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Annotated Bibliography Idalis Calderon Figueroa

ABC News. (2017, Aug 20). Erasing History?: The Debate over Confederate Monuments.

(Video File) Retrieved from

This video is an interview with some political figures of Richmond, Virginia like Levar

Stoney, the current mayor, Christy Coleman the co-CEO of the American Civil War

Museum, and Kristin Szakos, Charlottesville City Councilor. They discuss the debate

over Confederate monuments and they are in agreement that we have to move forward.

Mayor Levar Stoney says that we need to provide context to the monuments, because it

becomes muddy as to why they are being commemorated. Also, the confederate

monuments commemorate those who fought a war against the United States of American

for the perpetuation of slavery (ABC News). This video is important, because it brings

up good points about monuments and the use of the Confederate flag in this century.

Bausum, Ann. (2017). Fighting the Lost Cause. Horn Book Magazine, 93(6), 29-34. Retrieved




Ann Bausum discusses her home town, Lexington, Virginia, and how the Lost Cause

narrative affected her schooling. This narrative allowed the school to teach false

information that put no fault in the South, promoting white superiority and the myth that

the War Between the States was fought as a defense to states rights and not slavery. This

testimony is valuable to my paper, because it shows that the Lost Cause narrative
brainwashed young children to believe that the Civil War was not over the perpetuation

of slavery. This is why monuments and the Confederate flag is problematic; there is no

definite meaning behind them that doesnt divide.

Monk, Steven. K. (2008). Confederate American Pride. Retrieved from

This source is a website that commemorates Confederate soldiers and generals that

impacted the Civil War and the South. The website is adamant that it does not condone

fake Southerners using racism against African Americans. It celebrates the heritage of the

South with short biographies of historical figures. This website is important, because it

gives me a few of the opposing side.

Grinberg, Emanuella. (2017, Aug 23). New Confederate monuments are going up and these are

the people behind them. CNN News. Retrieved from

Grinberg talks with members of Confederate groups like Sons of Confederate Veterans

who still want to put up more Confederate monuments. They believe that they are

celebrating their Southern heritage, while white nationalists are damaging their message

of honoring their ancestors. They disregard the reason of why the Civil War was fought,

affected by the Lost Cause narrative. This source romanticizes the South, leaving out the

suffering of many enslaved African American people. This source is important to my

paper, because it gives me the other views side, but also persuades that the way they think

about the Civil War and Antebellum South is why monuments should not be built and

why the Confederate flag is dangerous.

Strother, L., Piston, S., & Ogorzalek, T. (2017). Pride or Prejudice?: Racial Prejudice, Southern

Heritage, and White Support for the Confederate Battle Flag. Du Bois Review: Social

Science Research on Race, 14(1), 295-323. Retrieved from


This source discusses the Confederate flag and the symbols. It talks about the states that

used the Confederate battle emblem in their flags and what it symbolized. These symbols

was used to reintroduce hierarchy between whites and blacks in a time where

desegregation was being discussed. This source is helpful for my paper, because it

showed that the Confederate symbol was purposefully used to fight against racial


Upton, Dell. (2015). What Can and Cant Be Said: Race, uplift, and monument building in the

contemporary South. New Haven: Yale University Press.

This book provided the challenges of Confederate monuments have, because it does not

provide enough context without it being thought of as racist. It also talks about dual

heritage, how monuments disregard the other aspect of the South. This book argues that

that Confederate monuments shouldnt be built, because of the history behind the symbol

and the exclusion that the symbol inevitably has. This source was helpful in my paper,

because it brought up a term like dual heritage that makes sense.

Wright, J., & Esses, V. (2017). Support for the Confederate Battle Flag in the Southern United

States: Racism or Southern Pride? Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 5(1), 224-

243. Retrieved from

This journal discusses the Confederate flag in regard to how the symbol was used in the

Antebellum South and how the flag still sends the message of white supremacy. While

some supporters of the flag chalk up their support as just remembering their heritage, the

flag was actually reconstructed after the Civil War, aiming to divide the people. This is a

helpful source, because it shows that people are celebrating their ancestors control over

others, not of states rights.

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