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Lesson Title:

Raft Game Lesson # 1 Date: Nov 29th

Name: Subject: Grade(s):

__Dylan Taylor ______PE_____________ 6

Rationale: (lesson context and reasons why lesson matters)

PE is an important subject for students not only does it get the students active, but this lesson will also promote
communication and collaboration among the students to get the mat from one side of the gym to the other.

Curriculum Connections: (which can be: big ideas / learning standards /curricular competencies/core competencies)
Develop and demonstrate safety, fair play, and leadership in physical activities
Daily physical activity enables us to practice skillful movement and helps us develop personal fitness

Learning Intentions- (learner friendly language such as: I can ..)

-I can play in the gym safely with others.
-I can communicate with fellow students in the gym.
- I can listen to others in the gym
- I can respect others while in the gym
Prerequisite Concepts and Skill :( for student success)
Students will need to have an understanding of how to communicate with each other when working in groups to move the
mats across the gym floor

Materials and Resources with References/Sources:

Teacher Students

-Gym Mats -Gym Shoes


Assessment and Evaluation: (formative and summative possibilities related to curricular connections)
Students will be assessed based on participation during the course of the lesson.

Organizational/Management Strategies: (anything special to consider?)

Since this lesson is located in the gym making sure as the teacher you are able to gain the attention of the class rather

Lesson Activities:
Teacher Activities Student Activities pacing
Introduction (hook/motivation/lesson overview)

-Teacher will have the students run two laps -Students will run two laps around the gym to
around the gym warm-up
-Teacher will explain the rule around how 10
Freeze tag works (see rules below) -Students will listen while the teacher provides minutes
one person to be it. When a player is the rules to freeze tag
tagged, he or she stands still with their legs
wide apart. To be allowed back into the -Students will play freeze tag
action, another player must crawl through
the frozen participants legs without
getting tagged themselves. The game
finishes when all players are tagged and
-While students are playing Freeze tag the
teacher will set mats for the raft game.

Body (lesson flow/ management)

Teacher will:
Divide the class into small groups. Followed by

Give each group 2 gym mats.

-Students will be divided into small groups
Start the teams at one end of hall, and tell by the teacher
the children that they have to move to the 25
other end without touching the floor, i.e. -Students will be given 2 gym mats, the minutes
start on one mat, jump to the next, pass
goal is to get from one end of the gym to
the back mat forward and repeat the
sequence. the other without touching the floor
If any of the teams touches the floor, you
might want to send them back to the start!
Closure (connections within lesson or between
lessons, sharing successes, summaries)
-Students will help collect items used by the
teacher during the lesson and put them back into
-Teacher will have students collect the items used
the gym storage closet
during the course of the lesson and have them 5 minutes
returned to the gym storage closet
-Students will line up single file at the gym doors
and once ready will head back to the classroom
-Teacher will have students line up at the gym door
single file so that that we can head back to class

Reflections: (over)

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