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11, NOVEMBER 1993 1729

Analysis of a Passively Mode-Locked

Self-starting All-Fiber Soliton Laser
V. Tzelepis, S. Markatos, S. Kalpogiannis, Th. Sphicopoulos, and C. Caroubalos

Abstract-In this paper, modelling results are presented for a 11. MODELDESCRIPTION
passively mode-locked figure-eight laser (F8L) supporting a
linear polarization state. Starting from amplified spontaneous The laser configuration studied is shown in Fig. 1.
emission, the model produces soliton, chirped, red-shifted, ultra- Consider the electric field S, of an optical signal entering
short pulses. The self-starting conditions of the laser are investi- port 1 of the NALM coupler. This is being split in two
gated, and the erbium-doped fiber amplifier gain threshold to components S,, S, given by
passively mode-lock the laser is also determined as a function of
the center coupler splitting ratio (C,).In addition, the influence
of C,,as well as the effects of the cavity length ( L J , first- and
second-order group velocity dispersion to the F8L operating
parameters, and output pulse characteristics such as width,
peak power, chirp, self-frequency shift and envelope distortion,
are studied.
where C, is the coupling ratio for the optical power. The
counterpropagating components undergo amplification
I. INTRODUCTION and shaping in the NALM. Recombination of the incident
at the coupler signals follows (1).The signal at the output
T HE use of rare-earth-doped optical fibers for ampli-
fication in optical communication systems has drasti-
cally increased the distance of long-haul high-bit-rate
port 1 vanishes at the isolator input. On the contrary, the
signal at the output of port 2 propagates along the right-
links, without the need of regenerators and/or repeaters. hand-side loop. The coupler at the laser output is equiva-
To increase further this distance, and to overcome the lent to a loss, proportional to its splitting ratio (Ck).The
dispersion problems, the use of ultrashort, nonlinear mathematical description of the laser model has been
pulses (i.e., solitons) has been proposed [l].For such based on the fact that the F8L is equivalent to a coupled
schemes, a soliton laser is required. So far, semiconductor cavity laser [6] and consequently additive pulse mode-
lasers [21 and all-fiber lasers [31 have been examined as locking (APM) governs pulse evolution. Indeed, we can
the short-pulse generating source. Among them, the all- imagine two unidirectional fiber ring cavities, each one
fiber lasers offer compatibility with transmission fibers corresponding to each counterpropagating signal in the
(i.e., no need for pigtailing), compact size, and also the NALM, which are coupled together via the isolator loop.
possibility of passive mode-locking. Passive mode-locking In this case, pulse generation is excited by the nonlinear
has been demonstrated in several experiments based on phase shift provided by the nonsymmetric position of the
the reflection properties of the nonlinear amplifying loop erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), in accordance with
mirror (NALM) in the so-called figure-eight laser (F8L) APM [7]. So, in order to model pulse evolution in this
configuration [41, [5]. So far, the self-starting of a F8L is laser, the nonlinear propagation equation should be solved
assumed to be possibly generated from the amplified for successive round trips.
spontaneous emission (ASE). In this paper, a model is The propagation of high-intensity optical signals in
presented (Section 11) which shows that soliton pulses can fibers falls under the nonlinear regime, where the effec-
be generated from ASE (Section 111). The influence of a tive refractive index of the fiber becomes power depen-
key parameter, such as the NALM coupling ratio C,, on dent (Kerr effect). Ultrashort pulses, corresponding to
the self-starting conditions and the output pulse charac- broad bandwidth, lead to important pulse broadening due
teristics of a F8L, is examined (Section IV). The depen- to group velocity dispersion (GVD) effects. In a fiber
dence of temporal and spectral properties of the emitted soliton source, such as the F8L, ultrashort nonlinear pulses
pulses on some geometrical and physical parameters, such are produced, so these effects play the principal role in
as the cavity length (L,) and first- and second-order pulse evolution. Mathematical description is provided by
dispersion ( &, p,), is also investigated (Section V), aim- the well known nonlinear Schrodinger ( N U ) equation,
ing toward the design optimization of this laser. where the most significant dispersion and nonlinear terms
are included, in order to consider the corresponding phe-
Manuscript received November 10, 1992; revised May 5, 1993. This nomena. To describe the operation of the F8L, the NLS
work was carried out under the EEC RACE 2015 project ARTEMIS. equation (2) is employed, taking into account first- and
The authors are with the Informatics Department, University of
Athens, Athens 15771, Greece. second-order GVD, losses, Kerr effect, and soliton self-
IEEE Log Number 9211166. frequency shift (SSFS). A single linear state of polariza-

