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Universidad de

Buenos Aires
Colegio Nacional de
Buenos Aires
Departamento: Ingls

Asignatura: Ingls

Curso: 3er ao Nivel A T.M.

Ao: 2013

Profesora: Amelia Baldi

I- Objetivos: que los alumnos desarrollen las habilidades necesarias para

Comprender textos escritos y orales del material propuesto que incluyan los
contenidos correspondientes al nivel A.
Reconocer y producir el vocabulario presentado.
Producir textos cortos escritos y orales con fluidez con fines comunicativos.
Adquirir las estructuras bsicas de la lengua inglesa para construir un discurso que
le permita comunicarse en forma eficaz a un nivel elemental en situaciones
Adquirir confianza en sus capacidades y elevar su autoestima para desenvolverse
con seguridad e independencia en el trabajo y ante situaciones que se presenten en el
mundo actual.

II- Contenidos:

Module 1: Sport
Topics: Crazy Sports. Sport in the UK.
Vocabulary: Sports. Hockey equipment. Adverbs.
Grammar: have to / dont have to; can / cant;
Prepositions: in; into; on; over; to; with (+ verbs)
Linking: before; during; after.
Reading: Sport factfile. Sports brochure. Description of a sport.
Listening: A dialogue. Sports commentaries.
Communication: Talking about sports. Describing sporting events .
Writing: Description of a sport.
Module 2: Holidays
Topics: A Fantastic Time! A Horrible Time!
Vocabulary: Kinds of holiday. Places to stay.
Grammar: Present Continuous
Prepositions: down; through; on; next to (directions)
Linking: and; also; too.
Reading: Brochure about Dubrovnik. A personal letter. A holiday postcard.
Listening: Kinds of holiday. Phone conversation.
Communication: Holidays. Checking in. Directions. Phone calls.
Writing: A holiday postcard.

Module 3: Cultures
Topics: Mali Music. Life in the UK.
Vocabulary: Countries and nationalities. Musical instruments. Superstitions. Dishes.
Grammar: Present Simple and Present Continuous
Prepositions: at; from; in; on; to (time)
Reading: A newspaper article. UK website. An email hotel reservation.
Listening: Musical extracts. A school lesson. A caf scene.
Communication: Being polite. Cultural awareness. Roleplay: at a caf / at a restaurant.
Writing: An email hotel reservation.

Module 4: Image
Topics: Looking good. Appearance.
Vocabulary: Clothes; adjectives. Opinion adjectives.
Physical appearance; adjectives / nouns (collocation)
Grammar: Comparative adjectives. Revision: Past Simple
Prepositions: with (two uses).
Linking: either, or.
Reading: Fashion tips. A magazine article. A lost property notice.
Listening: Descriptions. A phone conversation. A dialogue.
Communication: Fashion. Describing people. Describing someone in a photo.
Writing: A lost property notice.

Module 5: Celebrities
Topics: Hollywood Greats. Star watching.
Vocabulary: Jobs. Opinion adjectives.
Grammar: Superlatives. Revision: Past Simple
Prepositions: verbs with prepositions.
Reading: Hollywood factfile. A magazine article. A curriculum vitae (CV)
Listening: Celebrity quiz.
Communication: Giving opinions. Making suggestions. An interview (asking for and
giving information).
Writing: A CV.

Module 6: Volunteers
Topics: Voluntary Work. Raising Money.
Vocabulary: Voluntary work. Causes; verbs / nouns (collocation)
Grammar: Future be going to
Preposition: for.
Linking: to; for.
Reading: An interview. A magazine article. A notice.
Listening: Voluntary activities. An interview about voluntary work. A phone call.
Communication: Volunteering. Phone calls. Reporting an event.
Writing: A notice.

Module 7: Shopping
Topics: Joke and Party Shops. Real or Virtual Shopping.
Vocabulary: Prices. Shopping. Clothes and sizes; singular and plural nouns. Products.
Grammar: Predictions: will and wont
Reading: A joke catalogue. Shopping website. An email.
Listening: Shopping dialogues.
Communication: Shopping. Shopping for clothes. Shopping roleplay.
Writing: An email requesting information.

Module 8: Computers
Topics: Robotics. Computer Magic.
Vocabulary: Computers. Voluntary work. Verbs of sensation.
Grammar: Present Perfect (1) indefinite past (regular verbs); ever, never.
Linking: firstly, secondly, finally.
Reading: A web page. A newspaper article. A letter of complaint.
Listening: An interview.
Communication: Giving instructions. Explaining. An interview.
Writing: A letter of complaint.

Module 9: Space
Topics: Alien Life. True stories.
Vocabulary: Science and space. Space words. Planets. Compound words.
Grammar: Present Perfect (2) indefinite past (irregular verbs); just.
Prepositions: to; on; back; in; at.
Reading: A magazine article. Article: UFOs.
Listening: A radio quiz. A dialogue.
Communication: Asking and answering questions. Photo discussion. Expressing
Writing: A questionnaire. A letter.

Module 10: Lifestyles

Topics: Comparing cultures: lifestyles. Alternatives.
Vocabulary: Adjectives about lifestyles. Routines. Multi-part verbs. Friends.
Grammar: Present Simple. Present Continuous. Time expressions.
Reading: A magazine article; a magazine interview.
Listening: Peoples lifestyles.
Communication: Expressing and describing preferences; describing routines.
Writing: An interview.
Module 11: Homes
Topics: Homes.
Vocabulary: Homes. Furniture. Housework. Feelings. Verbs: do, go, have, make.
Grammar: Present Perfect Simple. Contrasting the Present Perfect Simple and the
Present Simple.
Reading: Adverts. Dialogues. A magazine article.
Listening: A radio programme. A survey.
Communication: Talking about home and routines. Photo description.
Writing: A personal letter.

Module 12: Heroes

Topics: Lifesavers. Campaigners.
Vocabulary: Character and personality adjectives. Campaigns; causes and issues;
multi-part verbs
Grammar: Past Simple. Past Continuous.
Reading: A newspaper story. A story (Hamlet).
Listening: Character description. A story.
Communication: Speaking about film characters. Giving opinions. Expressing
agreement and disagreement.
Writing: A film review.
Literature Focus: William Shakespeare - Hamlet

Module 13: Challenge

Topics: Jobs and challenges. Recent events. People you admire.
Vocabulary: Jobs. Opinion adjectives. Time linkers.
Grammar: Present Perfect Simple. Past Simple.
Reading: A magazine article.
Communication: A discussion about people you admire. Challenges.
Writing: A story for a magazine.

Module 14: Celebration

Topics: Comparing cultures: celebrations.
Vocabulary: Weddings. School rules. Parties. Countries and government.
Grammar: Modal verbs: must, mustnt, have to, dont have to, neednt, can, cant.
Reading: An internet page. Tourist information.
Communication: Speaking about your last celebration. Giving advice and
Writing: An article.

III- Bibliografa Obligatoria:

New Opportunities Elementary, by Michael Harris, David Mower and Anna

Sikorzynska. Pearson Longman. Modules: 1 to 16.
- Students Book
- Language Powerbook

New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate, by Michael Harris, David Mower and

Anna Sikorzynska. Pearson Longman. Modules: 1 to 5.
- Students Book
- Language Powerbook

Extensive Reading

The Life and Times of Shakespeare, by Chiara Pizzorno. Black Cat Publishing.

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare. Oxford Bookworms. Playscripts. Stage 2.

As the Inspector said and Other Stories. Retold by John Escott. Oxford
Bookworms. Crime and Mystery. Stage 3.

The Colombian Connection, by Alan Mc Lean. Heinemann New Wave Readers.

Stage 4.

IV- Bibliografa de consulta y/o complementaria:

The Heinemann Elementary English Grammar, by Digby Beaumont.

Essential Grammar in Use, by Raymond Murphy. Cambridge University Press.

New Opportunities Elementary, by Michael Harris, David Mower and Anna

Sikorzynska. Pearson Longman.
- Mini-Dictionary.

New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate, by Michael Harris, David Mower and

Anna Sikorzynska. Pearson Longman.
- Mini-Dictionary.

Grammarway 1, by Jenny Dooley & Virginia Evans. Express Publishing.

Grammar Time 2, by Sandy Jervis. Longman.

Newspaper and magazine articles.

Universidad de
Buenos Aires
Colegio Nacional de
Buenos Aires
Departamento: Ingls.

Asignatura: Ingls.

Curso: B (Turno Maana)

Ao: Tercero.

Profesor: Mariano Toms Alarcn.

I- Objetivos: se espera que los alumnos logren.

Dar opiniones en forma fundamentada.

Resumir textos ejerciendo su capacidad de sntesis.
Utilizar los tiempos verbales correctamente.
Relatar historias policiales con fluidez.
Diferenciar cognados falsos de verdaderos.
Expresar emociones y estados de nimo.
Incorporar verbos fraseales.
Comparar de modo adecuado.
Aconsejar y felicitar apropiadamente.
Relacionar verbos modales con significados especficos.

II- Contenidos:

Grammar: Present Simple. Present Continuous.
Vocabulary: Routines. Lifestyles.
Reading: Life in the Trees.


Function: Expressing preferences.
Vocabulary: Routines. Multi-part verbs: GET.

Vocabulary: Fractions. Good friends and false friends.
Reading: The Changing Face of the UK.

Unidad 4: HIS OR HERS?

Grammar: Present Perfect (1).
Vocabulary: Housework. Feelings.

Unidad 5: DEAD MANS SHOES (Abridged)

By Michael Innes.


Vocabulary: Common verbs: DO, GO, HAVE & MAKE.
Reading: A Home in Space.

Grammar: Past Simple. Past Continuous.
Reading: Human 1, Shark 0.

