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Schwerdle Assessment Outline1

Assessment for An Evening with Grainger Concert Cycle:

1. Playing Test
One Playing Test will be done for every student for this concert cycle
Students should expect excerpts from either Irish Tune from County Derry or A
Longford Legend and one scale from Longford Legend
o Soloists will play their solos in addition to the required excerpt
Students may have one additional chance to improve scores by scheduling a time
with the instructor outside of rehearsal times

2. Short Essay on Irish Tune

Based on comprehensive musicianship lessons with Irish Tune from County
Derry, the student will write a 400-500 word reflection and analysis of the piece.
Resources and papers used and created in class are fair game to help write out
each essay.
The goal is to encompass everything learned from the history, theory, cultural
connections and other topics discussed in one comprehensive document.

3. Repertoire Report
It is important that beyond our time together that you get exposure to other pieces
written by the composers we are playing.
For this concert, you will provide two short 200-300 word reflections on pieces
written by the following composers:
o Percy Grainger
o Robert Sheldon
o Gustav Holst
o Ralph Vaughan Williams
Search for any of these composers on YouTube, Spotify or other internet music
providers and listen to a piece in its entirety.
The reflection should be a brief description of the piece as a whole and how its
characteristics relate to either Irish Tune or Longford Legend.
It is suggested to have both Irish Tune and Longford Legend also available to
listen to for reference and have your music as well.

4. Forms of Formative Assessment

Questions, concerns and attention will be brought on a daily basis to any number
of the following:
o Form when referring to A Longford Legend
o The meanings of word choice in Irish Tune from County Derry
o Modeling of the main theme in Irish Tune
o Identification of repeated ideas both thematically, rhythmically and
structurally in both pieces
Schwerdle Assessment Outline2

o Simple chordal identification

o Intonation tendencies/problems
o Rhythmic breakdowns and isolation especially in the woodwinds in
Longford Legend I and III movements.
o Articulation discrepancies (Longford Legend)
o Dynamics
o Large Groups vs. Chamber group splitting in Irish Tune (clarity and
ensemble sound)
o Voicing/Instrumentation

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