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Alterations to Syllabus Indicative Content

Unit Title: Employment Relations Unit Code: 5ER

N.B. This document only shows the specific parts of the syllabus that have been altered. Any learning outcomes/assessment criteria/indicative contents not
shown in this table remain unchanged. The grey rows show the syllabus content as it was until December 2013. The white rows show the changed
syllabus content as of June 2014, with the actual amendments shown in red.

Please also refer to the full revised syllabus/lecture guide which is available online. Log in to the Members Area and click on Tuition Resources > QCF
Resources > QCF Syllabuses / QCF Lecture Guides.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

1.1.1 Discuss the parties and their interests in employment relations.

1.1.2 Examine the wage-work bargain, effort bargain and psychological contract.

1.1.3 Discuss the contextual factors affecting the employment relationship.

1.1.4 Identify different types of employment relationship.

1. Understand
1.1 Define employment relations.
the nature of
1.1.5 Understand the role of power in employment relations.
the employment
1.2 Describe the structures and
relationship and
activities of employment relations. 1.1.6 Understand the conventions, rules and institutions of employment relations.
the forms that
1.3 Evaluate different methods of 1.2.1 Describe different types of employment relations structures.
conducting employment relations.
1.2.2 Explain the factors influencing them.

1.2.3 Examine the concept of good employment relations.

1.3.1 Evaluate basic theories of employment relations such as unitary theory, pluralism and systems theory.

1.3.2 Evaluate the implications of different methods for the players.

1.1 Define and examine the nature 1.1.1 Discuss the parties and evaluate the importance of their interests.
of employment relations
1.1.2 Analyse and assess the significance of the wage-work bargain, effort bargain and psychological contract.
1.2 Analyse and explain the
structures and activities of 1.1.3 Examine briefly the contextual factors affecting the employment relationship.
employment relations. 1.1.4 Identify and evaluate the reasons for different types of employment relationship.

1.3 Evaluate different methods 1.1.5 Understand the role of power in employment relations and apply the concept to different organisations.
organisations may adopt when
1 conducting employment relations. 1.1.6 Understand the conventions, rules and institutions of employment relations and assess their importance to

1.2.1 Analyse and appraise the different types of employment relations structures.

1.2.2 Assess the factors influencing employment relations structures.

1.2.3 Examine and evaluate the concept of good employment relations.

1.3.1 Examine the importance of basic theories of employment relations such as unitary theory, pluralism and
systems theory.

1.3.2 Evaluate the implications of the different methods and theories for the interested parties in the employment

2.1.1 Describe employer objectives and strategies in employment relations.

2.1.2 Explain how employer strategies are delivered.

2.1.3 Discuss managing with and without unions.

2. Understand 2.1 Identify and discuss the role of
2.1.4 Explain the roles of managers and HR professionals in employment relations.
the roles of the the employer in employment
players in relations.
2.1.5 Identify management styles in employment relations.
relations, such 2.2 Identify and discuss the roles of
2.1.6 Identify the roles and activities of employer associations, locally, nationally, centrally and internationally.
as employers, the employee and union in
employees, employment relations.
2.2.1 Identify employee needs and expectations in employment relations.
trade unions,
the state and 2.3 Identify and discuss the role of
2.2.2 Describe the roles and activities of unions locally, nationally, centrally and internationally.
international the state and other bodies in
bodies. employment relations.
2.2.3 Distinguish between types of unions, such as general, occupational, industrial, professional

2.3.1 Describe the states objectives in employment relations.

2.3.2 Examine the roles of the state in economic policy, employment standards and law making, as employer and
third-party player.
2.1.1 Describe and assess the relative importance of employer objectives and strategies in employment relations.

