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A.c General Information


.c ame and address of the school: School time
9025 Langdon Ave.
orth Hills, Ca 9

8) 898 9

2.c Date: October 2 , 2009 Time of Day: 9:00am Weather: nice day

.c Type of school: Public

.c Hours the school is in session: 6: 0am to 6:00pm

5.c Description of the group you observed:

A.c What is the age range of the group? Preschool  yrs.

B.c How many children in the group? 8 o. of boys?

o. of girls? 5

C.c Ratio of staff to children?

: is the ratio

6.c Basic philosophy of the schoolͶits stated aims and objectives or handout

o child shall be discriminated against because of his race, religion, sex, physical abilities
or national ancestry.
c c c cccccccccccccccc c c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
B.c The Physical Environment ʹ Indoor

.c List the 5 materials the children used most often in free play, or 5 materials observed the
children might used.

.c Toy cars
2.c Dinosaurs
.c Puzzles
.c Lego
5.c Plastic tea cups and dolls

@cc cccThey have so many toys! When each student finished doing their
activities with the teacher, they go and play with the toys. Since the activity table where they
do their work is separated from the playing area they go ahead and play while the teacher
gets ready for the other activity there are going to do. When they play with the toys the
children have in mind what toy they want because they go running to it. If some other
children want to play with the same toy they play together. I haven͛t seen them arguing or
fighting for the same toy. The shelves are at their eye level and it has clear containers. It is
easier for them to put them away.

2.c Is a variety of material available on open shelves for the children to use when interested? Yes

.c Indoor furnishings, materials and equipment well spaced for safety and usage? Excellent
@c They are three classes in the big room the long shelves divide the classes and yes
they are arrange for safety, each one have their privacy. Then there are short shelves for the
eye level of the children where they have their toys well placed and they also use it for
division. Also it has a big carpet so the children can play or sit down to listen to the teacher.
On the side they have two round tables big enough to do projects. They do have a lot of room
to play. So each class has room to do anything.

.c Indoor materials and equipment that are unusual or unique? Average

@cThe time I was observing the class I didn͛t saw any unusual or unique toys, but they
have a lot of fun toys to play with. What I like is that they have the small plastic bowling with
the look like wooden pins. What I like too is that there is children size furniture like sofas,
chair recliners, rocking chairs and chair with tables it looked really nice. I don͛t think that is
unusual but children can play that without going to the bowling alley. I saw them playing and
they were really enjoying it.

5.c Give 2 examples of play materials conductive to small motor skills digital (finger) dexterity.

.c Finger painting
2.c Coloring their pumpkins.
.c Cutting paper for their pumpkin decoration.
6.c Give 2 examples of play materials conducive to imaginative and creative play.

.c Little girls play of having a tea party with dolls in their small high chairs around their little
2.c Little boys playing with dinosaurs and saying ͞roar roar I͛m a dinosaur ͟

.c Give 2 examples of play materials especially conducive to concept development.

. Wooden blocks with numbers and alphabet
2. Puzzles with shapes of triangle, hearts, squares, some with the holding thing so children
could use their fine motor skills.

8.c Give 2 examples of indoor equipment and materials that might be used to help a child release
and cope with negative feelings.

.c Books, they have small library area. Some are picture books.
2.c Music, they play music so children can dance and shake everything that they have inside
off. Like sad feelings and bring the positive out by having fun.

9.c Are materials stored neatly and well spaced in individuals units, so children can use them and
return them without confusion and without being forced to share with a group. Yes

@cThe containers are clear and label with the item name and picture as well as the
shelf. They are stock neatly and clearly for them to put away. When I was observing the class
the teacher said ͞5 more minutes for clean up͟ so the children knew were the stuff goes
without any confusion, it was really easy for them so they finished before 5 minutes. Because
of the organize containers.

