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TPACK Template

Subject History

Grade Level 12

Learning Objecti GOVT.7 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the

organization and powers of the national government by
a) examining the legislative, executive, and judicial
b) analyzing the relationships among the three
branches in a system of checks and balances;
c) examining the ways individuals and groups exert
influence on the national government.

Online Activity This is an asynchronous course and students will be given all
material well in advance. The teacher will record a short video
lecture giving an overview of the three branches of
government (legislative, executive, and judicial) and their
functioning. The students will watch the video provided and
will be asked to participate in a simulation modeling Branches
of Power.

Students will be directed to where they will create

an account. This will enable students to save the game if they
are unable to complete the simulation in one setting. The
simulation usually takes 30 minutes to an hour to complete.
Before starting the simulation, students should refer to the
tutorial. To begin a new game, students will select Play
Regular and then follow instructions. Students will set up
three players in each governmental branch. The students will
choose how the players look, and select two values the
legislator will represent for his constituents. The President is
the head of the executive branch; students will explore
different issues, then drag and drop three critical issues that
the President plans to address during his or her term in office,
into a selection list. By doing so, students will be exposed to
diverse issues, and will understand the need for governments
to prioritize. Once students have picked all three issues, they

can start the game. The students will simulate by playing all
three branches of government. Students can only operate one
character at a time because each character represents one
branch. During gameplay students can switch between
characters/branches. While students are controlling one
branch, the other two branches will be operating
independently. Alternating between player characters allows
students to operate each branch in its specific duty.

The ultimate goal of this simulation is to build enough support

for ten issues that the legislative branch can turn into Bills
before time expires. In game objectives include all three
branches addressing issues that citizens care about. Students
will simulate the process of legislation by using the three
branches to pass policies that address these issues. Each
branch has its own tools for passing legislation. Students will
simulate the legislative branch to conduct Town Hall meetings
to gather support from citizens. Legislature also votes whether
or not a Bill becomes a law. Students will then simulate the
executive branch to either enforce or oppose legislation, and
the Judicial branch to review and defines laws.

When students are finished with the simulation, they should

understand how the three branches of government work in
tandem to pass and enforce laws that satisfy the needs of the
people. This will also enable students to gain insight into ways
in which the public influences policy making. Students will
receive a certificate at the end of the simulation. Each student
will screenshot their certificate, save and upload it as a PNG
file to send their teacher. This will verify that the student
completed the simulation.

Technology Branches of Power simulation on the iCivics website.

Computer and required accessories

Headphones or speaker
Before you submit, delete the explanatory text (the text in small italics).

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