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Section 1.04 Functional Classifica tion of Highways A. Introduction ‘All highways in the Kingdom that are under the jursditon of the MOC ae cased into fone of thre broad categories Excluded from the casiiation system ate those segments of Sttets and highways that may be under the Junsdiction of another ageney eventhough the MOC has been requested fo ssnume respons: bility for design, construction, eperation, and maintenance. The diviion between clases in both objective and subjective considerations fan, fo some extent, mst be arbitrary. Te Is important, however, thatthe system as extab- Tse be adhered to by all who use it Als, proservation of the clasifcation. designation most transcend all byt the most extensive Changes in and se that affect the nest Tor transportation fuelies over subatatia length of highway. B, Purpose of Casineation Each typeof highway within the total system perform a particular service in Tatiating ve- Teavel between poinis of origin and mn and providing land acces. The principal purposes of highway classification 1, Esublish groupings of highways tht iden- tly the Funtional characteristics of ech clas 2. Establish groupings of highoays that re: ‘uire comparable level of maintenance and ‘Speration within each class. 3. Estblish groupings of highways such that ‘omparable geometie design standards ate ap- Pleable ro cach clas. 4, Establish a basis for developing long range eograms, improvement prionties and aca plans Classes of Highways (On the bass ofthe service to be provided, the tee functional classifestions are. Pray Secondary, and Feeder. Information requied to identify a functional clase of highway includes population dens, level of sevice, degree of land service pro: ‘ied, length, consequences of highway clo ure, and peokimity of unique destinations. , Description of Classes [As summarized in Table 1.0441, the distin fishing characteristics of cach class are as falls 10 ABODE 1, Primary Highways Primary highways are the backbone of the network. They provide fs, ste and ficient foutes of travel betwen the major tafe fenertors that are wally found im urban Sres having populations of 100,000 or gente ‘Thisclas provides serve tall major interna onal connections and to all major military insalatins. The stati signiicance of hese ighways mandate that they be Tree fom weather induced clesurs such af washouts of fandation. Primary highways arene ite fends to be land servoe faites Acces 10 and egress from Primary highways are con trolled both legally and physically Fither fly ‘onto ese or ptilly controlled acess 'S provided under critena st forth in HDM2 Tos Atleast 25 percent of the ADT (20) may be ndcpated tobe tracks. Tafe movemeat on Primary highways shall be freeftowing and ‘all provide minimum lve of service C (Soe HDM21054), Collectively the numberof kilometers of Pr acy highways shal ot exceed 35 percent of the total length ofthe highway network. Tol ‘hile Mlometers of “avel on the Primary ‘stem shal not be les than 50 perent of the {otal travel on the highway network 2 Secondary Highways Sevondary highways ar fs national igi: cance than Primary highways, but are in {ended to move large volumes of trae at high speeds berseen population centers f $0,000 or ‘more. Intemational connections, military in Stllations, and seaports ot served by a Pri ‘ry highway ae reached va Secondary high. ‘ways. Design considerations for Secondary Tighways recognize land sevice as only a mi for o incidental faction. [A minimam of 20 perent of the ADT (20) til be frock, large numbers of trucks ase the Secondary highways in the movement of foods. Coattal of access may be established but only to the depres necessary (0 sustain Flows at level ofsersce C or higher Secondary fonds may conneet two Primary highways Stcondary” highways should not represent ‘more than 35 perent ofthe kilometers the fetwork, although they may be expected 10 arty at least 40 percent of the total travel expressed in terms of voice Kilometers 3. Feeder Highways Feuder highways serve two distinct functions. Thay provide direst Unie service between 8 » Los RG Primary, Secondary, of another Fewder igh sway and towns, vilages, industrial and com mercial developments, and recreational areas ‘They abo provide direst sehiolar access 10 privately owned properties Control of access from adjacent properties not required. Design considerations and opera Sonal practices are directed towards the main. tenance of trae Row a minim level of service D. However infrequent interruption of ‘wae Now by stop conditions may e expected at Intersections and private road approaches. ‘The type af talc on Feader highways varies with the adjacent Tand use. Light 40 medium trucks with an oocasonal hea trsk may 0° ‘count for upto 30 percent ofthe total velume [Not more than 30 percent ofthe tol highw network iy allocated to the Feeder highway System that eases 10 percent ofthe otal ta fe flow. Table 1.04. (Charactersties of Highway Classes ear Seta Tee ‘Type of Service | Trafle movements | Tralfe movements | Land vvieis tt of primary importance | basic ensieraion | consideration but ‘Aces is conrlled. Population Density | Connetons to urban seas of 10,000 ‘Weather Retated Road (Comires—Allowabe Frequency (nce por 100 years Service to Unique | Connects mutiple Destination regions. Serves ner: ations] connections nd major military installation. Minima Level ot Service c Minimum Percent ‘of Trucks Other Than Pickups 2s Percent of Kilometers 38 bt may provide some | wai sevice may in service function. | have more an ‘Acces may be ‘nein i contra ‘iene, Atcest contol not nally pose Connesions to wrban rest of 5,000 Once per 50 years, | Once per 25 years Connects two regions. | Recreational areas Serves international | not served connections, military higher class. fasion and Seaport not Served by Primary road, May connect two Prima, c D 2 x0 38 0 0 10 All highways inthe cre functional clases are pet of an integrated network that i intended {0 provide continuous routes of travel from ny given foeation to any ater locaton within the Kingdom for all fs residents Functional ‘lasifation along continuous routes shall be ‘maintained frespective of loca conditions G. Classitetion of Highways Al highways under the jurisdiction of the 0 -MOC, including those schedule for future de- ‘elopinent, have been placed in fantionsl ‘ase assigned to each Primary and Secondary highway is shown in Figure A listing of ach sepment of the highway sytem, with is termini ute number, snd fanctioral elas ven i Table *- When new routes are added {o the highway network, each rocte will be ‘nse i accordance withthe foregoing x= + Nabe sme fining HL. Permaneney of Casification Unless there is a major change in land wse affecting a large region, adjustment of the lasication ofa given section of highway Stall ot be made. The degree of highway de ‘velopment, including. sage constretion, oF Lob en the absence of any development, wll not ‘Meet the eublshed chssifeaion designation. Should changes become necessary a review of the class asignment forall highways in the fegion and, when appropriate, the entire na tional network shall be undertaken 1 @

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