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Transportation Association of Canada Association des transports du Canada May 2007


In 2004, TACs Sustainable Transportation Standing Committee initiated a project to encourage sustainable transpor-
tation planning in Canada. Workshops were held at TAC Annual Conferences in 2004 and 2005, and in 2005 the
federal government funded a research project that examined the state of practice and future directions for sustain-
able transportation planning in Canadian urban areas.1 This research was followed by a series of workshops across
Canada to gather insights into the state of transportation planning in Canada, and to solicit feedback on a set of
preliminary options for incorporating sustainable transportation principles into long-range urban transportation plans.
Based on these efforts, this briefing presents a set of principles and related strategies for sustainable transportation
This briefing is not a comprehensive guideline, but rather offers a checklist for agencies as they seek to create
transportation plans that effectively contribute to more sustainable transportation. It can also help practitioners, elected
officials and members of the public advance the state of debate on more cost-effective, environmentally conscious
and socially responsible transportation solutions.


Over the last decade, there has been rapid growth in
the recognition by Canadian governments and stake- What is sustainable transportation?
holders of the need for more sustainable transportation,
The concept of sustainable transportation promotes
particularly in urban areas. This shift has resulted from
a balance between transportations economic and
the efforts of many governmental and non-governmen- social benefits and the need to protect the environ-
tal organizations, including the Transportation Associa- ment. In further articulating this idea, the Centre for
tion of Canada (TAC) which published the widely recog- Sustainable Transportation has defined a sustain-
nized New Vision for Urban Transportation in 1993.2 It able transportation system as one that:
has also resulted from the increasingly visible impacts
of transportation on our economic, environmental and Allows individuals and societies to meet their ac-
cess needs safely and in a manner consistent
social systems, such as:
with human and ecosystem health, and with eq-
An 11% increase in per-capita gasoline consump- uity within and between generations
tion (and resulting greenhouse gas emissions) in Is affordable, operates efficiently, offers choice
Canadas 27 census metropolitan areas between of transport mode, and supports a vibrant
1991 and 20013 economy
Growing congestion, with an estimated annual cost Limits emissions and waste within the planets
of $2.3 to $3.7 billion in Canadas urban areas4 ability to absorb them, minimizes consumption
A significant rise in Canadian obesity rates, attrib- of non-renewable resources, limits consumption
uted in part to auto-dependent lifestyles of renewable resources to the sustainable yield
The transportation plans of many Canadian urban ar- level, reuses and recycles its components, and
eas envision and support sustainability. However, these minimizes the use of land and the production of
plans objectives have mostly not been met. Many fac- noise5
tors have influenced this situation, including inconsis- Within the context of transportation planning, the
tency of implementation as well as weaknesses in the term sustainable can also refer to a plan itself
plans themselves. More effective approaches to trans- whether its objectives are achievable in view of the
portation planning could help those communities actu- various financial, political and technical factors that
ally create the more sustainable future that they desire. will ultimately influence its success.

