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Name : Verlentia Agvezha



10 years from now, I want to be a woman who does not regret my youth. I will work hard to get
what I dream of. Over the next 10 years, I wish I had been working in saudi arabia. I would like to
have felt living abroad, feeling the different atmosphere, so that my experience will increase. I hope,
the result of working in saudi arabia, can be made for clinics, foundations, and finance my masters
degree . I want someday I have a clinic with my friends, the clinic is on the suburbs where there is a
rare medication. The clinic have a different payment system, such as paying for treatment with
garbage or by memorizing the quran. Which is the most important is not to worry them about
payment. At the clinic, I want my friends from other health workers to participate . And I will
routinely come to the clinic in my spare time. I also want have a foundation, where the foundation
focuses on how to make people on the streets have a place to rest. So that the homeless have a
shelter and place that can be called a house. In there, they can improve their ability, by learning
many things in the guidance so that they can survive them life, with decent work. I am going to have
a program go to the streets and invite people on the street who have mental disorders to be cured
until healed, because I see them hanging on the street without family and without being noticed, if
things like that happen continuously when they will heal. I want to be with other social activists, to
manage this foundation. After working in the abroad, I want to continue my studies to a master's
degree. My masters degree that I want to take is nursing in UI, and I hope I will continue my studies
to doctorate degree. I want to always learn, so that I can study that science till the details. I want to
take nursing children specialist , because children are the first phase in life that is very decisive, and I
also have a high interest in the science of nursing children. I dreamed that I became a lecturer at
university, a lecturer with a title, Ns. Verlentia Agvezha M.Kep Sp.A behind her name. I want to teach
my college students, about nursing children details from theory till practice . I want to teach up-to-
date sciences. I want to teach by not patronizing. I want the science I teach stuck to my students
until they works later. I hope in each of my teaching sessions, becoming a useful science for my
students and motivating them. Because during college I always feel motivated with my lecturers. I
want to be a pleases and respected lecturer. I also want to occasionally invite my students to help
my clinics and foundations, so that my students have a high social life since youth. I hope by
becoming a lecturer I can make the health system in Indonesia better, by improving human
resources for the better. So 10 years ahead in my dreams, Insya Allah I became a good wife and
mother, became a good lecturer and in my spare time take care of clinics and foundations. I dream
every day of my life full of goodness . Hopefully my dream can be realized, may Allah
subhanawata'ala ridho with my plan, Insya Allah.

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