Function: Expressing opinions.
Vocabulary: Campaigns. Causes and Issues. Multi-part verbs.
Reading: Hamlet (by William Shakespeare).

Grammar: Present Perfect (2). Past Simple.
Vocaulary: Opinion adjectives.
Reading: Venus and Serena.

Unidad 10: THE LITTLE MYSTERY (Abridged)

By E. C. Bentley.


Vocabulary: Multi-part verbs.
Reading: Christopher Reeve.

Grammar: Modal verbs (must, mustnt, have to, dont have to, neednt, can,
Vocabulary: Weddings. School rules.
Reading: An Internet Page.

Unidad 13: PARTIES

Functions: Giving advice. Congratulating.
Vocabulary: Parties. Multi-part verbs.
Reading: Scotland.

Unidad 14: EATING OUT

Grammar: Comparatives and Superlatives.
Reading: A Restaurant Guide.

Unidad 15: THE TREASURE HUNT (Abridged)

By Edgar Wallace.

III- Trabajos Prcticos: No corresponden.

IV- Bibliografa Obligatoria:

1) NEW OPPORTUNITIES (Pre-Intermediate). By Michael Harris, David Mower &

Anna Sikorzynska. Pearson Longman.


English Series.

V- Bibliografa de consulta y/o complementaria:

1) ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE (Intermediate). By Raymond Murphy. Cambridge

University Press.
Universidad de
Buenos Aires
Colegio Nacional de
Buenos Aires


PROFESORA: Grodzki Barbara
Se espera que el alumno logre:
-Comprender textos orales y escritos de distintas fuentes y
gneros correspondientes al
-Producir textos orales y escritos teniendo en cuenta registro, estilo y
-Seleccionar y emplear el vocabulario y estructuras adecuadas al
propsito comunicativo.
-Desarrollar una actitud crtica frente a los materiales propuestos y
sus implicancias
culturales y sociales.
-Desarrollar el metalenguaje indispensable en el aprendizaje de un
Unidad 1
MONEY: (Unit 7 Opportunities Students Book)
Vocabulary and common expressions on: Wealth and Poverty.
Linking words: Although, however, but, even though
READING: John Steinbeck: The Pearl, The Breadwinner
Grammar: Can, Have to, Dont / doesnt /have to, Must, Mustnt, Neednt
Adjectives: Comparatives and Superlatives
Unit 2
GADGETS: (Unit 8 )
Energy : How to save it and why we waste it. Inventions. Natural resources.
Predictions: Will Wont / going to
Multi part verbs( Phrasal and prepositional verbs)
ask for, save up, spend on, pay for
Some, Any, No, Much, Many, A lot (of), Little, A little, Few, A few
OTHER EXPRESSIONS: to be well off, to sleep rough, to be on relief, to be on
the dole
READING: H.C Neals Who shall dwell?
Unit 3
Making a phone call / Leaving a message
Zero Conditional / Conditional Type I / Conditional Type II
Expressions with DO and MAKE
Adjectives and adverbs: e.g Late/ lately- Slow/ slowly
Irregular adverbs: good/ well- hard (adj. and adverb) cf. Hardly
Giving advice: Should // Suggestions: Why dont you...? How about? I suggest
your working harder...
READING: Sandra Cisneros The House on Mango Street

Unit 4
THE SEA (Unit 11)
Going overseas: Reasons for emigrating: Vocabulary
Present Perfect: since- for / already- yet/ just / always/ Never
Contrast with Simple Past: He lived in Paris since 1975. (Then he moved to
Hes lived in Paris since 1975 (He still lives there)
Special points to remember: He has gone to... vs He has been to...
Verbs showing starting point: meet, get, move, give, etc. contrasted with
Present Perfect:
e.g. I met my friend Stella three years ago. Weve been friends for three years./
since 2009
Contrast with Spansh: Cunto hace que tens esa tablet?
English: How long have you had? (NOT Simple Present)
READING: Edgar Allan Poes The Maelstrom
Disposal Unit (Anonymous)

Unit 5
Parts of a mountain. Extreme sports. Taking a risk vs. Running a risk. Survival
in extreme circumstances. Shelters.
Passive Voice.
READING: The Little Prince and the Fox (extract from Antoine de St. Exuprys
Unit 6
DANCE AND MUSIC (Opportunities 13 and 14)

Celtic Rules
Multi part verbs: start off, come across, get up, miss out on, take up, be left out,
set up, look out for
Present Progressive with Future Meaning:
e.g Im sitting for the exam on Wednesday.
The roots of rap
Formal letter
Unit 7
PICTURES (Unit 15)
Different expressions of Art in painting and photography.
READING: Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray.
Eleanor Coerr s The Golden Crane
From Essential English : Unit I
Movies, movie stars, biographies.

Se presupone desarrollar tres unidades y media en cada trimestre.
Criterios: Para la evaluacin se tendr en cuenta la actitud y
conducta en clase, la colaboracin en la presentacin de temas, los
comentarios crticos del alumno en las discusiones en clase, la
colaboracin en tareas con sus pares, la fluidez y pronunciacin en la
expresin oral propia del nivel, el manejo de vocabulario y estructuras
apropiadas del nivel, la presentacin de tareas en tiempo y forma y su
capacidad de autocorreccin.
Instrumentos: Se asignar presentaciones orales sobre temas ledos
en clase, informes de comprobacin de lectura, de opinin, tareas de
aplicacin de temas gramaticales en contextos apropiados, y dos
pruebas escritas por trimestre.
Harris Michael Dir, Bille August, 2007, et al, New Opportunities ,Pre-
Intermediate, Pearson- Longman, 2006 .
(Units 7 to 12)
Paul Seligson, Essential English, Intermediate, Richmond, 2010.
Las lecturas obligatorias son las que figuran en cada unidad.
Clark, Stewart & Pointon, Graham, (2003) Word for Word, Oxford
Crowther Jonathan, ed., Oxford Guide to British and American
Culture, O.U.P
Eastwood, John, (2006), Oxford Practice Grammar, Oxford
Hornby, A. S, (2006), Advanced Learners Dictionary, Oxford
Departamento: Ingls

Asignatura: Ingles

Curso: 3ro D

Ao: 2013

Docente: Mara Vernica Pernbaum

I- Objetivos: se espera que los alumnos logren.

- Utilizar con precisin estructuras gramaticales y vocabulario

correspondientes al nivel.

- Comunicarse con claridad, correccin y fluidez por medio de textos

orales y escritos.

- Ampliar su manejo de funciones comunicativas y reas lxicas.

- Conocer la cultura de los pases de habla inglesa y compararla con la


- Extender el trabajo de aula fuera de la misma realizando tareas de

investigacin mediante el uso de bibliografa adecuada.

- Trabajar en grupo en forma organizada y productiva, respetando el

trabajo de los dems y haciendo respetar el propio.

II- Contenidos:

Unit 8: Carreers

Reported statements
Reported verb patterns

Multi part verbs

Book reviews

Vocabulary of careers, jobs and wages.

Unit 9 : Culture shock

Reported questions

Linking words

Multi part verbs


Vocabulary of different cultures

Unit 10: Civilisation

Should have

Verbs + ing / infinitive

Vocabulary of history, civilisation and travel

Film reviews

Multi part verbs

III- Trabajos Prcticos:

Oral presentations:




IV- Bibliografa Obligatoria:

New Opportunities Upper Int Students book. _ Pearson Longman

New Opportunities Upper Int WorkBook _ Pearson Longman
Persuasion_ Jane Austen Black Cat

Se espera que los alumnos logren:
Comprender textos orales y escritos provenientes de diversas fuentes y
correspondientes al nivel.
Producir textos orales y escritos teniendo en cuenta las caractersticas del tipo
textual, el propsito comunicativo y la audiencia.
Usar el vocabulario y las estructuras gramaticales correspondientes al nivel.
Desarrollar una actitud crtica frente a los materiales presentados en tanto
representantes de caractersticas culturales.
Reflexionar sobre la relevancia del ingls en el mundo actual.

Unidad 1:
Contenidos gramaticales:
Revision of Tenses.
Tense Mobility. Tense sequencing.

Contenidos lexicales:
The Body. Leading a Healthy Life. Sports and Fitness. Leading an Unhealthy
Life: Smoking, Drinking and Drug-taking. Dieting.
Verbs, nouns and adjectives related to Food and Cooking.
Idioms: parts of the body and food.
Phrasal Verbs approached through the PARTICLE. Different kinds of Phrasal
Verbs. Phrasal Verbs with two particles.

Unidad 2:
Contenidos gramaticales:
Cleft Sentences.
Affixation: suffixes and prefixes. Word formation. Negative prefixes. Noun
suffixes. Adjectival suffixes.
Inversion of order.
The Passive. Other ways to blur the presence of the subject in discourse.
None, Neither, Both, etc. Agreement.
Contenidos lexicales:
Reacting to events
Idioms: relationships and social types.
Phrasal Verbs approached through the PARTICLE. Different kinds of Phrasal
Verbs. Phrasal Verbs with two particles.

Unidad 3:
Contenidos gramaticales:
Revision of conditionals. Mixed conditionals. Proving / Provided / As long as /
Unless / In case. Backshifting (Had I done that, Should you see him)
Verb patterns with agree, offer, deny, insist, warn, suggest, regret, threaten,
accuse, request, refuse, admit, etc.
Emphatic Structures.
Position of adjectives in a sentence.
Comparative structure: The the...
Genitive case. Double genitive (a friend of my fathers). Special cases.

Contenidos lexicales:
Architecture. Homes and Houses.
Art. Technology
Work and employment.
Idioms: money and homes.
Phrasal Verbs approached through the PARTICLE. Different kinds of Phrasal
Verbs. Phrasal Verbs with two particles.