0733-8724/93$03.00 0 1993 IEEE



OUT The gain that a pulse feels as it walks along the active
fiber is recalculated from (3) for each pass. Since the time
separation between the pulses in a F8L is much less than
the upper-level lifetime of erbium ions and, also, a single
soliton does not significantly change the population inver-
sion, the transient phase of pulse evolution cannot be
realistically simulated in this manner. However, (3) pro-
vides a fast convergence towards the steady-state opera-
tion of this iterative procedure, which is the target of this
analysis. In this approach, the oscillating conditions are
derived, where the gain that a pulse feels compensates for
the total losses.
Unfortunately, a N U equation cannot be solved analyt-
ically, in general. In fact, there are only a few cases where
an analytical solution can be obtained under certain con-
Fig. 1. F8L configuration studied. ditions. Equation (2) can be treated only numerically, and
in this case the split-step Fourier algorithm (SSF) is em-
tion has been assumed ployed [9]. It is a widely used method, since it offers faster
calculations for the same accuracy compared to other
dA/dz + j / 2 p 2 d 2 A / d T 2- 1 / 6 p , d % / d T 3 + a / 2 A methods.
= j y { l ~ 1 2-
A T , A ~ I A I ~ / ~( 2T)} , The so-developed simulation program considers optical
signals as a sequence of 512 complex numbers represent-
where A is the electric-field envelope [ E ( z ,t ) = ing the electric-field envelope for a time frame of 10.24
A ( z , t)e-i(Plr-oor)], E the electric field of the optical ps, offering a 20-fs time interval between successive sam-
wave, z the longitudinal coordinate, T the retarded frame ples. According to the sampling theorem, the bandwidth
[ T = t - plz, p1= l / u g , ug the group velocity], p,, = covered in this case is 25 THz. High sampling rate has
d"p/dw"l,= p the propagation constant, (Y the loss been considered, since experimental studies showed non-
coefficient, y = n 2 w O / c A e Rn2
, the Kerr nonlinearity co- linear operation in the femtosecond regime (to our knowl-
efficient, wo the center angular frequency, A,, the effec- edge, 185 fs is the half-width full maximum of the shorter
tive mode area, and TR the Raman scattering coefficient. pulse observed so far [lo]). Moreover, Richardson et al.
This equation can be generally applied also in the case [ l l ] have noticed a fine infrastructure (a number of fem-
of an active fiber (a pumped rare-earth-doped fiber), if a tosecond pulses bunched together) in certain cases, that
distributed gain term is added to the loss term. In this leads to considerable bandwidth broadening. The above
approach, an approximate expression for the gain of the representation permits the use of the SSF to compute
EDFA was employed, taking into account gain dispersion signal propagation around the laser loops. To monitor the
and saturation: signal evolution, and to calculate steady-state pulses pro-
duced by this laser, a number of round-trip calculations,
unknown at the beginning of the algorithm execution, is
In this expression, Go stands for the peak unsaturated needed. The program detects the steady-state conditions
gain, Ep the pulse energy, E,,, a saturation parameter, by comparing successive round-trip output signal profiles.
Aw the 3-dB bandwidth of the amplifier, and rn deter- Whenever a pulse wave form converges to an almost
mines the slope of the chromatic gain profile. The above constant profile, a steady-state operation is assumed to
expression encounters the most critical characteristics of have been reached.
the EDFA gain. Despite the fact that the parameters used A model for a self-starting, mode-locked laser should
are not directly measurable, ( 3 ) is considered throughout simulate pulse generation assuming noise as the initial
this approach, since these parameters are more informa- signal seed. The only noise source in a F8L is the EDFA
tive for the laser behavior than those used in more de- spontaneous emission, known as amplified spontaneous
tailed doped-fiber amplifier models [8]. E,,, is selected in emission (ASE). According to both theoretical and experi-
order to achieve stable operation of the laser in the mental data, the ASE intensity level is proportional to the
soliton regime. By increasing/reducing E,,, , the laser pumping power of the active fiber. For simplicity, a pseu-
behavior in a higher/lower energy state could be exam- dorandom signal (about 10 pW mean power) was consid-
ined. Aw has been set to 10 nm in this application, since ered. The values of the laser parameters that were used to
it was observed that low values reduce the required com- obtain the results presented in Sections I11 and IV of this
puter iterations to reach a steady state. On the other paper are the following (unless it is otherwise mentioned):
hand, Aw is wide enough to support soliton pulses as
short as 250 fs. A broader bandwidth setting resulted in L, (Length of the isolator loop fiber): 6 m
larger Raman shift (see also paragraph 4), but did not L, (Length of the NALM fiber, EDF not included):
affect the pulse width or shape. 32 m

-5-4-4-3-2-1-00 1 2 3 3 4 5

Fig. 2. Pulse evolution originated from noise.

