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NAME: Jack Weinberger DATE TAUGHT: 11/4 SCHOOL: Brookings

TIME: 9:00-9:40 CLASS SIZE: 10-13 GRADE LEVEL: 2nd
FACILITIES: Brookings Gym LESSON #: 4 Generic Level: Pre-control/control
(2) hula hoops, (2) hula hoop stands, (4) boxes big enough hold balls for station 2, (4) different types of soft
throwing objects (ex. Bean bags, yarn ball, plastic pit balls, etc.), (1) recycle bin, (100+) sheets of newspaper, (2)
sets of Velcro throw and catch paddles, (25+) hot spots, boundary cones, computer, projector, speaker, Kids Bop
27 full album, poster paper at each station, (15) markers
LESSON FOCUS: Throwing, catching, teamwork UNIT: Throwing and Catching
S3.E2.5- Actively engages in all the activities of physical education
S4.E1.5- Engages in physical activity with responsible interpersonal behavior
S4.E2.5b- Exhibits respect for self with appropriate behavior while engaging in physical activity
S5.E2.5- Expresses the enjoyment and/or challenge of participating in a favorite physical activity
2.2- Use a variety of manipulative (throwing, catching, striking), locomotor, and non-locomotor skills as individuals and
in teams
2.7 Demonstrate responsible personal and social conduct used in physical activity settings
2.26: Apply safe practices, rules, procedures, and sportsmanship etiquette in physical activity settings, including how to
anticipate potentially dangerous consequences and outcomes of participation in physical activity

STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Psychomotor: Demonstrate control of both throwing and catching during the throwing and catching relay race.
2. Cognitive: Students will be able to answer the checks for understanding with 90% or better accuracy and identify the
skill cues for both throwing and catching.
3. Affective: All students are acting in a safe and respectful manor during the entirety of the lesson by following all rules for
100% of the lesson.
TEACHER PERFORMANCE GOALS: During the lesson the teacher will:
Limit the word guys to less than 4 times
Keep track of the time so no activities are rushed and closure is fully completed.
Demonstrate each skill that is needed for every activity throughout the entire lesson.


Reinforce safety and follow through with all threats

Use voice inflection by utilizing both a quite voice along with a loud one.

Buter, Joni, Lisa Damren, Janice O'Donnell, and Debby Franzoni. "Section 2 Part C." Cool Cues for Skill Building. By Becca Boudreau.
N.p.: NHAHPERD, n.d. N. pag. Print. (Sections- 2.C, 2.K, 2.L)
Graham, G., Holt-Hale, S A., & Parker, M. (2013) Children moving: A reflective approach to teaching physical education (9th ed.). New
York, New York: McGraw Hill pp 259
Graham, George. "Chapter 5: Getting the Lesson Started." Teaching Children Physical Education: Becoming a Master Teacher.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1992. 69-78. Print.
National Standards and Grade Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education; Lynn Couturier, Stevie Chepko, Shirley Holt (pg 32- 36)


Meet & Greet: Hello my name is Coach Jack and this is the meeting area
that we will meet at before and after every lesson. If youre excited for an
awesome lesson let me hear you clap as loud as you can.
9:00- Signals: My signals today will be Ready, Go! and 3-2-1 Freeze!
9:01 Boundaries: Can everyone point to the boundary cones? We stay inside
of those for our safety and the safety of those around you.
Students Behavior Expectations: Students are expected to follow all
directions and stay in their own personal space throughout the entire
I am looking for students who listen to my stop and start signals and
work on every activity with their full ability
Check for Understanding:
What are the start and stop signals today?
o Ready, Go! and 3-2-1 Freeze!
Why do we stay inside the boundary cones?
o To keep ourselves safe and our classmates safe.


o Each station will have visuals of skill cues and also a place for
students to record opinions/scores at each station.
WARM UP: Students will follow the teacher in guided warm up and stretch.
9:01- Left and Right arm over stretch (10 sec each)
9:03 Arm circles forward and backward (10 sec each)
Jumping Jack (10x)
Demonstration: In a straight line, all students will follow the teacher to each
9:03- station. Teacher will demonstrate each task, discuss safety, and check for
9:07 understanding at each station. After the fourth station, students will go back to
the meeting area.
Transition: Students will be handed a playing card and we be told not to look.
9:07- Once they are all have a card, students will travel in small groups (based on
9:08 card) to their first activity. (Jacks (Station 1), Queens (station 2), Kings (station
3), Aces (station 4))
ACTIVITY 1: Hula Hoop Target Practice
1) In this activity, students will practice throwing overhand using the correct skill
9:08- cues. The most important part is how they are throwing more than the location
9:12 of the ball. Focus most feedback on students form rather than the outcome. In
2) this activity, students will throw a yarn ball through a hula hoop that is held in a
9:13- stand. Students will self-score, receiving one point every time the ball goes
9:18 through the hoop. They throw one ball, and then go to the back of the line. There
3) will be two lines with two students in each line. There will be a box full of yarn
9:19- balls in the middle of the two lines. There will be three hotspots in each line
9:24 differing in distance away from the hula-hoop. Once the music stops, students
4) will write their scores and collect all the balls that were thrown.
9:25- DEMONSTRATION: Show students how to properly complete the task using the
9:30 correct skill cues during the initial walk-around.
Skill cues: 1) Eyes on target {Eyes} 2) Step with opposite foot {Step} 3) point
non-throwing hand at target {Point} 4) follow through {Hand to pocket} [Eyes,
step, point, pocket]
Source: Cool Cues for Skill Building- NHAHPERD


