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National seminar on Health Professions Ners STIKES Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyya Cilacap 2017

Management Communication In Health Team Collaboration

Of Giving High Alert For Patient Safety

The description of the level of the Spiritual needs of the patient

On Chronic renal failure undergoing Hemodialysis at a
PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL Hemodialisa Room Cilacap

M. Muniruzzaman1, Yuni Sapto Edi R2, Agus Prasetyo3

1,2,3STIKES Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Cilacap


Suffering from end-stage renal failure often makes the individual needs spiritual
fulfillment. Efforts to improve nursing care on the patient's spiritual dimension, one of
them is through the study of spiritual needs. This study aims to identify the spiritual needs
of patients with chronic renal failure who undergo hemodialysis. This quantitative
descriptive study involved 65 patients with chronic renal failure who underwent
hemodialysis in RSUD Cilacap taken by accidental sampling. Data were collected using
the Spiritual Needs Questionaire (SPNQ 2.1) instrument that covered aspects of religion,
peace and self-existence and giving needs. Data analysis of spirituality needs using
frequency distribution and percentage. The results showed that on the religious aspect, as
many as (90.8%), the dimension of peace was (55.4%), the dimension of existence as
much as (20%), whereas in the giving dimension there were (86.2%) patients at need
level. In general the level of spiritual needs of respondents is (49.2%) at the level of need
rather and (50.8%) at the need level.

Keywords: Chronic Kidney Failure, Hemodialysis, Spiritual Needs

National seminar on Health Professions Ners STIKES Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyya Cilacap 2017
Management Communication In Health Team Collaboration
Of Giving High Alert For Patient Safety

Human dimension consists of system that gave it strength, hope
physical, emotional, intellectual, social and meaning of life, marked with
and spiritual dimensions where each patients, revealed spiritual help the
must be met his needs. Often problems existence of a reasonable doubt in
that appear on the client when the belief system, the presence of
subjected to a condition with a specific excessive
disease (e.g. physical diseases)
psychosocial problems and led to doubt in making sense of life,
spiritual. When clients are experiencing revealing a more attention on death
illness, spiritual power can help the and after life, existence decision,
individual towards healing and satisfy rejected ritual and there are
tandatanda such as crying,
the purpose by or through spiritual
withdrawn, anxious and angry, then
fulfilment (Asmadi, 2008).
supported by physical signs such as
According to the Bussing et al
impaired appetite, difficulty sleeping
(2010) spiritual needs have 4 spiritual
and increased blood pressure
dimension includes the needs of
(Hidayat, 2006).
religion (religious), needs get peace
In health care, nurses as
(inner peace), the existence of the self
health workers should have a major
(self exsistency), as well as the need to
role in meeting the spiritual
give (the active giving). Everyone has
needs. Nurses are able to give a
this need however differ in aspect as
more fulfilling at the time
well as the level of its needs each so it's of surgery, the patient will patients
important to do the study in advance in critical or towards the hour of
the spiritual needs of the patient. death. Thus, there is a link between
Dunning (2003) says spirituality the belief with the health service in
is part of the core of individuals who which basic human needs are
are not visible and gives meaning and provided through the Ministry of
purpose to life and relationships and health is not only a biological aspect,
attachment with the most high God i.e. but also the spiritual aspect. Spiritual
God. Spirituality different from aspects can help uplift the patient in
religion, spirituality is a broader the process of healing (Asmadi,
concept that is both universal and 2008).
personal while religion is part of According to the Hawari
spirituality associated with culture and (1997) the importance of the
society. spiritual aspects in support of other
A problem that often occurs on aspects of the treatment can not be in
the fulfillment of unmet spiritual needs the bargaining-bargaining again, for
will impact more serious ketingkat i.e. a variety of cutting-edge research
spiritual distress, which is a situa results prove that pangaruh against
tion when individuals or group are spiritual health and healing of the
experiencing or are at risk of experien patient is very It's very important,
cing a disruption in the belief or value because It needs. This is under