-5-4-4-32-1-00 1 2 3 3 4 5

(Length of the erbium-doped fiber): 3 m Fig. 3. Topograph for pulse generation originated from noise.
GO (EDFA peak gain): 33 dB
AW (EDFA bandwidth): 8.2 X 10 rad/sec (10 nm),
m=l shown in Fig. 3 is obtained. The information emerging
(EDFA saturation energy): 10 pJ from such a graph can be summarized as follows:
(Center coupler splitting ratio): 0.48
(Output coupler splitting ratio): 0.90 (1) The numerical convergence procedure is more clear.
( a % / a o 2 ) : - 10 psZ/Km The power level that initiates pulsing, i.e., the
(a3P/aw3): 0 switching power of the NALM, can be easily de-
(Effective mode area, active/passive fiber): 50 tected.
Pm2 (2) Distortion of the shaped pulses can be determined
(Raman scattering coefficient): 6 fs by comparing the space between neighboring con-
(Center wavelength): 1550 nm tours (a sech profile is represented by equispaced
contours in the pulse edges).
(3) Parallel contours indicate that the pulse has reached
The signal power, defined as IA12,is computed at the a steady-state phase, i.e., the envelope is no longer
port 1 of the center coupler (all the calculated signal modified from round to round.
envelopes are considered at this point), after successive (4) Due to self-frequency shift, pulses propagate more
round-trip propagation around the laser. The three- slowly than the time frame considered (pulse delay),
dimensional graph in Fig. 2 illustrates the signal power resulting in nonvertical parallel contours for the
profile, in logarithmic scale, for the first 20 round trips, steady-state signals.
starting from noise. It is clearly seen that an initial phase,
characterized by a random signal amplification, is fol- The topograph of Fig. 3 shows pulse generation from
lowed by a sech pulse generation. In the first phase, random noise, but does not secure that steady-state condi-
low-intensity residual signals ~urvive~ from round to tions are met, as the contours are only nearly parallel,
round. Their levels are progressively increased, due to even at the twentieth round-trip level. In Fig. 4,however,
high nonsaturated peak gain (33 dB) and nonbalanced the same pulse topograph is shown for round trips 135 to
coupling (0.48). Around the ninth round trip, the signal 155. The observed contours are parallel with acceptable
envelope has reached a peak power level of about 50 mW. accuracy. Small perturbations from ideally parallel lines,
The NALM enters the nonlinear operation regime, and observed in some locations of this graph, do not have
the F8L begins to act as a filter, rejecting the non- destructive consequences to the pulse future (the pulse
solitonic part of the pulse profile. In this way, the devel- tends to maintain its shape), providing us with a strong
oped pulse converges to a sech shape by appropriately indication that steady state has been reached. The pulse
suppressing its wings. By viewing the same graph from the delay, due to its red-shifted spectrum, is also more evident
top and drawing contours of equal power, the topograph here.

- ; ;
-5.1 -2.8 -0.4 1.9 4.3 50 +
155.0 155.0 45 -
152.6 152.6 h

g 30
150.3 150.3 20
15 .
-.-A A. ..
10 .
-A*- ..A.
147.9 147.9 5 . I 8 . . - . r


times increase in the Raman shift, for a 1.3 times de-

crease of the pulse width. In conclusion, an exact repre-
sentation of the chromatic gain profile is absolutely neces-
sary to calculate the Raman shift accurately.
Temporal frequency variations (chirping) have also been
observed. In Fig. 8, some graphs show the calculated
chirping for several C, values. The calculated time-
bandwidth products (A v AT) lie between 0.46 and 0.39,
550 . ~ - . ~ . . . . . . . . . . indicating almost transform-limited pulses. It was found
. ~ 8 .4 .42 .44 .46 .48 .s .52 5 4 .56 . s i that shorter pulses correspond to lower products.

