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The Bright Future Guide


Self Healing
This Workbook Belongs to:

Healing Dates





Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................3

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................5

THE PDF VERSION OF THE BRIGHT FUTURE SELF HEALING GUIDE ....................................6



SECTION III: DO DAILY ...............................................................................................................13

SECTION IV: TAKE NOTE! ..........................................................................................................17

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The Bright Future Self Healing Guide takes the concepts behind the Bright Future Workbook
and specifically targets them toward self healing. Whether physical, mental or emotional, this
guide can help you achieve self healing. Based on The Bright Future Workbook, it has been
developed by taking the most significant discoveries in the area of personal development and
putting them in a format that can be implemented everyday. Like using the Bright Future
Workbook to attract the things you want to you, putting these exercises to work everyday will
draw healing and growth into your being.

Physical illness, disease, and pain can most often be attributed to negative emotions stuck
somewhere in our meridian system. Even if youve had an accident that caused your affliction,
that accident is likely to be the result of a low-vibrating state of being. Furthermore, the speed
in which you heal can be directly attributed to the energy frequency at which your mind and
body are vibrating at. Raise your energy vibration by improving your mood and you will create
a frequency that promotes or attracts healing. You may find that the answer to your healing
comes from outside sources possibly a certain diet, device or procedure that is new or
unknown. You may want to visit the links page at to learn about many
healing modalities that may help you. Open your mind and your heart to the answer to your
healing. Be patient and love the healing process. Your healing will happen in a time thats
appropriate for you. If you were to clear too much at one time, it would be similar to a massive
detoxification and could be very uncomfortable. This process provides an incredible
opportunity for you to grow and develop and appreciate your health when you have it.

Sections I & II are to be completed at a pace thats right for you. Once you have stated the
specific health results you desire, determined any negative emotions or limiting beliefs that
youre currently experiencing, and discovered any insights into your illness, you can then move
onto the daily section where you will learn to make daily progress toward your specific health
goals. It is highly recommended that you learn the EFT basic procedure. It is key component
to healing. Youll find information on how to use this technique at www.the-secret- You should be able to learn how to use EFT from the information posted
on our website or by downloading the free information provided.

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Keep in mind that this document and the tools described here are not a replacement for a
doctors diagnosis and care. I find that these tools work more effectively with a professional
diagnosis. EFT can be used for symptom relief, but when you know what is causing those
symptoms, it works even better. Although your problem may be physical, the underlying cause
of the physical is usually emotional. Use EFT on everything, including any physical symptoms
as well as any of the emotional issues that come up whether they seem related to your
problem or not.

I wish you all of the best in your journey. Feel free to visit www.the-secret- often, as it will be a place where I post information especially for
those that use this guide.

The PDF Version of The Bright Future Self Healing Guide

This guide is designed to complement the Bright Future Workbook and provide extra information
specific to using the law-of-attraction for the purposes of self healing. You may complete the sections
in this guide and print them, or complete the corresponding sections in The Bright Future Workbook.
Section II of this guide, however, is specific to self healing. Complete Section II of this guide, and add it
to your workbook for reference. Your 3-ring binder may have a section specifically for self healing,
where the completed pages from this guide will go. The beauty of the PDF version is that you may
organize the information in a way that works best for you.

Section I: Determining Your Exact Health Creation Goals
Use this section to record and request the state of health you wish for. It will guide you through
eliminating any negatives you may be experiencing so that youre vibrating at a level that creates a
healthy mind and body.

When you state your specific wish for better health, imagine there are no constraints. Pretend there are
no genetic issues, no doctors telling you your affliction is incurable, and no doubts in your mind that you
can heal. Write down exactly the healing you wish for. You may have beliefs that limit you from having
a lot of the things you write down, but its only that belief that limits you from having them. At the
bottom of each page, youll have the opportunity to write down what those limiting beliefs are and youll
be able to use EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or the HAMR technique (which you can learn
about at, to turn your thinking around.