0.cCan quiet and noisy activities go on without disturbing one another? Yes
Is there an appropriate place for each? Yes

@ The library is separated from the noisy activities like the blocks and the dramatic
area where the children are talking and screaming so I don͛t think they are disturbing one

.cWere there teacher planned (vs. free play) and/or Teacher directed indoor activities for the
children? Yes
Three examples

.c In the morning at 9am all the teachers go with their students in one room, where they
have a big round carpet. They play the music and children start dancing and the teachers
too they call it circle time.
2.c The class that I observed has a lesson planned. Every day they have to talk about a
number and/or letter. For the day.
.c Children are involved in singing the months of the year and days of the weeks etc. every

2.cIs the children͛s art work displayed attractively at the child eye level? Yes

@cThe teacher has a bulletin board on her class and post all children͛s work on it. So
when a parent comes to pick up their child they could admire their work. I think that is really
neat. They also have pictures of themselves playing or doing a special activity or a holiday so
everyone that walks in could see the pictures .They put it behind a clear plastic bulletin board
so when the children touch them, won͛t get them dirty. It is on the middle of the wall so
children and adults could admire them I think is a good eye level for children.

.cDid you observed any inappropriate equipment? O

.cList and describe 2 things that made the room attractive.

.c The shelves are really colorful the colors of the rainbow.
2.c The room is really organized from the furniture to the kids͛ toys. They have a lot space to
stretch and play.
.c The place is kid friendly.

5.cList and describe 2 things that made the room unattractive.

. They should wash the carpets more often so the stains won͛t be too noticeable.
2. They should repaint the walls even though the color is nice, but they are some cracks
showing up and should cover them.
. They are sort of remodeling some stuff, putting new floors.

6.cHow would you describe the overall indoor space? Very attractive

.cDescribe: The walls are vanilla yellow. The carpet is dark blue easy to clean kind of like flat.
The tall long shelves that divides each room are baby blue, short shelves that has the
children͛s toys are the colors of the rainbow they look really nice. The place is well organized.
The curtains are so unique they have different patterns and designs some have the abc͛s with
2 ͛s some have teddy bears etc.

8.cDescribe how the materials and furniture and activities are arranged and place in the room.
Drawing separate paper.
The materials and supplies are arranged on the top shelves for teacher to reach only. On the
bottom of that shelve they have the beds for nap time. ext to that is the carpet for reading
time than they have the tables for eating or doing activities in it too. After that they have the
short shelves where the toys are well arranged and label.
C.c The Physical Environment ʹ Outdoor

.c The variety of outdoor equipment is: Average

@ccIt is a big play area for kids to run or play hide n seek. It has really long trees that
give a lot of shade so when it gets sunny it won͛t get to hot to play. It also has a playground
were kids could climb up and slide down. It has a doll house for little girls, to play kitchen or
look out the window. A tire swing, small slides and little horses for little kids. There are
some tires going out like a square where inside that square it has little tables for children to
play with. A sand box shape like a turtle they cover it when they stop playing, some tricycles
so they could be going round in circles. And some big picnic tables so when they go eat
outside. They also have a basketball court for preschoolers to play with. It is not that big or
that small just right I will say.

2.c Give examples of large permanent apparatus.

. The swing tired is permanent stand.
2. The playground with slides
. The doll house

.c Give 2 examples of portable play materials conductive to gross motor skills.

. Tricycles to ride around the tracks
2. Basketball court for them to be jumping.

.c Outdoor equipment is well arranged for safety and usage. Excellent

@cThe outdoor equipment is well arrange for safety of the children. They have
everything separate it so the children won͛t be bumping into each other. The yard is quite
big so they have room for everything. Everything that is outside is for usage. They have a
storage area so the things they don͛t use are not on the way for the children.

5.c Any outdoor materials and equipment that are unique, different? Poor.

@cThey don͛t have much of a variety. Classic toys like tricycle, to the playground, the
doll house, and the tire swing. The yard is big so children can run and invent their own
games. But I didn͛t see any unique or different toys or stuff.

