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Udaya Chhetri

The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence was started on June 10, 1776 (U.S 1776). The Declaration of

Independence was about the freedom of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness they want these

things from the Great Britain. The Congress appointed the statement and process from 10th of June 1776

including some of the president and other committee was began to declare the Declaration of

Independence. Before Declaration of Independence year of 1775 there was a lot of fighting going on they

were fighting for the Revolutionary War, (U.S 1775-83) The revolutionary war was the war

between the countries and for the freedom. Peoples struggled to make them establish to their Nations.

The American Revolution war was on (1775-83) is also known as the American Revolutionary war and the

U.S. War of Independence. The revolution war was the true story which is already established in U.S.

history. Thomas Jefferson drafted the statement between June 11, 1776 and June 28, 1776. Thomas

Jefferson was the youngest president of the United State. He served as the third President of the United

States (18011809) and was elected the second Vice President of the United States under John Adams

(17971801). They all knew how to read and write. Jefferson became one of the best-educated

Americans of his time. The Benjamin franklin was the mentor of Jefferson a printer from Philadelphia.

Thomas Jefferson was born in Shadwell, Virginia, on April 13, 1743. They were trying to prevent the

situation between England and United States. Many other presidents make some changes on statement

and congress started following the statement.

On July 2th 1776 was adoption and section of the lee resolution. Congress started to revise the

statement it took until 3rd of July to finishing it and finally on 4th of July afternoon they declared the

document. On July 19 congress ordered to have all ones attention and comes with the new title,

announcing that the thirteen United States colonies were no longer needing to serve into British empire,

all congress member attention and signed. These are the things which make us to remember from that
Udaya Chhetri

time. We have had all kinds of rules forced upon our country from the Great Britain until 1776 and

America became free country after sacrifices and hard work of many freedom fighters. The many great

people who work hard to get independent from the Britain rules. Thomas Jefferson, John Adam, John

Hancock so on other State.

According to the On August 2nd, John Hancock the president of congress signed the

engrossed copy of bold signature and those, After by the time all states began to signed document but,

some of the other persons decision were not letting it happen on time. Time of the treaties was not

approved until September of 1776.

The Declaration of Independence was written for all the citizens of America. The Declaration of

Independence was aimed at the colonists. Peoples needed to make their people aware that they had

declared independence from the Great Britain. They needed to know all the Americans were no longer

loyal to Great Britain or being governed by them. Americans who ruled by the England these are the

Audience and they are involved on the Declaration of Independence, the King of England, all Colonists,

and other foreign nations. They also, needed to know that they likely would be fighting with them. It was

forming out the rights of living on American soil for the most part, this is very much directed to Americans

to show them that everything they are fighting for is now going to be changed. The Declaration was not

meant to give a religious foundation to the nation, its founding documents, its legal system, or laws.

Some of us well known about the declaration of independence. On this transcript its written about our

independence and how it become a free country from great Britten. The Declaration of Independence

was important to America, because it formally declared that the thirteen colonies and marks the official

end of the slavery trades to the America. Now we have right to do things and protected by our governor.

We have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Every man should treat equally they must have

equal rights. When it was happened, and they are announcing to get 13 colonies to make a one country.

The colonies people are not agreeing with each other. The Representatives of the united States of
Udaya Chhetri

America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude

of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, That these

United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from

all Loyalty to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great

Britain is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States. They have full Power

to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Trade, and to do all other Acts and Things

Which Independent States may of right do.

After all these things happened there was still many problems that created by their own, they still

not been getting treated equally as each others because the peoples who get treated equally is the white

men. Even after they write everyone should treat equally but, somehow it causes the problem. To solve

these problems there is some other peoples stand and fought for the Civil Rights and most of the

situations being solved but, some are still left behind. There is someone who stand for the Independence

rights we should be obliged to them, because they are the only people who have fight against with them.

We are grateful to have those heroes who save this country and make this country great. It is very

convincing, it provides a base of what governments should be like. It was the first time that the American

government decided together and work for their nation.

That was the very joyful movement for most of the people, because on that day they announced

America is freed from England. In the primary audience was the American people, to explain why their

leaders decided to create a new nation, with the hope of asking their support. The declaration was

immediately distributed throughout the colonies/states to reach as many as possible. Its effect was not

perfect as a segment of the population remained loyalist. There was an intended audience in the people

and parliament of Britain. By putting all the blame on the king, and making eloquent arguments on

democracy and freedom, it was hoped that political support for the Americans in Britain could be

encouraged. The cause did win the support of some in Parliament, especially Edmund Burke.
Udaya Chhetri

The secondary audience was those European nations who were traditionally at odds with Britain

who could be persuaded to support the Revolution given a strong enough argument. The effectiveness of

this is seen in American alliances with France, Spain, and the Dutch Republic. The document was written

for the freedom from the Britain. They fought many years for their freedom, life, liberty, happiness

people need these things to be succeed on their life and future. They need their right to do something

and be something instead being servant of others. Unity, they are human according to the history before

it started people have no life they must work for others and they are not living happy and self-reliance.

They must keep their dreams and future thought as a dream they got nothing to do with. There future

was on the dark.

The declaration of Independence was eventually a formal explanation. We hold these Truths to

be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are able by their Creator with certain

unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness These

words may be the best-known part of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration explains why the

13 colonies wanted independence from the Great Britain. However, the Declaration is not the law of the

land It explains us why it is important to learn what happened before in Declaration of Independence?

Why we called it Declaration of Independent? This is very important to the American history, because on

that time America has been ruled by British. On July 4th, 1776 all Americans get freed by the British. The

plan of confederation was delayed until November of 1777th because of the congress. These are the true

facts and the British are not being able to rule this country forever. The British people took more

advantage because they want to rule all over the countries, but they are not ably to rule the U.S. We are

free from the higher text and we and freedom to make our dreams come true. We are protected now on

the future we need to be more stronger and be prepared for those things. We are free, but we are not

free from the future cause. We had great peoples who fought for people rights.
Udaya Chhetri

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