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Tne ; I lour.nd 15 oilulas

1. Ore hctaF qudd:
(B) rm0nr
(C) roPoo n:
2. Chlio .ua.yin3 n EGi 6uitahle for :

(A) ror.iaF! (B) hillEa

(C) ulddding @. (D) Ilat sud.

8 If r nrsudns irp. i. ta long !. @bprFd to tI. .@r wlU b :

ltatrd.!.l l.ngib,
(!t !@i&nr.l eEd (B) IEtrunentdtu
(c) P.en rm
( lAG boud.lrofr.t !of r.till bL aDs&ntt:
(A) lr*l.ud.e (B) Ildi6!td.urt!6
(C) Cot Elire

6. wlich Esihd in pld. t!61 sw.yins fo! lo.atiu Dsiou 6iltio }oiot?
(rD Ilt.Mtio! (B) R.di.tion
(C) 8...dion (D) Trarftile

6. Multiplyils @!.t nt 60r tb l$h@6t rn s@rdlt

(a) 60 (B) 100
(c) 160 (D) 2m

?. The r.!io ol !b. l ngl ! ot dE obied in tlD dr.wing b !h. actual leDrth of !h oblct ia call..l :

iA) .caL
full (B) Let 6ut
(C) ali8on.l ele (D) Ep*.eltstire irction

a, A 600 sq.b are. i! lepreseltd by 600 in a &awi4 Tne *ile of lh d.awing b :

(A) 1nn = 10o n (B) 1nn=5n

(C) lnb = ln (D) 1nn=10n
9. !re.6 oltunins the tele@p sb.ul ih. vslticd *is in s hon@nt.l pl.n6 io cdLil:

(C) rludus
10. Ttu iat u6ot ucd 6. D@ouina tea or . 6ttou. Elp u :

(A) r
clinon6t (B) pl,linter
(c)!.ph (D) sEphm.t!
U. ln lElirg a 6t tion point wherc :

(A) ldUirginstnDnt up (B) Bencl MarL i. h$ltd

(C) t vlirs 6tafi6 pltu.d (D) All ofthe*
lr. IlD hlt edibg oflElina i. .lw.y! o :

(A) roE sighi (B) betr.Lht

(C) int@edilt sigtt (D) cLucE Firt
13. LEllina .cM. a liBr tu don6 by :

(A) 0t l6*[ins (]) ct@lEUin8

(C) trtbmbtri.allevellins (D) recipE.llevoling
r". Tte lin.ofoUimatior sho dbplullelioI

16. Th. [.thi ol i@irm@t ne$od i. :

(A) l.s toilious (B) E@.apiil
(C) lee cdalatioa (D) lUoftLe.e
16, mile b.voBing anlElocLqis a closd inrere ol'N 3i<les, thFrcti@l .u6 of included

(A) e0"
(2N - a]x (B) (2rv+4rr9o
(c) l2N * a]x e0. (D) 360'
0s7tol6 ,r A
u. A41e of dip at pole i. :

(B) 3od
(c) 15. (D) s0.
16. A! o6et Eore th.r 16 D o lngii i. ensd :
(A) o!Uq@ oft6i
(C) lons o{t.r (D) dlLt dald o&.r

19. To c.tcuLb ttr. Dr, d! rDdlid,{ = +[r. t)+ 20 + aE]rb66.I' i. 66! oidi!.r.. L
n t[. Ioi ordiltto, O ir .dd oao.aiuter'i' is .6 o.d'ort llld a i! !h. @d6on diltrE
betw4! tL. ordi!.t . :
(A) A@fi! ordi4t rn
(c) lt le&iddel
2lt llF dctbr b. ..a i. dway. I
(A) po.itiE

2r. Metdlic t!!.. @ udo of :

22. E:@rL . det fo6d.dd :
(A) GiLsE fouDil.tid
(C) Matfoudrtid
Meleicrl d6t !e 6qud to:
(B) :
(c) Pxr/ (D) P-W
,'!. Th. e&l&d oft{o b@. Pand E&tinaaidsh'A i..qurl to:
(el F' .-'* (B)
@) .!F .q".zPa*o (D) JF -a'. rFo..r-

tP,t o,l
t!. 1!. nriool.b.s t .tnidi. :
(B) ltloddu. or.L.dtits
((' B{!t bo.hh.

