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Table of Contents

In the Time-Before-Time, the Primordial host strode forth from the Wyld under their ruler, the
Holy Tyrant, Malfeas. From the foundation of the five elemental poles they shaped Creation,
forging the gods themselves to order and keep it. Within their heavenly abode of Yu-Shan, the
architects of Creation took their leisure, playing the Games of Divinity, oblivious to the covetous
glances of envious gods.

Geased to never visit harm upon their titan progenitors, the Incarnae instead raised up mortal
champions to fight in their stead - the Exalted. Creation itself was shaken by the Primordial War,
yet the Exalted emerged triumphant, with the Primordials either slain or imprisoned for eternity.
The gods ascended into the heavens, and the Exalted were granted the Mandate of Heaven -
rulership over Creation in the name of the Incarnae.

The First Age was truly a time of peace and wonder. But the nobility of the Chosen of Heaven
waned, consumed by decadence, power, and - some whisper - by a terrible curse laid on them by
the enemies of the Five Elemental Dragons. They became twisted, mad tyrants Anathema
and were either destroyed or exiled by the Terrestrial Exalted for the preservation of Creation
itself. This has become the stuff of myth and legend, with the tales of the Celestials mythic
exploits lost to the common folk, the truth buried beneath the dogma of the Immaculate Order at
the behest of their Sidereal masters.

But the Celestial Exalted were truly the demigods of old, with the power to make the world
tremble in their wake. Now, as the Second Age draws to a close, they have returned. In their mad
scramble for the vacant Scarlet Throne, the Dragon-Blooded have failed to maintain their ancient
pogrom. Now, the children of the sky are surviving long enough to realize their vast potential.
The Time of Tumult has begun.

This is the time of the Exalted.

Now that youve learned about the nature of Creation and the Exalted, its time to generate your own Exalted
character. Below is an outline of the process. On the pages that follow, these steps will be outlined in more detail.


1. Select a character concept

2. Choose Exaltation and Caste, and record their Endowments and Anima Effects
3. Prioritize Traits, either (5-3-1) for Lunars and Alchemicals or (5-4-3-2-1) for the other Exalted.
4. Choose Specialties. Pick 1 Ability or Attribute for each of your Specialties, which is considered
to be one level higher. Your Caste Specialty has to be selected from those listed for your Caste,
while your Favoured Specialties may be any of them.
o Solaroids get 1 Caste Specialty + 3 Favoured Specialties
o Sidereals get 1 Caste Specialty + 2 Favoured Specialties
o Lunars get 2 Favoured Specialties
o Terrestrials and Alchemicals get 1 Caste Specialty + 1 Favoured Specialty
5. Record starting Permanent Essence (Terrestrials/Alchemicals 3, Lunars/Sidereals 4, Solaroids 5)
6. Calculate Essence Pool
o Solaroids/Celestials/Alchemicals = (Permanent Essence x 2) + (Integrity or Appearance)
o Terrestrials = (Permanent Essence x 2) + (bonus from Breeding)
7. Choose Charms, Fighting Styles, and Sorcery: 8 selections for Sidereals, 6 for Solaroids and
Terrestrials, and 4 for Alchemicals and Lunars
8. Select Backgrounds: 8 selections for Sidereals, 6 for Terrestrials and Alchemicals, and 4 for
Lunars and Solaroids
9. Choose a primary Virtue and select an appropriate Flaw
10. Choose one epic Motivation and a number of Intimacies equal to (Integrity or Appearance)
11. Spend 5 experience points, using the following table:
o Raise Trait = (new rating) points
o Acquire Backgrounds = 2 points/level
o New Charm = 3 points
o Sorcerous Initiation to a New Circle = 3 points
o New Intimacy = 1 point
o Permanent Essence = (new rating x 2) points
o Add an additional known form (Lunars Only) = 1 point
12. Record starting equipment, as appropriate to concept
13. Calculate Defenses:
o PDV = (Dodge/2) or (Dexterity/2)
o MDV = (Essence + Integrity)/2 or (Essence + Appearance)/2
o Soak = (Resistance/2) or (Stamina/2)
14. Record Health Levels. Each character begins with the following levels: -0, -1, -1, -3, -3, Taken
Out. Resistance Charms or Stamina Charms provide bonus levels based on Exaltation.
o Solaroids and Alchemicals = +3 Health levels per Charm
o Lunars = +4 Health Levels per Charm
o Sidereals = +1 Health Level per Charm
o Terrestrials = +2 Health Levels per Charm
Creating a character is easy, and it involves just a few simple choices. It is a good idea to have a general concept of
what you want your character to be like. Was he a farm boy who always aspired to be a hero, or a spoiled child of
the merchant class? Is he a grim highwayman, or perhaps an introspective scholar? You can also choose to create a
concept as you go.


Exaltation, sometimes referred to as the Second Breath, is the process by which a human is transformed into a
demigod. In preparation for overthrowing the Primordials, the gods were taught by the rebel Titan Autochthon how
to Exalt mortals, thereby circumventing the geas preventing the gods from betraying their masters. The
Unconquered Sun endowed the Solar Exalted, while Luna molded the Lunar Exalted in her own image. The
Maidens of Destiny fashioned the Sidereals, while the souls of Gaia - the Five Elemental Dragons - spawned the
Terrestrial host.

Autochthon himself fielded no Exalted during the Primordial War, implementing his designs only after his self-
exile. The Abyssal and Infernal Exalted of the Second Age also bear the stamp of Primordial artifice, abominations
resulting from the tainting of Solar Exaltations by the enemies of the Incarnae - the slain Neverborn and the
imprisoned Yozi.

Each type of Exalt is divided into several Castes, reflecting an Exalt's predisposition toward a certain role or set of
duties. It is determined at the moment a mortal receives the the shard granting Exaltation. In the case of Terrestrial
Exalted, the different elemental affinities are called Aspects, while in the case of the Sidereal Exalted they are
known as Houses.

Each Exalt is gifted with an Endowment, a power reflecting the nature of his divine patron. He will also possess an
Anima Effect, based on his given Caste's primary role. Each is detailed below.

Known also as the Lawgivers, the Solar Exalted are the champions of the Unconquered Sun. Once the undisputed
masters of Creation, the Solars were betrayed and usurped by their trusted advisors and soldiers. Most Solars were
unable to be reborn until recently, their Exaltation trapped in the Jade Prison, with the Wyld Hunt enacted to slay
those few who did manage to reincarnate.


Holy: Lawgivers burn with the righteousness of the Unconquered Sun, bringing condemnation to the enemies of
Creation. For one mote, a Solar engaging a Creature of Darkness increases their minimum die pool from one die to
(Essence/2) dice.


All Solars may discern the exact time of day for one mote. Additionally, the Anima of each Caste possesses a unique
ability, outlined below.

Dawn: One mote grants +1 PDV and immunity to all fear-based compulsions for the scene.
Zenith: One mote incinerates the fallen with a touch, sending their souls into Lethe. Alternately, provides
+1 to Soak and Damage against Creatures of Darkness for the scene
Twilight: One mote provides +1 MDV and a two-die bonus to Sorcery rolls for the scene
Night: One mote shrouds the Exalt for the duration of the scene, providing a two-die bonus to Stealth rolls
so long as the anima isnt visible. A visible anima (Level Two or above) blurs the Exalt's appearance,
making them impossible to recognize while flaring. Up to one more per turn may be expended without
Anima Flare.
Eclipse: One mote permanently sanctifies an oath to Heaven. Oathbreakers immediately accrue a number of
success negators equal to the Eclipse's Essence, which may be applied as desired by the Storyteller.
Eclipses are considered the envoys of Heaven, possessing the protection of ancient pacts with the various
supernatural courts (diplomatic immunity).

The Lunar Exalted are the Chosen of Luna and the most primal of the Exalted. In the First Age, these cunning
shapeshifters were skilled fighters and capable generals mated to individual Solar Exalted. Those among the
Stewards that were not slain in the Usurpation fled to the edges of Creation, where they valiantly continued the fight
against the the enemies of Creation, unaided by the Sun's Chosen.


Mate: Luna's love carries through to her Chosen. Each Lunar shard is linked at a metaphysical level to a specific
Solar counterpart, manifesting as a positive Intimacy the first time they meet. The specifics of this Intimacy are
based on player preference and the situation at hand. Examples include such descriptors as Grudging Respect,
Love at First Sight, and Slavish Devotion.

This Intimacy differs from others in that it is permanent, and cannot be undone through Social Combat. It can be
redefined, however, so long as it remains a positive Intimacy (see examples, listed above).

Immutable: The very nature of the Lunar Exalted prevents them from being altered by any external force, rendering
them immune to the mutating effects of the Wyld.


Shapeshifting: Like their patron, a Lunar may assume myriad forms, from those that naturally occur in Creation to
the nightmarish shapes found only in the Wyld. By spending one mote the Lunar can reconfigure himself into a new
form, allocating (Essence) points for effects on the table below. These effects last for the duration of the scene.

1 pt - Extra Die on a particular action. Examples - Claws (+1 Damage with unarmed attacks), Eagle Eyes
(+1 to Awareness checks involving vision)
1 pt - Reassign a Specialty from one Attribute to another
2 pts One point Defense Bonus. Examples - Scaly Hide (Soak +1), Primal Instincts (MDV +1)
3 pts Significant Narrative Advantage. Examples - Wall-Crawling, Winged Flight, Mimicking a person's
voice or face

A Lunar begins play with one base shape, gaining others through a ritual hunt, followed by the naming of the form
and expending 1xp. One a form is gained, a Lunar may freely mix and match aspects of that form with those of other
known forms. For example, a Lunar who knows the forms of a tiger and of a tortoise could assume the form of an
armored man-tiger, if he chose.

A Lunar in extremis is capable of assuming forms other than those previously learned, though the strain of doing so
caused the Exalt to acquire a point of Limit.

All Lunars may discern the exact time of day for one mote. Additionally, the Anima of the various Castes possess
unique abilities, outlined below.

The Lunar Exalted are unique in that, naturally, they do not fix themselves to a single Caste, instead cycling through
each of the three according to the current phase of the moon. However, a Lunar may choose to permanently align
himself with a particular Caste through the use of moonsilver tattoos. Once chosen, the chosen Caste is immutable
until the Exaltation moves on to a new host.

Full Moon: One mote to double successes for movement and feats of strength for a scene
Changing Moon: One mote to perfectly mimic a known person for scene. Anima flare (Level Two or
above) dispels this effect, but obscures the Lunar's identity completely for the scene.
No Moon: One mote to reduce spell cost by half (minimum of one mote of Essence) and add +1 PDV for
the scene
Casteless: The anima of the Casteless is not set, shifting among those presented above according to the
current phase of the moon. To determine randomly, roll 1d6 (1: No Moon, 2-5: Changing Moon, 6: Full

Also known as Viziers, the Sidereal Exalted are the champions of the Five Maidens and the keepers of Fate. The
Chosen of the Maidens are the savants and astrologers of the Exalted, as well as matchless martial artists. During the
Primordial War, they acted as advisers and spies for the Solar and Lunar generals. Near the end of the Age of
Dreams, they undertook the Great Prophecy, which eventually led to the murder and usurpation of the Solar Exalted.


Arcane Fate: Following the Usurpation, the Sidereal Exalted shattered the constellation of the Mask while
attempting to obfuscate their involvement in the overthrow of the Solars. The consequence of this action is known as
Arcane Fate. Sidereals not manifesting a Resplendent Destiny are forgotten, their identities obscured. Others may
only remember the Sidereal by making a successful Integrity - (Sidereal's Essence/2) roll.


Resplendent Destiny: The constellations themselves cloak the Chosen of Fate in secrecy and deception. Spending
one mote creates an archetypical persona bound to one of the constellations listed below. This identity cannot be
penetrated, even with the Supernatural Charm, as it is indeed truth, woven into the fabric of the Loom of Fate itself.
Other Sidereals are immune to this effect, however.

Any Stunt that supports the themes of a given archetype (see below) receives a two-die bonus. However, any action
contrary to that archetype either destroys the destiny permanently or inflicts one point of Limit to the Sidereal
(players choice).

A Sidereal may maintain a total of (Essence/2) Destinies at a time. Assuming a Resplendent Destiny takes one turn
to shape (PDV = 0), and cannot be part of a Combo.


All Sidereal Exalts may spend 1 mote at any time to activate or sense the direction of the closest gateway to Yu-
Shan or to tell the precise time of day. Additionally, the Anima of the various Castes possess unique abilities,
outlined below.

Journeys: One mote doubles movement successes for the Sidereal and (Essence/2) allies for a scene
Serenity: One mote adds +1 to peaceful social actions for the Sidereal and (Essence/2) allies for a scene
Battles: One mote increases Soak by 1 for the Sidereal and (Essence/2) allies for a scene
Secrets: One mote for immunity to revelation-based Compulsions and a +1 bonus to MDV for the Sidereal
and (Essence/2) allies for a scene
Endings: One mote increases damage by 1 wound for the Sidereal and (Essence/2) allies for a scene

The constellations in the House of Journeys and The Quiver: Strategy, choices, haste, pride,
their themes include: archery, self-absorption, clever ideas
The Shield: Barbarians, fearlessness,
The Captain: Military command, protection, bragging, pain, heroism, heroic
fatherhood, tyranny, bureaucracy, discipline suicide, wrath, the Lunar Exalted
The Gull: Wandering, wind, The Spear: Bravery, professionalism,
irresponsibility, rakish charisma, training, taking initiative, lack of vision,
unexamined life tactics, skillfulness, competition
The Mast: Stoicism, tools, architecture,
manual labor, silence, ignorance, male The constellations in the House of Secrets and their
phallus themes include:
The Messenger: Duty, bravery, arrogance,
journeys, communication, selflessness, news The Guardian: Hearth wisdom, age,
The Ships Wheel: Underdogs, cult beliefs, superstition, charlatans, tradition, patience,
Solars, obsessive love, martyrdom, observation, inevitability
burdensome debt, wild animals as a group The Key: Innovation, hubris, mechanical
devices, books, libraries, medicine, curiosity
The constellations in the House of Serenity and their The Mask: Secrets, lies, security services,
themes include: religious worship, extortion, trickery
The Sorcerer: Humanity, geomancy,
The Ewer: Love, motherhood, artifice, infernalism, talismans, Essence use,
righteousness, idealism, monastic duty, egotism.
obsession, seduction, dreams and fantasies The Treasure Trove: Horoscopes, schools,
The Lover: Service, submission, slaves, scholarships, blight, blindness, inflexibility,
lust, sensuality, abuse secret societies, prophecies
The Musician: Excess, laughter, hedonism,
music, homosexuality, drug use, finery, The constellations in the House of Endings and their
greed, extramarital pairings, contentment in themes include:
living, theater
The Peacock: Greed, love for wealths sake, The Corpse: Quick and painless deaths,
procreation, dualities, alliances, bright exits, sudden change, transformation,
colors, necessity, traps, distraction unfinished business, shapechangers, the
The Pillar: Family, friendship, stability, Second Breath
civil society, unjust authority, stagnation, The Crow: Slow but painless deaths,
queens and princes inevitability, orphans, acceptance of death,
dark humor, depression, waking,
The constellations in the House of Battles and their indifference
themes include: The Haywain: Muddled and difficult to
categorize deaths, mystery, cover-ups,
The Banner: Reputation, pageantry, treachery, comebacks, aging and decrepitude
leadership, epics, infamy, reigns of terror, The Rising Smoke: Quick and painless
philanthropy, tidings, symbols, heraldry deaths, rest, stagnation, growth, new
The Gauntlet: Sergeants, confrontation, employment, fresh prospects, murder
callousness, sacrifice of others, necessity, The Sword: Slow and painful deaths,
livestock management, pragmatism, surgery, perseverance, failure, illness, tribulation,
the greater good inheritance, resignation, the vanquished,

Also called the Terrestrial Exalted, these are the champions of the five Elemental Dragons. For the last millennium
and a half, they have been the unquestioned rulers of Creation itself. Despite being the weakest Exalted in terms of
raw power, the Terrestrials are the most numerous by far. Once the soldiers of the Exalted armies that fought the
Primordials, the Terrestrials murdered the Solar Exalted at the behest of the Sidereals and took over the reins of


Anima Flux: When a Terrestrials anima flares at the totemic (expending 5+ motes) level, they are surrounded by a
nimbus of elemental force matching their Aspect. This inflicts touch-range Environmental Damage of 1 Wound/turn
for the remainder if the scene.