National seminar on Health Professions Ners STIKES Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyya Cilacap 2017
Management Communication In Health Team Collaboration
Of Giving High Alert For Patient Safety

standable because the patients in the Level in patients undergoing

hospital especially inpatients suffering Chronic renal failure Hemodialysis
from various diseases is not just in Hemodialisa HOSPITALS
physical but they also experience a Cilacap.
range of mental disorders and spiritual
pressure from light to heavy as a result RESEARCH METHODS
of the disease he suffered (Priyanto, This research uses descriptive
2009). quantitative research design simple
But in practice not so, in the by using the method of survey of a
various Regional public hospitals group of objects. The research
(HOSPITALS) Government owned or design was chosen because
privately-owned hospital, the granting investigators wanted to see a picture
of services to meet the needs of of the level of the spiritual needs of
spiritual for inpatients in hospitals the patient on chronic renal failure
unfamiliar given good independently as undergoing hemodialysis at a
well as collaboratively together nursing PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL hemodia
care. Thus if compared to other nursing lisa room Cilacap
care services are primarily medical,
nursing care of fulfilling the spiritual POPULATION AND SAMPLE
needs of the inpatient neglected (Arifin, The subject in this study is as much
2013). as 120 patients renal failure
A preliminary study carried out undergoing hemodialysis at a
by researchers on 17 June 2016 with 10 PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL Cilacap.
sufferers of kidney failure undergoing To search for a large sample study
hemodialysis at a PROVINCIAL sample that is made using the
HOSPITAL Cilacap. Preliminary formula didaptkan 65 slovin so that a
results of a study with sufferers of number of patients as research
kidney failure results obtained 8 kidney respondents.
sufferers say are becoming more
frequent prayer, often reading religious RESEARCH RESULTS
books at home as well as sincere and he The results of the analysis based on
suffered with the disease 2 kidney the results of the examination of the
sufferers say bored should wash the 65 respondents and can be seen in
blood continuously, feel there is no the description, as follows:
point anymore to live and just wait for
the time only, conduct that is covered,
not interested in communicating with
others as well as nurses.
Based on explanation above
about spiritual needs then the writers
are interested in conducting research on
the image of the Spiritual needs of

National seminar on Health Professions Ners STIKES Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyya Cilacap 2017
Management Communication In Health Team Collaboration
Of Giving High Alert For Patient Safety

A. Dimensions of Religious

Table 1 distribution of Religious Dimension Needs Levels on the Spiritual needs

of the patient On Chronic renal failure Undergoing Hemodialysis.

Not at all Somewhat Strong Very Strong

N % N % N % N %
To pray with someone? 4 6,2 16 24,6 8 12,3 37 56,9

That someone prays for you? - - - - 28 43,1 37 56,9

To pray for yourself? - - - - 10 15,4 55 84,6

To participate at a religious 1 1,5 19 29,3 33 50,8 12 18,5
ceremony (i.e. service)?
To read religious / spiritual 3 4,6 12 18,5 34 52,3 16 24,6
To turn to a higher presence
- - - - 6 9,2 59 90,8
(i.e.,God, Allah)?

B. Dimensions of Peace

Table 2 distribution of the level of Need dimensions of Peace on the Spiritual

needs of the patient On Chronic renal failure Undergoing Hemodialysis.

Not at all Somewhat Very

Strong Strong
N % N % N % N %
To plunge into beauty of nature? 1 1,5 21 32,3 25 38,5 18 27,7
To dwell at a place of quietness - - 4 6,2 28 43,1 33 50,6
and peace?

To find inner peace? - - 15 23,1 30 46,2 20 30,8

To give away something from
yourself? 5 7,7 17 26,2 14 21,5 29 44,6
For being complete and safe?
21 32,3 13 20,0 14 21,5 17 26,2

National seminar on Health Professions Ners STIKES Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyya Cilacap 2017
Management Communication In Health Team Collaboration
Of Giving High Alert For Patient Safety

C. Dimensions of Existence

Table 3 distribution of the level of Need Dimensions of existence on the

Spiritual needs of the patient On Chronic renal failure Undergoing Hemodialysis

Not at all Somewhat Strong
Question Strong
N % N % N % N %
To talk with others about your
fears and worries? 27 41,5 11 16,9 27 41,5 - -

To reflect your previous life? - - 22 33,8 33 50,8 10 15,4

To dissolve open aspects of your
life? 46 70,8 7 10,8 10 15,4 2 3,1
To find meaning in illness 1 1,5 13 20,0 20 30,8 31 47,7
and/or suffering?
To talk with someone about the 5 7,7 11 16,9 35 53,6 14 21,5
question of meaning in life?
To talk with someone about the 36 55,4 12 18,5 16 24,6 1 1,5
possibility of life after death?
To forgive someone from a - - 8 12,3 34 52,3 23 35,4
distinct period of your life?
To be forgiven? - - 39 60,0 - - 26 40,0

D. Dimension of Actively Giving (Generativity)

Table 4 distribution of Active Dimension Gives Needs Levels on the Spiritual

needs of Patients On Chronic renal failure Undergoing Hemodialysis

Not at all Somewhat Strong
Question Strong
N % N % N % N %
That someone of your
religious community (i.e. 5 7,7 5 7,7 19 29,2 36 55,4
pastor) cares for you?
To turn to someone in a loving
attitude? - - 8 12,3 34 52,3 23 35,4