6.c Is there a variety of outdoor surfaces:

There is dirt all over and cement for a sidewalk. Some patches of grass but not enough.

.c Describe 2 things that made the yard attractive.

.c The tall trees that give shade when is sunny.
2.c The fact that the yard is big and kids have a lot of space for running.

8.c Describe 2 things that made the yard unattractive.

.c The fact that there is dirt and children cannot sit and relax.
2.c There is not much of a variety of things they can play with.
9.c How would you describe the overall outdoor play space? Average

0.cDescribe the shape of the yard. Drawing on separate paper.

The yard is really large. Is like large rectangle. With 5 tall shady trees that covers the whole
yard with the leafs, they are separated from each other. The playground with the slides is on
the left along with the large picnic tables. ext to them there are some tires flat on the dirt
shape like a square and in the middle of them two small picnic tables for children to play in.
Than is the doll house that I͛ve seen girls playing in it. The basketball court is close to the
storage room. I guess is ok to it the wall of the storage room better than the windows from
the class. Close to the door they have the giant turtle sand box that had three to four
children playing in it. At the middle of the yard they have the tire swing.

.cIs the yard easy to supervise? Yes

D.c Interpersonal Environment

Teacher/Child Relations

.c Is there a warm overall interpersonal environment? Yes

Describe: Teacher is warm loving person with the children she is nice and a really patience
lady. When she talks to the children I like when she says ͞I want all my little friends to
gather together behind the blue line inside the rug͟ So the children listened her and pay
more attention to her with the tone she uses. She sometimes whispers when she talks so
when the children are trying to listen to what she is trying to say, they stopped for what
they are doing that way she could get their attention.

2.c Did you feel the needs for basic trust and security were met (sharing feelings, teacher
approachable, etc.)? Yes

Describe: A student was absent yesterday so the teacher says ͞I know that Amy was absent
yesterday she wasn͛t here may we know why Amy did not came yesterday to class?͟ and
then Amy answered ͞I have a boo boo͟ So the teachers asked her ͞are you feeling better
today?͟ Then the little girl nodded as yes.

.c Does teacher use ͞openend questions͟ encouraging the child to answer and think and
participate in learning and discovery?

Describe: Did not observe.

.c Does the teacher use errors or mistakes as a learning experience for the child and move
forward on a positive note? Always

5.c Does the teacher dwell on the mistakes or focus on the negative ͞you͛re a bad child͟ and
make a negative experience out of it? ever

6.c What difference does it make which technique a teacher uses?

It makes a lot of difference teachers learn from their mistakes and change it to a positive
note. They won͛t use mistake and focus on the negative side. Because then children will
have that experience and use it later on and won͛t do well at school.


Is there outright fostering of competition? ot at all

Are there enough equipment and materials? All of the time

Does the teacher compare children? ot at all

Are there too many children in one activity at one time? Some of the time

Is there an apparent plan for taking turns? Some of the time

Is there outright favoritism? ot at all

Describe: I don͛t think there is a competition going on at the school.

8.c When limits are placed or directions given, do adults use reasoning and consistently follow
through? Always

Describe: The teachers have directions and schedules from their director. They tell them
what to do or what not to do. The teachers consistently follow through. That is all I have
seen and heard while I was there.

9.c Is the teacher a positive model and healthy attitudes? Yes

Example: The teacher is a positive role model for the children. She uses her manners
towards them so they could learn from her, she always says please and thank you. When
the children are arguing for a toy she tells them how good is sharing. But she still uses her
nice tone among them.

0.cWas there evidence that the teacher tried to include most of the children in some manner
during the activities? o

Example: She was really helpful with them, if the children don͛t want to do something she
will understand and talk to them, and figure something else. But, she won͛t treat them in a
bad manner.