Reinforcement: The Terrestrial Exalted draw their might from brotherhood and shared tribulation, reflecting the
natures of the Five Elemental Dragons. Once per scene, a Terrestrial may expend one mote to harmonize his anima
with those of up to (Essence/2) Terrestrial allies, allowing him to utilize the Charms of these allies as if they were
his own.


All Terrestrials may discern the directions of the elemental poles for one mote. Additionally, the Anima of the
various Aspects possess unique abilities, outlined below.

Air: One mote doubles movement successes and provides Cold Immunity for a scene
Earth: One mote grants a 2-die Resistance bonus and Immunity to Knockback for the scene, provided the
Exalt remain in contact with the earth.
Fire: One mote provides +1 Fire Damage to unarmed attacks and Fire Immunity for a scene
Water: One mote allows the Exalt to move freely in or on water and provides Water Immunity (drowning)
for a scene
Wood: One mote grants the Exalt toxic skin (those who touch the Exalt must make a Resistance/Stamina
roll each turn or receive one Wound, with success cancelling the effect) and Plant Toxin Immunity for a

The Abyssal Exalted are created from Solar Exaltations stolen by the Deathlords and tainted with the Essence of
Oblivion, and fused with the souls of dying mortals. As an act of fealty, each Deathknight casts his true name into
the Void found deep within the heart of the Labyrinth. In return, the Abyssal Exalted are granted baroque titles and
powers darkly mirroring those of the Solar Exalted.


Revenant: Abyssals, while unable to respirate the Essence of Creation, may feed upon the living, regaining one
mote of Essence for every point of damage inflicted in a Martial Arts attack.


Necrotic: The Essence of a deathknight is tainted by the entropy of Oblivion. One mote allows an Abyssal to drain
(Essence/2) motes of an opponent's Essence with a successful attack (physical or social).


All Deathknights may discern the location and borders of the nearest Shadowland for one mote. Additionally, the
Anima of the various Castes possess unique abilities, outlined below.

Dusk: One mote provides +1 PDV and immunity to all fear-based compulsions for the scene.
Midnight: One mote allows the Exalt to raise a corpse as a zombie (a Rank 1 Extra). Alternately, their
anima doubles the Wounds inflicted against mortals for the scene
Daybreak: One mote provides +1 MDV and a two-die bonus to Sorcery rolls for the scene
Day: One mote shrouds the Exalt for the duration of the scene, providing a two-die bonus to all Stealth rolls
so long as the anima isnt visible. A visible anima (Level Two or above) blurs the Exalt's appearance,
meaning they cant be recognized while flaring. Up to one mote per turn may be expended with no anima
flare manifesting.
Moonshadow: One mote sanctifies an oath which pursues the living beyond even the pale of death.
Oathbreakers immediately accrue a number of success negators equal to the Moonshadow's Essence, which
may be applied as desired by the Storyteller. Moonshadows are considered the envoys of the Underworld,
possessing the protection of ancient pacts with the courts of the Underworld (diplomatic immunity).

The Alchemical Exalted are the Chosen of Autochthon, the Primordial ally of the Incarnae. It was he who designed
the process of Exaltation, modifying it to better serve the needs of the various Celestines. It was not until the Great
Maker went into self-exile that he implemented the designs for his prototype Exalted, bestowing the secrets of their
fabrication to skilled and faithful worshipers that had accompanied him into Elsewhere.


Construct: Unlike the Exalted of Creation, whose Exaltation is bonded to their very souls, the Alchemical
Exaltation is a physical construct animated by a heroic soul. As such, Alchemicals have no need to breathe or eat
(though they may freely do so at any time), and therefore suffer no ill effects from starvation or suffocation.

Modular: The Charms of the Alchemical Exalted take the form of devices implanted within their bodies. With
access to the Autochthonian vats, an installed Charm may be reassigned to another Attribute within the same Trait.
For example, a module may be transferred from Strength to Dexterity, but not to Charisma.


Upgrade: Alchemical Exalted are unable to acquire new Charms if deprived of access to the Essence Vats of
Autochthonia, as their Charms must be installed by specially-trained members of the Sodality.


Axiomatic: The Alchemical Exalted are the Champions of Autochthon, designed to preserve the life of the Great
Maker from the manifestations of his illness. For one mote, an Alchemical engaging a Creature of the Void may
increase the minimum die pool from one die to (Essence/2) dice.


All Alchemicals may discern the directions of the Autocthonian elemental poles for one mote. Additionally, the
Anima of the various Castes possess unique abilities, outlined below.

Orichalcum: One mote inflicts an additional 2 points of electrical damage in close combat for the scene.
Additionally, the anima of this Caste can remove one point of Limit from a Solar Exalt.
Moonsilver: One mote doubles the number of successes on initiative rolls for the scene. Additionally, the
anima of this Caste can remove one point of Limit from a Lunar Exalt.
Starmetal: One mote allows the Alchemical to add 1 die to Initiative and Damage for the scene.
Additionally, the anima of this Caste can remove one point of Limit from a Sidereal Exalt.
Jade: One mote increases Soak by 1 point for the scene. Additionally, the anima of this Caste can remove
one point of Limit from a Terrestrial Exalt.
Soulsteel: One mote increases PDV by 1 point for the scene. Additionally, the anima of this Caste can
remove one point of Limit from an Abyssal Exalt.
Adamant: One mote obscures the memories of others, who may only remember the Alchemical by making
a successful Integrity - (Alchemical's Essence/2) roll. Additionally, the anima of this Caste can remove one
point of Limit from an Infernal Exalt.

The Infernal Exalted are the champions of the Yozi. Once the masters of Creation, the Primordials were betrayed
and usurped by those they had entrusted with the upkeep of Creation. Bound by oaths of surrender, they were cast
into the world-prison of their fallen king, Malfeas, for all eternity. But the architects of Creation, in alliance with
their deceased brethren, the Neverborn, have subverted fifty of the Chosen of the Sun to serve as the warriors of the
Reclamation. These Green Sun Princes, born of Solar might and demonic artifice, act as the hands of their Yozi
mastersfor now.


Urge: Each Infernal Exalt carries within him a powerful, overruling Urge that stands as a symbol of his obedience to
his Yozi patron. A Green Sun Princes Urge functions as a second Motivation, providing equivalent bonuses and
penalties to MDV, as appropriate. However, the Urge is selected by the Storyteller, not the player - where a
Motivation represents a powerful overarching goal the character seeks to fulfill in the pursuit of self-actualization,
an Urge is a commandment imposed by one of the Yozis upon the Green Sun Princes very soul. Specifically, it is
usually a directive to pursue a course of action that will, hopefully, help effectuate the Yozis plan.


Vitriolic: The taint of the Yozi defiles all that it touches. For one mote, the Infernal may inflict (Essence/2) points of
permanent Mutations upon a target with a successful attack. Supernaturals may resist as normal for their type, while
mortals are generally unable to do so (see section on Mutations for details). This application may be part of a
Combo. Alternately, an Infernal may choose to automatically direct this power towards himself for the duration of
the scene, with identical effects.

1 pt - Extra Die on a particular action (Example: Claws providing Damage +1 to unarmed attacks; Cat Eyes
providing +1 Perception/Awareness in low light )
2 pts One point Defense Bonus (Examples: Soak +1, MDV +1)
3 pts - Useful Significant Advantage (Examples: Dematerialize, Wall-Crawling, Winged Flight)


For one mote, a Green Sun Prince may sense the nearest entry point into the Yozi realm or the nearest pathway that
leads to the desert of Cecelyne. Additionally, the Anima of the various Castes possess unique abilities, outlined

Slayer: One mote provides +1 PDV and immunity to all fear-based compulsions for the scene
Malefactor: One mote and the sacrifice of a sentient being consecrates an area to the Yozi, halving the
casting cost of summoning a demon through Sorcery. Alternately, provides a +1 Soak and Damage against
gods and Solar Exalts for the scene.
Defiler: One mote provides +1 MDV and a two-die bonus to Sorcery rolls for the scene
Scourge: One mote shrouds the Exalt in silence for the duration of the scene, providing a two-die bonus to
Stealth rolls so long as the anima isnt visible. A visible anima (Level Two or above) blurs the Exalt's
appearance, making them impossible to recognize while flaring. Up to one mote per turn may be expended
without Anima Flare.
Fiend: One mote to permanently sanctify an oath to Heaven. Oathbreakers immediately accrue a number of
success negators equal to the Exalt's Essence, which may be applied as desired by the Storyteller.
Additionally, the Exalt may nullify these Oaths for a scene for the same Essence cost. Fiends are
considered the envoys of Hell, possessing the protection of ancient pacts with demonic courts and those of
the Deathlords (diplomatic immunity).
Next, you get to decide your characters Trait levels, each representing one general area of endeavor, and will
measure your ability in that field. Rank each Trait a score ranging from 1 to 5 (5-3-1 for Lunars and Alchemicals).
Five indicates mastery, while a score of one shows novice aptitude. Human average is represented by a score of two.
Each number may only be assigned to a Trait once you cant give your character a four in everything! The
various Traits for each type of Exalted are detailed below.

Trait scores have a maximum score of five for Terrestrial Exalts, while a Celestial Exalt attaining an Essence score
of six or higher may raise this maximum to six.


The Solar Exalted have five Traits based on the various Castes, each with five Abilities.

Dawn: The members of the Dawn Caste are soldiers and generals. Members of this Caste favor the
following Abilities: Archery, Martial Arts, Melee, Thrown, War
Zenith: The members of the Zenith Caste are priest-kings, wandering preachers, and hermits. Members of
this Caste favor the following Abilities: Integrity, Presence, Performance, Resistance, Survival
Twilight: The members of the Twilight Caste are teachers and sorcerers. Members of this Caste favor the
following Abilities: Craft, Investigation, Lore, Medicine, Occult
Night: The members of the Night Caste are spies and assassins. Members of this Caste favor the following
Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Dodge, Larceny, Stealth
Eclipse: The members of the Eclipse Caste are diplomats and couriers. Members of this Caste favor the
following Abilities: Bureaucracy, Linguistics, Ride, Sail, Socialize


The Lunar Exalted have three Traits based on the various Castes, each with three Attributes.

Full Moon: The Full Moon Caste of the Lunar Exalted are the warriors of Luna, masters of physical force,
agility, toughness and endurance. A Full Moon have natural affinities for: Strength, Dexterity and Stamina.
Changing Moon: Using guile or raw animal magnetism, Changing Moons trust in their ability to get other
beings to do what is necessary. They are unmatched spies, assassins, and leaders. Changing Moons have a
natural affinity for: Charisma, Manipulation, and Appearance.
No Moons: No Moons are the sorcerers and savants of the Silver Pact, and hold much of their lore and
history in oral tradition and dusty tomes. No Moons are best suited and attuned to: Perception, Intelligence,
and Wits.

The Sidereal Exalted have five Traits based on the various Castes, each with five Abilities.

Journeys: The Chosen of Journeys are the couriers and spies of the Five-Score Fellowship. The Auspicious
Abilities of the Chosen of Journeys include the following Abilities: Resistance, Ride, Sail, Survival,
Serenity: The Chosen of Serenity are the diplomats and seducers of the Five-Score Fellowship. Members of
the Chosen of Serenity have the following Auspicious Abilities: Craft, Dodge. Linguistics, Performance,
Battles: The Chosen of Battles are the warriors and generals of the Five-Score Fellowship. Members of the
Chosen of Battles have the following Auspicious Abilities: Archery, Athletics, Melee, Presence, War
Secrets: The Chosen of Secrets are the counselors and sorcerers of the Five-Score Fellowship. Members of
the Chosen of Secrets have the following Auspicious Abilities: Investigation, Larceny, Lore, Occult,
Endings: The Chosen of Endings are the assassins and censors of the Five-Score Fellowship. Members of
the Chosen of Endings have the following Auspicious Abilities: Awareness, Bureaucracy, Integrity, Martial
Arts, Medicine


The Dragon-Blooded have five Traits based on the various Aspects, each with five Abilities.

Air: The Terrestrial Exalted aligned to the Aspect of Air make up the light-footed scholars and assassins of
Creation. These Dragon-Blooded show a natural aptitude for the following Abilities: Linguistics, Lore,
Occult, Stealth and Thrown
Earth: The Terrestrial Exalted aligned to the Aspect of Earth are the stable and productive craftsmen of the
Realm as well as its best generals. These Dragon-Blooded show a natural aptitude for: Awareness, Craft,
Integrity, Resistance and War
Fire: The Terrestrial Exalted aligned to the Aspect of Fire make up the socialites and soldiers of the
Dragon-Blooded. These Dragon-Blooded show a natural aptitude for the following areas: Athletics, Dodge,
Melee, Presence and Socialize.
Water: The Water Aspect Dragon Blooded are much like their element slippery. Sailors without peer,
masters of the Martial Arts, and brilliant Bureaucrats are but a few of the titles that Aspects of Water can
carry. Water Aspected Dragon-Blooded show a natural aptitude for the following Abilities: Bureaucracy,
Investigation, Larceny, Martial Arts, Sail
Wood: The Wood Aspect Dragon Blooded are far more than simply healers and rangers. They are the
horsemen, the performers, the wise men of their kind, constantly aware of the cycles of life around them.
These Dragon-Blooded show a natural aptitude for the following Abilities: Medicine, Ride, Survival,
Archery and Performance

The Abyssal Exalted have five Traits based on the various Castes, each with five Abilities.

