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Lembar Kegiatan 1.

Menyusun kalimat menjadi bentuk paragraf yang benar.

Nama : Wiwin Wiarsih, S.Pd

Jabatan : Guru Bahasa Inggris
NUPTK : 2542 7486 4730 0002
Asal Sekolah : SMPN 19 Palu
Latihan 1

Susunlah kalimat berikut menjadi bentuk paragraf yang benar!

A. They believe that using animal in cloning research is ethically acceptable.

B. Some people argue that human life is worth making any sacrifice for.
C. We should never attempt to lengthen our lives by shortening the lives of other
D. However, cloning animals may result in producing lots of deformed animals, It
is an act of cruelty
E. Using animals for cloning research may also cause genetic mutation which
can in turn lead to eco-disasters as well.

Latihan 2
1. Tentukan gagasan utama paragraf latihan 1!
2. Tentukan jenis paragraf latihan 1!
3. Tentukan gagasan utama dan jenis dari paragraf dibawah ini!
4. Tentukan pula kalimat pendukung dari setiap paragraf!
latihan 1
Susunan Kalimatnya adalah sebagai berikut:
(B)Some people argue that human life is worth making any sacrifice for. (A)
They believe that using animal in cloning research is ethically acceptable. (D)
However, cloning animals may result in producing lots of deformed animals, It is an
act of cruelty. (E)Using animals for cloning research may also cause genetic
mutation which can in turn lead to eco-disasters as well. (C) We should never
attempt to lengthen our lives by shortening the lives of other animals.

Latihan 2
1. Gagasan utama paragraph latihan 1 adalah human life is worth making any
sacrifice for.
2. Paragraph deduktif-induktif
3. Gagasan utama paragraph:
Paragraph no Jenis paragraph Gagasan utama
Most people think that cooking meals
1 induktif
for the family is a womans job
My favorite family experiences was
2 induktif when I went to see Anne Franks
hideout in Amsterdam, Holland.
Many students in UK do not follow
3 induktif the school rules about mobile
Medical health tourism is done by
people who want to surgery cheaply
4 deduktif
and enjoy the holiday at the same
The reason of giving gifts for
5 deduktif
4. Kalimat pendukung setiap paragraph
Paragraph no Kalimat pendukung
1 A man sits around, relaxing or enjoying himself at home.
I had read Annes publish diary when I was younger, so I was
2 extremely trill to actually help the chance to see where she and
her family hid from the Germans for so many month.
Some teachers in British school complain that pupils dont alwys
follow the rules.
Its not unusual now for someone to fly to Bangkok to have their
wrinkles lifted or have their nose made simpler.
To show our appreciation or respect,.ot to create or maintain a

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