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Ana Apodaca

RWS 1302


RWS 1302 with professor S. Patcha class has been the best experience

Ive had in an English 1302 class. For starters this has been the first time I

havent felt the need to drop the course. I have really enjoyed the process

this class put us through because it wasnt all about just writing which I

must say I dont really appreciate; it was actually much more than that. I

believe this class was about getting the whole concept behind what was

w a n t i n g t o b e i n t e r p r e t e d i n t h e w r i t i n g a n d h o w t o d o i t , a n d i t wa s w a y

more enjoyable than sitting behind a computer trying to figure out what to

write on 15 pages.

I have to say I learned a lot in general from all of the assignments

like APA formats, but main details from each. From the genre analysis I

learned that different mediums can be used to represent the same

information in different ways depending on your audience. From the

research report I now know how tedious it is to do research and I learned to

value researchers all over the world for their time, patience and dedication.

The visual argument was the assignment I enjoyed the most because it is a

persuasive type of assignment that you do on whatever medium you

choose. As I can say I enjoyed these assignments I can also say I didnt

enjoy parts of them. I dint enjoy doing the genre analysis because I am a
simple person I like to say what I think in two or three words, so it was

hard looking for a complex way of describing two certain things that were

explaining one main idea. As you already know research and I just dont

mix at all dont get me wrong I love to read but for fun not for research.

As a whole all of these assignments were ok and will be very helpful for me

in the future because they will make me look more into the details of what I

am reading or looking at, like pamphlets, books, commercials, and make me

more analytical and try to figure out the tone of voice or of the colors and

what the writers, producer are trying to express with them.

This class was overall relaxed with plenty of time to do all of our

assignments and with all of the proper instructions needed. And as the

famous saying says all good things must come to an end as much as I

used to say I hated English class I actually enjoyed this semester and can

say that I came out with more knowledge than I came in.

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