A lo largo de las 3 unidades arriba descriptas se trabajarn las 4 macro-habilidades

lingsticas. Asimismo, se utilizarn los tipos de textos para la comprensin y
produccin listados a continuacin:
Formal and informal letters / e-mails
Narratives: Unabridged Short Stories and short novels.
Drama: Unabridged Plays
Description of people, objects and places.
Advertisements / Commercials
Formal and Informal Conversations
Authentic TV programmes and films
DISTRIBUCIN DEL TIEMPO: Cada Unidad didctica se desarrollar en el trmino
de 1 trimestre.


Para la evaluacin se seguirn los criterios que se desprenden de los objetivos de cada
nivel y de los contenidos de cada unidad didctica especficamente. Estos contenidos
especficos contemplan las 4 macro-habilidades, la gramtica, el vocabulario y las
funciones lingsticas.
La calificacin final de los trimestres se desprender de las notas de los trabajos
prcticos, orales y escritos y las pruebas escritas ambos sobre los contenidos de las
unidades didcticas o sobre los textos seleccionados para anlisis literario.

Del alumno:
Wood, M. Disappearing
Blake, W. The Chimney Sweeper en Songs of Innocence
Albee, E. The American Dream
The Test, Angelica Gibbs
Zephaniah, B. Teachers Dead
Super Size Me (Dir. M. Spurlock)

Material compilado por la Profesora del curso con actividades para el trabajo de las 4
macro-habilidades y de los contenidos lexicales y gramaticales para cada unidad
didctica. Las actividades y los textos orales y escritos son seleccionados de la libros
detallados en la bibliografa del docente.

Del docente:
Carter, R. and M. McCarthy (2006). Cambridge Grammar of English. A Comprehensive
Guide. Spoken and Written English Grammar and Usage. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Evans, V. et at. (2008) Upstream. Advanced. UK: Express Publishing.
Hook, J. N. (1981) Two-Word Verbs in English. New York: Harcourt Brace & Company.
McAndrew, R. and R. Martinez (2001). Taboos and Issues. Boston: Thomson Heinle
Language Teaching Publications.
McCarthy, M. & F. ODell (1994) English vocabulary in Use. Upper-intermediate &
Advanced. Cambridge: CUP
Moutsou, E. and S. Parker (1996). Enter the World of Grammar. Book 5. London: MM
Stanton, A. et al. (1999). Fast Track to CAE. Harlow: Longman.
Vince, M. (2003). Advanced Language Practice. Oxford: Macmillan.
Yule, G. (2009). Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Departamento de Ingls
Programa: 3 A1 TT
Ao: 2013
Profesora: Iris ALBORNOZ


Lograr que los alumnos

Comprendan textos orales y escritos provenientes de diversas fuentes y

correspondientes al nivel.
Produzcan textos orales y escritos teniendo en cuenta las caractersticas del tipo textual,
el propsito comunicativo y la audiencia.
Usen el vocabulario y las estructuras gramaticales correspondientes al nivel.
Reflexionen sobre la relevancia del ingls en el mundo actual y las diferencias y
similitudes culturales.
Se comuniquen en forma correcta y apropiada en situaciones varias y accedan a la
cultura de los pueblos de habla inglesa, como as tambin al universo de informacin
que utiliza el idioma ingls.
Desarrollen respeto por s mismos, sus pares y la comunidad en general.
Adopten conductas de responsabilidad y solidaridad, entre otros valores, indispensables
en el aspecto formativo de la enseanza.

Unidad 1: Revision
Vocabulary: Routines. Personal Information. Past Activities.
Grammar: Present Simple. All forms. Questions. Adverbs of Frequency. Information Questions.
Past Simple. Verb to Be. Regular and Irregular Verbs
Listening: Personal Information
Writing: Your interests. Your last summer holidays.

Unidad 2: History.
Talking about Books. Telling Stories.
Vocabulary: Fiction, Kinds of Books, Romance Words. Multi-part Verbs.
Grammar: Past Simple. Verb to be and Other Verbs. All Forms. Wh-questions. Prepositions.
Linking Words. Adverbs for Sequencing Ideas: Then, Next, Suddenly, When, In the End)
Reading: A Love Story. The Canterville Ghost.
Reading: A Boys Best Friend by I. Asimov in Sweet and Sour.
Speaking: Telling a Story. Talking about Places we Would Like to Visit.
Writing: A Ghost Story, A Love Story.
Unidad 3: Healthy Living.
Vocabulary. Food and drink. Containers. Physical Activity. Adjectives.
Grammar: Countables and Uncountables. Quatifiers. Some, Any, A lot (of).
Reading: Magazine and Newspaper Articles. Vegetarianism. Fast Food. A Health Report.
Listening: TalkRadio. Giving Advice.
Writing: A Summary of a Newspaper Article. A Report. Reporting a Health Survey.
Extensive Reading: Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen (adapted from The Trimmed Lamp by
O. Henry) in Complete Course in English.

Unidad 4: Keeping Fit. Doing Sports.

Vocabulary: Sports. Sports Equipment. Sports and Fitness. Sports Centres. Colloquial
Expressions used in Sports.
Grammar: have to/ dont have to; can/cant
Reading: Sport Factfile. Sports Brochure. Newspaper Articles. World Cups.
Writing: A Sport Description.
Listening: Sports on TV
Reading: A Days Wait by E. Hemingway in The Splintering Frame

Unidad 5: On Holiday
Vocabulary: Holidays. Places to Stay. Positive Adjectives.
Grammar: Present Continuous Tense. Prepositions of Direction.
Reading: A Brochure. A Personal letter.
Listening: Telephoning.
Writing: A Holiday Postcard/ Letter.

Unidad 6: Cultures. Comparing Life in Argentina with Life in Other Countries.

Vocabulary: Countries and Nationalities. Wordbuilding. Musical Instruments. Superstitions.
Festivities and Traditions.
Grammar: Present Simple and Present Continuous. Prepositions of time and Place.
Reading: Newspaper Articles. Web Pages.

Unidad 7: Image
Vocabulary: Appearance, Clothes, Adjectives to Describe Appearance.
Grammar: Comparative and Superlative Adjectives. Prepositions.
Reading: A Magazine Article
Listening and Speaking: Descriptions. Speaking about Fashion.
Writing: A Fashion Parade Radio Report.

Bibliografa Obligatoria

-Harris, M and Mower, D. New Opportunities Elementary. Students Book. (2006) Pearson-
Longman. New York.
-Harris, M and Mower, D. New Opportunities Elementary. Language Power Book (2006).
Pearson Longman. New York.
- Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use. Intermediate (1997) CUP. Cambridge.

Bibliografa de Consulta
-Dixon, R. Complete Course in English 4 (2000) Prentice Hl Regents, Englewood Cliffs. UK.
-Discovering Fiction Students Book 1. Cambridge University Press (1997) Cambridge. UK.
-Mignani, A. Sweet and Sour. ( 2001) Black Cat Pusblishing- Cibed. Canterbury.
-Mignani, A. The Splintering Frame. (2001) Black Cat Publishing. Cideb.Canterbury
-English Grammar at
Departamento: Ingls

Asignatura: Ingls

Curso: 3er ao Nivel B TT

Ao: 2013

Profesora: Amelia Baldi

I- Objetivos: que los alumnos desarrollen las habilidades necesarias para

Comprender textos escritos y orales del material propuesto para el curso con los
contenidos correspondientes al nivel B.
Reconocer y producir el vocabulario presentado.
Producir textos escritos y orales con fluidez con el propsito de comunicarse
Aplicar las estrategias de lectura, escritura y dilogo de acuerdo a la situacin en la
que estn involucrados.
Expresar sus ideas coherentemente y con precisin, utilizando las herramientas
adquiridas de la lengua inglesa que faciliten el acceso al conocimiento, desarrollo
personal y la comunicacin en diferentes mbitos.
Adquirir confianza en sus capacidades y autoestima para desenvolverse con
seguridad e independencia en el trabajo y ante situaciones que se presenten en la
actualidad, enfocndose hacia la eventual insercin en el mundo laboral y

II- Contenidos:

Module 1: Computers
Topics: Robotics. Computer Magic.
Vocabulary: Computers. Voluntary work. Verbs of sensation.
Grammar: Present Perfect (1) indefinite past (regular verbs); ever, never.
Linking: firstly, secondly, finally.
Reading: A web page. A newspaper article. A letter of complaint.
Listening: An interview.
Communication: Giving instructions. Explaining. An interview.
Writing: A letter of complaint.

Module 2: Space
Topics: Alien Life. True stories.
Vocabulary: Science and space. Space words. Planets. Compound words.
Grammar: Present Perfect (2) indefinite past (irregular verbs); just.
Prepositions: to; on; back; in; at.
Reading: A magazine article. Article: UFOs.
Listening: A radio quiz. A dialogue.
Communication: Asking and answering questions. Photo discussion.

Expressing opinion:

Writing: A questionnaire. A letter.

Module 3: Lifestyles
Topics: Comparing cultures: lifestyles. Alternatives.
Vocabulary: Adjectives about lifestyles. Routines. Multi-part verbs. Friends.
Grammar: Present Simple. Present Continuous. Time expressions.
Reading: A magazine article; a magazine interview.
Listening: Peoples lifestyles.
Communication: Expressing and describing preferences; describing routines.
Writing: An interview.

Module 4: Homes
Topics: Homes.
Vocabulary: Homes. Furniture. Housework. Feelings. Verbs: do, go, have, make.
Grammar: Present Perfect Simple. Contrasting the Present Perfect Simple and the
Present Simple.
Reading: Adverts. Dialogues. A magazine article.
Listening: A radio programme. A survey.
Communication: Talking about home and routines. Photo description.
Writing: A personal letter.

