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*hola como estas?

-yo bien gracias, y tu?

*muy bien.

-y una pregunta.


-que pelicula te gusta?

*rapidos y furiosos ocho, y a ud?

-La Boca Del Lobo,

quien es su director de rapidos y furiosos ocho?

*es GARY GRAY, y de tu pelicula?

-es Francisco Jos Lombardi, y quien es el actor principal?

*Vin Diesel, que actua de Toretto. y el tuyo?

-Gustavo Bueno, que actua de el teniente ivan , y a que genero pertenece tu pelicula?

*accin, y el tuyo?

-drama, y me puedes decir de que trata rapidos y furiosos ocho?

*de una misteriosa mujer que seduce a Toretto con el mundo criminal hasta que logre traicionar a los
suyos y su familia, quienes tendrn que enfrentar la prueba ms difcil de sus vidas, y tu pelicula?

- fue estrenada en el ao 1988 y que caus una gran impresin, se basa en hechos reales durante la guerra
interna entre las fuerzas del orden contra el grupo de Sendero Luminoso.

*que interesante.

*bueno gracias, ya nos vemos, bye


*Hello how are you?

-I thank you very well, and you?

*very good.

-and a question


-what movie do you like?

*fast and furious eight, and to you?

-The Mouth of the Wolf.

Who is your director of fast and furious eight?

*is GARY GRAY, and your movie?

-Is Francisco Jos Lombardi, and who is the main actor?

*Vin Diesel, who plays Toretto. and yours?

-Gustavo Bueno, who acts as Lieutenant Ivan, and what genre does your film belong to?

*action, and yours?

-drama, and can you tell me what it is about fast and furious eight?

*of a mysterious woman who seduces Toretto with the criminal world until he betrays his family and his
friends, who will have to face the most difficult test of their lives, and your movie?

- It was released in 1988 and it made a great impression, it is based on real events during the internal war
between the forces of order against the Shining Path group.


*good thanks, see ya, bye


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