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Novel Adaptation


In the novels you are reading, the authors have created a variety of imaginary dystopian worlds. Your next
task is to design an adaptation of your authors world, keeping the main idea of your authors story the same,
but adapting and/or changing other elements to make the world your own. Your updated version will relate
to a cinematic adaptation (movie) you are developing and promoting, and should be appealing to a teenage
audience while still maintaining the original spirit and message of the novel you selected and read.

You will complete step-by-step process work, and then take your information and creatively organize and
present it to your audience in the final product you will create. You must complete the treatment and one of
the creative components before constructing the final multimedia product. This is an individual assignment.

Step #1: Choosing The Element Of Your Story

In addition to keeping a similar plot for your story, you must choose an element of the novel you read that
you are going to keep the same and two elements from your novel which you are going to be adapting.


Some examples of literary elements from the novel you will keep the same could include the following.
Please indicate which of the elements you intend to keep (by checking the box or highlighting the element).

Theme - Survival


In addition, you may choose to keep some of the following elements from your novel the same. Please
indicate which elements you intend to keep the same (by checking the box or highlighting the element).

Types of Control (bureaucratic, corporate, religious/philosophical, technological)

Setting (time, place, atmosphere)
Technology (used in the novel)

Two Element(s) You Have Plot

Decided to Change Types of control

Choose two IMPORTANT elements that

you will CHANGE from the original
dystopian world. This should be a focus
in the new story you are creating.

Step #2: Choosing The Five Plot Points

Refer back to the notes and plot diagram you have collected for your novel and choose a minimum of FIVE
plot points that you want to include in your treatment. Update the plot points so that they reflect the changes
you have made to your story. Important plot points from the novel need to be selected for adaptation.
Copy and paste your plot diagram for your novel here:

As part of these five plot points, you should include the inciting action (hook), climax and resolution.

Sample Plot Point: Inciting Force On his way home, the fireman Montag meets Clarisse for the
first time. They have a brief discussion; she has an effect on
Find the first event from the plot that Montag. She asks questions about Montags job as a fireman and
you want to include in your treatment.
why firemen started burning books instead of putting out fires.
Write out what happens in the novel.
The discussion with Clarisse starts Montag questioning the current
job of a fireman..

Sample Plot Update: Inciting Force Montag is a happy in his job as a matchmaker. He searches for
and arrests anyone found involved in romantic relationships or
Update the chosen event from the plot expressing romantic feelings . On his walk home, he meets
and make it appeal to teenagers. What
Clarisse who questions Montag about why there are rules about
are their names? What are their
professions? Change the plot to reflect relationships. Her questions make Montag uncomfortable and he
your story. Your response must be 150
starts to wonder about his chosen profession.
words in length.

Plot Point #1: Truck on the road While traveling on the road they see a truck with a large group
of people coming towards. The man and boy hide somewhere
Find the second event from the plot
that you want to include in your close to the road where the truck is currently on. A man from the
treatment. Write out what happens in
group goes to take a piss/dump. The man and the boy comes out
the novel.
of hiding and threatens the person with a gun. The tries to
compromise with the person about letting them run off but the
person thinks he is bluffing and pulls out a knife. He then runs to
the boy and grabs him with the knife on his neck. The man shoots
the person in the head and proceeds to run to a nearby ditch and

Plot Update #1: The man and boy walk on the road when they see a car coming
towards them. They try to run off the road but its too late; the
Update the chosen event from the plot
and make it appeal to teenagers. What person in the car uses his horn to alert them to stop. The person
are their names? What are their
gets out of the car and persuades the man and the boy to get in
professions? Change the plot to reflect
your story. Your response must be 150 the car. The man quickly realises the picture of him and the boy
words in length.
on the dashboard and realises that the person is actually a police
officer. He points a gun to the head of the officer and tells him to
stop the car. The officer tries to take the gun, but it results in him
getting shot in the head. The car skids and hits one of the trees in
the forest. Both the man and the boy get out of the car and runs
into the forest before backup arrives.
Plot Point #2: Cannibal House After about 5 days had gone by with no food and energy, they
stumble upon a large house. Desperate, the man insists to
Find the second event from the plot
that you want to include in your investigate the building since there werent any tracks found. The
treatment. Write out what happens in
man tries the door and it opens; they step inside. Looking for
the novel.
supplies they find only find clothing and sleeping bags. After
looking and looking, the father begins to lose hope for any food
until he comes across a door with a padlock on it. The man
manages to open the door with a spade found in a toolshed. He
proceeds to enter the room and is shocked by his discovery of
people crying out for help. The man and the boy run back up
from the hatch and find out the group of people were coming
back to the house. They ran out the front door and ran until they
fell to the ground and was covered in leaves. The man then gives
the boy a guy and says to use it to shoot himself if they were