Module 5: Heroes
Topics: Lifesavers. Campaigners.
Vocabulary: Character and personality adjectives. Campaigns; causes and issues; multi-
part verbs
Grammar: Past Simple. Past Continuous.
Reading: A newspaper story. A story (Hamlet).
Listening: Character description. A story.
Communication: Speaking about film characters. Giving opinions. Expressing
agreement and disagreement.
Writing: A film review.
Literature Focus: William Shakespeare - Hamlet

Module 6: Challenge
Topics: Jobs and challenges. Recent events. People you admire.
Vocabulary: Jobs. Opinion adjectives. Time linkers.
Grammar: Present Perfect Simple. Past Simple.
Reading: A magazine article.
Communication: A discussion about people you admire. Challenges.
Writing: A story for a magazine.

Module 7: Celebration
Topics: Comparing cultures: celebrations.
Vocabulary: Weddings. School rules. Parties. Countries and government.
Grammar: Modal verbs: must, mustnt, have to, dont have to, neednt, can, cant.
Reading: An internet page. Tourist information.
Communication: Speaking about your last celebration. Giving advice and
Writing: An article.

Module 8: Food
Topics: Eating Out. Whats Cooking?
Vocabulary: Food. Food adjectives. Common verbs: get
Grammar: Comparatives and superlatives.
Reading: A restaurant guide. A magazine article.
Communication: Healthy diets. Requests.

Module 9: Money
Topics: Sad Millionaires. Money Matters.
Vocabulary: Money verbs. Shops and banks. Adjectives for products. Multi-part verbs.
Grammar: Some, any, no. Much, many, a lot (of). A little, a few.
Reading: A magazine article. A questionaire. A story.
Communication: Shopping. Asking for and giving information.
Writing: A story.

Module 10: Gadgets

Topics: Inventions. Adverts.
Vocabulary: Gadgets and machines. Opinion adjectives. ed, -ing adjectives.
Adjectives and adverbs.
Grammar: Future: Will and Going to
Reading: Quotations. Magazine adverts.
Communication: Gadgets. Sales talk. Predictions.
Writing: An advert.

Module 11: Communication

Topics: Mobile Fever. The Box. Radio Days.
Vocabulary: Communication. Multi-part verbs. TV programmes. Opinion adjectives.
Grammar: Zero and First Conditional.
Reading: A magazine article (Identifying facts and opinions). A TV guide. A magazine
article (Culture).
Communication: A discussion programme. Opinions (Negotiating). Talking about TV
and radio. Comparing
cultures: radio listening habits.
Listening: A song: Radio Ga Ga, by Queen.
Writing: An essay on communication.

Module 12: The Web

Topics: Online. Virtual Tourism.
Vocabulary: The Internet. Sources of information. Common verbs: do, make.
Grammar: Second Conditional.
Reading: A factfile. A questionnaire. A web page.
Communication: Making phone calls and taking messages. Asking for and finding out
information. Talking
about the Internet. Speaking about your ideal future.
Writing: An internet page.
Review: Zero, First and Second Conditional. Adverbs.

Module 13: The Sea

Topics: Round the World. Going Overseas. Nature.
Vocabulary: Leisure activities. Water activities. Reasons for emigrating. Adjectives;
multi-part verbs.
Grammar: Present Perfect Simple. too + adjective; not + adjective + enough.
Reading: A magazine article.
Listening: Sea sounds. Description of leisure activities. A radio interview. A dialogue.
Reading and listening: A story.
Literature Focus: Edgar Allan Poe The Maelstrom.
Communication: Reacting to / making suggestions.
Review: Tenses.

Module 14: Mountains.

Topics: Winter Sports. Mountains: Everest. Nature.
Vocabulary: The weather. Winter sports. Geography. Expressions with prepositions /
adverbs. Mountains.
Grammar: The Passive.
Reading: Enciclopedia extracts. A magazine article. Brochure extracts.
Communication: A description. Speaking about the weather. Dialogues. Requests
(obtaining and giving information).
Writing: A formal letter of enquiry.

III- Bibliografa Obligatoria:

New Opportunities - Education for Life - Elementary, by Michael Harris, David

Mower and Anna Sikorzynska. Pearson Longman. Modules: 15 and 16.
- Students Book
- Language Powerbook
New Opportunities - Education for Life - Pre-intermediate, by Michael Harris,
David Mower and Anna Sikorzynska. Pearson Longman. Modules 1 to 12:
- Students Book
- Language Powerbook
- Mini-Dictionary

Extensive Reading and Listening

The Life and Times of Shakespeare, by Chiara Pizzorno. Black Cat Publishing.

Universidad de
Buenos Aires
Colegio Nacional de
Buenos Aires
Departamento: Ingls

Asignatura: Ingls

Curso: 3A2 Turno Tarde, prof Mascotto

Ao: 2013

I- Objetivos: se espera que los alumnos logren.

Adquirir la habilidad de usar el idioma de modo que lleguen a ser capaces de

producir mensajes orales y escritos en ingls con el mnimo de fluidez y
correccin necesarios para una comunicacin eficaz.
Apropiarse de la capacidad de lecto-comprensin mediante la utilizacin de
material proveniente de diversas fuentes, y en relacin a los temas de inters de
los alumnos.
Desarrollar la comprensin auditiva a travs de un intenso trabajo con material
de audio y video.

II- Contenidos:

Unidad 1: Present Perfect.

Already / Just / Yet / Still. Recently. How long?
Just. For/since.
Present Perfect vs Past Simple. Prepositions of place.
Writing: a letter of complaint
Speaking: explaining

Unidad 2: Revision of Present Simple, Present Continuous and Simple Past

Adverbs of frequency
Present Simple vs Present Continuous.
Prepositions of time and place.
Descriptions: What . Like?
Confusing questions: What does she look like? / What is she like? / What does she
like? / How is she? Retelling

Unidad 3: Past Continuous

When/ As/ While

Past Continuous vs Past Simple.
Adjectives/Adverbs. Formation of Adverbs
Reading Comprehension. Listening Skills
Writing: a narrative
Speaking: making a witness statement

Unidad 4: Present Perfect and Past Simple

Present Perfect and Present Simple

Linking words.
Reading Comprehension
Listening Skills
Writing a story for a magazine.
Speaking about recent events.

Unidad 5: Modal verbs

Must / Mustnt / Have To / Dont Have To / Should / Shouldnt / Need to / Had to / Didnt
Have To. Can/Cant.
Reading Comprehension. Listening Skills
Writing: a story.

Unidad 6: Comparatives and superlatives

Linking words.
Writing: emails.
Listening: party dialogues

Unidad 7: Countable and uncountable nouns

Some / any / no / much / many / a lot of / a little / a few

Multi-part verbs.

III- Bibliografa Obligatoria:

- New Opportunities Elementary by Michael Harris, David Mower & Anna Sikorzynska
Students and Workbook. Pearson Longman.
- New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate by Michael Harris, David Mower & Anna
Students and Workbook. Pearson Longman.

-Readers: The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

Hamlet by William Shakespeare
-Short stories: Way up to heaven by Roal Dahl
-Audio: New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate

-Pelculas: Mrs Doubtfire

IV- Bibliografa de consulta y/o complementaria:

-Audio: Hamlet
-Newspaper article
Universidad de
Buenos Aires
Colegio Nacional de
Buenos Aires
Departamento: Ingls


Curso:3er ao Nivel C Turno Tarde

Ao: 2013

I- Objetivos: Que el alumno

-Desarrolle una actitud de confianza con respecto a sus posibilidades de aprender una
lengua extranjera respetando los diferentes ritmos y estilos de aprendizaje, y
reconociendo el error como constitutivo del aprendizaje
Pueda construir el conocimiento lingstico y pragmtico- discursivo para la
comprensin y la produccin de textos escritos y orales a partir de situaciones
contextualizadas y significativas
Reflexione acerca del funcionamiento del lenguaje
Construya espacios de articulacin entre la lengua extranjera y las otras disciplinas

II- Contenidos:

Unidad 1:

Grammar: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, verbs expressing

preferences, first conditional, Past simple, continuous and Perfect; used to and would

Vocabulary: wordbuilding, extreme sports; cognates; multipart verbs, , informal linkers

including sentence adverbs, film genres and jargon; opinion adjectives and
collocations, sequence linkers, crime related words
Functions: Preferences, giving opinions about films

Writing: A personal letter, An adventure story ( narrative)

Reading: Biodata about travelers, adverts, country factfile, autobiography extract, short

Listening : interviews, a radio programme, a quiz, biographical data, song Someday,

recorded phone message; dialogues about films, a film plot, folk song
Speaking: describing and talking about photos, interviewing partner, speech on an
explorer or an extreme sport, talking about films , narrating

Literature: Short story Mrs Bixby and the Colonels coat by Roald Dahl Novel: The
street lawyer by John Grisham

Unidad 2:

Grammar: Present perfect simple and continuous; pronouns; passive voice

Vocabulary: Transport problems, collocations; multipart verbs; travel words; addition

and contrast linkers; disasters

Functions: travel and tourist situations; discussion

Writing: A report

Reading: : travel literature extract; a leaflet, profiles

Listening : : airport announcements, tourist problems, a radio programme, a tv debate.

