interplay between trade volumes and assessments could be achieved through correlative modeling of climatic
network centrality generates complex, regional dynamics in invasion risk, similarities between native and invaded areas [for example, see the
necessitating the use of network models to obtain more realistic predictions studies of Thuiller et al. (12), Capinha et al. (14), and Cardador et al.
of how trade politics affect pathways and success of biological invasions. (36)]. However, predictions of environmental suitability assume perfect
East Asia is a region with a prominent culture of bird keeping and transferability of realized niches, which is generally unlikely (37).
strong economic development (22, 23), and as wild bird trade in the Changes in the shape and size of realized niches between native and
region has declined to a lesser extent than globally, it has gained a more invaded ranges can result in both over- and underprediction of the
prominent role in the global bird trade network. However, whereas our extent of area suitable for species establishment (38), so caution would
results lead to predicting a decline in trade-driven invasion risk in parts be required when interpreting the results of pooled network and
of East Asia, recent studies suggest that the rate of avian invasions in the environmental suitability analyses. We note that our data set on suc-
region is increasing (24, 25). This apparent discrepancy might be a con-

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cessful bird invasions is dominated by parrot species and, to a lesser
sequence of potential biases arising from the fact that here, we only con- extent, passerine invasions across Europe (table S6). This is to be
sider trade in wild-caught birds among biogeographical realms. Much of expected, because these are the two most traded bird taxa, the known
the bird trade in East Asia involves either wild-caught birds that are native taxonomic bias in CITES-listed species and the pre-ban trade predom-
to the Indo-Malay region or birds that have been bred in captivity (26, 27). inance of bird imports into Europe (16).
It should be noted that whereas captive breeding is common In conclusion, trade bans unilaterally implemented by a major eco-
across Indonesia (28), evidence strongly suggests that, for example, nomic power can effectively reduce species invasion risk globally. How-
in Singaporethe main regional bird trade hubmany of the birds ever, by definition of their regional nature, these bans cannot eliminate
reported to CITES as captive-bred are in reality taken from the wild trade-driven invasion risk fully. New, generally smaller trade routes
(29, 30). Illegal wild bird trade likely is vast, but its trade routes and have opened since the European ban took place, driven by the availa-
volumes are difficult to quantify (31) and it remains unclear to what bility of transport infrastructures and the vagaries of supply and demand
extent illegal trade contributes to invasions globally. A recent review (39, 40). Although it remains to be seen how important the network
on illegal parrot trade concluded that poached parrots are much more topology parameters identified here are for invasions of other taxa
likely to be sold on local markets within the biogeographical area of and to other areas, our study highlights how network theory and tools
capture than to be exported internationally (32). If this correlation holds can be applied to quantify the probability of successful species invasions
true for other bird taxa and biogeographical regions, this observation via trade and transport networks. In particular, network models can be
suggests that birds invading localities within their biogeographical used to identify countries or regions emerging as central to these newly
region of origin should also be considered to detect signals of illegal formed trade relations, where new invasions may thus be likely to occur.
wildlife tradedriven avian invasion risks. Investing in better biosecurity, surveillance for likely high-risk invasive
For many taxa, current rates of invasion may reflect historical, rather species, and improved socioeconomic governance (20) in such countries
than contemporary, human activities [termed invasion debts; (33)]. will enable the global community to more effectively prevent and mit-
However, taxonomic groups with good dispersal capacities, such as igate future biological invasions.
birds, are more strongly associated with recent socioeconomic drivers
(33). Four of six invasion events we uncovered in the post-ban period
refer to Portugal and Greece, where no legal wild bird imports took MATERIALS AND METHODS
place in that period and thus likely reflect such an invasion debt. The Experimental design
low number of avian invasions attributable to post-ban wild bird trade CITES trade data
confirms that birds react rapidly to changes in factors underlying inva- Data on global bird trade between biogeographical realms were ob-
sion success, and demonstrates that trade bans are an effective means to tained from the CITES database (available online at https://trade.cites.
halt avian invasions. org/). This database is maintained by the Secretariat of the CITES and
An additional source of uncertainty comes from an increase in the registers trade between signatory countries. The database holds trade
discrepancy between exporter- and importer-reported bird quantities information on about 5600 animal species listed in the different CITES
after the implementation of the ban (fig. S8). For example, increased Annexes, though it is not without limitations. First, it covers only 1700
invasion risks in the United States partly depend on post-ban exports of 2600 bird species known to be traded. World bird trade markets are
of African passerines reported by Senegal but never recorded as imports dominated by the trade in Passeriformes and Psittaciformes, and whereas
by the United States. These discrepancies are attributable to a range of the latter are well characterized, the former are underrepresented (16).
factors (34). For instance, exporters must obtain CITES documents Second, CITES relies on information communicated by governments
before the export, and because the process can take time, they may re- of exporter and importer countries, and data are, therefore, not free of
quest permits before the birds are actually available for export. Occa- errors or biases. For example, there are chances that governments might
sionally, documents may be issued for birds that are never exported occasionally fail to correctly report transactions, that species might be
(35). When exporters report bird trade volumes larger than reported misidentified, and that the number of individuals involved might be
by the importer, our models are likely to overestimate post-ban invasion poorly estimated (34). Despite these potential errors and biases in the