Dusk: The counterparts to the Dawn Caste are warriors, generals and champions. Members of this Caste
favor the following Abilities: Archery, Martial Arts, Melee, Thrown, War
Midnight: The counterparts to the Zenith Caste are priest-kings, prophets and mystics. Members of this
Caste favor the following Abilities: Integrity, Presence, Performance, Resistance, Survival
Daybreak: The counterparts to the Twilight Caste are Scholars, necromancers and craftsmen. Members of
this Caste favor the following Abilities: Craft, Investigation, Lore, Medicine, Occult
Day: The counterparts to the Night Caste are Spies, assassins and thieves. Members of this Caste favor the
following Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Dodge, Larceny, Stealth
Moonshadow: The counterparts to the Eclipse Caste are Diplomats, lawyers and politicians. Members of
this Caste favor the following Abilities: Bureaucracy, Linguistics, Ride, Sail, Socialize


The Alchemical Exalted possess three basic Traits: Chassis, which addresses physicality (Strength, Dexterity,
Stamina); Interlocution, assessing force of personality (Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance); and Percipience,
which measures mental acuity (Perception, Intelligence, Wits). Each Caste of Alchemical draws their array of Caste
Attributes from each of the above Traits, as detailed below.

Orichalcum: Orichalcum Caste Attributes denote their mighty and forceful personalities: Strength,
Charisma and Intelligence.
Moonsilver: Moonsilver Caste Attributes express their grace and beauty: Dexterity, Appearance and Wits.
Starmetal: Starmetal Caste Attributes describe their physical and mental flexibility: Dexterity,
Manipulation and Intelligence.
Jade: Jade Caste Attributes reflect their great vitality: Stamina, Charisma and Wits.
Soulsteel: Soulsteel Caste Attributes speak of their relentless vigilance: Stamina, Manipulation and
Adamant: Adamant Caste Attributes emphasize their enigmatic might: Strength, Appearance and


The Infernal Exalted possess five Traits based on the various Castes, each with five Abilities.

Slayer: The members of the Slayer Caste are masters of conflict and violence. Members of this Caste favor
the following Abilities: Archery, Martial Arts, Melee, Thrown, War
Malefactor: The members of the Malefactor Caste are the speakers of the laws of Hell. Members of this
Caste favor the following Abilities: Integrity, Presence, Performance, Resistance, Survival
Defiler: The members of the Defiler Caste are twisted craftsmen and savants. Members of this Caste favor
the following Abilities: Craft, Investigation, Lore, Medicine, Occult
Scourge: The members of the Scourge Caste are criminals and cutthroats. Members of this Caste favor the
following Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Dodge, Larceny, Stealth
Fiend: The members of the Fiend Caste are cunning manipulators and deceivers. Members of this Caste
favor the following Abilities: Bureaucracy, Linguistics, Ride, Sail, Socialize
Attributes represent inherent traits of a character, rather than practiced skills. Physical attributes represent the body's
prowess. Mental attributes represents how well the mind can work and how well it perceives the environment. Social
attributes represent a character's ability to interact with others. It is to these Attributes that the Lunar and Alchemical
Exalted affix their Charms.

Appearance measures confidence, bearing, and poise

Charisma is a character's force of personality, used honestly
Dexterity measures a character's agility and speed
Intelligence measures the ability of the character to draw connections and understand the world
Manipulation is the character's ability to convince or trick others
Perception is the character's ability to notice detail, whether physically or socially
Stamina is a character's physical resilience
Strength is a measure of the character's physical power.
Wits is the character's ability to think on their feet and respond quickly
Abilities represent what your character knows and can do, what they have learned as well as their natural potential in
specific areas of interest. It is to these Abilities that the Solar, Abyssal, Sidereal, Infernal, and Terrestrial Exalted
affix their Charms.

Archery is the skill of using ranged weapons, such as bows, crossbows and firewands. It is also required to
operate first age essence discharge weapons and other armaments
Athletics is the ability dealing with all kinds of physical feats and forms of locomotion. It includes
movement such as jumping, running, swimming, balancing, and climbing.
Awareness is the skill of being aware of your environment, of having and wisely using keen senses, and
general wu wei.
Bureaucracy is the ability of a character to navigate bureaucratic entities. He know where and how to bribe,
which forms to fill in to slow down or speed up a given bureaucratic process. He also knows how to haggle
and buy and sell goods.
Craft is the ability of a Character to build and create objects of art or practical value.
Dodge is the ability of a Character to move himself out of harm's way. It's a primarily defensive ability that
is used to calculate PDV.
Integrity is a measure of mental stability, used to calculate MDV.
Investigation is the skill of uncovering hidden or obscure information, whether it involves searching for a
hidden book in a library, cajoling forth information in conversation, or analyzing a crime scene for clues.
Larceny is the skill of sleight of hand, gambling, lockpicking, and other feats that characterize the criminal
underworld and general scoundrels.
Linguistics is the ability governing the use and knowledge of languages. It determines the number of
languages a Character is proficient in, and it is a general measure of his written skill. Note that the ability to
read and write itself is governed by the Lore ability.
Lore provides characters with knowledge of current events, history, geography and the customs of other
lands, as well as the magical secrets of First Age technology.
Martial Arts is the ability involving unarmed combat, focusing on the philosophical and structured
techniques of formal styles
Medicine is the skill of treating injury, sickness, poison, insanity, and other illness through medical
Melee covers all manner of hand-to-hand weapons such as swords, axes and spears. This includes their use
and familiarity with their origins and quality.
Occult is knowledge and familiarity with magic and magical creatures of all kinds.
Performance is all forms of artistic expression or public speech.
Presence is the ability representing a character's force of personality in one-on-one situations.
Resistance is the capacity to resist physical hardship, injury, or anything that puts strain on the body and its
reserves of strength. Used to calculate Soak.
Ride represents proficiency at riding steeds of all kinds.
Sail is the ability to operate and navigate ships of all kinds, including regular water vessels as well as more
complicated Air Boats and Sky Ships.
Socialize allows one to understand the motivations and feelings of others and to negotiate complex cultural
Stealth is the skill of avoiding physical notice through silent motion, avoiding line of sight, and similar
tricks of timing and grace.
Survival is the skill of existing in the wilderness without danger by avoiding hazards and finding food. It's
also used for taming and training animals.
Thrown covers all manner of thrown weapons such as spears, knives, and darts, as well as slings. This
includes their use as well as the understanding of their origins and quality.
War is the skill of warfare. It includes the command and strategies required for large scale battles, as well
as the ability to properly coordinate smaller tactical units

After youre done assigning the numbers, select your Specialties. This represents areas of particular interest to your
character, as a hero and as an Exalt. Its tempting to assign these to the Abilities or Attributes of your highest-rated
Traits, but you should think twice. It can pay to have higher values in many areas, making your character more
competent in a variety of endeavors.

Each type of Exalted has a certain number of Specialty selections. Pick one Ability or Attribute for each Specialty,
which is considered to be one level higher for the purposes of die pools and Charm effects. Your Caste Specialty has
to be selected from within your listed Caste Abilities or Attributes, while your Favoured Specialties may be any of
them. Once Specialties are selected, they are permanent, except in the case of Lunar shapeshifting.



The most basic building block of Creation, Essence is the energy that unites all things and from which all magic
springs. To channel Essence is to work miracles, and the might of the Exalted comes from their ability to do so.

The Essence trait represents an individual's control and understanding of his own Essence and that of Creation.
Unawakened mortals and other beings without access to their Essence Pool have a permanent Essence of 0. The
Exalted possess correspondingly higher scores, beginning at three for Alchemicals and Terrestrials, four for
Celestials, and five for Solars and their mirrors.

It is believed that the maximum possible Essence for any kind of being is ten.


The Essence Pool is the collection of available motes of Essence that a supernatural being may access to power his
Charms and Sorceries. The method for calculating a character's Essence Pool varies according to the type of

Solaroids/Celestials/Alchemicals = (Permanent Essence x 2) + (Integrity or Appearance)

Terrestrials = (Permanent Essence x 2) + (bonus from Breeding)


If an Exalted spends Essence, it returns slowly, as her natural reserves of strength return. An Exalt regains one point
of Essence for every hour spent working, marching or otherwise engaged in strenuous activity. She regains two
points of Essence for every hour spent walking casually, engaged in enjoyable conversation or otherwise relaxing.
She regains four points of Essence for every hour spent sleeping, relaxing in a sauna or bath, receiving a massage or
otherwise recovering her power.


All Exalts regain Essence at half the normal rate within Shadowlands. With the exception of Abyssals, the Exalted
are completely unable to respirate Essence within the Underworld. Abyssals do so at the normal rate, yet are
completely unable to respirate Essence within Creation, Yu-Shan, Autochthonia, or Malfeas, save through feeding.
A form of Essence manipulation that focuses Essence through a character's Abilities or Attributes. Charms allow
Exalts to perform superhuman feats within that area, and are the most varied form of supernatural powers that
essence-users wield.

Charms come in two types: Generic (which all Essence-wielders may access) and Native (only available to Essence-
wielders of a particular type). Both types of Charms are attached to either an Ability or Attribute.

Each Charm costs one mote to activate.


The Alchemical Exalted are a special case in relation to their Charms. As these take the form of physical implants,
they can be removed and repurposed. At character creation, Alchemicals charms are assigned to the three Traits
(Chassis, Interlocution, and Percipience) as the player sees fit. Players then designate the Attributes into which these
Charms are currently installed. However, no Trait may possess more than (Essence) Charms at a time, representing
the current number of slots the Alchemical has available within that Trait.

With access to the vats of Autocthonia, these Charms may later be swapped among the various Attributes within the
same Trait. Charms cannot, however, be swapped between Traits, and any Combos the character possesses that rely
on a reassigned Charm are rendered temporarily unusable.


For each of the Charms listed below, (X) is equal to (Ability) for Solaroids, (Attribute/2) for Lunars and
Alchemicals, and (Ability/2) for Terrestrials and Sidereals. Activation of each of these Charms has a cost of one


This Charm extends, delays, speeds, or slows the effect of a characters action by a factor of (X) in chronological
time (Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Years) or by (X) turns in dramatic time. When combined
with other Charms, Paced allows for the creation of persistent Charm effects (see under Combos, below).

Examples: Martial Arts (Paced) to inflict a lingering wound, Resistance (Paced) to go without sleep for days or
weeks, and Sail (Paced) to cover a weeks distance in a day.


This Charm extends the effective range of the characters action by (X) range increments. Steps include Touch,
Short, Medium, Long, Extreme, Horizon. Additionally, Reaching allows an attack to inflict knockback of up to (X)
range increments. Dodging and/or Soaking the attack negates this effect.

Examples: Thrown (Reaching) to strike an opponent on the horizon with a spear, Linguistics (Reaching) to send a
verbal message to an ally who lies miles away, and Presence (Reaching) to allow an Exalt to address an entire city.

This Charm increases the number of actions taken during a turn by a factor of (X). Note that Multiple explicitly does
not allow multiple attacks to be made against a single target during the same turn.

Examples: Melee (Multiple) to strike several opponents, Survival (Multiple) would let you build a shelter, collect
water, and hunt at the same time, and Socialize (Multiple) to seduce several women with a single, smoldering


This Charm allows an Ability or Attribute to be used normally, regardless of (X) circumstances that would prevent
its use.

Examples: Archery (Supernatural) would allow an Exalt to fire an arrow crafted solely of Essence, Craft
(Supernatural) to forge sound into a weapon, and Athletics (Supernatural) to walk on water.


Each type of Exalt possesses a pair of Charms unique to their Exaltation. Activation of a Native Charm costs one
mote of Essence.


Overwhelming: Your actions are without flaw, irresistible in their perfection. Add (Ability) bonus dice or double a

Triumphant: As one of the conquering heroes of legend, your power is undeniable. Convert dice showing fives into
two successes and sixes into three successes


Relentless: None may gainsay the will of the Chosen of Luna. Add (Attribute/2) dice or increase a Defense by half
of its regular value

Adaptive: Stewards are mercurial and protean in nature. Retroactively reset the target number for a critical success
from a six to either a four or to a five


Auspicious: The tides of fortune favor your will. Add (Ability/2) dice or increase a Defense by half of its regular

Fated: Your success is written in the stars, by your own hand. Lower the target number to three

Excellent: Demonstrates superhuman levels of ability. Add (Ability/2) bonus dice or increases a Defense by half of
its regular value

Resurgent: None can match the tenacity of those who share the blood of the Dragons. Roll an additional die for
each six rolled in the original pool


Optimized: Some circumstances demand maximized effort. Most require the steadier hand of calculated
competence. Add (Attribute/2) dice or increase a Defense by half of its regular value

Exemplar: In moments of critical necessity, intrinsic competence can receive exponential augmentation. Critical
successes result from rolls of five and six


Players can freely combine charms together on the fly, and should be encouraged to explore the nature of the above
Charms as they create these Combos. A few ideas are listed, below.

Five Point Exploding Heart Technique - Martial Arts (Auspicious + Fated + Paced): This combo inflicts
significant damage to an opponent, which will not be felt for (X) turns later. The victim suffers no ill
effects until then.
Protection of Celestial Bliss - Dodge (Overwhelming + Paced + Multiple): The Chosen's PDV is doubled
doubled against (X) opponents per turn for (X) turns.
Rain of Death - Archery (Adaptive + Multiple): The Exalt's arrows strike multiple foes, inflicting grievous
Elemental Tempest Prana - Melee (Excellent + Paced): The Terrestrial may deliver one Excellent strike per
round, for (X) rounds.
Leaves in the Wind - Dodge (Overwhelming + Ranged + Multiple): Up to (X) allies receive an
enhancement of (X) to their Dodge PDV.
Craftsman Needs No Tools - Craft (Overwhelming + Paced + Supernatural): The Exalt is able to forge an
item with inhuman skill and speed, despite a lack of proper materials, gaining (X) dice to the Craft roll and
reducing the time required by (X) steps.
Eyes of the Cat - Perception (Relentless + Supernatural): The Steward enhances his vision to see in
absolute darkness with (X) bonus dice to the roll.
Sorcery is a more sophisticated and demanding form of Essence manipulation than Charms. With Charms, the Exalt
focuses Essence through her Abilities, while, with sorcery, she focuses it through sheer will alone. Sorcery features
three levels of initiation: Terrestrial Circle, Celestial Circle and Solar Circle.

Necromancy is the dark mirror of Sorcery, an arcane art that draws its power from the energy of the Underworld.
These potent effects are, much like Sorcery, divided into three levels of initiation: Shadowland, Labyrinth, and Void
level. Oddly enough, Necromancy was not created by the Abyssals (although Abyssals tend to be the most common
and potent users), but by a circle of three Solars and two Lunars countless years ago. The secrets were wrenched
directly from the Neverborn, so their power is undeniable.