Film: Glee

Speaking: discussing means of transport, roleplay, tourist problems,

Literature: Novel 1984 by George Orwell

Unidad 3:

Grammar: The future, modals for speculating, third conditional, reported statements,
tenses revision

Vocabulary: multi-part verbs, jobs, personality adjectives

Functions: shopping problems, describing people and speculating, disagreeing and

contradicting politely, job interview

Writing: description of a person

Reading: diary extracts, magazine articles and adverts

Listening dialogues, interviews, radio programmes and documentaries

Speaking: discussing a questionnaire, talking about photos, describing people, roleplays

Literature: Tales of Mystery and imagination by Edgar Allan Poe

IV- Bibliografa Obligatoria:

Harris, Mower and Sokorzynska. New opportunities Intermediate Students

Book(2006)Ed LongmanPearson, New York. (Units 1 -8)
Harris, Mower and Sokorzynska. New opportunities Intermediate. Activity Book.
(2006)Ed LongmanPearson, New York. (Units 1 -8)
Harris, Mower and Sokorzynska. New opportunities Intermediate. CD-ROM. (2006)Ed
LongmanPearson, New York. (Units 1 -8)
Roald. Dahl Taste and other stories
George Orwell 1984 . (2008)Ed. Pearson Education Limited, England
Edgar Allan Poe Tales of Mystery and Imagination (2008)Ed. Pearson Education
Limited, England

V- Bibliografa de consulta y/o complementaria:

Vince, Michael Intermediate Language Practice

Profesora Carmen Restuccia




Al finalizar Tercer Ao los alumnos sern capaces de:

a) Utilizar el vocabulario presentado en situaciones comunicativas

semejantes al mundo real.
b) Manejar las estructuras, nociones y funciones correspondientes al nivel
para poder desarrollar una comunicacin eficaz.
c) Reflexionar sobre procesos gramaticales para un uso funcional y apropiado
de las estructuras de la lengua.
d) Reconocer las diferencias y semejanzas entre culturas.
e) Comprender textos escritos y orales correspondientes al nivel e
interpretarlos para la resolucin de los problemas presentados.
f) Producir textos escritos y orales, con coherencia y cohesin, teniendo en
cuenta la audiencia y el propsito de los mismos.
g) Analizar crticamente el lugar de la lengua extranjera en el mundo actual.

El siguiente programa tendr como eje temtico Los Derechos Humanos. En
cada unidad, se trabajar sobre un conjunto de derechos (agrupados por
Vasak, 1977) llamados generaciones y, en funcin de ello, los contenidos
lingsticos correspondientes. Asimismo, para cada unidad, se han
seleccionado textos literarios y flmicos que promueven la discusin sobre
cada temtica.


The Terrible Screaming by Janet Frame
Human Is by Philip Dick
The Giver by Lois Lowry

Minority Report (Dir. Steven Spielberg, USA, 2002)

The Subject and the Organization of Time: The Non-conjugated Forms: The
Infinitive, The Gerund and The Participle. Present and Past Tenses. The
Future. The Subjunctive.
The Subject and the Organization of Discourse (part I): Planes of Discourse:
Clauses. Adverbial Clauses of Time, Place, Purpose, Reason, Result,
Condition, Concession and Manner. Connectors and Connectivity.

Thematic Areas and Lexis

Crime and Punishment: Criminals. Trials. The court. Punishments.
Slavery and Servitude: Human trafficking. Old and new forms of slavery.
Housing: Houses. Different Kinds. Parts of a House. Housing Problems.
The Media and Communication: Radio, Television and Newspapers. IT.

Determining macro speech act. Identifying speakers attitudes. Using context
to deduce unclear words.

Using the context to understand difficult words. Identifying the intended
addressee. Determining the Macro Speech Act.

Rephrasing difficult structures. Finding synonyms for difficult words. Gaining
time: Using time-fillers. Debates. Role-playing.

Discursive Essays. Generating Ideas. Expressing your Viewpoints and the
Opposing Arguments.

The Simpsons (USA)
Human Rights

Wheres the Love? by Black Eyed Peas
Dosed by Red Hot Chili Peppers

Trabajo Prctico Escrito #1 (EN CLASE)

Los alumnos realizarn un trabajo sobre la pelcula Minority Report.

Trabajo Prctico Oral #1 (FUERA DE CLASE - Grupal)

Los alumnos grabarn un programa de radio. El mismo deber tener 3 (tres)
bloques y publicidad. El primer bloque estar relacionado con noticias sobre
la sociedad argentina. El segundo versar sobre un tema social. Durante este
bloque podrn entrevistar a un invitado (por ejemplo, a un especialista en la
trata de blancas). El ltimo bloque ser destinado a un episodio de la

Face by Benjamin Zephaniah
Disappearing by Monica Wood
The Somebody by Danny Santiago
Youll Never Live to Regret It by Jeffrey Archer

Invictus (Dir. Clint Eastwood, USA, 2009)

The Subject and the Organization of Discourse (part II): Conditionals I, II, III
and Mixed Types. Adjectival Clauses: Defining and Non-defining Relative
The Presence of the Subject in Discourse: Modal Verbs expressing Obligation,
Prohibition, Logical Deduction, Ability, Necessity, Permission, Probability and
Possibility. Making Requests, Suggestions and Offers. Giving advice. Adjectives
and Adverbs. Comparative and Superlative Form of Adjectives and Adverbs.
Word Order of Adjectives and Adverbs.

Thematic Areas and Lexis

Social Class: Capitalism. Consumer Society. Money and Debts. Poverty. Work
and employment.
Health: Hospitals. Doctors. Illnesses. Food and Drinks. Illnesses related to
eating and drinking.
Education: Students and Teachers. Educational Levels. Schools and School
Authorities. Tests.

Using prediction to pave the way for comprehension. Detecting key words and
reconstructing the message based on them. Using lexical chains to determine
the theme of a text.

Skimming and scanning. Using different sources to fill in knowledge gaps.
Detecting contradictions in discourse. Identifying the writers attitude and
political standpoint.

Asking questions of the interlocutor for clarification. Asking questions of the
interlocutor to point out contradictions. Using visual aids during
Descriptions of People and Places. Descriptions as part of other Genres.

Supersize Me (Dir. Morgan Spurlock, USA, 2004)
Sicko (Dir. Michael Moore, USA, 2007)

Beautiful by Christina Aguilera
The Logical Song by Supertramp
Common People by Pulp

Trabajo Prctico Oral #2 (FUERA DE CLASE / EN CLASE - Grupal)

Los alumnos participarn de un debate pblico en funcin de una temtica.
Para el mismo, debern haberse preparado y documentado con informacin
pertinente. La temtica ser comunicada a los alumnos con dos semanas de

Trabajo Prctico Escrito #2 (EN CLASE)

Los alumnos realizarn un trabajo sobre el documental Supersize Me / Sicko


The Sniper by Liam OFlaherty
The People Before by Maurice Shadbolt
All My Sons by Arthur Miller
What a Terrible World by Benjamin Zephaniah

Avatar (Dir. Steven Spielberg, USA, 2010)

Blurring the Presence of the Subject: The Passive Voice. Causative Have and
Get. Other Strategies.
The Presence of Others in Ones Discourse: Direct and Reported Speech.
Polyphonic Structures.

Thematic Areas and Lexis

Natural Disasters: The Natural World. Animals. Ecology. The Weather. Climate
Change. Natural Disasters.
War: Conflicts. Conflict Resolution. Wars. Weapons. Revolutions. Politics and
International Relations.

Listening for specific information. Identifying rising or falling intonation.
Determining speakers feelings and attitudes by exploring their lexical choice
and tone of voice.

Reading and taking down notes. Reconstructing macro speech act based on
notes. Reading aloud to grasp meaning. Differentiating discourse levels.

Modifying ones arguments based on the addressees reaction. Identifying the
addressees argument to support or contradict him / her. Clarifying message.

Narrative. Setting the story in time and place. Constructing characters.
Characterization. Using direct, indirect and free indirect speech in narratives.
Descriptions of people and places.

An Inconvenient Truth (Dir. Davis Guggenheim, USA, 2006)

Wheres the Love? by Black Eyed Peas
Sunday, Bloody Sunday by U2
Planet Earth by Duran Duran
Emergency on Planet Earth by Jamiroquai
The Trees by Pulp

Trabajo Prctico Escrito #3 (EN CLASE)

Los alumnos realizarn un trabajo sobre el documental An Incovenient Truth.

Trabajo Prctico Escrito #4 (FUERA DE CLASE - Pares)

Los alumnos realizarn un anlisis de una o dos canciones sobre una temtica
de la unidad. Podrn seleccionar canciones de las siguientes pginas web o
sugerir otras canciones en idioma ingls.

Mediante la inclusin de literatura y cine se intenta:
a. acercar a los alumnos a la literatura y el cine contemporneo.
b. ejercitar el vocabulario y las estructuras del idioma en contexto.
c. facilitar la adquisicin de estrategias de aproximacin inteligente al
texto (literario y cinematogrfico) mediante el uso de guas de lectura.
d. desarrollar el pensamiento crtico y la presentacin coherente de ideas.

Los textos que sern trabajados durante el ao figuran en cada unidad



Los alumnos utilizarn una compilacin de material elaborada por el profesor.

Las obras de literatura y las pelculas que los alumnos debern estudiar
figuran en cada unidad temtica. Tambin sern obligatorios todos los textos
indicados por el profesor durante la cursada.

Los alumnos sern evaluados del siguiente modo:


Trabajos Prcticos Orales

Todas las clases los alumnos debern estar preparados para discutir los textos
literarios o flmicos y debern participar activamente. Al finalizar el trimestre
recibirn una nota que refleje su participacin tanto a nivel cuantitativo como

Trabajos Prcticos Escritos

Los alumnos sern evaluados tanto por su trabajo en clase como por los
trabajos prcticos escritos asignados por el profesor.

