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Michael Jordan

456 Somewhere Lane

Charlotte, NC, 28215

December 3, 2017

Professor Intawiwat
9201 University City Boulevard
Charlotte, NC, 28223

Dear Professor Intawiwat,

This class was not what I expected whatsoever. Just by reading the name, I thought we would be
writing technical documentation or something related to technology, but I was completely
wrong. By learning about the different styles and formats of communication used in business and
the real world, I have become a stronger writer and have learned numerous tools that I can use
at my disposal in any type of writing I do. Everything I have learned and refined are described in
detail below.

Individual Projects
While completing individual projects, I have learned to use different technologies that were not
part of my arsenal before. I used Google Docs extensively to manage all my documents, an
infographic creator to show my creative side, and a website building site to gather all my work. I
had to research major-specific departments in the North Carolina government and compare them.
I had to critically think about how to structure my writing to make myself understood since I can
often confuse people with how I communicate. I also had to plan my writing out and revise it as I
went along. Every opportunity I was afforded, I chose to do whichever assignment I felt would
allow me to express my creativity, which is something I do not normally do. These assignments
helped me to utilize critical reading especially since I had to do a lot of research, such as for the
assignment regarding ethical companies, and synthesize all the information to be able to write
about it effectively. They also helped me to compose processes by revealing to me my
methodology for writing: divide and conquer. I started to take assignments apart, do any
necessary research, plan out my work, consult others if needed, and finally write.

Group Projects
The group projects helped me enhance my research skills by forcing me to research a fictional
business as best as I could. I had to learn many different aspects of it to be able to compose
cohesive writing. In my opinion, the most important SLOs involved in this process were critical
reading and knowledge of conventions. Taking in the abundant information that is available on a
fictional topic and extracting the key parts is a skill that takes time to develop. By building on
top of each assignment, I believe I have developed this skill quite well in this class. Knowledge
of conventions came into play when we had to write in different formats such as letters, memos,
fliers, brochures, PowerPoints, and infographics. All these formats have rules and aspects that
are acceptable for one but not the other. I learned to distinguish between a memo and letter in
this class, and it was all thanks to the group projects.

Group Evaluation Form

Attribute Myself 1) Suraiya 2) Naquanya 3) Austin

Participated in 5 5 5 4

Helped keep the 5 5 4 3

group on task.

Contributed 5 4 5 5
useful ideas.

Quality of 4 4 5 5
completed work.

Contributed 4 5 4 5

Total 23 23 23 22

Textbook Exercises
I found these assignments short but useful as well as important to the development of my
writing. They gave me opportunities to be creative as well as call on a variety of knowledge and
skillsets. SLOs involved in these assignments were again critical reading and knowledge of
conventions. Many of the assignments required me to look up information about different
entities, cultural norms, writing standards and more. I also had to take the information and make
it more concise and understandable.

This has been an amazing class and I am happy I was lucky enough to get the group and
professor that I did.


Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan

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