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[To be published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part ll, section 3, sub-section

Government of India
Ministry of Corporate Affairs

New Delhi, the 3 s4 June, 2016.

S.O. _ (E). - Whereas, the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) (hereinafter referred to as
the said Act) received the assent of the President on 29th August, 2013 and section 1

thereof came into force on the same date;

And, whereas, the provisions contained in section 139, which provides for appointment
of auditors has come into force on the 1st April, 2014;

And, whereas, sub-section (2) of section 139 of the said Act provides that no listed
company and the prescribed class of companies shall appoint or re-appoint-
(a) an individual as auditor for more than one term of five consecutive years; and
(b) an audit firm as auditor for more than two terms of five consecutive years;

And, whereas, first proviso to sub-section (2) provides for period for which the individual
auditor or audit firm who or which have completed term provided under such sub-section
shall not be eligible for re-appointment as auditor in the same company;

And, whereas, the third proviso to sub-section (2) provides that every company, existing
on or before the commencement of this Act which is required to comply with provisions
of sub-section (2) shall comply with the requirements of such sub-section within three
years from the date of commencement of the said Act;

And, whereas, as per provisions of sub-section (1) of section 1 39, the companies are
required to appoint auditor at the annual general meeting who shall hold office from the
conclusion of that meeting till the conclusion of sixth annual general meeting;
And, whereas, difficulties have arisen regarding compliance with the provisions of third
proviso to sub-section (2) of section 1 39 in so far as they relate to the period within which
companies would comply with provisions of sub-section (2) of section 139 of the said Act;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section ('l) of section 470 of
the companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013), the central Government hereby makes the
following Order to remove the above said difficulties, namely:-

1 . Short title and commencement.- (1) This Order may be called the Companies (Removal
of Difficulties) Third Order, 2016.

(2) lt shall be deemed to have come into force from lstApril, 2014.

2. In the Companies Act, 2013, in section '139, in sub-section (2), for the third proviso, the
following proviso shall be substituted, namely:-

"Provided also that every company, existing on or before the commencement of this Act
which is required to comply with the provisions of this sub-section, shall comply with
requirements of this sub-section within a period which shall not be later than the date of
the first annual general meeting of the company held, within the period specified under
sub-section (1) of section 96, after three years from the date of commencement of this

[F. No. 1/33/2013-CL-Vj

(Amardeep Sirlgh Bhatia)

Joint Secretary to the Government of India
lsTr{d + TttFFT, 3rgrqror, fiq-2, tis-9, 5v{is tiU f r+nrar{t
tfll-.T g-Tfi'It
q,ndtd 614 d'rmq
r$ ffi,3o qn, 2016

.Fr.3{T. .iqff gfuh-cq, 2013 (20'13 +r 18) (Ft {sfr Tst ceqtQ srTrT
gRfr{q *.6r rRrr il s} 29 3frr*T, 2013 si {r-{cfr ff sEfr crq 65 ?ft 3it{
r*I qRr 1 r{fr drts t rga g5;
:itr, l+-a s{fufrqq r rTrr 139 t 5cdq, ;il d|.orctlqrdt fir ffid 6 6(r Jciirr
t, t yfs, 2014 li rFd g(r;

silT,r+d srBF-+q fi emr 139 trr sqqm (2) d, qO sqdq t fu +ig {d-d-d
d;qfi qT *cffi fr frtrd M fr +;qfi -
(+) frfr qFd qi ciq d4rdn ES fi t'o rrdfr t 3{fufi * R('ffier+-
frya ur gaffg- rff +ffi; sitr
1u1 fr;S ffiaTr q,d' +t qiq aznan Ed fr d rrdffi t Jrfu+. t fr('
ffirailn frg+a vr gaffig+a a6t eibfr;
3ik, 3qtlnr 121 * w6S qrgm d Ts :rdftl +.r lvdq t ffi R(' qtr ffiarfi
qI *{srctfen md'i y+a sqqrqr * g{tfl-r Jqiifud 3rdfu qt 6{ fi t ;il +o s-S
*qfr d v-a: FSFa +r cr* ilt ilrr;
3i1T,rcqRr (2) + fist qidm d'iqdrr F fu gs nfuF-qe * cri?T * sqq qr
rst c-6-d t ft--fffftd q-c++' d;qff, ffi fr(' icqm (2) +l sgcrild 3{qR-d t
s-+a gBft{F * crisr * dH E{ + sfF{ tdt JcrTRr fir 3Tqqrr3ti fir s:-frqrtrfi
3it{, qm r sqqrrr (1) ; 5qtirrt t rgrn, iiqFzit * frrr atfi-+- srrrrur
ddfi il dTqtfl-*, fir trBFa +rar rrtft-a t ;il s-*d *dfi * sqrw 6l-} *.
srrq d 6b Efi-fi qrqrwT *dfi fiI Tqrk trfi'tr6 enrsr +'tm;
3it{, qrrr 139 *r scrr*r (2) t ffi
t Jqdqt * ,-flFd t :idq d.
6rer5qi rcva g$ H, rai no s;rmr Tidrr w srqfu s fu[* mtr{
t *qffi
EERI 139 fr Jcrrm (2) 4 3qEirf m.r 3f,{crilfl s.{A t*
3GT:,3tir, ffiqs{fiR, *mfr stfuf{rq, 2013 (2013 fir 18) 6r qrr 470 fr
Jctr*r (1)_(-E'*' rmT sTFDildt *.r rst,' a**
gv Tdffr 6f&ilo} ml {r or; *
fr('frFafrfud rrisr fiTfi F, 3Ri-{
1. dfrq arq sfu wie.- 1ty gr rrftr +.r dfttw arq riqfi 1*fuargai Es +-rar)
ilc*r sr*r, 2016 tl
(2) q6 sTrear ot 3Tfil, 2014 t qa g3{T elar GTR'rrI

2. +qfi sfuft{q, 2013 r qRT 139 r Jqq*r (2) * fu \dfi * .*'oT qr

frnftfua vtgo rar a6'4r, s?fr -
tQ +o efr ffi T:rfrfrrrq t srisT *'qqq sI rst q6-dE--mq|a sSfi.imfr
Fs* fr(' gg svtnn * jqdqi tnT
t, ffi
3rdfr * efril{ Fs
3rmrmr 3rqftd
:rqqnr fi 3r+srnf i'r s;T.nF'"T 6i-rfr d gs $frfr{q * HtH *
dra E{ qrsrd.
trRT 96 fr wqrn (1) t 3fti-d BFfro-c
al-dfu f, 3Trdfrd *qS fi q6S qrfi-fi
rqnuT fdfi fr drts * mq rfl.ilifr1"

lw.+i. 1 /33/20 1 3-fr('d-Vl

filr alrfuqrl
:gq-fd qfu, strtd r{fiR

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