.cWere there children who did not engage in play activities? o

Describe: All children got to participate on play activities, even the children that the parents
brought in late. They got to do the activities that the other children did before, and still got
to do for what the children were doing. The children were decorating their pumpkins and
crafts for Halloween so everyone got to do their own kind.

2.cIs there much freedom of choice allowed? Yes, and what were the alternatives for the

Describe: When they finished doing their work activities, and there are still other children
finishing up some children will go to the play area and play until the teacher tells them to
clean up. Then they have to clean and put everything to their place, and if they don͛t clean
up well next time they are going to sit down on the rug into everyone is finished.

.cWhere the majority of activities you observed: teacher selected

Example: When I went they were working on their Halloween decorations in their own way
no one was telling them what to do. Then they were coloring their pumpkins and gluing
parts to the pumpkin like adding the eyes and mouth and more. After that they had to head
to another room where there is a big round carpet and all three classes gather around and
put music and dance with the children.

E.c Activities To Stimulate Development (either displayed or being used)

.c Are there opportunities for dramatic play? Yes

Examples: they have a treasure like box where they keep all their dramatic play stuff like
clothes and hats shoes and more. They have a poster saying Dramatic play area.

2.c Is there a housekeeping area, doll house? Yes

Dressup clothes for boys as well as girls? Yes

Any other materials that might encourage interest and involvement in dramatic play? Yes

Examples: They have a small kitchen area, with a colorful table on the side where children can
play pretend cooking with some plastic food that they have. They also have pots and pans
with bowls and plastic spoons, forks, and knifes. Also they have dolls with small high chairs,
recliners, baskets where they lay the baby dolls to sleep so girls can pretend they are

.c Did you observe a variety of basic art supplies? Yes

Examples: They have boards so children can do their finger painting. With large papers, I got
to see them paint on them they were their yellow aprons. I͛ve seen that they love doing that
especially with their fingers. They had large brushes and a lot of supplies for them.

.c Are there equipment and materials to stimulate language development? Did not observe

Examples: Could not observe because I didn͛t get to see any materials or teacher talking about
it. But there is Spanish and English talking around like some children who speak both
languages. Other children can learn from them.

5.c Are there equipment and materials to stimulate concepts about people and how they live
together? o

Examples: I was looking around to see if I could find any posters or books but I did not see
anything around, but probably the teacher talks about it.
6.c Are there equipment and materials to stimulate science concepts? Yes

Examples: They have plants; I saw that they magnifying glasses and some utensils and some
accessories from science they were in displayed, by the time I was there they were eating
lunch. They sometimes go to the play ground and look for little bugs and put them in a little
magnifying box and talk about the bug what kind of bug is it and what does it do or eat stuff
like that.

.c Are there small manipulated toys to build eyehand coordination and finger dexterity? Yes

Example: They have Lego lands were they have to use their imagination and do little lands,
cars, planes, and houses, etc. I saw the children playing with Lego and they are so clever even I
couldn͛t do what the little boy did he made a airplane. I told him ͞wow you are an expert on
this͟ he just chuckled in shyness.

8.c Are there some opportunities to follow patterns or achieve a predetermined goal: puzzles,
design blocks, dominos, matching games? Yes

Examples: When the children had their free time they were so excited, some children when to
play to the doll house others went to play with their puzzles. The children that went to play
with the puzzle dropped the pieces out in the floor and put them back together. There was
more than six pieces and they didn͛t mind. I saw them all concentrated on them. There were
three boys working on it. The other group was two girls and two boys putting blocks on top of
each other so they could play Jenga I thought that was sweet I told them who teach you this
game they told me the teacher.

9.c Do children do things like cooking, planting a garden, caring for animals, fieldtrips?

Example: they have small pots with green leaves on them because the teacher teach them
about planting the seeds and how they grow by put them water and put them were the sun
could touch them so they could grow nice and long and how to care for plants, that we don͛t
step on them or just cut them for nothing. I heard the teacher say the children ͞to be
respectful with nature living plants.͟ They don͛t have any animals around but they have books
that could teach them about animals and how to care for them. They don͛t take fieldtrips
because of the different parents drop their children at school.