Designing an experimental setup for the F8L, one has

to optimize the cavity length ( L , ) : In general, there are
limits both on the maximum and the minimum value of
the length of the bidirectional loop length. The loop
should be long enough to provide a nonlinear phase
difference pNLto the counterpropagating signals through
self-phase modulation. On the other hand, it should not
exceed a certain value, as a qNLgreater than ~ / for 2 the
peak signal would prevent generation and pulse shape
stabilization in the laser. In order to exploit the dynamical
range in between the lower and the upper limit, the pulse
width has been plotted (Fig. 9) against the NALM length
.38 .4 .42 .44 .46 .48 .5 .52 .54 -56 .58 +
( L , L A ) . The maxima and minima of the graph are
marked with the corresponding ratios L c / L s o lwhere
, L,
is the total cavity length ( L , + L , + L A ) ,and Lsol is the
Fig. 6. Pulse width and peak power as a function of C,. soliton length, also called soliton period, defined as

17 -
16 - where T is the pulse width at half maximum. The parame-
15 - ters that are not mentioned in the graphs are identical to
14 - those given in Section 11. The two curves correspond to
13 - different GVD, as indicated. The cavity length was modi-
12 - fied, keeping constant the doped-fiber length ( L A )to 3 m,
11 -
the isolator loop length ( L , ) to 6 m, and varying L,. A
10 -
9 ~ ~ l ~ l ~ l ~ l ~ l ~
l ~
l ~
froml these

is tthat shorter pulses
.38 .4 .42 .44 .46 .48 .5 .52 .54 .56 .58 are obtained whenever L , = 2LSol,whereas a maximum
width occurs around L , = 0.7LsO,.
Cr So far, the EDFA parameters Go and E,,, have been
Fig. 7. Shelf-frequencyshift as a function of C,. kept constant. Consequently this study relates the pulse
width with the cavity length under identical amplifier
conditions. In experimental studies [lo], the minimum
SFS tension, determines an equilibrium wavelength, where obtainable pulse width T~~~ for a given cavity length is
the spectrum of the pulse is finally centered. In our case, more interesting. We tried to calculate T,,,~,, for several L ,
having adopted a narrowband EDFA gain of only 10 nm, values by increasing E,,,, as long as stable pulses were
the calculated Raman shift is considerably lower than the possible to be produced. Fig. 10 depicts the results ob-
one expected in the case of no bandwidth limitation [13]. tained. Note that the corresponding L,/LSoI ratios are
By increasing A w to 30 nm, the computed red shift was very close to 2, a result identical to the former one,
+50 nm for C, = 0.57, instead of + 17 nm in the case of though a different approach was followed there.
A w = 10 nm. Moreover, the slope of the chromatic gain In Fig. 11, the pulse width at half power is plotted
curve was found to be significant. In the results shown in versus the first-order GVD of the fiber, assuming the
Figs. 6 and 7, it is concluded that a 1.4 times shift of the same value for the doped and the undoped fiber. It is
pulse duration results in a 1.7 times increase of the worth noting that T is reduced as GVD approaches zero,
Raman shift. By setting m = in (31, i.e., by reducing the and that relatively shorter pulses are obtained in the
slope of the curve, the results obtained indicated a 2.2 anomalous dispersion regime. The relationship between

Peak EDFA g i n : 50 db
Sstumtimpmm. : 5 PJ

I t
~ " " i " 1

-2.5 1 I t
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6

TIME (ps) -10 -5 0 5 10

D (ps/nmKm)
2 1 I t Fig. 11. Pulse width versus first-order GVD.

D :+3 ps/nm km

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6

TIME (ps)
Fig. 8. Chirping for C, = 0.40 and C, = 0.55.
1500 1520 1540 1560 1580 1600
Wavelength (nm)
o D=+2.6ps/nmKm
I D=+3.7ps/nmKm
D: +5ps/nmkm
.85 ,

j I L

.8 -
* 0.74 0 -
.75 - h

a -2 -
2 0
- -7-
.65 - -
gl -4 -
.6 - n -6 -
.55 - * i.92 2 -8 -
s-1 I , I , I , I 1 I I I I
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
1500 1520 1540 1560 1580 1600
NALM length (m)
Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 9. Pulse width versus cavity length. Length normalized to the
soliton period is shown in asterisks. Fig. 12. Pulse spectra for several first-order GVD settings.

p2 and the dispersion parameter D is given by

D = + 3.7 ps/ nm Km D = -(2~~/A20)&. (5)
I .75 , Spectra corresponding to some of the pulses obtained
above are given in Fig. 12. It is interesting to note the
appearance of side lobes, usually observed in experimen-
tal setups. Their relative width and location seem to


, I
* 1.90
, ,

, I

, I
depend on the actual GVD value. In a few papers [141,
[15], these side-lobes are related to the periodic energy
variations that the solitons undergo circulating around
fiber soliton lasers. It is also believed [lo] that the limita-
tion in the minimum obtainable pulse width is set by the
Total cavity length (m) existence of these side-bands.
Second-order GVD (expressed through &) becomes
Fig. 10. Minimum pulse'width obtainable for several cavity lengths. important for ultrashort pulses especially when the spec-
trum lies close to the zero dispersion wavelength of the