Each Sorcery Circle (Terrestrial, Celestial, Solar) or Necromantic Circle (Shadowland, Labyrinth, Void) is a charm
to be learned. So casting Celestial Spells would require purchasing the Terrestrial Circle Sorcery and Celestial Circle
Sorcery 'charms'. However, each Circle has more selective requirements for its practice, and must be learned
sequentially (i.e. Terrestrial before Celestial, Celestial before Solar).

Terrestrial Circle Requirements: None

Celestial Circle Requirements: Solaroid/Celestial/Alchemical Exaltation
Solar Circle Requirements: Solar or Infernal Exaltation

Shadowland Circle Requirements: None

Labyrinth Circle Requirements: Solar/Lunar Exaltation
Void Circle Requirements: Abyssal Exaltation

Charms can never be used to affect Sorcery rolls. The Essence cost for casting a spell reflects its two traits:
Components and Shaping.

Spell's Casting Cost = Components + Shaping


Components reflect the effects desired by the sorcerer. They are outlined in the following table, as well as their
Essence cost. The progressively more potent Circles of Sorcery allow for increasingly powerful combinations.

Terrestrial/Shadowland Circle (maximum of 1-3 motes expended)

Celestial/Labyrinth Circle (maximum of 4-6 motes expended)
Solar/Void Circle (maximum of 7-9 motes expended)

Level One (+0 Level Two (+1 Level Three (+2 Level Four (+3
Motes) Motes) Motes) Motes)
Power +0 +2 +4 +6
Range Touch In Sight Same Region Anywhere
Scope 1 Target/Solo 50 Targets/Scale 500 Targets/Wing 5000 Targets/Legion
Time Instant/Seconds Scene/Hours Session/Weeks Story/Indeterminate
Power refers to the force behind the spell, and can be applied in a variety of ways. For attack effects, Power is added
to the casting roll to determine the result. It is halved to determine the effects of persistent buffing effects.

Scope refers to the number of targets to be effected. In Mass Combat, the Scope of a spell must be sufficient to
effect the entire Unit, or the spell suffers a penalty based on its effective Magnitude (see section on Units for more

Range simply refers to the distance to which the effect can be projected.

Duration indicates the longevity of the effect once the invocation has been Shaped.


The following are examples of sorcerous effects.

Terrestrial Circle

Stormwind Rider: Range (Region), Duration (Instant) = 2 motes

Wood Dragon Claw: Power (2), Duration (Scene) = 2 motes
Skin of Bronze: Power (4), Duration (Scene) = 3 motes
Infallible Messenger: Range (Anywhere) = 3 motes

Celestial Circle

Travel Without Distance: Scope (Scale), Range (Anywhere) = 4 motes

Cantana of Empty Voices: Power (6), Scope (Wing), Duration (Scene) = 6 motes
The Battles End: Power (6), Scope (Wing) = 5 motes

Solar Circle

Rain of Doom: Power (6), Scope (Legion), Duration (Story), Range (Sight) = 9 motes
Cleansing Solar Flames: Power (6), Duration (Permanent), Range (Region) = 8 motes


Shaping refers to the amount of time that the sorcerer must take to bring the spell to completion, during which they
are unable to actively defend themselves (PDV = 0). Shaping a spell requires a variable amount of time, dependent
on the motes of Essence expended by the sorcerer Shaping the effect. Shaping an invocation slowly requires less
Essence, while faster incantations require more.

Ritual (One Scene): 1 mote

Incantation (One Turn): 2 motes
Word of Power (One Action): 3 motes

The casting roll is made at the end of the given interval, with failure resulting in the motes expended dissipating

Shortly after the end of the Primordial War, the Exalted received the gift of sorcery. With that gift, they reshaped
the world on a vast scale. But the Underworld reacted feebly to the spells of Creation, and some Exalted sought a
way to manipulate the Underworld that they might become its stewards as well. Many sorcerers and theorists
examined the Essence of the dead and the Void in efforts to reconcile or recalibrate sorcery and the Underworld.
Through the efforts of the Black Nadir Concordant, this led to the creation of Necromancy.

Mechanically, this means that that both Sorcerous and Necromantic effects are more expensive to Shape in certain

Sorcery: The Shaping cost of any sorcerous spell cast within the Underworld or a Shadowland is doubled,
as this necrotic Essence resists sorcerous effects.
Necromancy: This branch of magic readily applies itself to those things involving Death and Oblivion.
Other effects double the Shaping cost for the effect.


When summoning, Power maps directly to the Rank of the Extra being invoked, and is limited by Circle and the
branch of magic - sorcery lends itself to the conjuration of demons and elementals, while necromancy readily
summons the spirits of the dead.

Terrestrial/Shadowland Circle: Rank (Power) 2 Extra

Celestial/Labyrinth Circle: Rank (Power) 4 Extra
Solar/Void Circle: Rank (Power) 6 Extra

Summoning halves the Power (Rank) of the effect if applied to more than one entity (Scope). So, a Terrestrial-Circle
sorcerer may summon a Unit of Rank 1 Extras, a Celestial-Circle sorcerer may summon a Unit of Rank 2 Extras,
and a Solar-Circle sorcerer may summon a Unit of Rank 3 Extras.


Countermagic is a defensive use of Sorcery. It automatically interrupts spells being Shaped and shatters spells
already cast, inflicting Wounds equal to the motes spent on the Countermagic effect (3/6/9 points) on anyone within
Short (Terrestrial/Shadowlands), Medium (Celestial/Labyrinth), or Long (Solar/Void). Higher Circle countermagic
will dispel lower Circle spells harmlessly.

Countermagic is Shaped instantly, and costs a total of 3 motes (Terrestrial/Shadowland), 6 motes

(Celestial/Labyrinth), and 9 motes (Solar/Void).
All Exalted have an anima, an aura of power that surrounds them. Normally, this aura is so faint that it is
imperceptible to normal human senses, but when the Exalted spends points of Essence to fuel their supernatural
prowess, the anima intensifies to form a so-called banner.

With the exceptions of the Level One and Level Five entries, the anima banner fades at the rate of one level per
scene, or every 10 to 15 minutes if the scenes are very long.

Level One: The characters Caste Mark (if any) glitters and is visible from certain angles by making a
successful Awareness/Perception roll. The character can use the Stealth Trait normally to hide. This effect
can persist for as long as an hour after the character has ceased to burn Essence.
Level Two: The characters Caste Mark (if any) burns and will shine through anything placed over it. It is
impossible to mistake the character for anything but what she is. This acts as a Complication (1-die
penalty) to Stealth rolls, above and beyond any other modifiers.
Level Three: The character is surrounded by a coruscant aura bright enough to read by, and his Caste Mark
(if any) is a burning brand on his forehead. Stealth is impossible. Note this is the maximum visible level
for the visible display of Sidereal Exalted (though they do manifest their anima effects normally at the 5+
Level Four: The character is engulfed in a brilliant bonfire of Essence, which burns from his feet to at least
a foot above the characters head. The character is visible for miles. The characters Caste Mark (if any)
will remain etched in the vision of anyone who sees it for minutes afterward.
Level Five and Up: The character is surmounted or surrounded by a burning image totemic to his person
a warrior might be surrounded by a great golden bull, a Twilight Caste magician by an incredibly elaborate
mandala, and so on. This effect fades back to Level Four intensity during any turn the character does not
spend Essence, but it leaps back into existence from the characters anima if the character again spends a
point of Essence. Scene-long anima effects manifest automatically at this level, as well as the anima flux
effects of the Terrestrial Exalted (a touch-ranged environmental effect of one wound/turn).

A Background is a specific Trait that does not describe a Character's capabilities, but rather his non-personal
resources. This includes possessions, such as Artifacts or Manses as well as personal influence and companions.

Backgrounds are purchased at a rating one through three, and are outlined below in further detail. Please note that it
is perfectly permissible to purchase certain Backgrounds multiple times, to reflect different areas of influence. For
example, a character may possess multiple Artifacts, or purchase Influence (Guild) and Influence (Yu-Shan), for


Allies are your characters close friends and trusted companions. Allies are always Storyteller characters,
companions with their own lives and desires. Many are Exalted, gods, Fair Folk, or other magical beings.
Alternatively, they may be exotic beings such as intelligent animals or exceptionally skilled and powerful mortals
such as wealthy nobles and prominent Guildsmen.

Mechanically, Allies are Extras with Ranks ranging from one (weakest) to six (mightiest). This can be combined
with Magnitude from one (Fang) to six (Legion) to reflect units of followers devoted to the character's goals and
directly under the character's authority.
Rank One: A solo Rank One Extra and two points to spend on Ally traits
Rank Two: As above but with 4 points to spend on Ally traits
Rank Three: As above but with 6 points to spend on Ally traits


+1 - Increase Rank by one

+1 - Increase Magnitude by one
+1 - Broadened Concept (Examples: Ata-Pard Commando, Pirate-Turned-Diplomat)


In both the First Age and the modern day, Exalts created all manner of items of power, ranging from magical
weapons to flying vehicles or enchanted disguises.

Artifacts typically provide die bonuses to any action relevant to the item in question. An artifact weapon for
example, could add to combat (Initiative, Range, PDV or Damage), while an artifact crown could provide a die
bonus to actions involving rulership. Artifacts may also approximate the effects of various Gifts, at the Storyteller's
discretion. Artifact bonuses of a given type (Damage, for example) cannot be stacked.

Rank One: An indestructible item with 2 points to spend on Artifact traits

Rank Two: As above but with 4 points to spend on Artifact traits
Rank Three: As above but with 6 points to spend on Artifact traits


-1 A significant narrative disadvantage (requires an hour to activate, immobile)

-1 Must spend 1E to activate the Artifact for the scene
+1 A useful narrative advantage (light a room, a hearthstone setting)
+1 Provide a one die bonus to a specific action or statistic (sword with increased damage or initiative)
+1 Increase the effective range of a weapon by one increment (touch, short, medium, long)
+2 Reduce the Mobility penalty by one point
+2 Add a one-point bonus to a Defense (bracers that make the wearer harder to hit in combat)
+3 A significant narrative advantage (see remotely, read any language, a Gift such as flight)

Narrative advantages and disadvantages are inherently gameable, and therefore are completely subject to Storyteller
approval. For example, cannot speak while artifact is active is not significant when applied to an Essence Cannon,
but it is when used with a Shimmering Seduction Kimono.

Example Artifacts include:

Wings of the Raptor (Artifact 1): Winged Flight, Essence Cost of one mote per scene (3-1=2 pts)
Arclight, Orichalcum Daiklave (Artifact 2): PDV +1, Damage +2, Hearthstone Setting (2+1+1=4 pts)
Crimson Bow (Artifact 3): Initiative 0, PDV -1, Damage +3, Long Range, Does Not Require Ammunition
(1+1+1+3=6 pts)

An Exalt may only possess a total of (Essence) dots of Artifacts.


The Essence of a Lunar is ultimately that of protector, engineered by Luna to reflect her relationship with the
Unconquered Sun. Some Lunars have acted to strengthen their Intimacies in this manner, making them potent
defenders of that which they hold most dear.

A Lunar with this Background may select up to (Essence/2) of their positive Intimacies to Bond with, receiving the
benefits listed below. Once selected, these Bonds are permanent, and cannot be undone through Social Combat.
However, the exact relationship may be redefined, so long as it remain a positive Intimacy. For example, Grudging
Admiration could be changed to Fierce Devotion, but not to Abject Loathing.

Rank One: A Lunar Exalt receives a +1 to the die pool of any action reinforcing a positive Intimacy.
However, any action taken against such an Intimacy causes the Lunar to accrue a point of Limit, as if
violating a Virtue.
Rank Two: Once per session, a Lunar may reroll any die pool involving a positive Intimacy, taking the
better of the two rolls.
Rank Three: As above, but increase the die bonus to +2 and the number of rerolls to twice per session.

Should the subject of a Bond ever be destroyed (Storyteller's discretion), the Lunar suffers a point of permanent
Limit. Certain stories depict Lunars recovering their Bonds, but these instances should be suitably epic in scope.
Regaining a Bond in this manner removes the accrued point of permanent Limit.


In the First Age, the blood of the Dragons ran undiluted, with potency virtually unseen in the Dragon-Blooded of the
Second Age. And yet, in some, the true might of the Terrestrial Exalted remains undiminished. Breeding typically
manifests itself physically, with the Terrestrial demonstrating a markedly elemental aspect.

Rank One: +1 to Social actions involving one's own descendants

Rank Two: As above, plus boost the Terrestrial's available motes of Essence by one
Rank Three: Increase both of the above bonuses to +2


In addition to having friends and allies, many characters also know people in various strata of society. Contacts use
their talents, information, or resources to help your character, yet always expecting something in return.

Rank One: One Major Contact in a specific location or field of interest, 2 points to spend on Contact traits
Rank Two: As above but with 4 points to spend on Contact traits
Rank Three: As above but with 6 points to spend on Contact traits


+1 One Additional Major Contact

+1 Contact's location is broader, making them more easily reached
+1 Contact's field of interest is more focused, making their information more detailed

For some Alchemicals, memory-echoes of more than simply past heroism endure into their present incarnation.
They remember quiet moments spent with friends and lovers, the tedium of daily labor or other defining moments of
their previous lives as heroic mortals, and draw strength from these memories.

Rank One: Provides a +1 Social rolls involving the mortals of Autochthonia

Rank Two: As above. Additionally, once per session an Alchemical's act of heroism resonates with his
memories of past mortal lifetimes, allowing him to lower his Limit score by one point
Rank Three: Increase bonus to Social rolls versus mortals of Autochthonia to +2 and once per session may
lower his Limit score by two point


Your character is a figure of some fame and importance. This Background reflects your characters status in society,
derived from sources such as political office, military rank, prominent lineage, or notable achievement. Influence
can be used to garner favors or promote an agenda involving great numbers of people and resources. While mainly a
narrative advantage, mechanically this Background would frequently ameliorate many potential Complications to
social rolls.

Rank One: You are a minor figure within a certain field or group and 2 points to spend on Influence traits
Rank Two: As above but with 4 points to spend on Influence traits
Rank Three: As above but with 6 points to spend on Influence traits


+1 - Increase you rank in the group (minor<major<pivotal)

+2 - Increase the range of your renown (Local<National<Directional)
+1 Widen the scope of your influence to multiple areas of interest


At the conclusion of the Primordial War, the Unconquered Sun delivered the Mandate of Heaven, charging the Solar
Exalted to rule Creation in his name. Over time, the Essence of His Chosen begins to resonate with their ordained

Rank One: Provides a bonus of +1 Social Rolls against Terrestrial gods and elementals
Rank Two: As above. Additionally, once per story a Solar Exalt making a successful social attack against a
Terrestrial god or elemental may issue an inexorable command, inflicting a Consequence which may not be
negated through the use of Essence.
Rank Three: Increase the bonus to social rolls against gods and elementals to +2. The Exalt may also issue
up to two inexorable commands per story.