You can also use The Bright Future Workbook itself to complete these fields. For each question shown
below, there is a corresponding question in The Bright Future Workbook.

Write out a statement that specifically states the health results you want: Write out the
state of health you want and be specific. Write the statement out in the form of a positive. Instead of
saying to not be sick, write to be healthy in the area of _________________, or to be healed of this

1. Health results Im looking for:

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What feelings will having these health results give me?: Picture yourself being rid of this disease,
affliction or illness. Picture yourself doing the things you want to do that you arent able to do at this
time. How does it feel? It is important to recognize the positive emotion(s) having better health will
bring you.

2. Feelings Ill gain by achieving these health results:

Negative emotions associated with not being healthy: It is natural that with any type of physical
illness that you would have negative emotions associated with it. The unfortunate thing is that when
you stay stuck in the negative emotions youre feeling, the universe tends to bring more of the same.
When you say, Im sick, the universe hears, sick. I know how hard it can be to accept yourself or
any type of affliction & be positive about it, and it is extremely difficult to turn around our negative
thinking about these things without some help. EFT is a wonderful tool for creating that acceptance
within your own mind. If you have not checked it out already, please go to www.the-secret- to learn more about it. Negative emotions can only hurt you they can not help
you. You must first recognize that you have them. If you let negative emotions sit in your other-than-
conscious mind, theyll only manifest into more trouble at the same energy frequency. This exercise is
not about focusing on the negative, but simply recognizing the negatives so that you can clear them.

3. List & neutralize negatives you may feel because you dont have perfect
health and clear them using EFT:

Limiting Beliefs: Do you have thoughts at the back of your mind telling you why you cant be healthy?
Ive heard all sorts of limiting beliefs such as its a rare disease and the doctor said theres no cure, or
Ive been told Ill have this for the rest of my life, or its genetic, my mom had it and therefore Im stuck
with it. Before you rule out the possibility for your healing, clear up the doubts you have in your mind
by using one of these techniques. The HAMR technique is my favorite for reversing limiting beliefs, but
EFT works as well. In order to achieve what you want to achieve, you must believe that you will have it.
When the limiting belief isnt conscious, its harder to eliminate it. Watch what your mind is telling you
when you think of yourself having perfect health. Write down the limiting beliefs when you recognize
them and then use either EFT, the HAMR technique, or whatever works for you to eliminate that
thinking. Ask your friends what they think your limiting beliefs are. They probably notice how you may
limit your healing even more than you do.

4. List the beliefs you may have that work against you in your quest for
perfect health and clear them using the HAMR technique:

Ask for your healing: Whether you ask God, the Universe, your Higher Self, your Spirit Guides or
something or someone else that you resonate with as a higher power, ASK them for your healing.
Manifestation does not come from a position of weakness. You are more powerful than you know, and
you only need to initiate the request to the universe, your higher self, or who or whatever you believe is
granting your wish. If you feel more comfortable asking God for what it is you wish for, your strength
comes from the knowing it comes from the faith that you will have it. Be sure that you ask or
command out loud. You only need to ask once. Asking more than once is like saying you dont believe
youre going to get what you ask for and its important that you believe. Ask, and then daily youll
visualize yourself having perfect health until you absolutely do believe it. The more you can feel the
feeling of having it, even when you dont yet have it, the better it will work. If you cant get yourself into
a state of believing, use EFT with something like this: Even though I dont really feel like I can have be
cured of this illness, and cant make myself believe I will be, I deeply & completely accept myself. Even
though this doesnt yet feel possible, I am creating my reality by believing it first. Even though I feel like
Im fooling myself into thinking this can work, I do it anyway because I have nothing to lose. Then tap
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the main points with the reminder phrase and alternate between the negative and the positive this is
not real this is becoming real this doesnt feel real I am healing I deserve to be healthy I am
teaching my body to heal itself I am in control of my mind and body. These are EFT techniques that
are little more advanced. You may want either want to schedule a session with an EFT practitioner, or
purchase a library of EFT DVDs to further your knowledge and enhance your EFT skills.