,4. r! @!iE th. 6$d poio! i. ..Ld :

(D) Arr
(O E lir (D) rocu
rt. A Eadr -|id .gue ba. i. :

(o 6\b.
l& 1t hotistd .!sL Ltro! tL Eu Edidid .td ID ir o!.d :

!t lt &6i..tior dr liD i. latrg f}.E tb hcl b.cila in :

(A) 82fl4 (E Ate

(q 3ryat @) 29rla
80- Ti. Eu b..riraof . !F i. lt?' &d d4lltrdd j!I' d.aetb h.cita .q!.l.:
(A) ltiF @ r3r"
(o lrt @) 186'

tl. 14..u.f tL iat i.r.naL of. nauf.r Fot a.!i.:

(a r4@ (B) 6ac
(o 78 (D) 6rC
tr. 14. h..n!a of.[D Al it r6t2l' .!d th. .oaL BAC n l2,t'88. lL Do.!i!a of AC i. :

(A) gera (B) 96tra

(o 16.64 (Ir) uf ra
tt llb indin.lio of !h. 6dD.s Fd. nlh !h! bdilo.d n llm 4
(B) Di!.
@ M4eti. D..lidtion
t!. The angle hetween tlE Edd.tins .urfa@s ol a prisn .quar. ig

0 nu. (B) 600

(c) 76. @) 90.

16. Th. angl of derEsion in thodoute ttsrcF. ir :

(A) lositiE arsl6 (B) DegltireaDsl

(C) botl D@itire ud rcgariE msl @) rhove ldidt r iDsL

!6. th6 honch d.* rt A i,20d b ed .t f, b.dina .t A ia 3.6' d ud th. 6hf Edina .t B n
'9 E. rh. Edwd lEl at I b :
(A) 203.6 B
(C) 201.6n (D) 202.6 n
t?. Which bethod is p! suit bl whon r ontoGd nap of a hill Equiftd?
(A) Railial Eeilod (B) SqurE@ibod
(c) cM-*.rim @iLod (D) TehE.ttr Eethod
34. llE EoBt @b Coa8lrrni 6 :

(C) BLr.Li.rpdd
80. Th6 wbolo ciFlo b.nrg of a lile i. 166', It!
(A) N ?5.8 (B) N?6" w
(c) s 15. E (D) S 16.W

10. To l@rt .. el@tru pdr tud the plane trbl. .tltion wLich of the fotof,ins 6.tbod i!

(A) IntEetion
(C) neection
al. lf ihrttne h.trer tro poirts A E i! I b, th.! @Ebi!d @rEtio.6! cw.tuF ud
(A) 0.06?3 D' E (B)

(c) 0.6?3 D' n (D)

12, m p@3. of otablishins ini6m.djri. ,oidr! b.t*@n two eld pdlb vbicb de mi
intedisibl., with ih. h.lo of a rb6odotira i. cdltd:
(A) rjd!g.i! (B)
(C) Babncins-i! (D)

Ths obmition i! t*cd d . cb.Dre Doili n :

(A) foe.iShr @)
(C) irlrdi 2 dahi @) both a@ .iaba .ad boc& .isht

aa. Tb. ieD.tlic pFj.ction ol . .qutE i. I

(r{) R..t!ryr. (B)

(C) P.rdlolostu (D)

16. I! . .irDly 6ulpdted boM rh point rh.c rh. ddiEu b.oilirs Ddd! euF. j! rr :

(C) th. poini rl&6 SF i. *E

16. Wf,ib ofrho loUsirg t !e<l6r crFc-s E*i..liF on Dlmnry r.ll?
(A) .piii lev.l

r?. D9.rt!6 @.di.rtc oln d to :

(A) Noftn.nil !6utl

(C) soqt! ud W..r

aa. Bl|Er of Indi6.t&d.rd! hu t@o6endd 1b6 u of foldira .t!tr s :

(B) 3n
(c) 4D @) 4-5 d
40. Th3 oi.mtion rith lv.l i! I

6) nodD.ttl uDcDenr
lin& (B) v6.tidl li@r d@ED.!I
(C) Ansdlr (D) golizobt l arglht D...@@!r
50, The box of ihe @Dptu. i nld of:
(r{) -Ahbiniun (B)


