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Unconstitutionally as our Irish neutrality signed away, illegally

by a Corrupt force in the Dial, FG, FF, and Some X FG who

Became Independent TDS All Traitors and Media Turn a blind
It is a Treason illegal Dial voting Force under art 42 it is
Illegally and Uncontitutional and EU breach our irish Human

Under the Irish Constitutional Law the Irish People must have a
referendum on this as you will see in second paragh down
page, otherwise its EU and FG, FF Treason under Irish
neutrality law in our Constitution in any Comon Defence Army
The letter that has sold out a nation!
ZERO public debate.
Minimal media coverage.
80 years of neutrality signed away.
Signing us up to another billion + euros, but yet we must go to Brussels
to ask permission from our EU overlords to fiddle with the Fiiscal Treaty
to build houses for our homeless during the greatest homeless crisis
since the foundation of our state!
They might as well signed this document with our children's blood!

Irish soldiers have been involved in Afghanistan since it was invaded, also their participation in UN peace keeping
missions, then of course there's the issue of Shannon Airport, etc, the way I see it, the recent vote on neutrality and
this letter clarifies the governments stance on military matters, in essence, it's all above board now. Ireland's neutrality
was never really clearly defined as the Defence Forces were/are involved in so many operations/missions around the
world over the years. Just won't change the Defence Forces lot for the better though. Then there's the underhanded
way, as usual, they pushed it through in the corridors of power.

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