Safety Considerations:
-Do not retrieve the balls until theres none left.
-Only one person throwing at each target at a time
Teacher Positioning: Teacher will keep their back to the wall and use their
teacher scanning skills to watch the entire class at the same time.
Feedback: I like the way youre pointing at your target.
Extension Up: Students will move further back from the target.
Extension Up: Students will throw with non-dominate hand
Extension Down: Students will move closer to the target.
Check for Understanding:
What are the skill cues for throwing?
- Eyes on target, step with opposite foot, point at target, follow through
1 min Transition: Students will rotate clockwise once the equipment is reset and they
answered the questions on the paper.
ACTIVITY 2: Mystery Box Toss
In the stations, students will focus on both underhand throwing and catching.
Students will stand on a hot spot across from a partner in their group. In
between these students will be a bin with an object in it. The students must pick
up this object and toss it back and forth 10 times. Students are encouraged to
1) count as a team out loud. In the object is dropped, they just start the count from
9:08- one. Once the object is successfully caught 10 times, partners will move to a new
9:12 mystery box. They will repeat this until the music stops. If students successfully
2) complete each mystery box before the music starts they can go to any box, and
9:13- try to complete the challenge again. Once the music stops, students will place the
9:18 objects back into the box and record what box number they thought was most
3) difficult to catch and throw.
9:19- DEMONSTRATION: Show students how to properly complete the task using the
9:24 correct skill cues during the initial walk-around.
4) Skill cues: Underhand Throw: 1) Eyes on target {Eyes} 2) Arm pointing back
9:25- {Tick} 3) point non-throwing hand at target {Point} 4) Arm down and forward
9:30 {Tock} [Eyes, Tick, Point, Tock]
Catching: 1)Eyes on the ball {Eyes} 2) Reach out for the ball {Reach} 3) Pull ball
into body {Pull} [Eyes, Reach, Pull]


Source: Cool Cues for Skill Building- NHAHPERD

Safety Considerations: When a ball is not caught and rolls towards another
activity, walk towards it. If it is in another stations area, raise hand and tell
Make eyes contact with partner before throwing the object.
Teacher Positioning: Teacher will keep their back to the wall and use their
teacher scanning skills to watch the entire class at the same time.
Feedback: I like the way youre pulling the object in after tracking the balls path
from the hand of who is tossing it.
I like the way youre following through but I need you to point your other hand
at your target next time to increase accuracy.
Extension Up: Students will try and catch each object 20 times.
Extension Down: Students will move in closer together.
Extension Down: Students need to successfully exchange the object 5 times
Check for Understanding: How many times are you throwing the object back
1 min and forth? -10 times What happens if the object hits the ground? Count restarts
Transition: Students will rotate clockwise once the equipment is reset and they
answered the questions on the paper.
ACTIVITY 3: Newspaper toss
In this activity, students will practice underhand toss for accuracy. Students will
learn through trial and error the importance of arch when they are underhand
1) tossing. Students objective is work together as a team to score as many
9:08- newspaper balls as they can in the time limit. Students will use a single sheet
9:12 newspaper that is stacked in front of them to crumble it into a ball. Students will
2) then stand behind the line and underhand toss it into the recycling bucket.
9:13- Students can only throw one paper ball at a time. Once the music stops, students
9:18 will collect all the balls that missed and throw them into a separate bin. They
3) will then count the number of balls they made in and record the number on the
9:19- sheet of paper at their station.
9:24 DEMONSTRATION: Show students how to properly complete the task using the
4) correct skill cues during the initial walk-around.
9:25- Skill cues: Underhand Throw: 1) Eyes on target {Eyes} 2) Arm pointing back
9:30 {Tick} 3) point non-throwing hand at target {Point} 4) Arm down and forward


