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Wildfire Impact User Guide

Introduction to the web application

This is what the web mapping application looks like when it is first opened.

The map includes the following layers:

Layer name Description

National Park Service Planning Units National Park Service Planning Units for selected parks

Historic Places-Point Features Historic places from the National Register of Historic Places

Historic Places-Polygon Features Historic places from the National Register of Historic Places

Critical habitat for threatened and endangered species from

Critical Habitat - Linear Features
the US Fish and Wildlife Service

Critical habitat for threatened and endangered species from

Critical Habitat - Polygon Features
the US Fish and Wildlife Service

NPS Large Events - Selected Wildfires and fuels treatments for selected National Parks.

NPS Boundaries - Selected Boundaries for selected National Parks

Demographic data from the CDC's Agency for Toxic

Census Tracts with 2014 Social Vulnerability
Substances & Disease Registry relating to the reslience of
communities affected by natural or human-caused disasters.

A measure of relative fire risk. Higher values indicate higher

Fire Return Interval Departure

The Fire Return Interval Departure will only display at certain scales. Zoom in to see it using the Zoom Slider.

The layer name is grayed

out until you are at a scale
where the layer displays.

Use these buttons to zoom

in or out

The layers can be turned on or off using the check boxes in the layer list.

Widget overview
There are several widgets at the bottom of the map. Zoom; Legend; Layer List

In this screenshot, the

legend has been
turned on using the
second widget from
the left.

Add data

Zoom Open or Open or close Wildfire Print

close legend layer list impact tools 5
Add data widget.
You can add data by searching for layers, supply a URL, or upload a zipped shapefile. In this screenshot, File has been
selected. After selecting Browse, you will be able to navigate to a directory to find a file to upload.

Select Search,
URL, or File

Browse to the location

of a zipped shapefile

Add data widget

The map will zoom to the uploaded shapefile (in blue).

Wildfire risk widgests: Potential wildfire impacts for a buffered area - select from the map
The widget, Potential wildfire impacts for a buffered area - select from the map can be used to get information on critical
habitat, historic sites, demographics, and historic wildfires and fuels treatments for a buffered area of interest. First, select the
layer to use for the area of interest . Then, click on the box next to the layer name to select a specific feature. (If you want to de-
select the features you have selected, click on the red trash can.) Then, click and drag on the map with the mouse pointer to
select a feature. Enter the number of miles you want to buffer around the selected feature; the outputs will be features that fall
within the area of interest or the buffer surrounding it. If you are only interested in features within the area of interest, set the
buffer distance to a very small distance (such as 0.1 feet). Select Execute to run the tool.

Select a

Select a layer

Select a buffer

Critical habitat, historic places, Census tracts, and NPS large events layers are clipped to the buffer (shown in blue) and are
added to the map. They are listed in Output. The output layers can be removed from the map by clicking the X in output.

A layer added to the map Click the X
showing features in the to remove
buffer the layer


Scroll down in the output list to see a table of summary statistics for many of the SVI metrics. You can click on the bottom
righthand corner of the list to expand it.

The summary statistics are also added to the layer list as a table; click the three dots to the right and select View in attribute
table. This will open the table at the bottom of the screen. Click on Options to export the table to a CSV. Click the down
arrow to minimize the table.

The attribute table

Select View in Attribute

Table to view

Wildfire risk widgests: Summary Statistics for User-Supplied Data
The widget, Summary Statistics for User-Supplied Data allows the user to analyze data they have uploaded or specific layers
selected from the map. In the dropdown for Input Features, select a layer you want to analyze. It can be a layer from the map,
or a shapefile you have uploaded. Next, select an area of interest; this can be any layer in the map, included an uploaded
shapefile. To select a single layer from the map, select the box next to the layer name and click and drag on the map (select the
red trash can if you want to de-select it). Input Features that fall within the area of interest or a buffer area around it will be
analyzed. Finally, select a buffer distance and click Execute.

Select a layer

Select features from the layer

Delsect features

There will be three outputs: A layer showing features from the Input Features that are within the buffered area, a table of
summary statistics (minimum, maximum, mean, and sum) for any numeric field for the Input Features that were within the
buffer, and a count of the number of records from the Input Features in the buffered area.

The summary statistics are also added to the layer list as a table; click the three dots to the right and select View in attribute
table. This will open the table at the bottom of the screen. Click on Options to export the table to a CSV. Click the down
arrow to minimize the table.

The attribute table

Select View in Attribute

Table to view

Wildfire risk widgests: Summary Statistics - Draw an area of interest
The widget Summary Statistics - Draw an area of interest is very similar to Summary Statistics for User-Supplied Data. The
only difference is how the Area of Interest is selected. Instead of selecting a layer, the user draws an area of interest in the
map. First, select a drawing tool. Then, use the mouse to draw an area of interest on the map.

Select a drawing

To print the map, select the print widget. Then, select the layout and format.

Print widget


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