1 Urban Transportation Council

Integrate transportation and land use planning
This briefing addresses a variety of contexts for long-
range multimodal transportation planning. While virtu- Conduct transportation planning and land use
ally all urban areas have general plans (e.g. official plans, planning concurrently, to accommodate the effects
regional plans) that identify major land use patterns and of land use on transportation demand and supply,
infrastructure networks, those plans may or may not re- as well as the effects of transportation systems
on the demand for, and patterns of, land develop-
flect a comprehensive, long-range view of transporta-
tion. In many communities where the general plan ad-
dresses transportation goals, policies and infrastructure Use transportation plan policies to encourage
at a high level only, a complementary and self-contained supportive land use form and design (e.g. com-
transportation plan frequently exists. pact, mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly).
Some self-contained long-range transportation plans (re- Highlight the importance of supportive land use
ferred to as transportation strategies, transportation mas- policies to the achievement of transportation ob-
ter plans or integrated transportation plans, among other jectives (e.g. modal shifts, trip length reductions).
names) set out transportation facilities, programs and
services in detail, with individual project costs and sched- Many aspects of urban travel demand (e.g. origin and
ules. Others focus on high-level harmonization of trans- destination locations, trip lengths, modal choice) are
portation systems with land use, economic and environ- shaped by land use patterns. The location and form of
mental plans, and call for adjunct transportation plans development are principal determinants of the potential
to address specific modes (e.g. transit) or geographic for urban transportation systems to be sustainable. Yet
areas (e.g. downtown). it is equally true that transportation systems influence
This briefing has been written to respect this variety of the form and nature of development, and for this reason
transportation planning contexts, and the sometimes land use and transportation are viewed as interdepen-
complex factors that shape them. It is also relevant to dent.
various scales of plan from metropolitan growth strat- One challenge faced by transportation plans is that the
egy to town transportation planbecause the concept mechanics of land use planning typically occur through
of promoting sustainable transportation through better a separate process. It is ideal, though, for the two plan-
planning is valid for them all. ning processes to be integrated, consistent and mutu-
ally respectful. Land use plans may contain transporta-
PRINCIPLES AND STRATEGIES tion goals, policies and programs; likewise, transporta-
tion plans may contain policies to favourably influence
This briefing presents 12 principles, which can be the location and form of development. Another challenge
grouped under three themes that reflect the links be- is that slow growth rates in many urban areas can limit
tween transportation and community sustainability, the the potential to bring about change in the status quo
need to view transportation holistically, and the desire to within the horizons (e.g. 20 years) typically considered
enable successful implementation (see box, below). A in long-range plans.
number of strategies are suggested for each principle, This idea that concurrent land use and transportation
to help develop more sustainable plans. Not every strat- planning is integral to community sustainability has led
egy is appropriate for every plan or community, and each an increasing number of Canadian communities to cre-
offers distinct benefits and challenges. ate growth management strategies that direct develop-
ment in ways that maximize overall benefits while mini-
mizing overall costs.

Themes and principles for sustainable transportation planning

(A) Transportation and (B) A transportation (C) The way ahead
community sustainability system perspective
Principle 1 Principle 5 Principle 9
Integrated transportation & Take a strategic approach Provide implementation guidance
land use planning
Principle 6 Principle 10
Principle 2 Consider all modes Provide financial guidance
Protect environmental health
Principle 7 Principle 11
Principle 3 Manage transportation demand Measure performance
Incorporate social objectives Principle 8 Principle 12
Principle 4 Manage transportation supply Create a living plan with
Support economic development public involvement