Dragon lines of Essence run through the entirety of Creation. By attuning themselves to places where this natural
magic gathers, the Exalted can draw upon a vast wellspring of power. Characters who control such a demesne can
build a manse to channel the power of this place into an object called a hearthstone, allowing an Exalt to maintain
the effects of a demesne when outside of its borders.

Rank One: Hearthstone providing +1 Essence Respiration to bearer and 2 points to spend on Manse traits
Rank Two: As above but with 4 points to spend on Manse traits
Rank Three: As above but with 6 points to spend on Manse traits


+1 Habitable, regardless of surrounding environment

+1 First Age amenities
+3 A significant narrative effect (see remotely, read any language)
+2 Adds an additional +1 to the Exalt's Essence Recovery rate
+2 Produces another Hearthstone

To receive the benefits of a Hearthstone, it must be set within an Artifact equipped with a Hearthstone setting, a
minor narrative advantage (see the Artifact entry).


The Sidereals are the only Exalted to retain the greatest secrets and training arts of the First Age. The Chosen of Fate
still hand down ancient lore, safe in their Yu-Shan libraries from before the Usurpation, and they use this to instill
understanding in Exalted born to the Second Ages squalor.

Rank One: A general understanding of the First Age provides +1 to Lore, Occult, and Craft rolls involving
such knowledge
Rank Two: Insight into First Age principles increases maximum Artifact attunement by one (See the
Artifact background for more details)
Rank Three: Easily grasps the workings of most First Age artifacts and remember much from before the
Usurpation, increasing the above bonuses to +2


Each Green Sun Prince carries within her both a guide and a watchdog in the form of an unwoven coadjutor, the
consciousness of a First Circle demon condensed into an immaterial state and ingrained into her soul through the
mechanisms of the Chrysalis Grotesque.

Rank One: Your coadjutor speaks to you on occasion and is willing to share with you its knowledge of
Hell, granting a bonus of +1 Social Rolls against demons and demon cultists
Rank Two: As above. Additionally, once per story an Infernal's act of villainy resonates with his the demon
intertwined with his soul, allowing him to reset his Limit score to zero
Rank Three: Increase bonus to Social rolls versus demons and their cultists to +2,and may reset his Limit
score twice per story

Every Abyssal bears the stain of the Neverborn upon her soul and Essence. For some, this connection stays as
distant and impersonal as the relationship between the Solar Exalted and the Unconquered Sun. Others are both
more - and less - fortunate.

Rank One: Provides a +1 bonus to all Occult rolls concerning Underworld and its denizens
Rank Two: As above, and the Abyssal may take one point of Limit to substitute their Essence score for any
Ability check once per story. This effect can be further augmented by the use of Charms or Sorcery as
Rank Three: Increase bonus to Social rolls involving beings of the Underworld to +2 dice; can take 1 Limit
to substitute Essence for any Ability check twice per session


Players can assume that their characters begin with any item of gear that fits their character concept and selected
Backgrounds. Simply select the items you wish and have the Storyteller look the list over.

Weapons and armor provide a range of both both advantages and disadvantages to warriors, as outlined below. For
simplicity, these are simply divided into two basic categories each: Light and Heavy.


Light Weapons (Sword, Tiger Claws): Damage +1

Heavy Weapons (Maul, Greataxe): Initiative -1, Damage +2


Light Ranged Weapons (Chakram, Flamepiece): Initiative -1, Damage +1, Short Range
Heavy Ranged Weapons (Bow, Crossbow): Initiative -1, PDV -1, Damage +2, Medium Range


Light Armor (Chain Shirt): Soak +1

Heavy Armor (Articulated Plate): PDV -1, Soak +2
Shield: Mobility -1, PDV +1

Mobility penalties affect any roll to move quickly and/or quietly.

Characters possess three basic defenses against attack, two of which protect against physical assault while the other
relates to social combat.


The Physical Defense Value (PDV) represents a characters ability to evade or avoid damage in combat. The base
PDV is determined by taking Dodge or Dexterity and dividing it by two. This base PDV is then modified by bonuses
and penalties such as those from armor and weapons, to determine the net PDV. This value is subtracted from an
attackers dice pool.

Applying PDV requires a character to be both aware of the attack and physically capable of avoiding it. Surprise
situations (ambush) and inescapable damage (falling) are the most common situations where PDV is inapplicable.


While PDV seeks to avoid the attack, Soak deals with attacks that do connect with the character, representing the
bodys ability to resist the attack and come out unharmed by it. Base Soak is determined by dividing a characters
Resistance or Stamina by two. This value is then modified by bonuses and penalties such as those afforded by
armor, to determine the net Soak. This is also subtracted from an attackers dice pool.

Soak only applies when an attack intends to inflict damage and the character is capable of enduring that damage.
Exploitive attacks (Holy) and non-damaging attacks (Grapples) are the most common situations where Soak can be


The final defense does not protect from physical injury at all, but rather the barbs and taunts of social combat. The
Mental Defense Value (MDV) is calculated by adding the Integrity or Appearance to the characters Essence, then
dividing that sum by two. This provides the base MDV, which can be modified by bonuses and penalties as well,
allowing is to derive a net MDV. The most common modifiers to MDV are Intimacies and Motivations, discussed



Motivation is a short description of your characters primary goal. Its what drives your character to go out and be a
hero, and is partly why you were selected for Exaltation. The Motivations of the Exalted are larger than life, and
more than mere mortals can hope to achieve.

Examples of suitable Motivations might include becoming the greatest admiral in history, restoring the lost castes of
Lunar Exaltation, reclaiming the swathes of Creation lost to the Wyld or building an impenetrable wall to defend
them, or conquering the Realm and installing oneself as the next Empress. Create a Motivation for your character
that is suitably epic in scope and fitting to her concept.

Intimacies are things that your character cares about on a meaningful level. You may choose a number of Intimacies
equal to your characters Integrity/Appearance Trait. Please note: all Lunar Exalted must select his Solar mate as
one of his Intimacies, as this bond is integrated into the Lunar Exaltation itself.


Motivations provide a +3 bonus to MDV when resisting compulsions contrary to it. However, any compulsion
favoring this Motivation reduces the defender's MDV by 3 points, as the character is already inclined in this
direction. Intimacies act in a similar manner but with a lessened effect, providing a 1-point bonus or penalty to

The four Virtues do not measure a character's morality or ethics, but rather the heroic impulse that most governs that
character's actions. The four Virtues are Compassion, Conviction, Temperance, and Valor. Each character possesses
one of these as his primary virtue, selected at character creation. Actions made by the character in support of this
Virtue gain a 1-die bonus.

Compassion measures the strength of one's desire to help others, even when this might not be the best
course of action.
Conviction measures the character's self-assuredness, both when the character is right and when he only
thinks he is right.
Temperance measures a character's degree of self-denial, resistance to temptation, and also his expectation
that others live up to the same.
Valor measures the character's martial courage, even when confronted with serious threats to his life.

The Limit Track was originally designed by the gods and the Primordial Autochthon as a defense against the mental
assaults of the titans that they sought to overthrow. The dying curse of the Neverborn perverted this defense, making
it the vehicle of their revenge the Great Curse.

Exalts can gain points of Limit in several ways. Acting contrary to their primary Virtue will do so, due to the stress
of acting against their very nature. Abyssal Exalts also gain Limit through actions that fail to promote Death and
Oblivion actions contrary to the corrupted shard bound to their very souls, while the Alchemical Exalted may
acquire Limit due to prolonged lack of interaction with humanity, reflecting their growing disconnect from a mortal
mindset and an increasing connection to the mind of the Great Maker.

Additionally, Exalts engaged in Social Combat may choose to negate a Consequence by expending one mote of
Essence, instead accruing a point of Limit. Upon expending two motes in a scene (and two points of Limit), the
character is considered Jaded, and is unaffected by further social attacks for the remainder of the scene.

When Limit reaches five, the character suffers Limit Break. Most of the Exalted lose control of themselves due to
the Great Curse, acting in accordance to their Virtue Flaw. Abyssal Exalted, whose Curse was lifted by their
Neverborn masters, instead manifest the stigmata of Resonance. The Alchemical Exalted, untouched by the curse of
the Neverborn, nonetheless feel the touch of Autochthon's Clarity.

Limit Breaks are for a duration determined by the Storyteller. When it has run its course, the Exalt resets his Limit to


As the Primordials fell to the Chosen of the Incarnae, they cursed their Exalted killers. The Great Curse was
elaborate and vast, but its core was that the Exalted would forever be cursed with the hate, immoderation and
treachery they'd shown in the Primordials' murder. A Virtue Flaw is the specific manifestation of the Great Curse
that a particular Exalt is affected by. It is usually associated with a character's highest Virtue. Examples of these
Flaws are found in the various Exalted books, but players are encouraged to develop their own, with Storyteller

Players are encouraged to act out this loss of control, but Storytellers may creatively arrange circumstances and
events should the need arise.


When Abyssals act against their dark fate to be the destroyers of all that is, it raises the ire of the corruption within
them and of the Neverborn who arranged for their genesis. If they do not bring death to the living world, they suffer
reprisals from their own necrotic Essence, lashing them with Blights for daring to be anything other than world-
killing weapons.

These Blights are solely within the purview of the GM, and can range from raining blood to the creation of a small
Shadowland to the death of a mortal towards whom the Abyssal had shown a kindness. An excellent source of
complications for the character to overcome!

Alchemicals did not exist during the Primordial War, and therefore did not suffer from the Great Curse. They are,
however, the Chosen of an ancient, unfathomable intelligence whose thoughts and desires are quite alien to his
mortal adherents. As Alchemicals lose contact with their humanity, this Primordial Essence begins to shape their
thought processes, inflicting them with an unfeeling, mechanical efficiency.

Alchemicals suffering from Limit Break become lost in the machine, driven to achieve their goals through the
most effective manner available, at the expense of any tertiary concerns. As with Resonance and Virtue Flaws, this
is an excellent source of Complications.


Exalted characters have six health levels, representing various stages of wounding. They are -0, -1, -1, -3, -3 and
Taken Out. The minus signs followed by a number indicate the degree of impairment from pain and injury that the
injury causes the character, and it is a penalty applied to all Trait rolls as well as both Defense Values (PDV and

Supernatural beings such as the Exalted are capable of gaining additional Health Levels by purchasing Charms for
either Resistance or Stamina. These are assigned beginning at the highest-penalty levels and working upwards once
a penalty level is completely filled. The maximum number of Health Levels for each type of Exalt is given in the
table below.

Maximum Health Levels By Exalted Type

Exalt Health Level Penalties
Solaroids -3 (x10) -1 (x9) -0 (x4)
Lunars -3 (x12) -1 (x12) -0 (x6)
Sidereals -3 (x2) -1 (x5) -0 (x4)
Alchemicals -3 (x10) -1 (x9) -0 (x4)
Terrestrials -3 (x8) -1 (x8) -0 (x1)


For the average mortal in Creation, a sound blow from a sword results in a crippling injury that will take weeks or
months to heal at best or lethal infection and death at worst. A heroic mortal who has suffered health levels of
damage heals them back slowly approximately one Health Level per week with a successful (Resistance/Stamina)
roll. This is doubled with an extraordinary success.

However, the Exalted were created for war, their bodies healing one Health Level per day with a successful
(Resistance/Stamina) roll. This is doubled with an extraordinary success. This interval can be shortened even further
through the use of the Paced Charm. Supernatural beings, such as gods and the Fair Folk possess this resilience also.

Patients under the care of a physician may substitute (Medicine/Intelligence) for this roll, at the player's discretion.
Characters arent static. They grow in power and knowledge as time goes by. At the end of every session, the
Storyteller awards each character a number of experience points, which the player records on the character sheet.
The player may spend these points to improve their character as dramatically appropriate, and subject to the
Storytellers ruling. The costs for improving the various aspects of a character are listed in the character creation


Players can earn from 1-2 experience points per session, as determined by the Storyteller. Each point has different
criteria which must be satisfied for the point to be received.


If the player arrives on time and contributes to the fun of the game, award the character an experience point at the
end of the session.


If a player does something really amazingly cool, comes up with a startlingly good idea, or even just saves your butt
by having an extra copy of the rules handy when you forgot yours at home, you can award an experience point on
the spot.
Most of the action in Exalted is determined by the players and Storyteller, but we provide a few rules to help
arbitrate complex situations.

This system uses six-sided dice, which are available in supermarkets and toy stores. You might already have some
from a board game like Risk. When a player decides that his character is going to attempt an action for which the
outcome is in doubt (trying to impress a prince, swinging her sword at an enemy, etc.), the Storyteller decides which
Trait is most relevant.

No matter the difficulty, Exalts (and other powerful supernatural beings) always roll at least 1 die. After a roll, each
die showing a four through six is counted as a success. Named characters count sixes as two successes, rather than
one. Simply total the successes rolled.

Qwixalted is a game of exciting, cinematic action. The point is for every player to enjoy himself as much as
possible, and to have fun while playing. Part of what makes a game fun for everyone is when you give a cool
description of what youre doing, rather than droning I hit him with my mace or something equally uninspired. To
encourage such artistic flair, Qwixalted uses stunts. A stunt is whenever a player describes an action her character is
undertaking in a really cool fashion.

Whenever a player does this, the Storyteller should award her an bonus die to the action. Stunts applied to Defense
increase DV by one. In addition, if the character succeeds in the action he used the stunt to attempt, the character
immediately gains back a mote of Essence.


Chosen by the gods of Creation, Exalted will accomplish most tasks without rolling at all. Exalts roll only when
Complications make a task more difficult and failure is just as interesting, cool, or fun as success.

Dice Pool = Trait + Bonus Dice Complications Penalties

Trait: Pick the most appropriate Ability or Attribute for the task and grab an equivalent number of dice.
Examples: Survival/Perception to locate food in the wilderness
Bonus Dice: Usually, youll grab some bonus dice to add to your pool. Examples: Charm, Spell, Stunting,
Background, Artifact, Virtue, Fighting Style
Complications are the number of dice subtracted from your die pool due to external factors. Examples:
Heavy Rain, Darkness, Unfamiliar Language, Long Range, Missing Pages
Penalties may subtract further dice, as appropriate. Examples: PDV, MDV, Soak

One success accomplishes any task, but 5+ successes marks an Exceptional Success and may result in additional
benefits. Conversely, extra successes may be applied as Help Dice or Setup Dice (see below).

Sometimes, one character will compete directly against another. This is known as a contested roll. It is handled
using the exact same method as above, except that after the roll is made, the number of successes are compared, and
the character with the most successes is declared the victor of the contest.


