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Review: Government & Laws

Overview Key Vocabulary

Why were the Greeks Special? Polis

Greece experiences what some historians describe as a Agora

"Dark Age" between 1150-750 B.C.E. possibly as a result Acropolis

of invasion by Dorian (illiterate) tribes and the
weakening of the existing Mycenaean and Minoan cities Polytheism
by major earthquakes. However an alphabet is re-
introduced by Phoenician traders c.750 B.C.E and during
the 800-700's B.C.E. city-states begin to develop once Tyranny

The geography of Greece plays a big role in the Citizen

development of independent city-states. After 750
Key Questions
B.C.E. the POLIS becomes the fundamental political unit
of ancient Greece rather than a single unified state.
How did Geography shape
Each polis had distinct characteristics and fierce pride
Greek life and political
in their way of life. In fact one of the few things that
the Ancient Greeks agreed on was that being Greek was
far better than being anything else - all non-Greeks
were barbarians!
What were the major shared
features of Greek city-states?

What similarities are there in

Greek city-states between
different classes of people and
their political rights?

Miss Knight 1

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