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Head Banging Solutions

Question: Why Does Children Engage in Head Banging?

Answer: Head banging can be a surprisingly common behavior in many

children. Up to 20% of babies and toddlers bang their heads purposefully, with
boys being up to three times more likely to engage in this behavior than girls.
Head banging often starts at around 6 months, peaking anywhere between 18-
24 months of age. This habit can stretch out for months (even years), but most
children outgrow this behavior by the age of three to four. This behavior may
extend later for children diagnosed with autism, developmental delays, or who
have suffered from neglect.

1. Sensory Processing: Head banging, like body rocking, is a rhythmic

physical movement. When a child is in utero, they feel the sensation of being
rocked as their mother moves about, and is later rocked in their caregivers
arms as an infant. As children mature, this rocking sensation is further
developed through play that activates both the vestibular system in the brain
(the part of the sensory system that is responsible for motion sense and
balance) and the proprioceptive system (the sensory system that provides the
body with information regarding where it is in space) that includes activities like:
sliding, swinging, riding bikes, etc. When a childs nervous system is under-
stimulated (i.e. he or she receives limited to no sensory input from any of the
sensory systems for a variety of natural or environmental causes), he/she may
head bang to increase stimulation. To the opposite effect, a child whos
nervous system is hyper-sensitive and thus over-stimulated may head-bang as
a comforting behavior, and thus as a way to decrease the stimulation around
them while moderating their over-loaded sensory system.

Why Do Children Engage in Head Banging?

Head Banging Solutions
2. Pain: It is important to rule out any organic physical and medical reasons for
the child who is head banging (i.e. ear infection or tooth ache). A child may
head bang as a way to alleviate pain; that is, engaging in this behavior may be
an effort in distracting him/her from the pain being experienced.

3. A way to seek your attention: Some children who engage in continuous

head banging will make the connection that this will elicit a strong reaction and
immediate attention, and thus begin a cycle of utilizing this behavior to get your
attention. In this case, consultation with a professional skilled in the area of
behavioral intervention may offer extended support in decreasing this behavior.

4. Frustration: When a child has difficulty expressing themselves he/she may

engage in this behavior out of high emotionality and frustration, thus relieving
some of the internal turmoil through this behavior.

Why Do Children Engage in Head Banging?

Head Banging Solutions
It is important to note that there are many underlying components of head-
banging behaviors, and many factors often contribute to the manifestation of
this habit. It is important to be in regular contact with your pediatrician,
therapists, and other professionals to help you further explore any specific
underlying triggers to this behavior that are unique to your own child.

What Are Some Things That You Can Do About It?

1. Consider padding areas that you find your child frequently bangs their head
2. Use a helmet, with an MD prescription.
3. Utilize vibration. This will activate the vestibular system, and your child will
thus receive input in a safer and more functional way. Examples include, but
are not limited to: vibrating stuffed animals, vibrating tooth brushes, vibrating
pillows, vibrating small massagers, etc.
4. Have your child sit in a rocking chair at home and at school.
5. Utilize a yoga ball chair at home and at school to help them receive
vestibular input (make sure it is stable with a proper back).
6. Have your child do movement exercises that go against resistance.
Examples include, but are not limited to: resistive exercises to activate the
proprioceptive system (chin ups on a chin-up bar, lift light weights).

Why Do Children Engage in Head Banging?

Head Banging Solutions

7. Have your child do movement breaks that incorporate rotation and head
below the level of the heart (to integrate vestibular input). An example of this
would be the yoga pose of Sunrise, Sunset. Have your child stand with feet
planted and back straight. Your child should reach up with straight arms while
taking a deep breath in. This should be followed by your child reaching down
towards the floor and touching their feet, while breathing out (its ok if your child
bends their knees here).
8. Have your child help with chores around the house that require him or her to
lift heavy objects (i.e. laundry basket or bucket of water or watering can), push
and pull chairs before and after meals, pick up items from the floor to clean up,
9. Use of a weighted hat/weighted halo to provide proprioceptive input to the
head. You can even just utilize a regular baseball cap, as this will still provide
input to the head.

Why Do Children Engage in Head Banging?

Head Banging Solutions

10. Have your child utilize a tactile brush around the hair area at transitions
(you can buy a bathing brush with bristles at your local drug store). While many
children with ASD do not like having their hair combed or brushed, having the
child utilize a scrubby brush or tactile brush themselves will allow them control
over a feeling that may feel noxious, while providing necessary input at the
same time.

By providing children who engage in consistent head banging behavior with

doses of routine sensory input throughout the day, we can help moderate
feelings of distress by establishing a calmer sensory system, a happier child,
and (Im sure), a thrilled family.

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Why Do Children Engage in Head Banging?

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