61. A li*d poilt of LnoFn .l6urion i6 :

(A) Bench Md!
(C) Chan poinl (D) lntmdiate point

62. Rr4 dntoum ol bqh.r vslus inid.l !opF4n6 :

(B) Pond
(c) sr (D) vrrby
5t. Tlec.lositrgm!of tleodolita th@. *h.F'I, i. rlE laritud, dd.D i6 tL6doqdE:
w ,ILL' ED' (B) .,/tI] + ID'
.' ,D

6'l 'l5e hoidtrl mal h.tren lru 6.!idie ud . drEy liD i. :

(A) DiD G) Mr$.tic Dclinrtiotr

66. Ihe dlcuhtila th ecti qdL sith EoE sEunq. j! :

Dclhod u!.d for
(A) hareeid.l n{b
(C) Pridmi&l ruld (D) Aw.e3E onlimt rur.
6e. The lelcth of lotrs cLod i. :

(t) 2a@sel2 (B)

lq R@sal2 (D)

67. An ituhunnt wrdol is Bd lor bosuirs holirortd ugl, rerti.d dsre qd diut
ililt$e a@tely i. :
(A) TachMetric.wy

68, The valu ofdo,lction ansle b;
(B) 0'to 180'

69. ltr t6La.op th. btio oftlte &dl lerytt oltlP objet t ihat ofo.rt.pi4 il tnw! a.:

(C) DoonitbD

60. Id !@Et6 E.uu.Dmt of di.too rlict tsp is btbr?

CA) M.t li. tr96 (B) PVC *t d t.p.
(c) Ab.lhp6 (D) iawt !c
6r. ft nuh.r oflinb in . 30 E E.Eic ch.i! i. :
(4) r0o [nI. (B) taL.
(q $0 rn*. (D) 2m Lnl.
01. Th pl!@o of iqnilg the tele@p. .bdt tb vriidl ai. i. ho.ibdt.l pln6 is c.[ed :

(c) Plqlrnr
61. Duirg chrirj4. scaight lile dE ldq ol tbe p.t8 le 4 ffi. ir li. hanit phil ib.
nr|lo{d l[ 6 .!ros ir bn hmd noD the !t ailgpointis:
(A) 4chaitu
(c) 120 E.F

6'L h. !6@i$ibL .d in 6d!e .ley i! I

(A) l6bilut !
(c) 30 .@b& (D) r dgc
05. ln 6Et ..3L preiEti@ the obj-t i6 pLc. :
(A) AldE E? dd bet'iDd w (B) Aloeo gP ed iDiont ofw
(c) Bobw EP and bhind \? (D) Btow fiP and in&onr olvP
66, In Engin@lh8 d!.ring ct,i! lin. .e @d fo! :
(A) vilibL out lift6
(C) ttidddliB
os?Dota l0
67. A weU @ndiiioncd iria4le ha6 ansles roi less than and noi dore than espectively :

(A) 10q aod 9Cr (B) 20o erd r20.

(c) 30" r.d r20" (D) 9o" rnd r20.
63. A a@le rcpruarins either ibE unjt! o. only oe urit and its tractio.a upto s@nd pla@ of

(A) aal
Diaconil (B) Plsre ral
(c) vemier*al (D) conparaiive &ate

5s. lnpor&nt poilt. selctd at tlE n& of ihe clsin lines to Dn.d lhs bouilfi* df rne

(B) $bidiaty .iltiong

(C) Mri! dltioM
70, lbe errcr du. to b8d mngibs i6 :
(A) Codp..uting erc. (E) Cmnldtie poditive ror
(c) cubularire nesariv enor (D) Both (B) and (c)

?r. The redrcd buiry of r lin rn@ wlole circ]6 t&i.! is ,10P :
(A) sneE (B) s50.E
(c) N,ro"E (D) N4f W
?2. Fore bedils of. lift i. S 60p w' The bacl bea.ias i. :

(4 N6eE G) N30.E
(c) s60!E (D) s30.w
7s. oeocleticsuneyft di6er.dttmpbne dleyi4h&Neo{:
(A) ar6 i8oEftd
Vory blse {B) Unaulatidd of6o toDqaphy
(C) CuErlurc oftl e.thbcosidcrcd (D) Ia|8e ditrercn oflvaiiom
?a. th type oltheodolite cbsdGed aB:
(A) Dianeter or nppe. plate (B) Diabeter oflo{o! plate
(C) Dianei6. ol vsrtical plat @) Di,neter ol tleB@pe

?!, The tlavere slop pmvidd on the surfae olthe load to renore tho rain qatd :