{Tock} [Eyes, Tick, Point, Tock]

Source: Cool Cues for Skill Building- NHAHPERD
Safety Considerations: Students may never throw their paper balls at each
Students will maintain their own personal space throughout this activity.
Teacher Positioning: Teacher will keep their back to the wall and use their
teacher scanning skills to watch the entire class at the same time.
Feedback: I like the way you are bringing your arm all the way back; however, I
need you to follow through next time.
Extension Up: Students must use their non-dominant hand.
Extension Down: Students will be moved closer to the target.
1 min Check for Understanding: How many paper balls can you throw at a time? -1
Transition: Students will rotate clockwise once the equipment is reset and they
answered the questions on the paper.
ACTIVITY 4: Velcro ball toss
In this activity, students will practice over hand throwing and catching. Students
will stand with a partner on the hot spots. They will throw the ball using the skill
cues and their partner will try to catch it using the velco hand pad. Students will
1) count how many times they can throw and catch the ball successfully. Once the
9:08- music stops, students will place equipment back and record how many throws
9:12 they successfully caught in a row.
2) DEMONSTRATION: Show students how to properly complete the task using the
9:13- correct skill cues during the initial walk-around.
9:18 Skill cues: 1) Eyes on target {Eyes} 2) Step with opposite foot {Step} 3) point
3) non-throwing hand at target {Point} 4) follow through {Hand to pocket} [Eyes,
9:19- step, point, pocket]
9:24 Catching: 1)Eyes on the ball {Eyes} 2) Reach out for the ball {Reach} 3) Pull ball
4) into body {Pull} [Eyes, Reach, Pull]
9:25- Source: Cool Cues for Skill Building- NHAHPERD
9:30 Safety Considerations: Students must throw the ball at a speed in which their
partner can watch it.
Students must never chase a loose ball. Students must raise their hand and wait
for the teacher to get it.


Teacher Positioning: Teacher will keep their back to the wall and use their
teacher scanning skills to watch the entire class at the same time.
Feedback: I like the way you are accurately throwing the ball but use your eyes
to watch the ball when you catch it.
Extension Up: Students must use their non-dominant hand.
Extension Up: Students will move further apart from each another.
Extension Down: Students will be moved closer to each other.
Check for Understanding: What do you do if the ball rolls away? Raise our
hand and wait for the teacher.
1.5 min Transition: Students will collect the paper and markers and in small groups will
travel to the meeting area.
ACTIVITY 5: Relay Race
In this activity, students will use all the skills they practiced at each activity to
complete an relay race. Teams will be grouped together by the teacher (Jacks
and Queens, Kings and Aces). Two students from each team will start at activity
one. They must each throw one ball through the hoop. Once completed, the
partners will run over and throw any object from the mystery box they want 6
times. After completed, students will move to station 3. They need to get 2
newspaper balls in the bin. Once complete, they will put on the velco gloves and
successfully exchange the ball 2 times. Once complete, they will run back to the
beginning and the next two students will go. Students are encouraged to cheer
on their teammates as they make their way through the race. Once each team
member has made it through the whole course, they have completed the course.
9:31.5- DEMONSTRATION: Teacher will explain the course and demonstrate the order
9:32.5 by walking through the course as students sit in the meeting area.
Skill cues: All skill cues that were used for underhand throwing, overhand
throwing, and catching will need to be used in their activity.
Source: Cool Cues for Skill Building- NHAHPERD
Safety Considerations: Students must never push or touch any other student
9:32.5- when running from station to station.
9:36 Students must never chase a loose ball. Students must raise their hand and wait
for the teacher to get it.
Teacher Positioning: Teacher will keep their back to the wall and use their


teacher scanning skills to watch the entire class at the same time.
Feedback: I like the way you are cheering on your teammates.
Extension Down: Students will be told to move to the next activity if they are
struggling completing it.
Check for Understanding: What do you do once youre done? Sit down
9:36- Transition: Students will be sent in small groups to collect the equipment and
9:37 bring it with them to the meeting area.
Closure: Teacher will review the four station papers and start discussion.
9:37- Why was (object stated to be the most challenging) so challenging to throw and
9:40 catch?
The chicken was hard to throw and catch because it was a weird shape.
I need someone to tell me the skill cues for throwing overhand.
- Eyes, step, point, pocket
I need someone to tell me one activity that they liked in todays lesson.
- I loved the relay race
I need someone to tell me one thing they did to be respectful to their classmates.
- I stayed in my own space to avoid collusions.


Visual: each picture will be bigger and cut out and pasted on a big poster paper. The top half of the paper is visuals
with listed skill cues in order and the bottom half will be the area for students to respond to that stations questions.

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