2.1.2 Explain how employer strategies are executed or delivered.

2.1.3 Critically evaluate the processes of managing with and without unions.

2.1.4 Assess the roles of managers and HR professionals in employment relations.

2. Understand 2.1.5 Compare and contrast the differing management styles in employment relations.
the objectives of 2.1 Identify and evaluate the role of
the interested the employer in employment 2.1.6 Identify and evaluate the roles and activities of employer associations locally, nationally, centrally and
parties in relations internationally.
relations, such 2.2 Identify and evaluate the roles 2.2.1 Critically appraise the needs and expectations of employees and their importance to good employment
as employers, of employees and trade unions in relations.
employees, employment relations.
trade unions, 2.2.2 Identify and assess the roles and activities of unions locally, nationally, centrally and internationally.
the state and 2.3 Critically evaluate the role of the
international state and other bodies in 2.2.3 Compare and contrast the different types of unions, such as general, occupational, industrial, and professional
bodies. employment relations. unions.

2.3.1 Critically assess the objectives the state may have in employment relations.

2.3.2 Appraise the importance of the roles of the state in promoting economic policy, employment standards and
employment law, both as employer and interested third party.

2.3.3 Assess the purpose and objectives of international bodies of employers and employees in employment

3.1.1 Describe different types of employer strategies in managing employment relations.

3.1.2 Explain the right to manage.

3.1 Describe employer regulation of
3. Understand
employment relations.
the methods by 3.1.3 Examine hard forms and soft forms of employer unilateral regulation.
3.2 Describe collective bargaining
employment 3.2.1 Examine the nature of collective bargaining as a process.
as a method of conducting
employment relations.
decisions are 3.2.2 Explain the concept of bargaining structure, incorporating bargaining agents, bargaining units, bargaining
made and levels, bargaining scope and bargaining outcomes.
3.3 Describe how third parties
regulate employment relations.
3.2.3 Understand collective agreements and the issues covered in collective agreements.

3.2.4 Compare and contrast procedural and substantive collective agreements.

3.2.5 Explain the conditions necessary for effective collective bargaining to take place.

3.3.1 Describe conciliation, when it is used and who provides it.

3.3.2 Describe mediation, when it is used and who provides it.

3.3.3 Describe arbitration, when it is used and who provides it.

3.1.1 Critically assess the different types of employer strategies in managing employment relations and their relative

3.1.2 Examine and explain the concept of the right to manage in employment relations.

3.1.3 Critically appraise hard forms and soft forms of unilateral regulation of the employment relationship by the
3.1 Examine the concept of
employer regulation of employment
3.2.1 Analyse the advantages and disadvantages to the employer of collective bargaining as a means of regulating
the employment.
3.2 Evaluate the process of
3.2.2 Examine the concept of bargaining structure, incorporating bargaining agents, bargaining units, bargaining
collective bargaining as a method
3 levels, bargaining scope and bargaining outcomes.
of conducting employment
3.2.3 Compare and contrast the nature of collective bargaining agreements and the issues generally contained in
these agreements.
3.3 Examine how third parties
attempt to regulate the employment
3.2.4 Assess and explain the conditions necessary within organisations for effective collective bargaining to take
relationship in organisations.

3.3.1 Evaluate the process of conciliation, when it is used and who provides it.

3.3.2 Evaluate the process of mediation, when it is used and who provides it.

3.3.3 Evaluate the process of arbitration, when it is used and who provides it.

4.1.1 Define the content of the contract of employment and the parties to it.
4.1 Describe the contract of
4. Understand 4.1.2 Identify the sources of the employment contract.
the legal
4.2 Identify other forms of legal
background to 4.1.3 Explain how contracts of employment are changed.
regulation of employment relations.
relations. 4.2.1 Identify employment protection rights including contracts of employment, unfair dismissal, redundancy, wages
4.3 Describe the role of the courts
and benefits, and family-friendly policies.
in regulating employment relations.
4.2.2 Discuss laws aiming to prevent discrimination in the workplace and the rationale behind them.

4.2.3 Examine the role of the law in regulating collective employment relations, including union recognition and
strikes, and other forms of industrial action by workers.

4.3.1 Examine the roles of the courts and local labour courts or employment tribunals in dealing with employment
relations issues.