20; t practical interest. Pulse generation from noise has been

simulated, proving the efficiency of varying the center
coupler splitting ratio around 0.50, to obtain easier self-
starting conditions for the laser. A detailed investigation
of the influences of the C,, the cavity length, and the fiber
I , I 3 I ~ I ~ - 4 I a I ~n I
GVD to the output pulse characteristics leads to several
.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 useful results for the design optimization of this source.
Time (ps)
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Fig. 14. Pulse spectra for several second-order GVD settings.

fiber. The effect of p3 on the F8L pulse profiles is

depicted in Fig. 13. Apart from broadening, the pulse
experiences side-pulse separation in the trailing edge. Vassilis Tzelepis was born in Athens in Novem-
Notice also a blue-shifted component in the correspond- ber, 1965. He received the B.S. degree in physics
ing spectra given in Fig. 14. Side-lobe separation in the in 1987 from the University of Patras and the
pulse profile can be attributed to different chirping in- M.S. degree in communications in 1990 from the
University of Athens. In 1989 he joined the
duced along the pulse profile by second-order GVD. research optoelectronics group in the Depart-
ment of Informatics of the University of Athens.
VI. CONCLUSIONS He has been engaged in research projects in
coherent optical communications and high-speed
A model for the simulation of a self-starting, passively optical networks. He is currently working for his
mode-locked F8L operating in the (sub)picosecond regime Ph.D. thesis in the field of soliton generation in
all-fiber laser sources. His interests include non-linear p6enomena in
has been developed. This model is applicable to F8Ls that optical fibers, soliton generation and propagation, all-fiber lasers, optical
maintain the polarization state, i.e., devices of particular processing devices, and multi-gigabit optical systems.

Akis Markatos was born in Corfu, Greece in Thomas Sphicopoulos was born in Athens in
1958. He received the BSc. degree in physics 1953. He received the BSc. degree in physics
from the University of Athens and the M.Sc. from Athens University in 1976, the D.E.A. de-
degree in modem and applied optics from the gree and the Ph.D. in Electronics from the
University of Reading, United Kingdom. In 1986, University of Paris VI in 1977 and 1980, respec-
he joined the Fiber Optics Group at University tively, and the Doctorate in science from the
College of London as Associate Research Assis- Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
tant working on optical fiber components and (EPFL) in 1986. From 1976 to 1977 he worked
sensor systems. In 1987 became Manager of the in Thomson CSF Central Research Laboratories
Wolfson Unit for Optical Fibre Instrumentation on Microwave Oscillators. From 1977 to 1980 he
Systems at UCL, developing prototype fiber op- was an Associate Researcher in Thomson CSF
tic sensors and systems: He is currently working on the design of Aeronautics Infrastructure Division. In 1980, he joined the Electromag-
coherent optical systems at the University of Athens, netic Laboratory of EPFL, where he carried out research on microwaves.
Since 1987, he has been with the Fiber Optic Networks Laboratory of
Athens University, engaged in research on Optoelectronic Devices and
Optical Access Networks. He is currently an Associate Professor of
Communications in the Informatics Department of Athens University.
Prof. T. Sphicopoulos has published more than 50 scientific papers in the
field of microwaves, optoelectronics, and optical networks.

Costas Caroubalos received the BSc. and MSc.

degrees in physics and electronics, respectively,
from the University of Athens; degrees from
University of Orsay and ISTN-Saclay, and the
Ph.D. degree in radioastronomy from Paris Uni-
versity in 1964. He worked as a lecturer in the
Electronics Laboratory of the University of
Sofronis Kalpogiannis was born in Pireaus in Athens until 1967 when he joined the Space
March, 1958. He received the B.S. degree in Department of Meudon Observatory in Paris.
physics in 1982 and the M.S. degree in Commu- There, he was involved in research on data-com-
nications in 1984, both from the University of Dression, digital multichannel spectroscopy, and
Athens. In 1981 he joined the research group of digital signal processing: and he sugsequently became project leader of
optoelectronics in the Physics Department. He several research programs. He returned to Greece as a professor of
has been engaged in research projects in optical electronics in the University of Athens. He is currently Head of the
fibers, splicers, transceivers, and high-speed op- Group of Optoelectronics, involved mainly in modern lasers structures,
tical networks. He is currently working on co- optical fibers, soliton generation and transmission, integrated optics, and
herent optical terminals and modelling for soli- coherent optical communication systems. He participated as an auditor
ton generation and transmission. His interests in the definition and evaluation phase of the RACE project. He cur-
include non-linear phenomena in optical fibers, optical fiber sensors, and rently acts as Director of the Communications and Signal Processing
all-fiber devices. Division of the Informatics Department, Athens University.

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