Consideraciones generales sobre los Trabajos Prcticos:

1. La nota de trabajos prcticos no equivale a una nota de prueba. Al
finalizar cada trimestre se obtendr un promedio de los trabajos
prcticos del trimestre (incluyendo la nota de trabajo oral y escrito en
clase). Ese promedio constituir un 25% de la nota final.
2. Es fundamental, y por lo tanto tambin ser tenido en cuanta en la
nota de trabajo en clase, que los alumnos tengan su material todos los
encuentros. De no ser as, recibirn un 1 (uno) que ser promediado
dentro del 25% de la nota de Trabajos Prcticos.
3. Los trabajos prcticos entregados fuera de trmino perdern un punto
por cada da de demora hasta perder el puntaje total. Los trabajos
prcticos no entregados recibirn un 1 (uno) que ser promediado
directamente con la nota de pruebas (no ser entonces incluido en el
25% de la nota final correspondiente a los Trabajos Prcticos). Esto
ltimo tambin suceder en los casos de plagio.
NOTA SOBRE PLAGIO: La presentacin como propio en forma total o parcial
del trabajo de otra persona sin citar adecuadamente la fuente constituye
PLAGIO. El plagio tiene como consecuencia el aplazo del trabajo sin


Los alumnos tendrn un mnimo de 1 (una) y una mximo de 2 (dos)

evaluaciones escritas por trimestre. Las mismas podrn incluir las cuatro
habilidades de la lengua (speaking, reading, listening, writing). Tambin
debern resolver ejercicios relacionados con el vocabulario y los temas
gramaticales trabajados en clase. El promedio de evaluaciones escritas
representar el 75 % de la nota final del trimestre.

En cada trimestre, se tendrn en cuenta las notas que surjan de las

evaluaciones en 1 y 2. La nota estar compuesta, como fue explicado ms
arriba, del siguiente modo:

1. Promedio de Trabajos Prcticos: 25 % de la nota

2. Promedio de Evaluaciones: 75 % de la nota

En el ltimo trimestre y por la naturaleza integradora del aprendizaje de las

lenguas extranjeras, los alumnos sern evaluados con una prueba final que
constar de dos partes:

Parte I: una evaluacin sobre los temas de gramtica, vocabulario y las

habilidades de la lengua segn lo trabajado durante la cursada.

Parte II: un ensayo acerca de uno, algunos o todos los textos literarios y
cinematogrficos trabajados en el ao.

Les recordamos a los alumnos que el beneficio que ellos obtengan de este
curso es estrictamente proporcional a su esfuerzo y compromiso con la tarea.

Mgter. Mariano H. Quinterno

Universidad de
Buenos Aires
Colegio Nacional de
Buenos Aires
Departamento: Ingls

Asignatura: Ingls

Curso: E (Turno Tarde)

Ao: Tercero

Profesor: Mariano Toms Alarcn

I- Objetivos: se espera que los alumnos logren.

Sintetizar textos escritos con capacidad de sntesis.

Transformar oraciones sintcticamente para convertirlas en enfticas.
Utilizar el Sujeto Anticipatorio y el Objeto Preparatorio adecuadamente.
Usar los verbos causales con correccin
Relatar historias ledas con fluidez.
Dominar las Voces Activa y Pasiva.
Distinguir las proposiciones adjetivas definitorias de las NO definitorias.
Reconocer expresiones idiomticas.
Incorporar verbos fraseales.
Manejar el Estilo Indirecto con propiedad.

II- Contenidos:


Grammar: It as preparatory subject / object. Making comparisons.
Vocabulary: Computers. Words from other languages.
Reading: Schoolboy Spy.
Grammar: Relative Clauses (advanced features). Linking words.
Vocabulary: Expressive description. Adverbials expressing attitude.
Reading: The Best Railway Journeys.

Unidad 3: TRIAL AND ERROR (Unabridged)
By Jeffrey Archer.


Grammar: Emphasis with inversion. Questions.
Vocabulary: Expressions with TAKE. Sound and light.
Reading: The Man Who Mistook his Wife.


Grammar: Passives. Participle Clauses.
Vocabulary: Language of Business. Phrasal verbs with UP / DOWN.
Reading: The Wind-Up Merchant.

Unidad 6: THE COMPANION (Unabridged)

By Agatha Christie.


Grammar: Reported Speech (advanced features).
Vocabulary: Text-referring words. Word + preposition.
Reading: The Tale of a Tiger.


Grammar: Passives (advanced features). Have / Get something done.
Vocabulary: Idiomatic language of talking / communication.
Reading: The Living Dead.

Unidad 9: THE WAY UP TO HEAVEN (Unabridged)

By Roald Dahl.

III- Trabajos Prcticos: No corresponden.

IV- Bibliografa Obligatoria:

1) ADVANCED GOLD. COURSEBOOK. By Richard Acklam & Sally Burgess.

Pearson Longman.
2) TWELVE RED HERRINGS. Harper Collins.
3) CRIME NEVER PAYS (Anthology). Oxford University Press.
4) SOMEONE LIKE YOU (Anthology). Cambridge University Press.
V- Bibliografa de consulta y/o complementaria
1) ADVANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE. By Michael Vince. Heinemann.

Universidad de
Buenos Aires
Colegio Nacional de
Buenos Aires
Departamento: Ingls

Asignatura: Ingls

Curso: 3A Turno Vespertino, prof Mascotto

Ao: 2013

I- Objetivos: se espera que los alumnos logren.

Adquirir la habilidad de usar el idioma de modo que lleguen a ser capaces de

producir mensajes orales y escritos en ingls con el mnimo de fluidez y
correccin necesarios para una comunicacin eficaz.
Apropiarse de la capacidad de lecto-comprensin mediante la utilizacin de
material proveniente de diversas fuentes, y en relacin a los temas de inters de
los alumnos.
Desarrollar la comprensin auditiva a travs de un intenso trabajo con material
de audio y video.

II- Contenidos:

Unidad 1: Present Perfect.

Already / Just / Yet / Still. Recently. How long?

Just. For/since.
Present Perfect vs Past Simple. Prepositions of place.
Writing: a letter of complaint
Speaking: explaining

Unidad 2: Revision of Present Simple, Present Continuous and Simple Past

Adverbs of frequency
Present Simple vs Present Continuous.
Prepositions of time and place.
Descriptions: What . Like?
Confusing questions: What does she look like? / What is she like? / What does she
like? / How is she? Retelling

Unidad 3: Past Continuous

When/ As/ While

Past Continuous vs Past Simple.
Adjectives/Adverbs. Formation of Adverbs
Reading Comprehension. Listening Skills
Writing: a narrative
Speaking: making a witness statement

Unidad 4: Present Perfect and Past Simple

Present Perfect and Present Simple

Linking words.
Reading Comprehension
Listening Skills
Writing a story for a magazine.
Speaking about recent events.

Unidad 5: Modal verbs

Must / Mustnt / Have To / Dont Have To / Should / Shouldnt / Need to / Had to / Didnt
Have To. Can/Cant.
Reading Comprehension. Listening Skills
Writing: a story.

Unidad 6: Comparatives and superlatives

Linking words.
Writing: emails.
Listening: party dialogues
Unidad 7: Countable and uncountable nouns

Some / any / no / much / many / a lot of / a little / a few

Multi-part verbs.

III- Bibliografa Obligatoria:

- New Opportunities Elementary by Michael Harris, David Mower & Anna Sikorzynska
Students and Workbook. Pearson Longman.
- New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate by Michael Harris, David Mower & Anna
Students and Workbook. Pearson Longman.

-Readers: The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

Hamlet by William Shakespeare
-Short stories: Way up to heaven by Roal Dahl
-Audio: New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate

-Pelculas: Mrs Doubtfire

IV- Bibliografa de consulta y/o complementaria:

-Audio: Hamlet
-Newspaper articles

Firma del Jefe de Departamento

Universidad de
Buenos Aires
Colegio Nacional de
Buenos Aires
Departamento: Ingls

Asignatura: Ingls

Curso: 3ro nivel B

Ao: 2013

Profesora: Vernica Gottau

I- Objetivos: se espera que los alumnos logren.

Desarrollar en los alumnos la habilidad de usar el idioma de modo que lleguen a

ser capaces de producir mensajes orales y escritos en ingls con el mnimo de
fluidez y correccin necesarios para una comunicacin eficaz
Usar el vocabulario y las estructuras gramaticales correspondientes al nivel.
Comprender textos orales y escritos provenientes de diversas fuentes y
correspondientes al nivel.

II- Contenidos:

Unidad 1: Lifestyles:
Vocabulary: routines, multi-part verbs, fractions, good and false friends
Grammar: present simple, Present continuous
Reading: A magazine interview, magazine article.

Unidad 2:
Vocabulary: homes, furniture, housework, feelings, common verbs do, have, go, make
Grammar: adverbs, present perfect
Reading: magazine article

Unidad 3
Vocabulary: character and personality, campaigns, causes and issues, multi- part verbs
Reading: The Landlady, by Roald Dahl
Grammar past simple past continuous
Functions: giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing
Literature: Hamlet: Reading strategies
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires

Unidad 4:
Vocabulary: jobs. Opinion adjectives
Reading: Magazine article
Grammar: Present Perfect Vs Past Simple

Unidad 5:
Vocabulary: celebrations
Reading: internet web pages
Grammar: Modal verbs: must/ mustnt/ have to/ don`t have to/ needn`t/ can/ can`t
Literature: An African Story, by Roald Dahl

Unidad 6
Vocabulary: Food / common verbs: get
Grammar. Comparatives and superlatives.
Vocabulary: food; food adjectives; common verbs: get.
Literature :An African Story, by Roald Dahl

III- Trabajos Prcticos: The Landlady: summary and analysis .