Urban Transportation Council 2

Principle 2 Principle 3
Protect environmental health Incorporate social objectives
Recognize ways that transportation systems can Recognize ways that transportation systems can
help achieve environmental goals, and provide help achieve social goals, and provide support
support in the plans strategic directions. in the plans strategic directions.
Use environmental criteria (e.g. emissions of Identify strategies to maximize access to oppor-
greenhouse gases and other air pollutants, con- tunity for disabled and low-income persons, re-
sumption of non-renewable resources) in the cent immigrants, youth and the elderly, such as
strategic evaluation of alternative land use or by reducing the need to travel and improving tran-
transportation scenarios. sit.
Identify strategies to lead by example and re- Identify strategies to provide access and mobil-
duce the environmental impacts of government ity for persons with disabilities, such as by mak-
fleets, contractor operations, business travel and ing transit and pedestrian infrastructure barrier-
staff commuting. free.
Identify strategies to mitigate the impacts of Identify strategies to improve public health and
transportation activities on air quality (e.g. anti- safety, such as by encouraging active transpor-
idling campaigns, promotion of alternative fuels, tation, improving air quality, and reducing road
economic incentives and disincentives). collisions.
Identify strategies to mitigate water, land and Identify strategies to reduce negative quality of
ecosystem impacts of transportation activities life impacts of transportation facilities and ac-
(e.g. right-of-way minimization, stormwater run- tivities (e.g. traffic calming, noise attenuation
off management, watershed impact assess- measures, truck route designation).
Transportation systems have major impacts on several
The construction and operation of transportation sys- important quality of life determinants such as
tems consume huge amounts of natural resources in- neighbourhood cohesion, individual access to employ-
cluding fossil fuels, aggregates, greenspace, metals and ment, and the likelihood of injury and death from colli-
rubber. They also emit a wide range of pollutants that sions. Transportation plans can therefore support key
contaminate our air, water and land, as well as green-
social objectives related to liveability, equity, health and
house gases that are affecting the earths climate.
These factors make environmental health a primary con-
sideration in the pursuit of more sustainable transporta- It is important for transportation plans to recognize that
tion. Another contributing factor is the close linkage be- a substantial proportion of Canadians do not have ac-
tween environmental health and public health. In addi- cess to a private automobile due to financial, age or
tion to issues such as obesity, which are discussed in physical limitations. It is socially and economically de-
the next section, there are direct links between trans- sirable for urban transportation systems to provide af-
portation-related air, water and soil pollution and the fordable, accessible and effective mobility to all mem-
growing demands on our health care systems. Through bers of society.
planning for more sustainability, we can help to create
The linkages between transportation systems and pub-
transportation systems that consume fewer natural re-
lic health are growing in importance. Emerging issues
sources and lead to less pollution, and in turn to better
include obesity due to physical inactivity, and the respi-
ratory effects of air pollution. Road safety, while a vital
public concern, rarely earns more than passing consid-
eration in most Canadian transportation plans. These
are key public health considerations that could be effec-
tively addressed in a proactive manner.
Several less direct impacts of transportation systems
on individual well-being could also be considered. Noise,
vibration, vehicle speeding and high traffic volumes can
all reduce quality of life. By establishing approaches to
resolving the inevitable tensions between transportation
system needs and residents right to quiet enjoyment,
transportation plans can manage expectations and lay
the groundwork for smooth implementation.

3 Urban Transportation Council

Principle 4 Principle 5
Support economic development Take a strategic approach
Recognize ways that transportation systems can Establish a comprehensive strategic framework
support economic development, and provide with a vision, goals and other elements, and
support in the plans strategic directions. clearly show linkages to other community goals.
Identify strategies to support effective and effi- Consider alternative futures for land use and
cient goods movement to and from major gate- transportation systems, and evaluate their re-
ways (e.g. ports, airports, border crossings) and quirements and implications.
in key corridors. Set deliberate, realistic and quantitative objec-
Identify strategies to support development or re- tives, identify conditions needed for their
development of priority areas such as down- achievement, and show the implications of fail-
towns, suburban town centres, brownfield sites ing to achieve them.
and tourism nodes.
Identify strategies to maximize the flexibility of While the notion of sustainability is relatively simple, the
the transportation system to respond to changes concept of sustainable transportation is not. In all likeli-
in energy supply or price. hood, urban transportation systems will never be truly
sustainable but they can be more sustainable than what
is currently considered acceptable, and they have a real
Urban transportation systems and economic develop- role in improving community sustainability as a whole.
ment are closely linked. Individual mobility provides ac-
Sustainable transportation is a complex, multi-faceted
cess to employment opportunities, and freight mobility
goal that requires a wide range of actions. A strategic
is a major influence on the ease and cost of doing busi- framework for planning can help in two key ways: (1) by
ness. guiding planners as they move from vision to action; and
Freight issues are gaining prominence in urban areas (2) by helping elected officials and stakeholders under-
across Canada. Rapid growth in trucking activity has stand the rationale and linkages behind specific plan el-
added substantial pressure on highways in key trade ements. A strategic framework might include elements
corridors, and even on entire urban transportation sys- such as a vision that describes a desired future state,
tems near major gateways (e.g. in port or border com- principles to guide actions or decisions, thematic or quali-
munities like Vancouver and Windsor). Transportation tative goals, and more specific or even quantitative ob-
jectives or targets. The most appropriate form and con-
plans represent an opportunity to consider the needs
tent of such a framework will vary from one place and
and impacts of the freight industry in a manner that ben-
time to another, but an effective framework is compre-
efits all stakeholders.
hensive in scope, traceable in linking a hierarchy of ele-
Another way that plans can support economic develop- ments, and articulate in expressing meaningful out-
ment is by considering the need for new facilities and comes.
services to revitalize or accelerate land development in The creation of a vision is an important aspect of strate-
strategic locations. Transportation system improvements gic planning. The role of planners extends beyond the
can create a willingness among developers to invest in traditional predict and provide formula they can ap-
transit-friendly areas like downtowns and suburban town ply tools to manage demand and supply, and shape fu-
centres. They can also be a key part of a public invest- ture conditions rather than simply respond to them. A
ment strategy to boost tourism or bring contaminated typical result of this approach is the creation of quantita-
brownfield sites back to life. tive objectives or targets, which can be key elements of
the strategic framework discussed in the preceding para-
Finally, plans can protect a communitys economic health graph.
by preserving flexibility to respond to short-term or long-
term shifts in energy cost and availability. Such events
could undermine the basic viability of auto-dominated
communities, with severe economic impacts. Flexible
transportation systems would ensure that as many resi-
dents as possible have options for getting around (e.g.
public transit, cycling and walking) rather than requiring
them to rely on automobiles.