On other occasions, a character goal will logically need to be broken down into smaller component actions, each
requiring a separate roll to accomplish. A perfect example would be crafting an Artifact, which could be broken
down into three basic steps:

Design: Once a craftsman conceives the concept of an item, they must then lay out the steps for its
manufacture. Roll Lore (Supernatural).
Acquire Necessary Materials: This is usually accomplished through an assortment of quests, necessitating
various rolls. More powerful Artifacts would naturally involve more exotic, hard to come by materials.
Assembly: Once the item has been designed and the relevant materials acquired, roll Craft (Supernatural) to
construct the item in question.

It is important that the failure of any of the component steps should not necessarily prevent the action from being
completed. Instead, failure should facilitate further actions to achieve the intended goal. In the above example of
Artifact creation, a failed design roll could necessitate a mission to Denandsor for clues to certain lost techniques of
the First Age, while failing the assembly roll might involve a journey to the forge of Ligier, fetich soul of the Yozi


Setup rolls allow characters to aid, support, or prepare for a specific, future action, whether their own or anothers.
The player simply defines the intended situation (subject to Storyteller approval) and rolls the most appropriate
Ability/Attribute as normal. Success provides a one-die bonus to the situation being set up, while a critical success
(5+) boosts this bonus to two dice. This bonus applies to all relevant rolls for the duration of the scene.

Examples include:

Strategy (War/Intelligence): Success forms a battle plan. Battle plan provides bonus dice to an upcoming
Be Prepared (Survival/Wits): Success packs the right gear. Supplies provide bonus dice to traveling or
Library Research (Lore/Perception): Success discovers applicable facts. Information provides bonus dice to
a related topic
Size Them Up (Awareness/Perception): Success analyzes an opponents style over time. Clues provide
bonus dice during a fight
I've Got You Covered (Awareness/Perception): Success covers a ally with a ranged weapon. Readied
weapon provides a bonus to Initiative should the ally be attacked

Setup rolls are not general preparedness bonuses. Instead, they should apply only to a specific event or task (a
known enemy, a particular journey or environment, etcetera).

Only one setup roll should be made per character, and effects do not stack.

Certain tasks lie beyond the ability of even the most skilled individual. Not even the swiftest of Nexian street
messengers can run across water, nor can the keenest Haltan tracker follow his prey solely by their Essence.

But the Exalted can.

Through the use of the Supernatural Charm, such beings are able to treat impossibility as less than a fleeting
inconvenience. For example, forging an artifact from the Grace of an Unshaped would require the use of Craft

Combat is a specialized form of extended skill check that follows the steps detailed below.


Roll Awareness/Perception, adjusted for any penalties. The player who rolls the most successes is able to act first.


To make an attack, roll (Ability or Attribute + Damage) opponents (PDV + Soak) penalties.

A successful attack inflicts 1 Wound per success, while a failed attack roll grants +1 die bonus to the defenders next
roll. Any wound penalties from lost Health Levels accrued effect all actions and DVs, but not Soak.


Light Weapons (Sword, Tiger Claws): Damage +1

Heavy Weapons (Maul, Greataxe): Initiative -1, Damage +2


Light Ranged Weapons (Chakram, Flamepiece): Initiative -1, Damage +1, Short Range
Heavy Ranged Weapons (Bow, Crossbow): Initiative -1, PDV -1, Damage +2, Medium Range


Light Armor (Chain Shirt): Soak +1

Heavy Armor (Articulated Plate): PDV -1, Soak +2
Shield: Mobility -1, PDV +1

Mobility penalties affect any roll to move quickly and/or quietly.


An ambush is an attack made against an unaware foe. This is usually determined by an opposed roll between
Stealth/Dexterity and Perception/Awareness. A character suffering from ambush is severely hampered in their
ability to defend themselves. For the duration of the turn, a PC or Nemesis cannot use his PDV to defend against
attack, while Extras have their Defense halved.


Grapples are Martial Arts/Strength actions that are used to immobilize an opponent through pins and holds, without
inflicting damage. To grapple an opponent, roll (Martial Arts - PDV). Soak is not applied. If successful, on the
target's next turn both parties make contested Martial Arts/Strength rolls to determine who gains control of the
grapple. The winner of this roll immobilizes the other, preventing the other from moving, using his PDV in combat,
or making attacks so long as the grapple is maintained.

A grapple must be renewed each turn with another contested Martial Arts roll. Should the target gain control of the
grapple, he may break the hold (ending the grapple) or incapacitate the other party, as outlined above.

Either party inflicting damage with an attack automatically ends a grapple. Such an attack, however, could easily
make use of setup dice (as outlined above).


As a character's die action for the turn, the player may defend another from attacks, interposing himself between the
attacker and the intended target, allowing the target to use the better of the two defensive scores for the duration of
the turn. Should the attack succeed, the attacker may choose to inflict damage upon either the defender or the
original target of the attack.

Defending another character requires that the defender have an action available, as well as be able to move adjacent
to the target. Of course, Charms such as Multiple and Reaching can be used to bypass these limitations.


During a players turn, characters can move one range increment and still take a die action. Alternatively, players
may roll Athletics, Ride, or Sail, moving one range level per success (Lunars use Dexterity or Charisma for these
checks). On foot, this sacrifices that turn's action. With a vehicle or mount, this only costs one action if the roll is
failed; a successful use of Ride or Sail is effectively free!


As wounds accumulate, check off the wound boxes on the character sheet, starting with the first -0 box and going
down from there. A character takes the largest penalty listed beside any health level he has suffered, so a character
who had suffered one -0 health level in damage and two -1 health levels in damage would have a penalty of -1 to all

When all health levels are gone, the character succumbs to injury and becomes incapacitated due to shock,
unconsciousness, or pain.
The goal of Social Combat is to exert Mental Influence over other characters. Social Combat takes the form of
debates, and is designed to mimic the normal combat system. As such, the terminology is occasionally
inappropriate: for example, attempts to influence another character are known as Social Attacks, even if a successful
outcome will be entirely beneficial to him. Overall, though, the analogy works well.

The Ability or Attribute used depends upon your goal. Honest persuasion uses Charisma or Presence, while guile
and deception require Manipulation or Socialize. Trying to influence a group relies upon Appearance or
Performance, where ferreting out information involves Perception or Investigation.

Remember that compulsions opposing a characters Motivations provide a bonus of +3 to MDV, while those
opposing an Intimacy provide a +1 MDV bonus. Compulsions in agreement with an Intimacy inflict a -1 penalty to
MDV, while those supporting an existing Motivation inflict a -3 MDV penalty.


Roll Awareness, adjusted for any penalties. The player who rolls the most successes is able to act first.


To make a social attack, roll (Attack Ability or Attribute) MDV +/- (Virtues, Intimacies or Motivation).

A successful attack inflicts a Consequence, while a failed attack roll grants +1 die bonus to the defenders next roll.


The attacker may inflict one of two consequences on the target of a successful social attack.

Compulsion: The first option is to compel the losing character to perform an action of the attackers
choosing, which the loser must complete to the best of his ability.
Modify Intimacies: The second option is that the attacker can assign the losing character a new Intimacy of
his choice or modify a preexisting Intimacy. At the Storyteller's discretion, an Extraordinary Success may
allow for a character's Motivation to be modified in the same manner.

Exalts may negate the Consequence of a successful social attack by taking a point of Limit. Following two such
expenditures, an Exalt becomes Jaded, and can no longer be affected by social attacks for the remainder of the
scene. Other supernatural beings in possession of a Limit Track - such as Spirits and Fair Folk, for example - may do
this also. However, a Consequence acquired via an attacker's Extraordinary Success cannot be negated in such a
manner, and automatically inflicts a point of Limit.
Here are some of the things Ive picked while playing a great many games of Qwixalted.


Qwixalted has one fundamental rule above and beyond all others: Err On The Side Of Epic. Every other rule in the
game is meant to enforce, guide and facilitate epic stories of heroes, monsters, and everything in between. If you or
your group ever has doubts about how to handle any given situation or whether or not a rule should be applied, Err
On The Side Of Epic!


In Qwixalted, nothing never happens. Something is always more interesting, fun, and entertaining than nothing.
For this reason, something must always happen.

Dice rolls should never be Pass/Fail. Any roll that remains Pass/Fail, due to lack of creativity from the group,
automatically succeeds. Actions are only rolled when the dice will produce one of two outcomes, both of which are
interesting, fun, or entertaining. Preferably all three!

Pass/Fail: A lock can be picked (pass) or not picked (fail).

In Qwixalted, a character attempting the above roll would succeed automatically, since failure would leave the
character exactly where he started, staring at an unpicked lock. Since nothing changes, nothing happened, and
nothing never happens.

Pass/Pass: A trap can be disarmed (pass) or triggered (pass).

This roll is more interesting because either option produces a change in the story. With a little thought, any Pass/Fail
roll can be changed into a Pass/Pass roll. In the first example above, not picking the lock could mean getting caught
by the guards, being separated from allies, or being forced to take a less desirable route.


Complications provide the primary source difficulty for rolls and are often the entire cause for the roll in the first
place. That said, here are a few guidelines to help the GM set Complications:

Complications range from -1 to -5 only.

List each Complication whenever a player rolls. Say them out loud. Even the secret ones.
Difficulty should always stem from the number of Complicating factors, not the desired penalty.
Dont rack your brain for additional Complications because you think the roll should be harder.
Feel free to ask the other players (or the acting player!) if you forgot anything.
If you cant think of a single Complication, consider letting the action succeed automatically.
Avoid commandeering PCs with Complications like youre scared or its gross. Let the players choose
how their characters feel.
Occasionally, its okay to grant a higher penalty to a single Complication.
Player characters will encounter two basic types of non-player characters (NPCs) within Creation Extras and
Nemeses. These characters may help or hinder the PCs actions, depending upon the story that is being told. These
characters may include other Exalted, but may also include mortals, spirits (gods, elementals, and demons), ghosts,
the spirit-blooded, and the Fair Folk.

Extras are the most commonly encountered persons in Creation. They are intended to fill the niche below Nemeses,
and will be the type of enemy most often encountered. Each Extra will have a Concept (Guardsman, Mad Behemoth,
Dryad, etcetera). All Extras are assigned a Rank from one to four. Rank one indicates the least experienced or
puissant of that type of Extra, while Rank four reflects among the mightiest of its kind.

Trait and Defense values before slashes are for in-concept actions, while those after the slashes are for out-of-
concept actions, and include dice from Native Charms, Virtues, and Backgrounds. For simplicity, Defenses have
been reduced to Physical (PDV and Soak) and Mental (MDV).

Rank Traits (IC/OOC) Defenses (IC/OOC) Health Levels Available Motes
1 3/2 2/1 Mook 0
2 6/3 4/2 Heroic 2
3 9/4 6/3 Heroic + 2 4
4 12/5 8/4 Heroic + 4 6
5 15/6 10/5 Heroic + 6 8
6 18/7 12/6 Heroic + 12 10

Examples of each Rank:

Rank One: Farmer, Artisan, Hobgoblin, Imp

Rank Two: First Circle Demon, Enlightened Mortal, Minor Elemental, Raksha Commoner
Rank Three: Raksha Noble, Terrestrial Exalt, Godblood
Rank Four: Second Circle Demon, Lesser Elemental Dragon, Immaculate Monk, Lesser God
Rank Five: Celestial Exalt, Alchemical Exalt
Rank Six: Greater God, Solaroid Exalt, Behemoth, Third Circle Demon, Greater Elemental Dragon

Base Health Levels include Mook (-0, -1, -3, Taken Out) and Heroic (-0, -1, -1, -3, -3, Taken Out). Additional
Health Levels are added to the Heroic array as appropriate to the character type in question.

Example: a Rank Four Sidereal Extra would possess the following Health Levels (-0, -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -
3, -3, Taken Out), while a Rank Four Demon would possess (-0, -1, -1, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, Taken Out).
Generic Charms function appropriately for the entity in question, with the value of (X) being equal to either (Rank)
for Solaroids or (Rank/2) for all others. Endowments, anima effects, and sorcery function as appropriate for the
Extra's Concept.

Example: A Rank Two enlightened mortal Extra would be incapable of Charms, but could invoke sorcery.
A Rank Five Infernal Exalt could use any of the Generic Charms with (X) being equal to (5), as well as
Vitriolic and one of the five anima effects.


Whenever the die pool of an Extra is reduced to zero through Penalties or Complications, a single Chance Die is
rolled. The Chance Die scores a single success on a rolled six. All other results are simply failures.

A Unit is any group of Extras acting together towards a common goal and possessing a unified Concept (see Extras).
Base Traits are determined through the Tiers and Ranks of the Extras Table. These characteristics may be further
modified through the use of Tactics by commanders and the Magnitude of the Unit itself.

Prior to combat, Units may be split as the commander desires, so long as a Hero is present to command each.

Units are typically arrayed in groups of varying size, outlined in the table below:

Average Die Defensive Health Level Available
Designation Magnitude
Membership Bonus Bonus Multiplier Actions/Turn
Fang 1 10 +1 +0 x2 1
Scale 2 50 +1 +1 x4 2
Talon 3 250 +2 +1 x6 3
Wing 4 500 +2 +2 x8 4
Dragon 5 1000 +3 +2 x10 5
Legion 6 5000 +3 +3 x12 6

Base stats are those of the Rank of Extra being used, modified according to the chart above.

Bonuses (Die and Defensive) apply whenever members of the unit are capable of utilizing teamwork to
achieve a goal.
The Health Levels of a Unit are those of the base Extra times the Multiplier. This represents physical
damage as well as demoralization, trauma, and/or desertion.
Due to their plurality, Units are capable of engaging in several actions per turn. They may not duplicate a
given action, however. In combat, for example, a Talon would be capable of attacking three distinct targets,
but not of launching three attacks against the same target.
Unit leaders can roll War to inspire, direct, and command their Units. Successes on this roll provide bonus dice as
per the rules for Setup Dice (a one-die bonus for a success, a two-die bonus for a critical success). This bonus is
retained for the duration of the scene, and applies to die pools related to the conditions defined when the War roll
was made (Defend the Keep, Destroy the Forces of Marika, etcetera).

Following a conflict, a leader may attempt to Rally members of their unit, rolling the appropriate Ability (Attribute).
If successful, the unit recovers Health Levels equal to the number of successes rolled.

This roll can be made only once, and can be modified by Charms as per normal. Additional Health Levels can be
recovered by a week of active recruiting in a populated area and a roll similar to the one mentioned in the previous
paragraph. This may be affected by Charms, as normal.

Sorcerous effects use the spell's Scope as an analogue to Magnitude, and function in precisely the same manner
when calculating Damage Bonus/Damage Resistance.


Heroic characters involved in a mass combat scenario are vulnerable to attacks from all directions friend and foe
alike both intentional and unintentional. To model this, all theaters involving unit-scale combat are assigned are
assigned a Hazard Rating similar to an Environmental Effect.