Plot Update #2: About 5 days had gone by and the man and boy were still
running from the police. After a while of running they stumbled
Update the chosen event from the plot
and make it appeal to teenagers. What across a gas station diner on the side of the road. Hungry and
are their names? What are their
dehydrated they decide to go into the building for food. As they
professions? Change the plot to reflect
your story. Your response must be 150 order their food, they seem to notice that a man was looking at
words in length.
them. Not sure what that was about, the waiter brings them their
food. As the man was about to take a bite from his burger, he
stops and stares at it. Without a single thought he lifts up the bun
and gasps as he sees a finger right in the middle of his patty. Not
trying to make a scene as they knew that this was one of the
places that the state allowed to practice cannibalism on criminals.
The man and boy knew they weren't safe anymore, as they were
criminals themselves. They kept on running until they tripped
into a ditch near the gas station. They hid there for a while as the
police officers had just arrived to the diner.

Plot Point #3: Bunker After walking for a while they come across a small town. Once
they reached the farther edge of the town, they came upon a
Find the third event from the plot that
you want to include in your treatment. house in solitude in the fields from the others. They walked inside
Write out what happens in the novel.
and searched all of the rooms. After searching the house to only
find a couple of supplies. The man then walks towards the tool
shed in the backyard while the boy stayed back. After looking for
a while, he walked and proceeded come towards the boy. After
walking about halfway through the grass, he then stopped and
turned around to look at the ground. Testing the ground with his
feet. He then returned to the toolshed to get a garden spade and
chucked it in the ground. It then proceeded to sink into the
ground and meet a wooden hollow object. The man began to
shovel grass and uncovered a door. After a while of arguing with
the boy, the man decided to check it out. When he opened the
door and went down he found a ton of unopened food along with
a ton of other supplies. They end up staying there for a couple of

Plot Update #3: As they run from the police, they went into a town. Once they
reached the outskirts of the town, they saw something by an
Update the chosen event from the plot
and make it appeal to teenagers. What abandoned house on the edge of the field. It was the mysterious
are their names? What are their
man who was at the diner. The man pulled out his pistol and
professions? Change the plot to reflect
your story. Your response must be 150 aimed it towards him while the boy was behind. The mysterious
words in length.
man tried to explain that he was one of the good guys and that he
could help the man and the boy. After a while of trying, the boy
convinced his father to work with him. The mysterious man led
them both into a hatch next to the house and inside was a bunch
of computers. The mysterious man said that he had worked for
the government as a computer expert and could help them by
erasing their identities and giving them new ones. They ended up
staying there for a couple of days just until the identities finished.

Plot Point #4:Shot by the bow and After awhile, the man and boy soon come upon a town and as
they push the cart through the back streets, the man figures out
Find the fourth event from the plot that something is wrong and covers the boy. He is then shot by a
that you want to include in your
person with a bow and arrow. Looking to see where the shooter
treatment. Write out what happens in
the novel. is, he spots a man inside of the house through the window.
Waiting for the moment when he reloads the bow, the man
stands up and uses the cart for cover. When the perpetrator
shows himself again, the man shoots a flare gun at him. He and
the boy hear the man with the bow scream. The man tells the boy
to stay put while he runs inside. He finds a woman holding the
man who had the bow, who may be alive or dead. The woman
curses the man, but when the man asks the woman where the
bow is. She claims not to have it, and the man realizes there must
have been others with the two of them, who have taken the bow
and left the injured man and the woman behind. Outside, the
man gets the boy and they go into a nearby building. The man's
leg is bleeding very badly, and he takes care of it by rinsing out
the wound, cleaning it with a disinfectant and stitching it. They
spend the next day there.

Plot Update #4: As they kept on walking on the road they see something very
unusual. It was an abandoned town. As they entered the town,
Update the chosen event from the plot
and make it appeal to teenagers. What they were very cautious as they knew that there could easily be
are their names? What are their
danger. They kept on walking until they reached the middle and
professions? Change the plot to reflect
your story. Your response must be 150 heard what seemed to be somebody whistling. All of a sudden
words in length.
the man groaned in agony as he had been shot in the leg. They
ran to the side of a building for cover. The man peeked out to see
where the bullet had been shot. He saw that there was a police
officer in one of the buildings. The man took out his flare gun that
he had found on a boat a while back and shot it at him right when
he peaked. The then went into the building where the office was
hiding and to his surprise, the officer looked like he was in his
early twenties. The man felt remorseful and as he looked the
dead man and left. Without many tools to help treat the wound
the man cut off a piece off his shirt and used it to cut off the
circulation from his arm.

Plot Point #5: Mysterious Man They continue on for two more days until they finally set up
camp. The man knows that this is where he will die. They have a
Find the fifth event from the plot that
you want to include in your treatment. single can of peaches left and the man refuses to eat any. The boy
Write out what happens in the novel.
then brings him water ad tries to cover him with a tarp, but the
man says he didnt want to be covered. The boy takes the
revolver with him and goes out to find food but he returns with
nothing. The man tells him that he needs to keep going on and
head south. The boy then goes to sleep close to his father that
night and when he wakes up the next morning, his father was
dead. He stays there for three more days and then walks out on
the road. He then looked down the road and back the way they
had come. As he starts to turn to go back towards the woods, he
stops and just stays there while holding the pistol. A bearded man
then comes up the road and tells the boy that his group discussed
about even coming for the boy, but theyd decided to ask the boy
to join their group and travel with them. The boy decides to go
with him, but right after he says goodbye to his father.

