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Interview Discussion

Interview preparedness is key regardless the type of interview one is attending. In this

interview although not formal and not for any work position expectation was that the answers to

the posed questions would be strait away. On the contrary, there was a feeling of uncertainty

from the respondent. This could have been as a result of these two factors; the respondent failed

to take the exercise seriously or the respondent was not confident with the provided answers.

Lack of self-confidence can lead to one failing an interview where they had all the right answers.

Articulation helps to demonstrate your confidence in your responses.

On the question what is professional appearance, expectation is that anyone can answer to

this but no. One can have an understanding about what is meant by certain words and phrases but

explaining what it exactly means becomes a challenge. Also, when appearance is mentioned the

first idea that comes to the mind is that of being smart in how one dresses. This appears a

common thinking pattern where even the interviewer while knowing the correct answer already

has a predetermined response. It is therefore wrong to assume that some things are too basic that

they cannot be part of the interview. A lot of emphasis is paid on how one looks while attending

an interview. However, while one should be appropriately dressed, it is not the number one

Surname 2

In regard to what are the respondents thought on linked in, the notion is there that linked

in is an online platform for professionals but beyond that there is little or no thought on its

importance. There is little consideration of linked in as formal platform instead of a social one.

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