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Time: 3hrs SOCIOLOGY TEST-1 Max Marks: 250


Directions: Attempt any five questions. Question no 1& 5 are compulsory, and
attempt any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from
each section.

1. Write note of the following not more than 150 words (5X10 marks)
a) Sociology emerged in Europe and flourished to begin with on social
reformist orientation in the USA. Comment.
b) Methological Pluralism.
c) Human Psychology provides base for study of social life. Comment.
d) Contemporary interface between sociology and modernity.
e) Adequacy of participant observation method to study drug addiction.

2. a) Sociology is a general science of society and specialized discipline.

Comment. (20 marks)
b) Premises of positivism. (20 marks)
c) Functional pre-requisites of society. (10 marks)

3. a) Examine the problems of maintaining the objectivity and value neutrality

in Social Science research. (20 marks)
b) Provide a critique for use of non-positivist methodology in sociological
research. (20 marks)
c) Idiographic and Nomothetic approach. (10 marks)

4. a) What is sampling? Distinguish between probability and non-probability

sampling methods? (20 marks)
b) Examine on the quantitative research methods used in sociological research?
(20 marks)
c) Sociology and political science are closely and deeply related to each other
that one becomes meaningless without each other Analyze (10 marks)


5. Write note of the following not more than 150 words (5X10 marks)
a) Common sense a science in embryo.
b) Content Analysis
c) Importance of hypothesis in formulation of sociological theories.
d) Clarify on how Anthropology is different from sociology.
e) Discuss the relevance of historical method in the study of society.

6. a) Sociology is the mirror of society. Comment (20 marks)

b) What are variables? What are the types and uses of variables in
sociology? (20 marks)
c) What is the epistemological foundation of qualitative research? (10 marks)

7. a) Discuss the changing equation of discipline of sociology with other social

sciences. (20 marks)
b) Elaborate on how the industrial revolution had impacted the emergence of
sociology? (20 marks)
c) Write a short note on social research design (10 marks).

8) a) How did intellectual revolution had contributed to the emergence of

sociology? (20 marks)
b) Write a note on critical school of thought. (20 marks)
c) Which research technique is more suitable for the study of customer
behavior? (10 marks)

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