Urban Transportation Council 4

Principle 6 Principle 7
Consider all modes Manage transportation demand
Identify strategies to increase walking, cycling, Place strategic priority on transportation de-
transit, ridesharing and teleworking. mand management (TDM) as a complement
Recognize synergies and tensions among dif- to managing transportation supply.
ferent modes (e.g. seasonal shifts between cy- Identify strategies for a range of TDM ap-
cling and transit, competition between transit and proaches in areas that include development
ridesharing), and their implications for transpor- approvals, pricing, incentives and outreach.
tation objectives.
Identify key stakeholders in TDM implementa-
Identify strategies to make transit operations tion along with their roles, responsibilities and
more sustainable. resource requirements.
Identify strategies to make motor vehicle use
more sustainable (e.g. incident management,
signal optimization, traveller information).
Starting in the 1950s, Canadian urban transportation
Identify strategies to achieve transportation
plans were mostly concerned with serving growing popu-
goals through parking management.
lation and automobile use through capacity expansion.
Identify strategies to make the intersection points But through the 1980s and 1990s, a potent combination
between urban and intercity transportation sys- of environmental awareness, fiscal constraints and public
tems more effective and efficient (e.g. transit resistance to road expansion led to a realization of the
service to airports, rail-road grade separations). need to manage transportation demand as well as sup-
Identify strategies to make freight activity more ply. Over the last decade, there has been growing atten-
sustainable (e.g. modal shift from road to rail, tion paid to transportation demand management (TDM)
efficient routing practices). as a tool to influence why, when, where and how people
At the heart of an urban transportation plan is typically a At its broadest, TDM encompasses progressive land use
set of policies, programs and projects for various trans- strategies to limit trip lengths and encourage sustain-
portation modes that support the plans overall goals. able modal choices. More typically, however, TDM ef-
Modes like walking, cycling and public transit (and sub-
forts focus on marketing, public education, innovative
stitutes like telework) are fundamentally more sustain-
services and partnerships. Transportation pricing is an-
able than automobile travel. Plans generally aim to pro-
other option that has the potential to be very effective,
mote their use as a way to moderate the growth in auto-
yet remains politically and economically sensitive.
mobile use. While automobiles are usually recognized
as less sustainable, plans may identify ways to make Although TDM practice in Canada is a developing disci-
their use more sustainable in a relative sense (e.g. pline, the need for it is crucial and should be empha-
through carpooling, vehicle technologies, parking man- sized in long-range plans. Transportation plans can also
agement, or driver information and education). identify TDM policies, programs and services in a range
Similarly, in the realm of goods movement, plans usu- of areas, as well as highlight the opportunities for par-
ally view rail and marine freight as more sustainable than ticipation by various governmental, non-governmental
trucking, but may also identify opportunities to make and private sector stakeholders. While TDM programs
trucking more sustainable. typically require far fewer resources than infrastructure
Finally, intercity travel modes (e.g. air, rail, bus) typically projects, their smaller budgets and sometimes longer-
lie outside the jurisdiction of municipal authorities, but it term benefits make them vulnerable to neglect or defer-
is important to consider the sustainability of their physi- ral by decision makers. Transportation plans can maxi-
cal or operational junctions with urban transportation sys- mize the likelihood of TDM implementation by empha-
tems. sizing its benefits including the deferral or elimination of
infrastructure needs, and by highlighting the need for
resources to develop and enable key initiatives.

