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Section 3: Competency Assessment

For each competency, list four behaviors that convey the essence of the
competency in action aligned with your vision of the ideal leader in hospitality and
tourism. You may find it helpful to review the competency definitions article and
industry interviews. Then, for each competency, assess yourself currently using
the rating scale below. These ratings will serve as your baseline assessment, and
you will reassess your own development in future semesters. Your ratings are for
the purpose of learning and growth onlyratings will not influence course
grades. Enter a number of 1 through 7 for yourself for each of the competencies.

Critical Need Some Need About Average Some Strength Role Model
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Numberwise My Rating
1 Estimate Expenses 3 Understand Labor 3
2 Knows Budgeting process 4 Organized and detail-oriented
Planning My Rating
1 Resourceful 3 Creative 5
2 Organized and detail-oriented 4 Efficient
Strategic Decision-Making My Rating
1 Ask questions 3 Anticipate 4
2 Know who/what your resources 4 Logistical
Superior Technical Service My Rating
1 Have a process for everything 3 Have experience for certain 6
2 Willing to learn new processes 4 Fast learner

Critical Need Some Need About Average Some Strength Role Model
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Interpersonal Communication My Rating

1 Open door policy 3 Honesty 6
2 Treat others the way you want to 4 Be direct
be treated
Networked My Rating
1 Have connections/experience 3 Be educated 5
2 Communicate 4 Trust but verify
Coaching/Training My Rating
1 Confident 3 Know what you are teaching 5
2 Help them dont tell them what to 4 Be passionate
Superior Expressive Service My Rating
1 Know your clients 3 Find their motivators 7
2 Outgoing personality 4 Make a connection

Critical Need Some Need About Average Some Strength Role Model
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Professionalism My Rating
1 Appropriate clothing 3 Be confident 6
2 Calm 4 Good listener- Dont wait to talk
Time Management/Priorities My Rating
1 Have a planner or calendar 3 Have organization skills 4
2 Dont get distracted 4 Have a sense of urgency
Self-Development My Rating
1 Ask questions 3 Take classes 6
2 Know what you dont know 4 Company driven
Spirit of Optimism My Rating
1 Be helpful 3 Be positive 7
2 Outgoing 4 Be the cheerleader


Summary of Competency Assessment From the entire list of 12 competencies, identify your top
three strengths as well as three competencies that you need to develop.
Competency Strengths Competencies to Develop

Competency Strengths Competencies to Develop

1. Superior Technical Service 1. Numberwise
2. Superior Expressive Service 2. Coaching/Training
3. Spirit of Optimism 3. Time Management

Develop Activity Ideas Development activities are customized mini projects that students design
to enhance one or more of their competency areas. A typical development activity takes 10-20
total hours to complete during a semester. Development activities help students move closer to
their idealized vision as leaders. Students customize development activities to take place in
their own learning spacesschool, work, social clubs and other personal settings. It may be
helpful to review the list of starter ideas on the following pages as well as the student created
website Kaleidoscope Resources. In the table below, list 5 development activity ideas (project
titles) that will help you develop one or more competencies, provide an opportunity to enhance
your leadership, and/or help achieve a goal. At least one of your activities should also help
move you in the direction of your dream job. The first row of the table is filled in as an example.

Development Activity Ideas Development Alignment

1 Get a mentor for finance class 1 Improves understanding of numberwise
2 Carry a planner and use calendar on phone 2 Works on time management
3 Ask questions about mentoring in 480 3 Experience in coaching and training
4 Become student ambassador for NACE 4 Enhances network
5 Help SPARC plan events for students 5 Experience in planning and helps towards

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