(A) cowD (B) GEdieDt

(c) supeield,hon (D C.nbe.
76. Vdlune ola .olid Ephere i3 :


77. lhe acilal lib

stddad bicL i!
of :
(A) 20x 10i lo.b
(O 20rmxl0c6
(A) Cooprtc! Aidd Dla&ing (B) Corput! Aiilrl Dle@tntion
(C) CoEput ? Aidod Ddsling @) C@p{t6 Aid6d DiDdrddilr
79. A onnand whicl is Ned to pick poili. li! Dd poi.q 6id.point, tlns .ic. of .nrtG.
s.r pFcisly which 3loDotlicd a@uac,y :
(O DIl,l (D) OSNAP

30, Tbo Bnch MadG .stlbhch.d by .lE Bu my of IDdD D6p.itben! :

(A) P@'rBeehMsk6 - (B) Gl5 B6rch MeL!
{c) .{'bilnrr! Met (D) T.Dporaty BeEh Mul,
31. 11|6 pa..leated at tle SouthlD end ol tlE Njrriri Hilb j! Soui! I!.tia i! caUd I

81, T1. c ur of n.nnd i! sjtuo isrt alons rb co..! of phid .t.te i! Iddi:?

83. Which o( ln. lolloking riEF olrs|Gre @& Mahdb,

(B) Itli.hna
(c) (rveri (D) T.pti
&1. IIN Drly N.tioD.l WateryaF m iL3r i! hdi.?
(A) 3 (B) 6
(c) ? (D) 9

86. which Erer ia c&ftd s. l(.hrlhi i! Pl|M?

86. Bhgat Si4l w$ *!tGd to doath in which c@?

(B) Ch!ui-cb.u!c*
(C) .q,*Dbly boEb s& (D) Ialtorc co@pi.acy @e
6?. $/lD rs tL. slm c6elal ol India rlt n rls I *d of Indjr! IadeDnd@ btuto oil ir

(4) ldd Culils

3E. Wno Fe tle PEdilent oa ih. biltan Nation.r Corsa$ in rhe Cay. S6si.n of 1922?
{r) ModrdNeh (B) qRD$
(C) Saldd Patol (D) Bal Cue8dha! nl'L
8t TLe 66da. of ShDdLar Sa6!j ;
(4) D!. AtDd.n ?ddu6ns (l) CoDal gad DaLmulh
(c) rtrS. R.&de

90, IMb.ior of th wo.rl llatllaity in t!. pFmbL of lnilian CoDtiturio! n hy?
(A J8.h.iLl NGLE (B) D.. B.A. Ahbdlc
(c) aaj6nd$ Plaed (D) J,B. Ldpdad

tr. TL.fou Lr olAlda ltdyr Sanch.E?

(A) Vaslhgtanalarcmd.vr (B)

(C) qh*t DDiSiaBi (D)

91. wlo ero ile sditor od Mihva&?

(A) K AYy|oDr!
(C) (ti.hq PiUai

1l o97t20t6
s3, f,.b! of (r6la &nssen6?
(B) Dr. Pdpu
(O S.6e Nerayana Ouu (D) AK Goparan

0{. Wh.r vas tlE hisb.ic TeEpre Snrry

(A) Ap.il12, 1936 (D) Matun 12,1936
(Cl) Ju@ 12 1986 (D) Norcdber u, r$6
05. m'o anons the &lUowiry i,3 tbs l,dd of Mat$6lec Medorrrl?
(A) C. I{.rad (B) Dr Palpu
(C) BaliBterC,P. P rai (D) r@&.nasan

,6. OpeEti@ p&t.r,iE E4e n rh. r.Ee of 6oi4/. @rFow6iar b it3iy action
launched or it neighbou?
(B) sy.s

97. vah'ch &y b oheftd a. World PopulDdoD D.r?

(A) June 11 (8) Jdy rr
(C) March 1r (D) Aplil1l

98. WLo E@i@d ine GoU.! Ball awdd fo.tlo besrpl,'yrof FIFA Wo d Cup m14?

(4) LionlMei
(C) ChridiaDo Ronrrdo

tr. Wirh wlich 9abe ir

(A) I.@tb5x (B) C.ictor
(C) Eocley (D) Lrwn Tmis

llto. lvlto tle rresent ulitd

is Etim depury eer.ry C.Der.l?
(A) Ban Ki M@n
(O Jom Cldi Marhe'

os7t20ta l4

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