This is typically resisted through a War (Perception) check, but the Storyteller may allow players to roll other
Abilities (Attributes) if applicable. Wounds are typically inflicted each turn, and vary according to the size of the
conflict and the potency of the combatants. A battle between legions of demons and elementals might rate 3-4
Wounds/Turn, while a skirmish between a Fang of cavalry and a Scale of highwaymen may only rate 1-2

This effect begins with the onset of combat and typically ends with the cessation of hostilities.

Nemesis-level NPCs are typically reserved for the gravest and greatest enemies of the PCs, and should be
used sparingly. Nemeses are created using the same steps as those for creating a PC, but the Storyteller
may assign Traits as needed, rather than following an arbitrary point value. The table for creating Extras
shown above can be used as a guideline for gauging the potency of a Nemesis.

For example, the Goblin King of Rathess is canonically a 150 year old Dawn Caste Solar Exalt. Looking
at the Extras table, this would make him a Rank Six Extra, with an Ability pool of 14 dice in appropriate
Abilities and six dice in the others. I would then use this as a guide when writing him up using the steps
for creating a Dawn Caste Solar.
The Gods are the Spirits that embody and oversee Creation. They always represent facets of Creation, a
characteristic that can also be used to classify them. The Celestial gods represent abstract, creation-wide
concepts, such as Love, Frowning or the Joy of Good Work. They reside in the Heavenly City of Yu-Shan
and the most powerful of them, and all the gods, are the Celestines or Celestial Incarn. The Terrestrial
Gods represent physical and more-narrow facets of the world, such as a particular city or a forest. They
usually reside at a physical location in Creation or their sanctum. Among them are the least gods, small
beings of little or no intelligence or importance. They live in and oversee the most tiny and unimportant of
things such as individual blades of grass or chairs.
An Elemental is either a spirit of Creation aspected to one of the five Elements or a spirit of Autochthonia
aspected toward one of the six Autochthonian elements. Their primary purpose within the Terrestrial
Bureaucracy is to operate and manage the daily going-ons of Creation. Air and Water spirits control the
weather and tides. Earth spirits bring down avalanches as scheduled, or simply make hills grow where
commanded. Wood elementals tend to their forests and plants and so on. Elementals are primarily
materialized spirits of the elements that need to spend a great deal of Essence to dematerialize. Elemental
Dragons are the evolutionary result of the elemental condition. As an elemental grows in spiritual power,
they take on the forms of humanoids or large animals and eventually, the only form that can contain such
Essence is the form of the dragon.
Demons are the prolific natives of Hell. The most powerful make up the massive souls of the Yozis, while
the least are spawned and are not properly part of the Yozi. All demons are bound up in the prison Malfeas
with their Yozi masters. They are divided into fairly well-defined categories of power and relationship to
their Yozi progenitors, with the most powerful known as Third Circle demons. Each Third Circle demon
has a set of Second Circle souls, and each of these are usually the source of First Circle demons. This
arrangement is known as the Descending Hierarchy. The Descending Hierarchy is the formal title for the
way in which the titanic souls of the Yozis are structured. Though each such being is separate and
independent, its soul is split into many parts that are themselves individuals, each sub-soul reflecting facets
of the greater being.
Deathlords, while originally the ghosts of Solar Exalted dating back to the First Age, are the vessels for the
fragmented shards of the souls of the Neverborn. As avatars of the Void, they transcend the limitations of
ghosts and approach the power of the gods themselves. They are constrained thricely, however, by their
need for the necrotic Essence of the Underworld, their own madness, and the whims of their masters -
semi-lucid, fallen titans trapped in endless agony and tortured nightmares. From their citadels of souls and
bone they rule the Underworld with an iron fist while their puppets, the Dual Monarchs, act as the titular
rulers of the lands of the dead.

All Nemesis-level Spirits share the common characteristics listed below.


Spirits never take harm from their Native Region or Element, nor do they have no need to eat, sleep, or breathe.

Additionally, for one mote they may:

Sense Native Beings to a Range of (Essence/2) increments for the scene

Spirits are shape-shifters, manifesting up to (Essence/2) points of Gifts at will.
o 1 pt - Extra Die on a particular action (Example: Claws providing Damage +1 to unarmed attacks;
Cat Eyes providing +1 Perception/Awareness in low light )
o 2 pts One point Defense Bonus (Examples: Soak +1, MDV +1)
o 3 pts - Useful Significant Advantage (Examples: Wall-Crawling, Winged Flight)
Reflexively Dematerialize/Materialize for the scene. While dematerialized, they are incapable of being
physically detected, harmed, or causing harm, except through the use of the Supernatural Charm.


Panoply: The mightiest of Spirits - the Incarnae - possess the Endowment of their Exalted. Therefore, Ignis Divine
possesses Holy, the Argent Madonna has the shape-shifting prowess of the Lunars, and the Maidens manifest the
ability to manipulate Destiny. The Deathlords themselves possess Necrotic, due to the circumstances of their origin,
while the Divine Ministers of the Primordial Autochthon possess Axiomatic. The Five Elemental Dragons
themselves are Reinforced by the presence of their brethren.


All Spirits share three categories of Traits, similar to Lunars. These should be rated as appropriate to the Spirit in
question. Most Spirits have a maximum rating of six, while the most powerful possess scores of seven or eight.

Corpus: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina

Magnetism: Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance
Acuity: Perception, Intelligence, Wits


As many as seem appropriate. If uncertain, assign a total equal to the Spirit's (Essence/2).


Spirit Charms are based on (Attribute/2). They have access to the following Native Charms:

Imperious: Your prowess is beyond reproach. Adds (Attribute/2) bonus dice or increase a Defense by half
of its normal value
Transcendent: In this matter, none may gainsay your will. 1E to double rolled successes

Charms are selected as appropriate my the Storyteller. When in doubt, select a total number of Charms equal to
(Essence x 2).
Spirits typically select their Backgrounds from the following list: Allies, Artifacts, Contacts, Cult (see below),
Influence, and Manse. Select as many as appropriate for the Spirit in question. When in doubt, select (Essence x 2)


Spirits know that worship gives them power. It doesnt matter if those worshippers love or fear them what matters
is that they offer regular prayer and praise.

Rank One: Worship increases the Spirit's Essence respiration rate by 1

Rank Two: Devotion increases the Spirit's Essence Pool by 1
Rank Three: Increase both of the above bonuses to +2


Few Spirits learn true Sorcery, and even fewer master up to the Celestial/Labyrinth level. Deathlords alone may
advance up to the Void Circle of Necromancy.

Some Spirits do possess certain innate abilities, however, referred to as Dominions. Dominion functions as a limited
form of Sorcery, which can only create effects falling within a narrow purview. A Dominion, like Sorcery, is rated at
the Terrestrial or Celestial level. For example, Ahlat's Celestial Dominion is War, while Jorst's Terrestrial Dominion
is Deciduous Forests.


Typically rated 1-3 for First Circle Demons/Least Gods and Elementals, 4-6 for Second Circle Demons/Terrestrial
Gods and Lesser Elemental Dragons, 7-9 for Deathlords/Third Circle Demons/Celestial Gods and Greater Elemental
Dragons, 10 for the Incarnae and Primordials.

Available Essence = (Permanent Essence x 2) + Appearance


Creation was founded on the four Virtues - Compassion, Conviction, Temperance, and Valor - which were woven
into its very Essence. Select one of the four Virtues as primary to that Spirit. Actions in favor of this Virtue gain a
one-die bonus.


The Limit Track of the Exalted is patterned after that possessed by Spirits. However, Spirits are not subject to any
sort of curse, and therefore do not manifest a Virtue Flaw, Resonance, or Clarity. Instead, whenever a Spirit
accumulates five points of Limit, the Spirit is forced to act in accordance with his primary Virtue for the remainder
of the scene. Before the Great Curse was made, this was the manner in which the Limit Track of the Exalted worked
as well.


Spirits begin with the same basic Health Levels as PCs, adding 2 additional levels per Resistance Charm.
Ghosts are the souls of human beings that linger on after death because of some attachment they have to their prior
existence rather than reentering the natural cycle of reincarnation. The denizens of the Underworld are aberrations to
the proper course of existence, and they have existed only since the deaths of the Neverborn. It is from the souls of
restless Solars that the Neverborn crafted their most greatest and most terrible servants - the Deathlords.


The spirits of the dead never take harm from the environmental effects of the Underworld, nor do they have any
need to eat, sleep, or breathe.

Additionally, for one mote they may:

Sense other ghosts to a Range of (Essence/2) increments for the scene

Ghosts are shape-shifters, manifesting up to (Essence/2) points of Gifts at will.
o 1 pt - Extra Die on a particular action (Example: Claws providing Damage +1 to unarmed attacks;
Cat Eyes providing +1 Perception/Awareness in low light )
o 2 pts One point Defense Bonus (Examples: Soak +1, MDV +1)
o 3 pts - Useful Significant Advantage (Examples: Wall-Crawling, Winged Flight)
Reflexively Dematerialize/Materialize for the scene. While dematerialized, they are incapable of being
physically detected, harmed, or causing harm, except through the use of the Supernatural Charm.


Ghosts possess the Traits that they possessed in life. For example, the ghost of a deceased Solar will possess Dawn,
Zenith, Twilight, Night, and Eclipse as Traits. Ghosts with an Essence of six may raise their Traits to six.


Ghosts possess the same number of Specialties that they possessed in life. The ghost of a Terrestrial Exalt would
possess two, one favored and one associated with his former Aspect.


Ghosts retain the Generic Charms they possessed in life, which function according to either (Attribute/2) or
(Ability/2). Ghosts do not possess Native Charms of their own.


The spirits of the dead typically select their Backgrounds from the following list: Allies, Artifacts, Contacts, Cult
(see below), Influence, and Manse. Select as many as appropriate for the Spirit in question. When in doubt, select
(Essence x 2) Backgrounds.

Ghosts know that worship gives them power. It doesnt matter if those worshippers love or fear them what matters
is that they offer regular prayer and praise.

Rank One: Worship increases the ghost's Essence respiration rate by 1

Rank Two: Devotion increases the ghost's Essence Pool by 1
Rank Three: Increase both of the above bonuses to +2


Ghosts are unable to practice sorcery, as their Essence no longer responds to the dictates of Sorcery. Those ghosts
who give themselves over to the cause of Oblivion are able to master Shadowland-Circle necromancy.


Permanent Essence varies from ghost to ghost, initially the same as it was in life - typically from one to three, with a
maximum of six.

Available Essence = (Permanent Essence x 2)


Ghosts continue to be given form by their passions and convictions, which are strong enough to allow them to defy
the ordained cycle of reincarnation. Select one of the four Virtues as primary to that Spirit. Actions in favor of this
Virtue gain a two-die bonus.


Ghosts are not subject to any sort of curse, and therefore do not manifest a Virtue Flaw, Resonance, or Clarity.
Instead, whenever a Ghost accumulates five points of Limit, it is forced to act in accordance with his primary Virtue
for the remainder of the scene. They neither possess Flaws nor accumulate Limit.
A term used to describe the beings dwelling beyond the elemental poles. The unshaped Fair Folk who remain
beyond the edges of Creation are hostile to all things of constant shape and form; they are Creatures of Darkness.

A great number of Fair Folk, however, have entered the world and taken on shape; they are no longer Creatures of
Darkness by default. The vast majority of these beings are inimical to the beings of Creation hunting down
humans and feeding on their hopes and dreams but some few choose to live among men as either lords or simple
citizens. Fair Folk come in two classes: the ruling Nobles, and the subservient Commoners.

They call themselves the Raksha, and their name for the Wyld is Rakshastan. They are a fractious lot, and are quite
divided. Nevertheless, during the Great Contagion they rode forth in a great crusade to bring an end to the
blasphemy of shaped existence. Had the Scarlet Empress not succeeded in bringing the Realm's magical defenses to
bear against them, Creation would have met its end.

Currently, they gather under the banners of their five Great Courts - the Jet Court in the Northern Wyld, the Lapis
Court in the Southern Wyld, the Pearl Court in the Western Wyld, the Opal Court in the Eastern Wyld, and the Ruby
Court in the Southeastern Wyld.


The raksha are defined by the roles into which they have intertwined their existence. All raksha are either Workers,
Entertainers, Diplomats, Warriors, or Nobles.

Workers manifest the power of the shinma Nirvishesha which defines the principle of identity the
power of devotion. That which they build or repair is devoted to the greater good of the Wyld.
Entertainers manifest the power of the shinma Dharma which defines the principles of corrosion,
ignorance and desire, as well as those principles perfect opposites, stability, wisdom and altruism. With it,
they make themselves indispensably useful and inescapably alluring.
Diplomats manifest the power of the shinma Nirvikalpa the great unbroken being that defines the
principle of communication the power to bring disparate beings of radically different natures to mutual
understanding and bind them together.
Warriors manifest the power of the shinma Nishkriya which defines the principle of conflict. In these
raksha is made incarnate the power of fear, with which they master their enemies and throw banal Creation
into disarray.
Nobles manifest the power of multiple shinma. These entities are not only the stars of their own stories, but
central figures in the lives of all those around them, the nature of which varied according to the shinma
which define them.


Raksha are immune to the effects of the Wyld, and have no need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe.
Fair Folk typically manifest (Essence/2) points of Gifts. These are permanent once selected.
o 1 pt - Extra Die on a particular action (Example: Claws providing Damage +1 to unarmed attacks;
Cat Eyes providing +1 Perception/Awareness in low light )
o 2 pts One point Defense Bonus (Examples: Soak +1, MDV +1)
o 3 pts - Useful Significant Advantage (Examples: Dematerialize, Wall-Crawling, Winged Flight)
Aspect: Fair Folk use one of the elements of Creation to fashion their corporeal form - Fire, Water, Earth,
Air, or Wood. For one mote, a raksha may render himself immune to this element for one scene, as per the
Terrestrial immunity.
Raksha do everything with style, receiving two-die stunt bonuses.

Damage from cold iron inflicts bypasses a rakshas Soak

Any vow made by a raksha is under an effect identical to an Oath sworn to an Eclipse Caste Solar Exalt
Cannot normally respirate Essence within Creation


Fair Folk are self-sustaining narratives composed of vortices of Wyld energy, known as Graces. Within Creation,
these Graces serve to define the rakshas material shape, as well as determine the manner in which they can relate to
material beings. These Graces are typically rated very highly in comparison to mortals (maximum of six, regardless
of Essence).