IV- Bibliografa Obligatoria: (si corresponde)

-Harris, M and Mower, D. New Opportunities pre-intermediate. Students Books.
(2006). Ed.Pearson-Longman. New York.
- Vince, Michael. Elementary Language Practice. (2003). Ed.Macmillan
Shooting an Elepehant, , by George Orwell
Politics And The English Language,, by George Orwell.
An African Story, by Roald Dahl

V- Bibliografa de consulta y/o complementaria:

Gottau, Veronica. The Little Book of Tenses. (2008). Ed. Nuevos tiempos.

Firma del Jefe de Departamento

Universidad de
Buenos Aires
Colegio Nacional de
Buenos Aires
Departamento: Ingls

Asignatura: Ingls

Curso: 3er ao Nivel C Turno Vespertino

Ao: 2013

Profesora: Amelia Baldi

I- Objetivos: que los alumnos desarrollen las habilidades necesarias para

Comprender textos escritos y orales del material propuesto para el curso con los
contenidos correspondientes al nivel C.
Reconocer y producir el vocabulario presentado.
Producir textos escritos y orales con fluidez con el propsito de comunicarse
Aplicar las estrategias de lectura, escritura y dilogo de acuerdo a la situacin en la
que estn involucrados.
Expresar sus ideas coherentemente y con precisin, utilizando las herramientas
adquiridas de la lengua inglesa que faciliten el acceso al conocimiento, desarrollo
personal y la comunicacin en diferentes mbitos.
Adquirir confianza en sus capacidades y autoestima para desenvolverse con
seguridad e independencia en el trabajo y ante situaciones que se presenten en la
actualidad, enfocndose hacia la eventual insercin en el mundo laboral y

II- Contenidos:

Module 1: Adventure
Topics: Explorers. Travellers Tales. Extreme Sports.
Vocabulary: Collocation. Travel and leisure. Wordbuilding. Extreme sports. Cognates.
Multi-part verbs.
Grammar: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect.
Linking: Informal linkers including sentence adverbs (actually, luckily)
Reading: Non-fiction about Scotts polar expedition. Biodata about travellers. Adverts.
Listening: Monologues. TV programme. Radio programme. Interviews.
Communication: Describing and talking about photos. Interviewing a partner.
Choosing a holiday. Comparing cultures.
Writing: A personal letter.

Module 2: Stories
Topics: The Chase. A Memory. Films.
Vocabulary: Stories. Modifiers. Film genres; film jargon. Multi-part verbs. Crime
related words.
Grammar: Past Perfect. Used to and Would.
Linking: Sequence linkers (after, by the time, suddenly, just then, etc.)
Reading: Short story by H. G. Wells. Autobiography extract.
Listening: Recorded phone message ; dialogues about films. A film plot. A folk song.
Communication: Narrating. Talking about films. Telling stories. Telling a film plot.
Writing: An adventure story.

Module 3: Travel
Topics: Problems. Fear of Flying. On the Move.
Vocabulary: Transport. Transport problems. Air travel. Travel words. Multi-part verbs.
Grammar: Present Perfect Simple and Continuous. Pronouns.
Linking: Addition and contrast (in addition, plus, although, however, on the other
Reading: Travel literature extract by Bill Bryson. A leaflet.
Listening: Monologues. Airport announcements. Tourist problems.
Communication: Discussing means of transport. Tourist situations. Roleplays.
Writing: A report.

Module 4: The Media

Topics: Whats in the Papers? Breaking News. The Price of Fame.
Vocabulary: The media (TV, magazines, newspapers, the Internet). Compound
adjectives. Disasters. Media words; multi-part verbs.
Grammar: The Passive. Causatives (to have something done).
Linking: Contrasting ideas (nevertheless, however, in spite of, although, despite).
Reading: Newspaper extracts. Internet news. Profile of Elton John.
Listening: TV programme extracts. A radio programme ; a discussion about TV. A TV
debate. A pop song.
Communication: News story. Discussion: expressing opinions; agreeing and
disagreeing; interrupting.
Writing: A film review. A review of a TV programme.

Module 5: Advertising
Topics: Persuasion. Classified Ads. Taking it Back.
Vocabulary: Opinion adjectives; advertising expressions; idiomatic expressions. Types
of classified ads. Multi-part verbs. Shopping problems.
Grammar: The Future: Will; May / Might; Present Continuous; Present Simple; Be
Going To. Articles.
Linking: So that; such that; enough; too.
Reading: Magazine adverts. Classified ads. Article: The Mystery of Wales.
Listening: Radio adverts. Dialogues in shops. A discussion.
Communication: Discussing a questionnaire. A class presentation.
Writing: A written enquiry (formal).
Module 6: People
Topics: Generations. People Watching. Personality.
Vocabulary: Physical appearance. Wordbuilding: Prefixes to make opposites of
adjectives. Personality adjectives. Multi-part verbs.
Grammar: Modals for speculating (sentence transformations). Past modals.
Linking: Exemplification (especially, particularly, for example, such as).
Reading: Diary extracts. Profile of Bob Dylan.
Listening: Police TV appeal. A radio programme. Interviews. A song.
Communication: Speculating about people based on photos. Describing people.
Writing: Describing a person. A description.

Module 7: Learning
Topics: Get Learning! Teachers. Schools.
Vocabulary: Verbs get, have, make, take. School words. Multi-part verbs.
Grammar: Third Conditional. / Verbs followed by an ing form or infinitive.
Linking: Review of addition, contrast, purpose, exemplification and conclusion.
Reading: Magazine articles.
Listening: Students talking about learning. People talking about their old schools.
Dialogue. A phone call.
Communication: Talking about choices. Talking about school. Comparing school
systems in different countries. Making phone calls.
Writing: A for and against essay.

Module 8: Careers
Topics: Odd Jobs. Dangerous Jobs. Getting a Job.
Vocabulary: Careers. Personality adjectives. Collocations. Verbs do and make. Jobs.
Multi-part verbs.
Grammar: Reported statements. Reported verb patterns.
Prepositions: Time, movement, place.
Linking: Reason (because, due to, since, as).
Reading: A magazine article.
Listening: A job interview. Radio documentary. A radio programme prices and wages
in the EU. A pop song.
Communication: Describing photos. Roleplays. Interacting in discussions.
Writing: A CV and a letter of application.

Module 9: Culture Shock

Topics: Lost in Translation. Living Abroad. Mind your Manners.
Vocabulary: Food. Famous places. Sport. Connotation and translation. Multi-part
Grammar: Reported questions, orders and requests (sentence transformations).
Linking: Wherever, whoever, whatever.
Reading: Extracts from Ewa Hoffmans memoirs. (Dealing with difficult words).
Listening: Describing lifestyles. A radio programme. Dialogues. Everyday situations.
Talking about Australia.
Communication: Being polite. Identifying style. Everyday situations. Presentation
about another country.
Writing: A personal letter (an informal letter).
Module 10: Civilisation
Topics: A Lost City. Landmarks. Civilised?
Vocabulary: Everyday objects. Adjectives (feelings). Verbs of movement. Civilisation.
Multi-part verbs.
Grammar: Wish / Should Have. Relative clauses.
Linking: Review and extension of addition and contrast.
Reading: Travel book extracts. Background on world music.
Listening: A TV programme. A short presentation of a topic. A song.
Communication: Describing and talking about a photo. Discussion. A short
presentation of a topic.
Writing: Describing a place. A description of a city.

III- Bibliografa Obligatoria:

New Opportunities Intermediate, by Michael Harris, David Mower and Anna

Sikorzynska. Pearson Longman. Modules 1 10.

Extensive Reading and Listening

The Life and Times of Shakespeare, by Chiara Pizzorno. Black Cat Publishing.

Othello, by William Shakespeare. Pocket Classics. Published by Academic

Industries, Inc. U.S.A.

The Pelican Brief, by John Grisham. Penguin Readers. Level 5.

The Shepherds Daughter, by William Saroyan.

Louise, by W. Somerset Maugham. Unabridged. Modern Short Stories, edited by

John Hadfield. Dent: London. Everymans Library.

Tobermory, by Saki (H. H. Munro). Dent: London. Everymans Library.

IV- Bibliografa de consulta y/o complementaria:

New Opportunities Intermediate, by Michael Harris, David Mower and Anna

Sikorzynska. Pearson Longman.
- Mini-Dictionary.

Activate B1+, by Carolyn Barraclough and Suzanne Gaynor. Pearson Longman.

- Students Book
- Workbook
- Grammar and Vocabulary

Grammar in Use, by Raymond Murphy. Cambridge University Press.

Grammar Time 5, by Sandy Jervis. Longman.

Grammarway 3, by Jenny Dooley and Virginia Evans. Express Publishing.


Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires

Departamento de Ingls
Profesora: Alterson, Betina
Programa 3o D TV 2013
Expectativas de logro
- Lograr la incorporacin de contenidos que permitan al alumno manejar
satisfactoriamente la lengua inglesa en un nivel intermedio/avanzado en
situaciones cotidianas y vinculadas a las unidades programadas.