0.cAre there provisions for children to learn through their senses as well as verbally?
Did not observe

.cAre there materials in the room that address the multicultural world in which we live?
Did not observe

2.cAre there materials that encourage and foster care about our environment: recycling, posters,
books, etc?

Example: They have posters in class. With some boxes that have the recycling sign with
pictures like plastic bottles, bags, and paper. They have one in the playground and in the front
entrance. I saw a couple of books in the little library they have.
F.c Goals of Early Childhood

.c Did you observe the teacher helping a child develop a positive self image/self esteem? Did not

2.c Did you observe the teacher help the child in learning or improving gross and small motor
skills (motor development)? Helpful

.c Did the teacher stimulate language development by helping the child learn new vocabulary?

.c Did the teacher help the child in encouraging cognitive growth in such areas as:
understanding, perception, knowing, analyzing, questioning? Helpful

5.c Did the teacher help the child in encouraging creative growth by allowing the child to explore
materials rather than tell the child how to do things or by using predetermined crafts with
only one right way? Very helpful

6.c Give one example from the above.

umber 2: She was helping the children one by one with her alone on a separate table to do
small motor skills by doing circles showing them how to hold the pencil working on their fine
motor skills. Also when we were outside a child needed help to cruise on the tricycle so she
helped the child on the tricycle and teach her how to pedal and the child actually improve on
riding it with just a few tries it was really nice of her, the child was really happy going round
and round with the tricycle.
G.c General Summary you must answer all areas of this section.

Describe, Give examples in each area

A.c What is your overall opinion of this school.

.c Include a description of indoor/outdoor environment.

The indoor environment, I really like the class spacious for the children, a lot of toys for
children to play with in free play and activities. They have everything organize for
children to find and put it away with no problem. It is a safe environment for children to
be and learn. The outdoor environment for children to run and play because it is a large
play area and it has large trees with lots of leaves that give shade for those sunny days.

2.c Interactions between teacher and children.

The interactions that the teacher and children had between them were strong the
children listened to the teacher and asked the teacher for any questions they have
because they trusted her. They respect one another.

.c Teacher characteristics and personality.

The teacher has a really good personality and she is a role model to them. They look up
to her and her tone over them is really warm and respectful. She doesn͛t raise her voice
to them when they don͛t listen to her. She just talks on a normal voice and that way
they agree with her.

.c Activities.

There activities were an educational process that intended to stimulate learning through
actual experience. They were fun and entertaining in my point of process.

5.c Selection of materials.

The children had a wide selection of materials to use while they were making activities
or playing in their free play. Which I think is really good because they have a lot of
materials to play with like David Elkind says in the book ͞I believe that play is as
fundamental a human disposition as loving and working.͟

6.c Goals of early childhood give examples of goals being met or not met.

Some goals were met like when the teacher helped the child in learning and improving
gross motor skills by teaching the child ride the tricycle and she got better. Also the
teacher helping the children in encouraging creative growth. By allowing the children to
explore materials rather than telling them what to do or how to do it. The goals that
were not met were the teacher helping a child develop a positive self imaged; I wasn͛t
able to see an activity like that so I wasn͛t able to know.
.c How did you feel about the way they handled discipline at this school? Use example

I did really like how they handled discipline on this school everyone respects one
another. They are not bad teachers they follow their rules.
Well I saw that the assistant teacher told a child to be on time out for less than a minute
not for long, though. But then he got out and played.

8.c Would you send your child to this school? Why or why not?

I would definitely send my child to this school. Because it͛s a good school I spend a while
there and I really like it. I had fun, and I like when the kids came up to me and said what
is your name? The teachers were really nice with the children and towards each other.

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