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documentation of trade, CITES represents the only global, legally such that the nodes refer to countries and edges refer to the trade
binding, convention addressing international trade in wildlife in a observed between an exporter and an importer country. The weight of
structured and verifiable manner, and it constitutes a valuable source the edge is represented by the quantity of birds traded. We selected the
of information to assess the relationships between species invasions following metrics to describe the topological properties of countries in
and international trade. the trade network: indegree, closeness centrality, eigenvector centrality,
Data were downloaded from the CITES database, using the global betweenness centrality, and clustering coefficient. The variable indegree
checklist Catalogue of Life ( as the taxonomic describes the number of incoming links (edges) to a country (node),
authority. Queries on the database were performed at the genus level, thus reporting the number of countries from which a certain country
for the periods 19952005 (before the EU ban) and 20062011 (after the imports birds. Closeness centrality indicates how closely connected a
EU ban), using the following criteria: live for trade term, all coun- country is to all other countries in the trade network, considering the
tries for export and import countries, wild for source of species, shortest path between countries. We calculated this metric on an
and all purposes for purpose of trade transaction. We selected these inverted networksource and target countries were swappedso that
periods because by 1995, 75% of the parties had already signed the con- the parameter measures the average of the number of steps in the trade
vention, and data could be considered representative of general, global network between the exporter (source) and the importer (target)
trade patterns. Also, from 1995 onward, the accuracy of the database country. The higher the value is, the more central (shortest distance)
improved by the implementation of taxonomic and species distribution the country is, that is, the shorter the trade routes of imported birds
checks. The year of 2011 was chosen as the upper limit to allow for the are. The eigenvector centrality is another measure of the influence