Que el alumno:
Desarrolle la expresin y la comprensin oral y escrita utilizando
correctamente las estructuras de la lengua.
Tenga buena pronunciacin, fluidez y seguridad en la conversacin.
Adquiera autonoma en el manejo de situaciones vinculadas a los temas

Revision: Los Tiempos Presentes. Los Tiempos Pasados. Los Tiempos Futuros. La voz Pasiva.
Los Condicionales. El Lenguaje Indirecto

Unit 1: Civilization

Function: Giving Reasons and Examples. Presenting

Grammar: wish / should have. Verbs with ing form and to + infinitive. Relative Clauses
Vocabulary: Every day object. Adjectives (feelings). Verbs of movement. Civilization. Multi-part
Verbs. Dates and Periods of History. Feelings.
Listening: A TV Programme. A Short Presentation of a Topic. Song (Nomad)
Reading: Travel Book Extracts (word gaps). Background on World Music
Speaking: Describing and talking about a photo; Information Gap. Discussion. A presentation of
a Topic
Writing: Describing a Place
Extensive Reading: Frankenstein, Mary Shelly MM Publications 2005

Tiempo: 1er trimestre

Unit 2: Identity

Function: Preferences
Grammar: Revision of all Tenses (gap filling, multiple choice, matching)
Vocabulary: Personality. Word building. Multi-part Verbs.
Listening: Revision (gap-filling, matching)
Reading: Autobiography
Speaking: A short Presentation
Writing: A formal/ Informal Letter
Extensive Reading: The Pelican Brief John Grisham Penguin English 1995
Websites: and
Anne Frank at:

Tiempo: 2o trimestre

Unit 3: Laughter

Function: Telling jokes

Grammar: Past Tenses, Past Perfect Continuous.
Vocabulary: Multi-part verbs, collocations, laughter
Listening: Answering m-c questions. A sketch matching
Reading: A Comic Novel
Speaking: A topic presentation
Writing: A book review
Extensive Reading: Lord Mountdrago W. Somerset Maugham
Tiempo: 3er trimestre

Criterios de Evaluacin

Los criterios de evaluacin establecen el tipo y grado de aprendizaje que se espera que los
alumnos alcancen con respecto a las capacidades indicadas en el objetivo global de la
asignatura y en los objetivos especficos.

La evaluacin del aprendizaje es continua e integradora valorndose la participacin activa

de los alumnos en las actividades de clase. Es continua, dado que est inmersa en el proceso
de enseanza y aprendizaje del alumno y tiene como fin informar los logros y detectar las
dificultades en el momento en que se producen, averiguar sus causas y, en consecuencia,
adaptar las actividades de enseanza y aprendizaje. Es tambin integradora ya que se evala
el uso y la aplicacin de los conocimientos adquiridos no en forma aislada sino en un
Se realizan tres tipos de evaluacin del aprendizaje:
Evaluacin inicial: se realiza al comienzo de cada ciclo y permite al docente situar el nivel de
aprendizaje del alumno.

Evaluacin formativa: se lleva a cabo en forma peridica mediante distintas actividades de

prctica para detectar la evolucin de los sucesivos niveles de aprendizaje de los alumnos y
brinda la posibilidad de aplicar mecanismos correctores de las insuficiencias advertidas.

Evaluacin sumativa: mide los resultados finales de rendimiento de cada etapa. Se realiza al
trmino de una o ms unidades didcticas, del cuatrimestre o del ciclo escolar.

Libro de Texto:New Opportunities Intermediate and Upper Intermediate . Students book and
Powerbook, Harris Michael et al 2006 Longman Pearson

Bibliografia de consulta del alumno

The Oxford Spanish Dictionary Spanish English . English- Spanish. Chief Editors: Beatriz
Galimberti Jarman y Joy Russell Oxford University Press 3rd Edition


Que el alumno:

Desarrolle habilidades en las cuatro reas lingsticas para una comunicacin natural y
Utilice estrategias de comprensin lectora y auditiva para analizar textos originales en
forma crtica e independiente.
A travs de los textos, conozca realidades distintas a la propia, que faciliten su vnculo
con el otro.
Se integre en grupos de trabajo, siendo capaz de sostener su punto de vista propio en un
mbito de diversidad.
Elabore textos de distinto tipo utilizando un registro adecuado, cohesin y coherencia
que faciliten su desenvolvimiento tanto en la vida cotidiana como en la comunidad
Manifieste su opinin fluidamente utilizando estructuras avanzadas en la lengua


Unit 1:
Revision of Tenses. Tense Mobility. Past tenses used in narrative sequences. Future
tenses. Expressions to talk about the future. The Passive: ways to blur the presence of
the subject in discourse. Revision: Modality.

Unit 2:
The Body.
Discussing health and medical advances. Science. Describing trends. Conditional
sentences (all types). Mixed Conditionals. Prepositions. Phrasal Verbs
approached through the PARTICLE. Phrasal verbs with out, down. Confusing
words. Homophones. Homonyms. Vocabulary, idioms and fixed expressions
connected to science, health and the body.
Transamerica by Duncan Tucker. Analysis of selected vocabulary. Literary analysis:
setting (time and place), atmosphere, characters, themes, symbols.
Unit 3:
Discussing journeys and ways of travelling. Migration. Verb patterns: verbs
followed by gerunds and infinitives (TO and bare). Talking about past habits:
used to and would. Get/Be used to. Prepositions indicating order and direction.
Wordbuilding. Phrasal Verbs approached through the PARTICLE. Phrasal
verbs with in, into. Phrasal verbs in fixed expressions. Vocabulary, idioms and
fixed expressions connected to travelling and journeys. Proverbs. Writing:
Discursive essays.
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams. Analysis of selected vocabulary. Literary
analysis: setting (time and place), atmosphere, characters, themes, symbols.

Unit 4:
From Innocence to Experience.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Analysis of selected vocabulary. Literary
analysis: setting (time and place), atmosphere, characters, themes, symbols. Social
Soldiers Home by Ernest Hemingway. Analysis of selected vocabulary. Literary
analysis: setting (time and place), atmosphere, characters, themes, symbols. Social

Unit 5:
Discussing social issues. Society in the past and in the present. Describing trends.
Rich Language. Phrasal Verbs approached through the PARTICLE. Phrasal
verbs with up, on, off. Vocabulary and idioms connected to crime and
punishment. Complex sentences. Persuasion: formal and informal. Written
and spoken English. Making suggestions. Expressing regret (I wish, if only, I
regret). Linking: as and like. As well as, due to. In spite of, despite and
although.Writing: Discursive essays (For and Against Essays).
A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner. Analysis of selected vocabulary. Literary
analysis: setting (time and place), atmosphere, characters, themes, symbols.

Unit 6:
Word Families. Word formation. Phrasal Verbs approached through the PARTICLE.
Phrasal verbs with back, forward. Phrasal Verbs with two particles. Vocabulary and
idioms connected to money, work and employment. Expressions used to express
criticism. Refusing. Suggesting. Threatening and contradicting. Backshifting (Had I
done that, Should you see him). Emphatic Structures. Cleft Sentences.Writing:
Literary Essays.
American Beauty by Sam Mendes. Analysis of selected vocabulary. Literary analysis:
setting (time and place), atmosphere, characters, themes, symbols.

Unit 7:
Winter Dreams by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Analysis of selected vocabulary. Literary
analysis: setting (time and place), atmosphere, characters, themes, symbols.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Analysis of selected vocabulary. Literary
analysis: setting (time and place), atmosphere, characters, themes, symbols.
All My Sons by Arthur Miller. Analysis of selected vocabulary. Literary analysis: setting
(time and place), atmosphere, characters, themes, symbols.
Babel by Alejandro Gonzlez Irritu. Analysis of selected vocabulary. Literary
analysis: setting (time and place), atmosphere, characters, themes, symbols.


1er Trimestre: Unidades 1, 2 y 3.
2do Trimestre: Unidades 4 y 5.
3er Trimestre: Unidades 6 y 7.


Se tendr en cuenta:
El trabajo en el aula y la responsabilidad para con la materia.
La participacin en clase y la lectura y anlisis de los textos.
Las pruebas escritas y orales.
Los trabajos prcticos, sean individuales o grupales.
NOTA: En todos los casos, se har hincapi en el proceso de cada alumno en particular,
ms que en los resultados finales.

La evaluacin ser continua, a partir de los debates, el desarrollo de las clases y el
monitoreo del progreso de cada alumno.
Por otra parte, se evaluar a los alumnos mediante pruebas de cada uno de los temas
trabajados en clase.
As tambin, se realizarn un mnimo de dos (2) trabajos prcticos por trimestre y una
evaluacin trimestral integradora.
En el tercer trimestre, los alumnos realizarn una monografa sobre un tema a eleccin,
que tendr como propsito vincular la literatura con el cine, reafirmando el objetivo de
desarrollar su pensamiento crtico.
Finalmente, se llevar un control de cada alumno sobre su desempeo en el anlisis de
los trabajos vinculados al cine y la literatura.


Libro de Texto

Harris, Mower and Sikorzynska Anna. New Opportunities Upper- Intermediate.

Students Book. England: Pearson Longman, 2006.
Harris, Mower and Sikorzynska Anna. New Opportunities Upper- Intermediate.
Powerbook. England: Pearson Longman, 2006.

De lectura del alumno

Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. England: Penguin Popular Classics, 1994.
Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. Pennsylvania: Warner Books Printing, 1982.
Miller, Arthur. All My Sons. England: Longman Group, 2007.
Williams, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie. England: Penguin Books, 1962.

De consulta del alumno

Evans, Virginia. Round-up 6. England: Pearson Longman, 1999.

Vince, Michael. First Certificate Language Practice. Oxford: Heinemann, 1993.



Transamerica by Duncan Tucker.

American Beauty by Sam Mendes.
Babel by Alejandro Gonzlez Irritu.

Del docente:

Bettendorf, Prestigiacomo Raquel. La Ventana Indiscreta. Introduccin a la Narrativa

Flmica. CABA: Atuel. 1997.
Dick, Bernard. Anatomy of Film. New York: St. Martins Press, 1996.
Evans, Virginia. Round-up 6. England: Pearson Longman, 1999.
Foley, Hall Diane. Advanced Learners Grammar. England: Longman, 2004.
Hewings, Martin. Advanced Grammar in Use. Australia: Cambridge University Press,
Stephens, Mary. Practise Advanced Writing. England: Longman, 1992.
Vince, Michael. Macmillan English Grammar Advanced. Oxford: Macmillan, 2008.
Vince, Michael. First Certificate Language Practice. Oxford: Heinemann, 1993.

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