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Running head: MILITARY TEAM 1

Military Team

Students Name

Institutional Affiliation

Military Team


The Navy Seal, are involved in high risk missions whose success hugely depends on team

effort failure to which a mission may be catastrophic. The navy seals have been able to achieve

great success in their missions within our boarder as well abroad but that has not been without

challenges. Commitment and dedication have always been their driving force and understanding

that theirs is a call. The teams must therefore be united in their resolve and unity of purpose. A

good understanding of the interpersonal dynamics within the team are key to ensuring that their

missions are successful. They have undertaken successful sniper missions, close air support

coordination and underwater missions. These successes can be attributed to the following factors;


The navy seals togetherness and the understanding of each others strengths and

weaknesses is a valued asset as they undertake missions. Trust a factor of cohesiveness is very

important believing that every other team member is equally as capable and committed. Any

disjointed arm is bound to fail catastrophically.

Mutual Accountability

Discipline high counts in whatever navy seals teams do. Every member of the team has a

sense of responsibility while also understanding that their individual actions such as neglect or

loss of focus will affect the teams performance and determine whether a missions succeeds or

fails. As such these teams have been able to successfully complete delicate missions because of

the high level of commitment that comes with accountability.


Result Focus

Challenges can often lead teams into losing sight of the end goal. A one man army does

not exist. Armies are made up of teams. The purpose it is to deliver results that as individuals

they cannot be able to deliver. These has been a contributing factor to the seals accomplishments

Team Size

The aim of any team is the accomplishment of goals that cannot accomplished through

individual efforts, having an optimal number per team is important in ensuring that only the right

number of soldiers is deployed. The number of men deployed has to be proportional to the

missions demands. A bloated army is as bad as an understaffed one. For these reasons, the seals

are group into companies. This helps in enhancing efficiency levels, easy management and

eliminating possible conflicts. Efficiency leads to effectiveness.


Having a strong and articulate leader has been important in showing direction, motivating

the team and setting of smart goals.


Better recognition programs can be used to motivate and improve the performance of

these teams. While the welfare of the United States navy seals has to a great extent been well

taken care of, they often face challenges mostly while working outside the American boarders. A

lot more can be done such as having shorter durations in the missions to help these teams

maintain a healthy work-life balance.


The navy seals functional and effective teamwork ranks highly amongst its top strengths. Clear

communication lines and absolute commitment characterize every navy seal team. Theirs is a

story of successful teamwork but which can still be further improved.

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