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Content Standards HSS 3.2.1. Trace the ways in which people have
used the resources of the local region and
modified the physical environment (e.g., a dam
constructed upstream changed a river or

Technology Standards W.3.8 Recall information from experiences or

gather information from print and digital sources;
take brief notes on sources and sort evidence
into provided categories.
Objective After finishing this lesson, students will be able to
identify how the environment and resources of a
region can be used.
Materials Computer
Power Point
White Board
Teaching Strategies Direct Instruction with Interactive Assessment as
well as Formal Assessment.
Tasks 1. The students will be focusing on how
someone would survive in their region of
choice from the previous lesson. This
includes the use of local resources and
the environment.
2. On the board write down essential
questions that they need to answer
during their research.
What physical resources have
settlers used to their advantage?
Has that resource improved their
quality of life? How?
Did that resource hurt the
environment? How and why?
3. The students will be creating a Power
Point presentation with this information
and the Newspaper article from the
previous lesson.
4. Students are encouraged to use their
creativity for this lesson.
Assessment of Learning Students can be assessed based on their answers
to each question and the understanding of their
region of choice. A rubric will be used to grade
their Power Point presentation.

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