5 Urban Transportation Council

Principle 8 Principle 9
Manage transportation supply Provide implementation guidance
Identify strategies to maximize the multimodal Identify a long-range implementation strategy that
capacity of current infrastructure (e.g. transit is based on desired outcomes and explains key
priority, access management). facility, service, program and policy priorities.
Identify a policy target for minimum roadway Identify a short-term implementation strategy that
level of service standards based on an evalua- prescribes early actions to build momentum and
tion of alternative standards and their implica- lay the foundation for long-term change.
tions. Identify criteria for ongoing refinement of the
Identify strategies to manage recurring and non- implementation strategies (e.g. operational rea-
recurring congestion. sons to accelerate or defer projects, principles
Identify strategies to manage transportation as- to guide budget decisions).
sets (e.g. maintenance, repair, rehabilitation, re- Identify subsequent planning efforts that are
newal). needed to guide implementation (e.g. area or mo-
dal plans, facility plans, management strategies).
Just as TDM has gained prominence as a means of
shaping demand to meet available supply, so too has
the notion of supply management become important as Transportation planning documents that consist mainly
of a strategic framework (e.g. a vision, goals and objec-
a way to make the most of existing facilities and re-
tives) may serve a purpose, but do not offer sufficient
sources. Supply management strategies recognize that
guidance to lead directly to more sustainable transpor-
building infrastructure is just the first step toward a suc- tation systems. Effective transportation plans also need
cessful transportation system. Once built, facilities must to identify actions that support the vision, such as deci-
be maintained and renewed, optimized for financial effi- sion-making policies, programs to be developed and
ciency and effective service, and adjusted in response specific projects. Without this guidance, decision mak-
to changing demands. This life-cycle perspective, from ers can only guess at the actions required of them, lead-
construction through rehabilitation and renewal, allows ing inevitably to ad hoc and arbitrary actions. It is helpful
for an integration of capital and operating costs that can if recommended facilities or services are accompanied
minimize overall expenditures. by an identification of their location, timing, desired out-
Supply management strategies view roads as complex comes, and responsible parties.
multimodal facilities that carry people and goods, not Transportation plans can effectively guide implementa-
just motorized vehicles. Maximizing their current capac- tion using two different time horizons. A long-range imple-
ity is vital to deferring or eliminating the need for new or mentation strategy can identify and explain actions that
wider roads. Maintaining a minimum level of service on are key to the plans eventual success, without neces-
major roads is important not as a convenience for driv- sarily including explicit detail. A short-term implementa-
ers, but as a key lever to support individual opportunity tion strategy can focus on the early actions that will
and economic activity. As well, finding ways to prevent enable the plans remaining elements to unfold as de-
severe congestion, both during normal rush hours and sired, and may be viewed as the initial version of a roll-
following incidents like collisions or spills, is vital to limit- ing strategy that can be updated regularly (e.g. every
two years).
ing vehicular emissions and other social costs.
Planners can identify criteria to help guide refinements
Component strategies include disciplines like asset man- in the implementation strategies over time, such as prin-
agement (i.e. optimizing the cost and useful life of physi- ciples to guide regular updates of a rolling short-term
cal assets like roads and fleets), congestion manage- implementation strategy. Such principles could also help
ment, incident management, and traffic signal manage- decision makers create annual budgets, for example by
ment. specifying a desirable balance of spending on roads and
transit. It is also important to inform decision makers of
what changes in circumstance might prompt a change
in implementation priorities or schedules, such as unex-
pected funding opportunities or changes in travel de-
mand, and what reactions might be appropriate
(e.g. acceleration or deferral of specific initiatives).
Plans should also clearly identify any planning initiatives
that will be needed to fill the gaps in current knowledge
or analysis, such as more detailed corridor studies or
management strategies. These future efforts may be
relied on to specify the detailed nature, timing and cost
of individual projects or activities.