Plot Update #5: After the shooting, the boy could tell that his father was badly
Update the chosen event from the plot injured. They kept on walking upon road for two more days until
and make it appeal to teenagers. What
they stopped and set up camp in the woods. The man knew he
are their names? What are their
professions? Change the plot to reflect was going to die there. After the boy gave the man water, the man
your story. Your response must be 150
tells him that he needs to keep on going on south as that was
words in length.
where he would exit the state and he would be safe. At nightfall,
the boy goes to sleep next to his father and when he would
awaken the next morning, his father was dead. He stayed there
for a couple of days until he finally leaves the woods and goes
back to the road. The boy suddenly knew somebody was
following him. Instead of running the boy stood still with his
hand grasping the handle of the pistol. When he finally saw who
it was that had been following him, his face lightened up as it was
the little boy he had seen long ago. The boy tried to waive him
over and said that he wasnt going to hurt him and that they could
be friends. Eventually the little boy was persuaded and they
continued going south after he said goodbye.

Step #3: Creative Component

In addition to your FIVE plot points, you must include at least ONE of the following creative components to
include in your treatment. Click on the link to the creative component you will be working on, and copy
and paste the completed template below. Highlight your choice of creative component below.

Cast: Your treatment has been chosen to be made into a film! For five characters from your story,
decide which of todays actors you would choose to play the roles of each character in your
treatment. You must justify why you chose each actor by making specific references to the novel and
your treatment. Remember, you want your movie to appeal to teenagers, so consider things such as
previous work, age, look, and marketability.

Music: Your treatment needs a soundtrack. Select appropriate songs that would suit each of the five
scenes from your story. You must justify why you chose each song by making specific references to
the novel and your treatment. Discuss what is going on in the scene and what mood is being created
by the soundtrack choice.

Technology: Is there a lot of technology in your novel? Update the technology in your treatment to
coincide with your new dystopian future. You must justify why you chose each technology by
making specific references to the novel and your treatment.

Costumes and Setting/Location: Design costumes for the main characters and choose an appropriate
setting/location(s) for the story. You must justify these components by making specific references to
the novel and your treatment.

Copy and paste your completed template here:
Step #4: Final Product - Multimedia Promotional Piece
Choose one of the following options as your final product for your treatment. Your choice must reflect the
changes you have made in your process work. Be creative with your presentation and make sure that your
work would serve to interest students in your movie idea! Highlight your choice.

Movie Trailer: Create a movie trailer outlining your dystopian story. Be sure to include the elements
of plot and the inclusion of your banned item.

Website: Create a website promoting the information in your treatment. This can be a movie website
that promotes the movie version of your treatment; a website detailing the banned item and
consequences; or a website as a creative way to present the information in your process work.

Radio Ad/Interview with the Director: Create a radio show (or podcast) detailing an interview with
the director of your treatment. Include information from your process work in the interview.

Public Service Announcement: Create a detailed PSA from the government discussing the rules and
expectations for people in your dystopian society. Include information from your process work in
the PSA (characters, banned item, etc.).

Movie Booklet: Create a booklet for the DVD version of your treatment. The booklet must include
information from your process work (e.g. character list, points of plot, etc.) and images.

Personal Choice: Choose your own creative way to present the information in your treatment.

Copy and paste the link to your final https://officialtheroadmovie.weebly.c
product so I can access it

Novel Adaptation Rubric

Concerns Criteria Advanced
Areas that need Evidence of
improvement exceeding standard

Understanding of theme and character of your novel are

demonstrated throughout your treatment ( /10)

Update of story (in the process and product) reflects

understanding of key plot points from your novel ( /15)

Understanding of your novels plot is demonstrated by the

detailed explanations in your linked plot diagram ( /5)


Explanations of choices in the creative component are detailed

and fully explain all five choices that were developed ( /15)

Justifications reflect insight into the novel and storys themes

( /10)

Selection and development of plot points demonstrate

awareness of most important events in the plot diagram ( /5)

Diction (word choice), spelling and grammar are mostly accurate.
Mistakes do not affect communication of ideas. ( /10)

Ideas in both creative component and final product are

communicated in a clear and creative manner using careful
selection of multimedia elements such as text, colour, images,
audio and/or video to enhance and promote the adaptation ( /10)


Final product synthesizes all aspects of the story, including

literary elements such as setting, characters, plot, symbolism, etc.
( /10)

Final product effectively promotes your treatment by explicitly

appealing to a teenage audience using all elements ( /10)

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