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Khoe, Sean Hanjaya Prasetya




This is an event which I was not attend at that time because of my absence for Family
Business program to Canton Fair in Guangzhou from 23 October 3 November 2017. Based
on my friends data and several research I found in internet, I could give some information
what Investival is about. So Investival, stands for International Investment Festival, is an
annual program which conducted and held by Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) with participation
of several securities companies such as maybank kim ang, MNC securities, Panin, Manulife,
and etc. At this year on 2017, the event was conducted on 27th October, at Friday on Tunjungan
Plaza mall Surabaya. The purpose and goal of this event is to attract and stimulate people into
becoming investor in Indonesia. As what I know, the number of Investor in Indonesia is very
few in comparison to others developed countries such as China, US, Singapore, Japan, and etc.
With the help and participation of securities companies, people joining which are mostly
consisting of university students during my time of stay are able to open up accounts quickly
and are given the knowledge on being an investor and trusting their companies. During the
session, there was a seminar about investing given by Jasamarga company (JSMR) who shares
their past experiences and also forecasting analysis of how the investment would be in the
future on Indonesia, specifically how the infrastructure growth on Indonesia and how it will
affect the stock market.

The first thing students did at that time was came together and registered themselves at
the entrance. They got a brochure that can be filled with stamps by going to the booths where
security companies are opened for questions and creation of accounts. Realizing that the
students have obtain minimal of 2 stamps, they went to the maybank kim ang security booth,
as well as MNC securities booth to get the rest of the stamps.. From the two security companies,
the students was able to get the knowledge of what do they actually did and what are the
differences and chacteristics between each companies. Security companies are merely brokers
for us investors, as we open an account at their company, were able to use their available app
and do our trading there via the 3rd party broker. There arent many significant differences that
can be seen from each of these companies, however theyre trying to add little features that
are hopefully satisfying for investors and lead them into staying with them for a longer period.
MNC has the ability to have a scheduled buy and sell period, where were able to set a time for
the stock we have to be sold at a specific time, and theyre giving students the opportunity to
buy stocks that they have chosen for them. These chosen stocks are believed to have a good
growth and supposedly it would not drop within a short period of time, this feature is called by
them as savings stock where it would grow slowly but surely giving us a stable passive income.
Within each of their booth, theyre also making it easier for students to open an account, by
giving the students details available for now, which then they would create an account for them,
and then they would have to send in the rest of the details via email to be verified, and after
that its done. Not just attracting investors from their features available but theyre also giving
out other things to attract people to come to their booth. Some of these things given out are
doorprizes, such as pens, IDR. 100,000.00 tokens, vouchers and etc.

The main speaker of Investival 2017 on the 14.30 segment is the Jasamarga company,
they told the the audience about how they were starting 18 new projects other than the ones
they have now. Some of them are in Jabodetabek, where they would create a highway from
Kunciran to Serpong going towards the airport. In Surabaya theyre planning on creating
highways from Gempol to Pandaan, Surabaya Mojokerto, and Pandaan Malang. From their
analysis it seems that most of their income comes from the highway fee which is quite big,
around 90%, while the other 10% are from miscellanous projects. Overall their company are
going good and theyre expected to keep on growing, with their EBITDA minimum of 50%.
They also do Asset recycling which comes from securities, while also doing Debt recycling by
getting money from Marga Lingkar Jakarta, getting bonds to reduce interest, and using global
IDR Bonds. Their equity participation comes from ; IPO subholdings ;Strategic partnership;
Maximize financing. From the seminar given, eventhough I was not able do came, but I can
analyse and got understanding that the future of Indonesia infrastructure is big, especially
because of the recent government spendings which are more targeted toward the countrys
infrastructure, with that said, they are able to pay infrastructure companies to get it done much
quicker and better, which subsequently would increase their performance.

Knowing the information above, it would be a good opportunities for us to start investing
on infrastructure companies, such as JSMR (Jasamarga) as not only its expected to grow,
giving out high dividends or opportunity for investors, but also by investing in the company,
investors could give the companies financial boost in finishing the projects. These projects
from governments arent only affecting the infrastructure companies, but it also affects multiple
different industries as one project would involve multiple industries indirectly, such as food for
the workers, water, electricity, human resources, toilets, and etc. This means that our
involvement as an investor would be able to help Indonesias market or industries as a whole.

The capital market which is currently worth 6.533 trillion rupiah at the time shows how
much were missing on. They hoped that the stock market would be as smooth as the highway.
Capital market and property has always been a big market, and there are other things which
doesnt seem like theyre in the capital market, but they actually are. The chain of the capital
market consist of insurance; banks; retirement funds, investment institutions, IPO or public
companies, and; property. Being an investor is not just being someone who just buys and sell
stocks, being an investor means having the mindset of investing. To manage our financials so
that we can save some of our income to use for investing, now this doesnt mean the leftovers
from the income, but a direct cut from the income itself, as this would significantly increase
our mindset of investing for the future, because as time goes on, the value of money would
depreciate and as the old saying goes, time is money and its not something you want to waste.
To fight this depreciation value of money, we must learn to compensate our loss, by investing
our money into other things, such as assets, e-money, land, and etc. Investing for a short time
might be safer, but always try to invest for a long period of time, because hope would lead to
opportunities and opportunities would lead to choices, and of course this is not easy to
implement, but that is exactly the reason why we should become an investor, because as
investors, we need to be brave, take bold decisions, take a loss and learn from it. Of course we
cant just randomly invest in companies, we nee to analyze the companies were attracted to,
make sure to analyze their stock progress and also their SWOT (Strenght, Weakness,
Opportunity, Threat) which would show us their possible position in the future. Becoming an
investor needs to have passion which is needed as the life of an investor is not easy, we need
to take actions accordingly and be able to adapt, change our action on how the situation goes,
we shouldnt be too passive in becoming an investor, take risk and grow a strong mentality so
that we dont go down when suffer a loss, instead we learn from it, and also be able to have the
competence of an investor, prepare yourself before investing, have the mindset, and do it all
passionately and properly.

On the other experience of investment event, I actually have been joined on Seminar
Umum of Financial Management at Semester 2, the speaker was Ellen May. She is one of the
most successful Investor which also give seminars and training to many people about stock
investment. This was an experience I couldnt forget as I got so many learning from her.
Because of her, I knew several basic knowledge about investment, such as technical and
fundamental analysis that should be implied when we are going to choose or decide which
company should be invested on. Some other basic guidance like stop loss method also
helping me during my investment project. Not only comprehended theory, but also a healthy
physiological condition is needed if we are going to get involved in stock investment. During
kuliah umum at that time, Ive also managed to ask questions to her as I got invitation of private
seminar which also conducted by her on other place.

The documentation of Investival was taken by my class friend:

This was a documentation of me with Ellen May, the speaker of Investment seminar on 2nd


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