4.3.2 Outline the legal remedies provided by the legal system to employers, employees and unions.

4.1.1 Assess the legal requirements regarding the content of the contract of employment and the parties to it.

4.1.2 Assess what are regarded as legitimate sources of the employment contract.

4.1.3 Understand how contracts of employment are changed by examining the difference between variation in
4.1 Examine the nature and contract terms and termination of contract.
different types of employment
contract. 4.2.1 Evaluate the importance of employment protection rights including contracts of employment, unfair dismissal,
redundancy, wages and benefits, and family-friendly policies.
4.2 Identify and evaluate other
forms of legal regulation of 4.2.2 Evaluate the laws aiming to prevent discrimination in the workplace and the rationale behind them.
employment relations.
4.2.3 Examine the role of the law in regulating collective employment relations, including an analysis of union
4.3 Appraise the role of the courts recognition and strikes, and other forms of industrial action by workers.
in regulating employment relations.
4.3.1 Examine the roles of the courts and local labour courts or employment tribunals in dealing with employment
relations issues.

4.3.2 Outline the legal remedies provided by the legal system to employers, employees and unions.

5.1.1 Understand the role of employer strategies in managing employment relations.

5.1 Describe how employment
5. Understand relations are regulated in non- 5.1.2 Discuss why some employers do not recognise trade unions.
the differences unionised organisations.
between 5.1.3 Understand the tactics used by employers to resist union recognition.
employment 5.2 Describe how employment
relations in relations are regulated in unionised 5.1.4 Examine the consequences of non-recognition for the parties.
unionised and organisations.
non-unionised 5.2.1 Discuss why some employers recognise trade unions.
sectors of 5.3 Explain why organisations use
employment. different methods of regulating 5.2.2 Understand the tactics used by employers in managing relations with trade unions.
employment relations.
5.2.3 Examine the consequences of union recognition for the parties.
5.3.1 Compare and contrast employee information, communication and participation processes.

5.3.2 Explain systems of employee involvement and their rationale.

5.3.3 Explain indirect and direct systems of employee participation and their rationales.

5.3.4 Explain autonomous workgroups, job enlargement and enrichment, quality of working life and other issues.

5.1.1 Identify and explain the role of employer strategies in managing employment relations.

5.1.2 Analyse the reasons why some employers prefer not to recognise trade unions and critically assess the tactics
used by employers to resist union recognition.
5.1 Examine how the employment
relationship is regulated in non-
5.1.3 Assess the possible consequences of the non-recognition of unions for both parties.
unionised organisations.
5.2.1 Analyse the reasons why some employers prefer to recognise trade unions and critically assess the tactics
5.2 Examine how the employment
used by employers in managing relations with trade unions.
5 relationship is regulated in
unionised organisations.
5.2.2 Assess the advantages and disadvantages of trade union recognition for unions and employers.
5.3 Critically evaluate the different
5.3.2 Critically appraise systems of employee involvement organisations may adopt and explain their rationale.
methods organisations may adopt
in regulating employment relations.
5.3.3 Examine and assess the value to organisations of indirect and direct systems of employee participation.

5.3.4 Evaluate the importance to employers and employees of autonomous workgroups, job enlargement and
enrichment, quality of working life and other employment relations issues.

6.1.1 Explain why employers and employees co-operate in the workplace and identify the benefits of co-operation to
both parties.

6.1 Explain why the parties to 6.1.2 Explore concepts such as mutuality and fairness at work.
employment relations co-operate in
6. Understand the workplace. 6.2.1 Explain why conflicts take place between employers and employees in the workplace.
the nature of
co-operation 6.2 Explain the causes of conflict 6.2.2 Explain informal industrial conflict and how it can be regulated.
and conflict in between employers and employees
employment in the workplace. 6.2.3 Explain formal industrial conflict between employers and unions and how it is resolved.
6.3 Describe how conflicts in the 6.3.1 Examine the role of grievance procedures in the workplace.
workplace are resolved.
6.3.2 Examine the role of disputes procedures in the workplace.

6.3.3 Explain the role of disciplinary procedures in the workplace.

6.3.4 Discuss other methods of resolving workplace conflict and their consequences.

6.1.1 Analyse the reasons why employers and employees tend to co-operate with each other in the workplace and
draw conclusions as to the benefits of co-operation to both parties.