Staff: Through the medium of this shinmaic principle, the hungry patterns of madness that compose the
raksha are able to connect and communicate with one another in meaningful ways. This Grace favors:
Linguistics, Occult, Ride, Socialize, Thrown
Cup: In contemplation of stability, wisdom and altruism a raksha discovers the method of perfect servility
to greater powers. This Grace favors: Investigation, Larceny, Medicine, Performance, Stealth
Sword: The Sword Grace drives Raksha to challenge themselves and others constantly, seeking always to
better themselves and improve upon the legacies they will leave behind when they are gone. This Grace
favors: Archery, Martial Arts, Melee, Presence, War
Ring: The Ring defines those principles by which the raksha defines itself and therefore must never violate,
even for its own pleasure or gain. This Grace favors: Bureaucracy, Craft, Integrity, Lore, Resistance
Heart: Within ones Heart Grace is contained the rakshas uniqueness and presence. This Grace favors:
Athletics, Awareness, Dodge, Sail, Survival


Nobles may select any three Abilities, while heroic Commoners may select any one in addition to a Caste Ability.
These Caste specialties are from the Staff for Diplomats, the Cup by Entertainers, the Sword for Warriors, and the
Ring by Workers.


Raksha have access to all Generic Charms, but do not possess Native Charms. The potency of a shaped Rakshas
Charms is based on (Ability/2).

Charms are selected as appropriate my the Storyteller. When in doubt, select (Essence x 2) Charms.


Raksha typically select their Backgrounds from the following list: Allies, Artifacts, Contacts, Cult (see above), and
Influence. Select as many as appropriate for the Spirit in question. When in doubt, select a total of (Essence x 2)

The Fair Folk are unable to manipulate the Essence of Creation to perform sorcerous effects. Within the Wyld,
however, they are limited only by their imaginations.

Oneiromancy: The Fair Folk blur the line between fantasy and reality, their illusions ringing true. Within
the Wyld, all heroic commoners are able to shape Terrestrial-level sorcerous effects. Raksha nobles are
capable of Celestial-tier effects.


Commoners typically rate somewhere between one and three, with a maximum of five. Nobles typically have an
Essence between three and five, with a maximum of six.

Available Essence = (Essence Rating x 2)

Motes are recovered as normal within the Wyld, manse or demesne, but not at all within the rest of Creation.
Possessing a Cult allows a Raksha to bypass this restriction. They can also Ravish an opponent (see below) to regain


A successful attack in Social Combat which removes an Intimacy restores up to (Essence) motes to the raksha.
Ravishment can take many forms, from seduction to torture, depending on the raksha in question.


Raksha are alien to Creation, their minds and motives unfathomable even to the Primordials, for they are not the
work of the Titans. However, upon cementing a static form they incorporate certain tendencies into their personal
narrative, tendencies in accord with those Virtues upon which Creation is founded. Select a primary Virtue, which
provides a bonus die, while ignoring a it causes a Raksha to accumulate a point of Limit. Examples include:


Raksha are creatures of endless passion, their true forms a vortex of narrative Essence. This narrative invariably
includes a note of flawed tragedy, based on the Virtue they've chosen to incorporate into themselves. This mirrors
the effect of a Virtue Flaw, and is triggered through the accumulation of Limit, as per the Exalted.


Raksha begin with the same basic Health Levels as PCs, with Commoners adding one additional level per
Resistance Charm and Nobles adding two.
The term God-Blooded is generally used as a catch-all term for all kinds of children born from a union between a
mortal and a supernatural being. These half-blooded children often have supernatural capabilities inherited from
their supernatural mother/father. However they still are regular humans for all extents and purposes, sometimes even

The different types of God-Blooded are separated into a number of categories, depending on the nature of their
supernatural parent. The Demon-Blooded are the hell spawn are born from Demons and Mortals. Fae-Blooded are
changelings born of Fair Folk and Mortals. True God-Blooded derive from the union of either Gods or Elementals
with Mortals. Ghost-Blooded, or Ghouls, are the offspring of Ghosts and Mortals. Half Caste are sired by powerful
Exalted and Mortals. These include the Beastman of the Lunar Exalted.


God-Blooded have special abilities based on their heritage.

Spirit-Blooded never take harm from their parents Native Region or Element.
Wyld-Blooded are immune to mutation.
Half-Caste possess an additional Favored Specialty, based on their parent's Caste. Godblooded Beastmen
possess (Essence) points in Gifts instead.


God-Blooded delineate their Abilities in a manner similar to Mortals. Rate each appropriately, typically to a
maximum of five. Godblooded whose supernatural parent possesses an Essence greater than five may possess Traits
of six.

Warrior: Archery, Martial Arts, Melee, Thrown, War

Priest: Integrity, Performance, Presence, Resistance, Survival
Scholar: Craft, Investigate, Lore, Medicine, Occult
Criminal: Athletics, Awareness, Dodge, Larceny, Stealth
Broker: Bureaucracy, Linguistics, Ride, Sail, Socialize


God-Blooded possess two Favored Specialties.


God-Blooded have access to all Generic Charms, but do not possess Native Charms. The potency of these Charms is
based on (Ability/2).

Charms are selected as appropriate by the Storyteller. When in doubt, select (Essence) Charms.

As per heritage. Select Backgrounds as appropriate.


God-Blooded typically range between two and four, with a maximum of six. Available motes of Essence is equal to
(Essence x 2).


Select one of the four (Compassion, Conviction, Temperance, and Valor). God-Blooded do not accumulate Limit or
manifest the Great Curse.


God-blooded begin with the same basic Health Levels as PCs, adding one additional Health Level per Resistance

A Mortal is commonly the term used for a regular human without any supernatural powers. Often awakened Essence
users such as Thaumaturges (sorcerers) are exempt from this category, while some savants consider every human
who is not one of the Exalted to be a Mortal.


Through sheer force of will, a heroic mortal can add one die to any pool for one mote.


Mortals delineate their Abilities in a manner similar to the Solar Exalted. Rate each appropriately (maximum of

Warrior: Archery, Martial Arts, Melee, Thrown, War

Priest: Integrity, Performance, Presence, Resistance, Survival
Scholar: Craft, Investigate, Lore, Medicine, Occult
Criminal: Athletics, Awareness, Dodge, Larceny, Stealth
Broker: Bureaucracy, Linguistics, Ride, Sail, Socialize


Heroic Mortals possess one Favored Specialty.


Heroic Mortals may not learn Charms.


None. Backgrounds are selected as normal, with many heroes possessing levels of Influence and Contacts.


Most range between one and three, with a maximum of five. Available motes of Essence is equal to the Mortals
(Essence + Integrity)/2.


Select one of the four (Compassion, Conviction, Temperance, and Valor). Mortals do not accumulate Limit, nor do
they possess an associated Flaw or manifest Resonance.


Heroic mortals begin with the same basic Health Levels as PCs.

NPCs of the above types gain additional Health Levels as do the Exalted, through the acquisition of
Resistance/Stamina Charms. The maximum for each is outlined in the table below.

Maximum Health Levels By Heritage

Heritage Health Level Penalties
Spirits -3 (x8) -1 (x8) -0 (x1)
Ghosts -3 (x8) -1 (x4) -0 (x1)
Godblooded -3 (x6) -1 (x2) -0 (x1)
Raksha Commoner -3 (x8) -1 (x2) -0 (x1)
Raksha Noble -3 (x8) -1 (x4) -0 (x1)
Mortals -3 (x2) -1 (x2) -0 (x1)
For mortals, Creation is a place of danger, with the spectre of Death lurking around every corner. While the nature
of Exaltation changes this for the Chosen, it is not to say that they are invulnerable to those same dangers.

In some portions of Creation, the very environment poses a threat areas inimical to human life such as the
scorching deserts of the South, for example. Environmental effects are a Resistance roll either every turn or scene.
Failure inflicts an arbitrary number of ranks of unsoakable damage. Some effects (the Elemental Poles, for instance)
can be resisted only with the Supernatural Charm.

Environmental hazards possess a Wound Rating, which is how many unsoakable wounds the hazard will cause, and
an Interval, which is how often the hazard inflicts this damage. Intervals can be in terms of dramatic time (turn,
scene) or chronological time (minutes, hours), as appropriate.

To resist this damage, roll Resistance/Stamina. Each success lowers the damage for that interval by one level.
Overwhelming can help you resist, Supernatural allows you to resist when normally impossible, and Paced can slow
the damage interval. Examples include:

Southern Heat: 1 Wound/Scene

The Underworld: 2 Wounds/Day (Supernatural Only)
Acid Bath: 4 Wounds/Turn


Poison and disease are handles in a similar manner as the above. However, should the Wound Rating of a disease or
poison be reduced to zero, the effects end permanently, as the Exalt has thrown off their effects completely. If under
the care of a physician, Medicine/Intelligence can be used in place of Resistance/Stamina to resist the effects of
poison or disease. Examples include:

Plague: 1 Wound/Day
Rattlesnake Venom: 1 Wound/Scene
Great Contagion: 1 Wound/Hour (Supernatural Only)

Being in the Wyld is dangerous; merely being there can change a man, plaguing him with Mutations that warp his
humanity and erode his sanity. You gain a Mutation at the rate of once per week within the Bordermarches, once per
day within the Middlemarches, and once per hour within the Deep Wyld.

For the Exalted, points of Mutations acts as a equivalent dots of Permanent Limit. Many Mutations provide a simple
bonus to an action (e.g. Claws: +1 to melee attacks), while others allow for more spectacular effects (e.g. winged
flight). However, your Mutations are a stigma that may mark you as a monster within Creation (a complication on
appropriate social rolls). Moreover, an Exalted character with 5 points of Mutations (and therefore 5 points of
permanent Limit) is trapped in a perpetual Limit Break. Mortals are typically driven mad as they are mutated - but
not always.


Any Mutation gain may be negated by spending one mote and successfully rolling Integrity/Appearance. The
interval for the onset of mutation may be slowed through the use of the Paced Charm or cured through the use of
Supernatural Medicine. Lunars and Raksha are immune to Wyld-Taint entirely.


Taboos are ritual actions that can be undertaken to resist the effects of the Wyld. For game purposes, these are rated
1 to 5. This rating tells you the number of times per story that you may resist Mutation. So someone following a
level 3 Taboo may resist Mutation three times per story.

You must follow a taboo for at least one full story before benefitting from its protection. (If you take a Taboo at
character creation, it is assumed to be backstoried, of course.) Multiple taboos are treated as one stacked entity if
you break one minor taboo, you're assumed to have broken your Taboo entirely. If you break your taboo, you may
no longer resist Mutation at all for the rest of the story. And even after this, you must make amends before being
able to benefit from a Taboo again, which will take another story.

The Exalted may follow Taboos, but this is rare breaking a taboo means you can no longer spend Essence to
negate a Mutation, thus the Exalted have less incentive and greater risk in following taboos. Heroic Mortals, with so
little Essence, do have a greater incentive to do so, but beware: the Fair Folk are renowned tricksters. More than one
shaman has been fooled into breaking a geas and found himself warped into a mutant

Example: Kiara Ripples-in-the-Water, God-Blooded Shaman - Taboo 5

She may never wash or bathe, or be washed or bathed. Swimming or being splashed is okay, as long as
there's no soap or scrubbing involved.
She may never eat meat (blood is okay), except on Calibration, when she may only eat meat and can't drink
any blood.
She may not enter a private abode without prior invitation.
Whenever she catches sight of her reflection, she must spin around widdershins three times immediately.
She must toss salt over her shoulder if she ever comes across some that's been spilled.
Following the Usurpation, the bodies of the Solar Exalted were placed in sumptuous tombs by their Dragon-Blooded
slayers in an effort to appease the spirits of their former masters, preventing their rising as powerful hungry ghosts.
These tombs are protected by elaborate measures, deathtraps of a kind not seen since the First Age created by the
brilliance of minds gone over to paranoia and madness.

Various Abilities (Survival for pitfalls, Larceny for pressure plates and rigged locks, Awareness for scything blades,
etcetera) and the Perception Attribute can be used to spot a trap and thereby completely avoid it. This roll can have
penalties from Complications as outlined below.

Should this fail, then an effect is assigned to represent the actual damage. Different traps require different skills to
resist this effect (usually wounds). Examples include:

Acid Cloud: 3 Wounds/Resistance (Stamina)

Spike Pit: 5 Wounds/Athletics (Dexterity)
Falling Block: 4 Wounds/Dodge (Dexterity)
Shock Stones*: 3 Wounds/Lore (Intelligence)

(*) a floor consists of stones marked with ancient runes for 'Life' and 'Death'

Characters can create traps themselves, given enough time and materials. Roll the appropriate Ability or Attribute,
spending the successes on the effectiveness (i.e. wounds inflicted) of the trap or on Complications to detect it (one
Complication per success expended).
Should the Storyteller agree to drift from the system's primary focus upon the members of the Exalted host, the
following outline allows players to generate God-Blooded, Ghost, and Heroic Mortal characters. Players must be
aware that this will be quite a noticeable power disparity, especially in mixed groups. PCs of these types will need to
refer to the appropriate sections under Nemeses to determine the specifics of several traits of these types of
characters, as this information is not repeated here.

1. Select a character concept

2. Choose Heritage (Godblooded, Heroic Ghost, or Heroic Mortal), and record their Special Abilities (see the
NPC entry, above)
3. Prioritize Traits (5-4-3-2-1) for Godblooded or (5-3-1) for Ghosts
4. Choose Specialties: Heroic Mortals and Ghosts get one, and Godblooded select two (or three, as Half-Caste
gain one additional Specialty as a Special Ability)
5. Record starting Permanent Essence (Heroic Mortals and Ghosts begin at 1, Godblooded begin at 2)
6. Calculate Essence Pool
o Heroic Mortals = (Permanent Essence x 1)
o Godblooded and Heroic Ghosts = (Permanent Essence x 2)
7. Choose Charms, Fighting Styles, and Sorcery: 0 selections for Heroic Mortals, 2 for Heroic Ghosts, and 4
for Godblooded
8. Select Backgrounds: 4 choices
9. Choose a primary Virtue
10. Choose one epic Motivation and a number of Intimacies equal to (Integrity or Appearance)
11. Spend 5 experience points, using the following table:
o Raise Trait = (new rating) points
o Acquire Backgrounds = 2 points per level
o New Charm (Godblooded and Heroic Ghosts) = 3 points
o New Terrestrial Fighting Style = 3 points
o Sorcerous Initiation to the Terrestrial/Shadowland Circle = 3 points
o New Intimacy = 1 point
o Permanent Essence = (new rating x 2) points
o Gifts (Lunar Half-Caste Only) = varies (see Gift table for the Lunar Exalted)
12. Record starting equipment, as appropriate to concept
13. Calculate Defenses:
o PDV = (Dodge/2) or (Dexterity/2)
o MDV = (Essence + Integrity)/2 or (Essence + Appearance)/2
o Soak = (Resistance/2) or (Stamina/2)
14. Record Health Levels. Each character begins with the following levels: -0, -1, -1, -3, -3, Taken Out.
Resistance Charms provide bonus levels based on Heritage.
o Heroic Mortals = None
o Heroic Ghosts = +2 Health Levels per Charm
o Godblooded = +1 Health Level per Charm

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