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Dakota State University

College of Education
K-8 Math Methods
Use Addition to Check Subtraction

Name: Lindsey Pate

Grade Level: 1st
School: Rustic Acres Colony School
Date: 10/23/2017
Time: 10am

Reflection from prior lesson:

During our last math lesson, we talked about how to make an addition problem into a
subtraction problem using red and blue cubes that link together. This lesson went well
as the students had the cubes in front of them for a hands on learning activity. They
grasped the concept quickly. However, the students struggled with writing the problem
on paper. To review for this lesson, we will talk about the think addition strategy by
writing out 12 - 5 on the board. The teacher will ask 5 + what number equals 12?
Students will say 7. What addition sentence could we write? 5+7 = 12 So what is
12 - 5? 7.
The teacher could repeat this process as needed if the students are struggling.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

Use Addition to Check Subtraction Chapter 5 Lesson 5.4 - Go Math! page 197A
Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition
and subtraction are true or false

Relate counting to addition and subtraction

Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition
and subtraction are true or false

Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract.

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Model with mathematics.

Lesson Objectives:
Given word problems involving subtraction and addition, students will apply the
inverse relationship of additional and subtraction to solve each correctly.
After the lesson, students will practice checking their subtraction problem by
using addition.

Materials Needed:
white boards, markers, erasers for each student
printed Standards Practice 5.4 worksheet
some students may need hands on objects or math blocks for counting and
figuring out math problem.
big printed numbers on white paper for students to hold up
big printed + and = signs for students to hold up

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

The Rustic Acres Colony K-2 classroom contains 13 students. 5 are kindergartners, 4
are 1st graders, 1 is a junior 1st grader, and 3 are 2nd graders. All students are ELLs as
German is their first language. None of the students are on an IEP, but one student
does like to do his work in the library by himself. It helps him focus more and he can
read the directions out loud to himself. The students are usually chatty unless they are
fully engaged as a whole class while the teacher is teaching a lesson.

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction (5-7 minutes)

Getting attention/hook - First, I will have tape on the floor in the shape of an X
in 5 spots. I may have to move some desks back in order for everyone to see
the Xs. The taped spots will be large so the students will notice them when
they walk into the classroom.
Relating to past experience and/or knowledge - Teacher will talk about
previous lesson and how addition can help with subtraction. We will briefly
talk about rearranging addition problems (5+7=12 or 7+5=12) then move into
todays lesson.
Creating a need to know - How many of you think you have used math
already today? I know you have already used it because you had to make
sure you had 2 shoes on instead of just one right? Or maybe you counted
how many minutes before school started this morning. Or maybe you even
counted how many steps it took to walk to school today!
Sharing objective - Today we are going to learn how our addition skills can
help our subtraction skills. We can actually use addition to check to see if our
subtraction is right.

2. Content Delivery (20-25 minutes)

The teacher will write a subtraction equation on the white board. Example: 11__4__7
The teacher will ask the students what sign goes in the blanks. Teacher will ask does
11-4=7 or 11+4=7?

Once the blanks are filled in on the board the teacher will have 5 students line up on the
taped Xs like in the introduction activity. One student will hold up the number 7, then a
student holding a blank sign, one student with number 4, another blank sign with
student, and one student with the number 11.

Hmm.. it looks like we just lined this equation up backwards! Lets use our addition
skills to check our subtraction on the white board. Does 7+4 equal 11? Does 4+7 equal

Teacher will ask the class which signs should go in the blank spots. After they have
answered, the teacher will give students with the blank spot the correct sign and ask the
students if the equation is right.

Lets try another example. Teacher will write 9__3__6 on the white board and ask the
whole class what signs go in the blanks. Does 9+3=6 or 9-3=6? As the class figures
out the equation, the teacher will have different students will hold up number signs and
blank signs and do the activity once more.
The teacher will continue this activity until every student has gotten a chance to hold up
a sign in front of the class.

Students can work with a partner or work independently to complete the Standards
Practice 5.4 worksheet. Students are encouraged to ask questions to their peers rather
than the teacher right away. Students retain information better from their peers. Once
their worksheet is complete they can hand it into the basket.

3. Closure (5-8 minutes)

Before we wrap up our math lesson, can someone tell me how we use addition to
check out subtraction? We move some numbers around and change the signs right?
Or we can flip the equation or flip the signs.

Why do we need to know that we can check our addition problem with a subtraction
problem? *possible answer: it builds our number sense, it can make memorizing
number facts easier, important for later work in algebra

These skills will help us with math later in life! You all told me you had already used
math this morning so think of how many times you will use it the rest of the day and the
rest of the week!

So what can we do to check our addition problem? *use a subtraction problem*

Hand in your math worksheet when you are done and then you may go outside for

B. Assessments Used
Teacher will make sure each student answers at least once and if student is
incorrect will follow up after the lesson or walk them through the equation for
them to answer correctly.
Teacher will give a formative assessment worksheet at the end of the lesson to
make sure each student is on the right track and understood the days lesson.
Teacher could also give a formative assignment for lessons 5.1 through 5.4 since
this is a mid-chapter checkpoint for chapter 5.
C. Differentiated Instruction
Remediation - Tier 1 If the teacher finds a student who needs further instruction the
following lesson would be given to that student during a one-on-one time.
Using red and blue connecting cubes, give student a 9 cube train with 2 red and 7 blue
cubes. Write 9-2=___ on a mini whiteboard. How many cubes are in the cube train?
How many cubes do you need to subtract to find the difference? Have student remove
the 2 red cubes from the cube train. How many cubes are left in the cube train? To
check your work, add 2 and 7 to see if you get 9.

Tier 2 - Write 12 - 4 = __ on the board. Have children use connecting cubes as you
model the problem with them. Have children connect 12 connecting cubes to make a
cube train. Ask them how do you find the difference? How many cubes do you need to
subtract? Check you subtraction by adding the parts. The sum, 12, is the same as the
first number in the subtraction sentence.

Enrichment/Gifted Students - Students who finish their worksheet quickly can do the
following activity: Students will find 1 partner and grab 2 spinners. Teacher will have 2
spinners prepared for each group with 0-9 numbered on each spinner. One partner will
spin both spinners and subtract the lesser number from the greater number. The other
partner says the addition sentence to check the subtraction. Partners will switch roles.
English Language Learner - Each of the students in this classroom are ELL but if they
are struggling with the math language they can be grouped with an older student to ask
questions when needed. Give the English language learner 15 straws. Have the child
give away 8 straws and say the subtraction sentence. Ask the fluent English speaker to
help the ELL student verbalize the subtraction sentence, if necessary. Then the ELL
says the addition sentence that checks the subtraction. Repeat as needed.

D. Resources
Go Math! Chapter 5 Lesson 5.4 & 5.3

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