Urban Transportation Council 6

Principle 10 Principle 11
Provide financial guidance Measure performance
Identify expected future transportation revenues Highlight the need for a performance measure-
and capital and operating costs (including the ment program to monitor progress toward plan-
cost of programs, services, fleets, facility con- ning goals.
struction and maintenance). Identify a performance measurement frame-
Identify expected funding gaps, and illustrate im- work that is tied to the plans strategic frame-
plications by contrasting a fiscally constrained work and monitors outputs, outcomes and ex-
scenario (costs limited to revenues) and a fis- ternal influences.
cally unconstrained scenario (costs exceed rev- Identify a reporting strategy to effectively com-
enues). municate performance measurement results.
Identify options for overcoming funding gaps.
Identify principles for balanced spending to
maximize results from available funds. Most transportation plans start to become obsolete soon
after they are approved: external conditions change, ac-
tion plans are adjusted, costs rise or revenues fall, and
Over the last 15 years, the cost of building, operating early initiatives shift the playing field for later ones.
and maintaining transportation systems has become a
dominant concern for Canadas communities. Financial Given this fact, one way to provide decision makers with
support from federal and provincial governments has continuously relevant guidance is to follow a rigorous
fluctuated unpredictably, and municipal budgets have performance measurement process. This process would
been pressured by the downloading of service respon- focus on actions taken and progress made toward stra-
sibilities and by rapidly rising costs. tegic objectives (both qualitative and quantitative), but
More than ever, transportation plans and programs face could also identify changes in analytical assumptions,
the unpleasant reality of financial constraints. Cities can shifts in social or economic circumstances, and updated
no longer assume that facilities will be built or services financial positions. The major elements of a thorough
provided just because they are identified in a plan. While transportation plan performance measurement strategy
capital costs are always a concern, it is also crucial to include key targets and indicators to be monitored, data
understand the expected costs of operations, mainte- collection activities and schedules, reporting parameters
nance and TDM programs. Life-cycle cost analysis is and frequencies, and required resources.
one way to capture and compare the overall cost impli-
cations of alternative systems and their components. Reporting is a key aspect of performance measurement,
because the knowledge generated by monitoring and
An understanding of costs is most meaningful when analysis is only useful if decision makers and stakehold-
complemented by an understanding of expected rev- ers are aware of it. Reports presenting readable infor-
enues from development charges and levies, reserve
mation in a way that effectively communicates successes
funds, property taxes, government grants, borrowing or
and ongoing challenges can capture the attention of com-
other sources. While future revenues can never be
munity groups and the media, helping to raise public
known with certainty, it is reasonable to ask how far cur-
rent circumstances or trends, if continued, would go to- awareness of results achieved and the need for contin-
ward paying for planned transportation facilities and ser- ued action.
vices. One very helpful way to highlight the major impli-
cations of cost and revenue projections is to compare
two future transportation scenarios:
A fiscally constrained scenario including only ini-
tiatives that are affordable within the limits of ex-
pected or known revenue sources
A fiscally unconstrained scenario including all ini-
tiatives needed to achieve the plans objectives, with-
out consideration of available revenue
Several key questions can be answered by defining and
contrasting these scenarios. If a funding gap exists, how
big is it? Can additional revenue sources be found? If
not, what are the possible responses (e.g. project de-
ferral or cancellation, land use changes) and outcomes
(e.g. increased user costs and emissions, reduced tran-
sit ridership targets)?