5. Ask for your healing:

I request the presence of God, my Higher Self and/or all spirit guides. Please bring about my
healing of

There are many ways that you can use EFT and there is no wrong way to do it. The more you practice
it, the more intuitive youll become in regards to the words you choose when you tap. During the setup
phrase, the standard I deeply and completely accept myself may become I deeply and completely
love, accept and forgive myself and any others who had anything to do with my illness. Forgiveness is
an expression that alone can heal. If you there is someone you believe doesnt deserve your
forgiveness, remember that forgiveness is for you. You can even phrase your setup statement in a
way that states even though so-and-so doesnt deserve my forgiveness, I forgive them anyway for the
sake of my own heart. It doesnt have to be complicated. It only need resonate with what you are
experiencing inwardly. If there is a resistance to wanting to clear a certain issue because you feel a
need to hold onto it for whatever reason, do EFT on the resistance! Even though I resist the idea of
clearing any grudges I hold toward this person, I deeply and completely accept myself. You can be as
creative as you want with EFT, or you can just keep doing the general basic procedure until you hit the
nerve that makes the shift in your body that creates the healing youre wishing for.

If you need any help with this process, feel free to visit my website at and
complete the help form. We can provide you with assistance via a personal session, email, or phone.
Webcam sessions will be available in the near future.

Section II: Finding Insights into Your Current Condition
Serious illness is generally the result of deep seated emotional issues that have stored in your
body in the form of disease, pain or illness. Recognizing and clearing any emotional reasons for
your illness is an important step to healing. The following questions are designed to help you get
to the heart of the matter. If your answers to the questions are deep in your subconscious, ask
these questions during your meditation time, write down the answers you receive, and use EFT to
clear the emotions that come up as a result. I highly recommend Louise L. Hays book You Can
Heal Your Life. In this book she charts many physical problems, the probable emotional cause,
along with a recommended new thought pattern. By using EFT with this information, you can
clear the negative thought pattern and instill the new. See page 13 for an example of the way I
use Louises book to clear emotional issues that cause physical problems.

1. When did this problem first begin?

2. What was going on in your life at the time? Was there a trauma associated with this event?

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3. Is there something that you can think of that your affliction is distracting you from? In other words, if
you didnt have this affliction, is there something you would have to face that youd rather not?

4. Do you feel safe in letting go of this illness/pain/affliction? What would you be doing if you didnt have
them? Think deeply about what you might be afraid of doing with your life if you didnt have this illness.

Section III: Do Daily
Although you may have cleared up many negative emotions in Section I of this guide, it is
normal to find negative emotions creeping back in if you are not achieving a healing as
quickly as youd like to. Examine your thoughts on a daily basis to make sure that youre
not falling into a rut of thinking negatively about your health and make note of what youre
experiencing. Record the answers to these questions on the form on page 15.
1. List & neutralize any negative emotions you may be experiencing. Although you should
not focus on the negative, it is helpful to be aware of the things that are blocking your
progress which are usually negatives! Being aware and conscious of those negative
emotions can help you neutralize them instantly. Write them down and use EFT to clear
them. Write down your top 5 or 6 negative emotions and no more. Save any others for
another day. Get onto raising your vibrations and youll forget about the rest for now.
Negative emotions include limiting beliefs and physical symptoms along with any guilt or
anger you may have regarding your situation. When it comes to serious illness, there may
be an underlying trauma associated with that illness. You may not recognize it at first, but
as you start to clear the negative emotions you are aware of, you will experience other
insights you may not have been aware of. As you experience these insights, use EFT to
clear any negative emotions associated with those insights. As mentioned above, I use the
chart in Louise L. Hays book You Can Heal Your Life to see if the probable cause she lists
in her book for an affliction resonates with my client. If so, I use EFT, something like the
following. Note that I have changed EFT slightly in a way that makes more sense to my own
ex-computer geek mentality.
Setup: Even though I have this [physical issue] and it might be caused by [probable cause
according to Hays chart], I deeply and completely accept myself and [Louise Hays new
thought pattern].
Tapping: Deleting (or clearing) [this physical issue & the probable cause]. I tap on the
eyebrow point, side of eye, under eye, under nose, chin, collar bone, under arm and then I
do the gamut procedure and stop. Then I do a round on the same point with an insertion or
installation phrase. Inserting (or installing) [this new thought pattern]. So for example, say
you have fatigue. The round of EFT would look like this: Even though I have this fatigue
and it might be caused by resistance, boredom and lack of love for what I do, I deeply &
completely accept myself and choose to be enthusiastic about life and filled with energy &
enthusiasm. Then the tapping clearing the resistance, boredom, lack of love for what I
do and the fatigue that goes with it. On the next round, the tapping looks like this installing
energy and enthusiasm life. You may have to do this every day, but its critical that you

