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1. Listen, point and repeat.

Slide Seesaw Sandbox

Monkey bars

Jungle gym Swing

2. Listen and read.

Wheres Tim? Wheres Rosy?

Shes under the

Hes on the slide!
monkey bars!

Wheres Billy?
I dont know! Billy! Where
are you?

Im here. In
the sandbox.

1. Look and say.

Wheres she? Wheres she?

Shes on the slide. Shes in the sandbox.

Is he under the jungle gym? Is she on the swing?

No, he isnt. Yes, she is.

2. Write on, in, under, next to.

Shes _____ Hes on the Hes _____ Shes _____

the slide. jungle gym. the sandbox. the monkey bars.

3. Look at the picture. Point, ask and answer


Wheres he? Hes on the slide.

1. Listen, point and repeat.

On In under Next to

2. Listen and sing.

Wheres the monkey?

Where is it? xWhere is it?
In the box. In the box.

Wheres the bird?

Where is it? Where is it?
On the tree. On the tree.

Wheres the snake?

Where is it? Wherex is it?
Under the rock. Under the rock.

On, in and under. Yeah!


Wheres the apple?

Where is it? Where
x is it?
In the box. In the box.
Wheres the carrot?
Where is it? Where is it? x LESSON 4: PHONICS
On the chair. On the chair.

1. Listen, point and repeat.

Ss Tt Uu Vv
Sock Tiger Up Vase

2. Listen and chant.

S s sock s s s
T t tiger t t t
U u up u u u
V v vase v v v

3. Listen to the sounds and join the letters.

What has the boy got?

t s v t s u t
v t u s u v u
s u t v t s v
u v s u v t s

1. What can you see at the park? Say the words.

2. Listen and read.

My family is at the park. Its sunny and hot today.

Can you see me? Im on the slide. I like sliding on the slide.
My dad is on the grass. Hes sleeping.
He can sleep all day long.
Mum is under the tree.
Shes got the book.
She can read the book very fast.
Look! The ball is in the tree!

3. Read again. Write T (True) or F (False).

1. The family is in the bedroom. F

2. Its windy and hot.

3. The girl is on the slide.
4. Dad is on the bed.
5. Mum is in the tree.
6. The ball is under the tree.

1. Listening: Listen and write the names.

Tom Lucy Kate Bob Anna

1 2 3 4 5
2. Speaking: Look at the pictures again. Ask and answer.

Where is Tom? Hes on the monkey bars.

3. Writing.
3.1. Circle the question marks and underline the sentences.
Wheres Tom? Hes under the jungle gym.
1. Wheres Rosy? Shes on the swing.
2. Is she under the jungle gym? No, she isnt.
3. Wheres the ball? Its on the slide.
4. Is she next to the monkey bars? Yes, she is.
5. Whats this? Its a dog.

3.2. Write about you and your family at the park.

Sample writing: I am in the park with my family. I am on the seesaw. My dad is on the monkey
bars. My mum is under the tree. My sister is in the sandbox. My brother is on the jungle gym.
We are a happy family.

Your writing:

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