7 Urban Transportation Council

follow through on their responsibilities. The process by
Principle 12 which transportation plans are developed can be an av-
Create a living plan with public involvement enue for building this kind of public support. Plans them-
selves can ensure ongoing involvement and maximum
Involve the public in the transportation planning success. They can do this by requiring consultation as a
process, and identify ways for public involve- routine part of project implementation, by recommend-
ment to enhance future program and project
ing outreach and education to build awareness of prob-
lems and solutions, and by calling for active partnerships
Identify a minimum frequency to review or up- with community associations and other groups in areas
date the plan (both may occur in tandem with like TDM and area traffic management.
parallel community plan processes), as well as
key criteria that could trigger a plan review (e.g. Provincial planning legislation usually requires munici-
based on development activity or performance palities to revisit their general plans (e.g. official plans,
measurement results). municipal development plans) on a regular basisev-
Identify a process for regular updates to the ery five years, for example. However, transportation plans
implementation program, as an extension of the are neither required nor governed by legislation for most
plan. communities. Transportation planners may wish to
Identify other processes (e.g. area plans, modal specify a timeline to review the need to update or renew
plans, management strategies) that will repre- their plan, taking into account the degree of confidence
sent extensions or updates to the plan, and in the plans assumptions and analysis. The parallel
whether/how they will be integrated into the plan timeline for land use plan review is another factor that
through future updates. may be considered.
Other factors can also lead to the need to revisit a trans-
portation plan. These could include performance mea-
Ideally, transportation plans enjoy a high degree of sup- surement results indicating unexpected changes in cir-
port among government staff and elected officials, ex- cumstances, and significant variations in land use poli-
ternal organizations, and the public. In the pursuit of cies or development activities that shift a plans very foun-
sustainability, plans can act as agents of change but dation.
change is only realistic if key stakeholders are willing to

Urban Transportation Council 8

The ideas in this briefing offer a starting point for appli- Transportation planners need improved data and tools
cation and refinement by Canadian practitioners. They to more accurately project the complex interactions be-
are offered in hope that they, and the growing aware- tween transportation and a communitys environmental,
ness of the linkages among transportation, energy sup- economic and social dimensions. They also need as-
ply, climate change, air quality and public health, will sistance in gathering and sharing information on suc-
motivate more sustainable transportation planning. cesses and best practices, an area in which the federal
Of course, more than advice is needed. Discipline among governments Urban Transportation Showcase Program
professionals and decision makers is required to ensure has shown recent leadership.6
that plans are realistic and that they are implemented.

1 Transport Canada, Strategies for Sustainable Transportation Planning: A Review of Practices and Options,
prepared by IBI Group and Noxon Associates Limited, 2005 (
2 Transportation Association of Canada, A New Vision for Urban Transportation, 1993
3 Transportation Association of Canada, Urban Transportation Indicators Third Survey, 2004
4 Transport Canada, The Cost of Urban Congestion in Canada, prepared by Delcan, iTRANS and ADEC,
5 Centre for Sustainable Transportation, 2003
6 See for more information

9 Urban Transportation Council

Acknowledgements and Disclaimer
TAC gratefully acknowledges the financial support All images provided by Transport Canada
provided by the Government of Canada during the Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (2006)
research and consultation phases of this project. The
For additional copies of this briefing or information
printing and distribution of this briefing were enabled
on other TAC publications, please contact:
by financial support from the Government of Canada,
Stantec Consulting Ltd. and Lee-Gosselin Associates Membership Services and Communications
Limited. The briefing was prepared by the Sustain-
Or visit TACs website ~
able Transportation Standing Committee of the TAC
Urban Transportation Council. The principal authors Transportation Association of Canada
were Brian Hollingworth, IBI Group, and Geoff Noxon, 2323 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, ON K1G 4J8
Noxon Associates Limited, with input and support from Tel: (613) 736-1350 ~ Fax: (613) 736-1395
many Council and Standing Committee members in Email:
the preparation of both the English and French docu-
ments. The opinions in this briefing are those of the

Urban Transportation Council 10

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