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identification of successful establishment of introduced non-native of a country in the trade network, and it computes the centrality of a
birds (see below) (41). Several database quality verification steps were country based on the centrality scores of its connections. Thus, a
undertaken. First, duplicated data lines and records that equate import- country is considered influential to a trade network (receives a high ei-
er and exporter countries were removed from the data set. Second, to genvector centrality score) if it trades a lot with countries that are also
obtain the number of live wild birds traded in each transaction, we influential. Betweenness centrality reports how often a country is
followed the conservative approach recommended by the Guide of found on a shortest path between two countries in the network, and
the CITES Trade Database, by selecting the higher figure between the thus measures the extent to which the overall trade flow must pass
quantity reported by the exporter and the importer. Third, we only re- through a particular country or, in other words, a countrys gatekeeping
tained exporter-importer species transactions whereby the number of role. Last, the clustering coefficient measures the probability that the
individuals traded cutoff of five birds, because this cutoff represents trading partners of a country are connected, and higher values of the
a >95% probability that both sexes have been traded to a given country coefficient indicate the presence of highly interconnected groups of
(assuming equal sex ratios). Fourth, the biogeographical realms used countries in the trade network. Trade metrics were not strongly
in this study to filter trade transactions were adapted from Olson et al. correlated to each other (all r < 0.64). To visualize changes in global
(42), and the Palearctic region was divided in western and eastern network structure before and after the EU bird trade ban, (standardized)
regions following the study of Cramp and Simmons (43). All trading network parameter values were first summed per country to plot the
countries were classified according to the realm to which they belong. highest-ranking parameter (figs. S1 and S2). Trade networks and asso-
In the event that a country was crossed by a realm border, it was placed ciated statistics were obtained for each taxa, using a custom design
in the realm that covers the largest area. Bird species were similarly java application for this purpose (
classified in terms of the biogeographical realm to which they are native. trademetrics) and the open-source Gephi Toolkit library (https://
If the native area covers more than one realm, the species was classified
as native to all of them. Last, we verified the agreement between importer Non-native bird occurrence data
and exporter reported (log) quantities, and found that while agreement To be included in our data set, bird invasions to areas outside species
was high before the EU trade ban (Pearsons r = 0.82; 95% CI, 0.76 to natural ranges had to comply with the following conditions. First, inva-
0.86), larger discrepancies were apparent after the ban (r = 0.61; 95% sions before 1995 were not included (because of CITES trade data set
CI, 0.51 to 0.70). The slope of a linear regression between (log) export- limitations; see above). Second, bird invasions were considered success-
er and importer quantities was not different from the one before the ful if a population was still reported as present at least 5 years after the
EU ban (slope, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.84 to 1.02), but it was after the ban introduction event [introductions after the year 2011 were thus not
(slope, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.51 to 0.75). Post-ban CITES discrepancies considered, sensu Chiron et al. (41)]. Third, and logically, only
are illustrated as the difference between declared (log) exports and CITES-listed bird species were considered. Fourth, island systems that
imports in fig. S8. are not an independent party to CITES were excluded. Fifth, multiple
Trade network metrics successful invasions of the same species to the same country were
On the basis of the CITES trade database, we derived several variables considered as a single successful invasion of that country for that spe-
relevant to species invasion risk from the global bird trade. First, for each cies. Sixth, invasive bird populations that likely resulted from range ex-
species, the annual total number of live, wild-caught birds that have pansion of species introduced to neighboring countries were not
been (legally) exported to a given country in the periods 19952005 retained. Last, as for the trade data, only species invasions across bio-
and 20062011 is given by the variable quantity. Second, to test our geographical realms were considered to discriminate anthropogenic
hypothesis that wildlife trade determines species invasion risk not only species introductions from possible natural (for example, climate
by increasing the number of individuals that are eventually introduced changedriven) range expansion. Of the 1470 birds species identified
to new ranges but also through specific features of the trade network, up to the species level that are listed in the Index of CITES species
we apply a set of network metrics that were developed within the (, 566 species met these criteria. Bird invasion
framework of graph theory (44). The trade network for the pre- and events for these species were assessed and updated from previously
post-ban period was created as a directed graph for each bird species published databases, such as the European DAISIE database (41) and

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global databases on avian invasions compiled by Dyer et al. (19), SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
Lever (45), and Sol et al. (46). In addition, for each of the 566 species Supplementary material for this article is available at
retained, we searched Google Scholar with the search string invasive content/full/3/11/e1700783/DC1
table S1. CITES bird trade data before and after the 2005 EU ban.
OR non-native AND species scientific name using the time period table S2. Overview of the 10 highest-ranked countries in terms of network centrality measures.
19952016. For each species, we checked the title and abstract of up table S3. Overview of network parameter values per biogeographical region.
to the first 100 hits to decide whether the mentioned (scientific or gray table S4. Birds annually exported to different biogeographical realms.
literature) report might hold information on introduction events to table S5. Birds annually exported from different biogeographical realms.
table S6. Invasion events of CITES-listed species before and after the 2005 EU ban.
non-native ranges. When uncertainty existed on the status of introduc- fig. S1. Highest-ranking trade volume/network structure parameters in the period 19952005.
tion events (that is, successful invasion or not), we searched for recent fig. S2. Highest-ranking trade volume/network structure parameters in the period 19952005.
species observations on the online databases eBird (http://ebird. fig. S3. Histograms of network centrality measures in the period 19952005 versus 20062011.
org), iNaturalist (, and Global Biodiversity fig. S4. Global wild bird tradedriven invasion risk in the period 19952005.
fig. S5. Global wild bird tradedriven invasion risk in the period 20062011.
Information Facility ( In addition, we consulted a
fig. S6. Trade fluxes of CITES-listed passerine birds in the period 19952005.
leading bird trip report repository ( For 21 of fig. S7. Trade fluxes of CITES-listed Psittaciformes birds in the period 19952005.
566 bird species complying with our inclusion criteria, we found fig. S8. Discrepancies between exporter- and importer-listed quantities of traded wild birds.
qualified, successful invasion events. In total, 42 (36 pre-ban versus
6 post-ban) successful invasion events were uncovered across 23 dif-
ferent countries (table S6).

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Reino et al., Sci. Adv. 2017; 3 : e1700783 22 November 2017 8 of 8

Networks of global bird invasion altered by regional trade ban
Lus Reino, Rui Figueira, Pedro Beja, Miguel B. Arajo, Csar Capinha and Diederik Strubbe

Sci Adv 3 (11), e1700783.

DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1700783

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