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clear up the emotional issues in order to clear up the physical issues and allow yourself to
start to see other options available to you.
2. Raise your vibrations. Think of a time when you felt really strong and healthy. There is
probably a time when you felt healthy, vibrant and strong. If you cant remember a time like
this, put yourself back in any situation where you felt, happy, strong and empowered. Bring
that feeling into your being NOW. Hold onto it for at least a minute and then go onto #3.
3. Visualize: Imagine yourself at some point in the future, free of your affliction. Imagine the
things youll be doing once youre healthy. Feel as if you were already doing those things
and feel the gratitude you would have in being able to do so. Stay in the visualization for at
least 1 minute.

4. Mediate: Spend 15-30 minutes (or more) each day quieting your mind. When you quiet
your mind, youll receive ideas, information and answers to questions that will help you
achieve the healing you desire. You might even start your meditation session by asking the
universe to bring you the information and answers you seek. You may find that youre
guided to seek the help of a professional. Write down what your experience was when you
meditated so you dont forget. Keep in mind that this is not the only time you will receive
ideas and answers. Ideas will pop into your head as you go about your day. Write them
down, and act on them! One of my favorite ways to use this time is to use the Intuition
exercise included in the Power Pause material.
5. Recognize the days accomplishments: To keep your vibrations high and the momentum
rolling, take a few minutes to recognize any progress toward healing, no matter how slight.
This might include the name of a healer you received from a friend, an insight you had while
tapping or meditating, the relief of certain symptoms, a lesson learned, or anything else that
gets you even a little closer to where you want to be.

I encourage you to complete at least steps 1-3 every single day. Completing each of these steps
on a daily basis will create a habit of healing. It will also make you more conscious. You will soon
start to recognize the negatives when they creep in, know that theyre not good for you, and be able
to terminate them on the spot! If you are focusing on anything other than your goals, you will
continue to get more of what youre focusing on. Consciousness is key, and this process creates
the key that will unlock the door to your healing and anything else you want in life.

Date: ____________________
This form is to be completed on a daily basis. Complete and print each day or print many copies & write in your

1. List & neutralize the most prominent negative emotions and/or limiting beliefs you may be experiencing
today. You may pull them from Section I of this guide, or you may have new ones. Check them off as
you neutralize them.

2. Raise your vibrations. Look back at Section II of The Bright Future Guide and think about the things
that get you in a state of feeling strong & empowered, or write down new ones here.

3. Imagine yourself having the health goal you specified in section I. Feel the feelings you wrote that
having this healthy state would give you. Know that you will achieve it. If you notice your mind having
doubts, write them down in #1 above and neutralize the doubt using EFT or the HAMR technique.
Ideas may come up on how to get this thing. Write them down here and start acting upon them:

4. At the end of the day, or any time you get a chance, meditate for 15 minutes or so clear your mind
and let the universe bring you light and information. Notes:

5. Recognize any progress youve had today:

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Section IV: Take Note!

Use this section to write down the insights regarding your affliction that are coming to you. You
may have more insights flowing in than you have time to process. This is a good place to journal
those insights. Go over your notes no a weekly basis and use one of the techniques mentioned to
clear any past trauma that may still be lingering.

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