6.1.2 Examine and understand the concepts of natural justice, mutuality and fairness at work.

6.2.1 Critically appraise the reasons why conflicts take place between employers and employees in the workplace.
6.2 Analyse the causes of conflict
between employers and employees 6.2.2 Evaluate and explain the nature of informal organisational conflict and how it can be regulated.
in the workplace.
6 6.2.3 Evaluate and explain the nature of formal organisational conflict between employers and unions and how it is
6.3 Examine and explain how resolved.
conflicts in the workplace are
resolved. 6.3.1 Examine the role and importance of grievance procedures in the workplace.

6.3.2 Examine the role and importance of collective disputes procedures in the workplace.

6.3.3 Examine the role and importance of disciplinary procedures in the workplace.

6.3.4 Examine and appraise other methods of resolving workplace conflict and their consequences.

7.1.1 Explain the aims of negotiation.

7.1.2 Examine the nature of intra-organisational bargaining.

7.1.3 Examine the nature of distributive bargaining.

7.1 Identify the purpose and types
of negotiation.
7. Understand 7.1.4 Examine the nature of integrative bargaining.
the skills of
7.2 Describe and analyse how to
negotiation in 7.1.5 Examine the nature of attitudinal structuring.
prepare for negotiation.
relations. 7.2.1 Understand how to prepare for a negotiation and the key stages involved.
7.3 Identify how to negotiate and
review negotiations.
7.3.1 Describe the stages in the negotiation process.

7.3.2 Identify some of the basic techniques used in negotiation.

7.3.3 Describe how negotiations are concluded and reviewed.

7 Understand 7.1 Critically analyse the purpose 7.1.1 Analyse the aims of negotiation and its importance to effective employment relations.
the importance and the types of negotiation.
of the skills of 7.1.2 Evaluate the nature and importance of intra-organisational bargaining.
negotiation in 7.2 Analyse how to prepare for
employment negotiation. 7.1.3 Examine the nature and importance of distributive bargaining.
7.3 Analyse how to negotiate and 7.1.4 Examine the nature and importance of integrative bargaining.
review negotiations
7.1.5 Evaluate the purpose of attitudinal structuring.

7.2.1 Assess and understand how to prepare for a negotiation and the key stages involved.

7.3.1 Examine and explain the typical stages in the negotiation process.

7.3.2 Examine and explain some of the basic techniques used in a negotiation.

7.3.3 Evaluate how negotiations are concluded, monitored and reviewed.

8.1.1 Describe recent changes in the employment relations context affecting the players.

8.1.2 Identify changes in the labour market and their implications for employment relations.

8.1.3 Understand economic, political and social changes affecting the balance of power between employers and
employees in the labour market.
8.1 Identify recent changes in the
employment relations context.
8.1.4 Understand legal changes affecting the balance of power between employers and employees in the labour
8. Understand market.
8.2 Describe new developments in
current issues
employment relations practices.
in employment 8.2.1 Understand developments in work and the organisation of work.
8.3 Describe and explain how the
8.2.2 Examine changes in employment relations institutions.
players in employment relations
are responding to these changes.
8.2.3 Describe new techniques and practices in employment relations.

8.2.4 Describe contemporary issues such as quality of working life, diversity, work-life balance, bullying and

8.3.1 Evaluate how the players respond to contextual and organisational changes affecting employment relations.

8.1 Critically appraise recent 8.1.1 Examine recent changes in the employment relations context and assess how they may affect the interested
changes and developments in the parties.
employment relations context.
8 8.1.2 Examine recent changes in the labour markets and analyse the implications for employment relations.
8.2 Critically appraise recent
changes and developments in 8.1.3 Examine economic, political and social changes and assess how they may affect the balance of power
employment relations practices. between employers and employees in the labour market.
8.3 Discuss how the interested
parties in employment relations are 8.1.4 Examine legal changes and assess how they may affect the balance of power between employers and
responding to these changes. employees in the labour market.

8.2.1 Examine and explain developments in work and the organisation of work.

8.2.3 Critically assess new techniques and practices in employment relations.

8.2.4 Evaluate the extent and importance for employment relations of contemporary issues such as quality of
working life, diversity, work-life balance, bullying and harassment.

8.3.1 Evaluate how the interested parties are responding to contextual and organisational changes affecting
employment relations.

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