To solace someone?
34 52,3 13 20,0 17 26,2 1 1,5

To feel connected with family? - - 2 3,1 11 16,9 52 80

To pass own life experiences to 1 1,5 24 36,9 35 53,8 5 7,7
To be assured that your life - - 1 1,5 36 55,4 28 43,1
was meaningful and of value?
To be assured that your life 6 9,2 34 52,3 25 38,5
was meaningful and of value?
To be assured that your life - - - - 5 7,7 60 92,3
was meaningful and of value?

National seminar on Health Professions Ners STIKES Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyya Cilacap 2017
Management Communication In Health Team Collaboration
Of Giving High Alert For Patient Safety

E. Description of the level of experiences to others, and to ensure

Spiritual Needs that this life has value and meaning.
Walton (2002) revealed that
spirituality is balance, after someone
Table 5 distribution of the level of the get help, help from others at the time
Spiritual needs of Patients Chronic renal of crisis will arise the desire to be
failure Undergoing Hemodialysis able to give or useful to others, so he
Very is getting the balance, in the process
Spiritual Need Somewhat Strong
Strong to get his health back, participants
N % N % N %
Religious 6 9,2 59 90,8 - - also felt very vulnerable and
Inner Peace 28 43,1 31 47,7 6 9,2 dependent on others, and at the
Existention 52 80,0 13 20,0 - - moment it's healthy flavor has been
Generativity 14 21,5 51 78,5 - -
obtained, participants feel like giving
Need 32 49,2 33 50,8 - - back to those in need. The desire to
be able to give or useful for others
Table 5 shows the results of the level of who need a strong part is in
spiritual needs on dimensions of spiritualitasitas, one of the meaning
religion there are 6 persons (9.2%) of of spirituality in patients pain in
respondents who are his spiritual needs Indonesia is benefiting a fellow
at a level somewhat needed and 59 (Nuraeni, 2012).
people (90.8%) respondents who are The dimension requirements
his spiritual needs at the level needed. of peace became the spiritual needs
that are required by the respondent
DISCUSSION compared to other dimensions, it
The results showed that evidenced by the rest of the
religious needs is the need of the most respondents need this spirituality
needed by the respondent. Najlah needs. Chao, Chen and Yen (2002)
Naqiyah (Naqiyah, 2005) States that self is peace spirituality that emerges
the individual needed in constructing from the reconciliation themselves,
religious significance over the life as a result of the negotiations
experience, because of the existence of towards the conflict at hand. In
personal beliefs to give meaning to the research Nuraeni (2012) the peace
incredible reality of life, religion will themselves can appear as a form of
be able to direct individuals to give acceptance of issues (disease)
sincere acceptance over the disaster considered the reprimand as well as
happened. While the literature shows trials, this acceptance can bring into
that individuals tend to see God and a better life.
religion (God and their congregation) The need of spirituality on the
as a source of love and support than as dimensions of the needs of the
a source of pain and punishment (e.g., existence of the spiritual needs of the
Croog and Levine 1972; Bearon and latter required the respondents, the
Koenig 1990; Pargament, 1998). need of self existence according to
The dimensions of the the Bussing et al (2010) include a
next spiritual needs is the need reflection of life, talk to someone
to give. According to the Bussing et al about the meaning and the meaning
(2010) needs to give consists of: of life, talk to someone about your
actively and on consciousness itself fears, and life after death. Frankl (in
entertaining others, to share Guillory et al, 1997) stated that the
National seminar on Health Professions Ners STIKES Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyya Cilacap 2017
Management Communication In Health Team Collaboration
Of Giving High Alert For Patient Safety

essence of the existence of a human Hawari, D. (2002). Dimensi Religi

being (existence) is through the search dalam Praktek Psikiatri dan
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defines spirituality as the essence of Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia 1:
human existence, instilling an Aplikasi Konsep dan Proses
awareness of who we are, what is the Keperawatan. Jakarta:
purpose of life and the source of the Salemba Medika.
inner man. Naqiyah, Najlatun (2012), Hubungan
Interaksi Sosial dan
DAFTAR PUSTAKA Keharmonisan Keluarga
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Burkhardt, M.A. & Nagai Bagi Lansia Melalui Home Care
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National seminar on Health Professions Ners STIKES Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyya Cilacap 2017
Management Communication In Health Team Collaboration
Of Giving High Alert For Patient Safety

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