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Name : Safira Dwi Oktaviani
Student ID : B1B015002
Entourage : VII
Group :1
Assistant : Sarah Nurul Fadilah



A. Background

Reptiles, aves and mammals belong in the amniotic animal, because the fetus
has embryonic membrane called the amnion. Type of bird eggs is telolestic, but
because has lot of detoplasmic it is called megalesital. An active part in the division
of the egg is keeping agency (blastodisc). Cleavage already begins when the egg
through the oviduct, the egg in the oviduct is received albumen and other
membranes. Thick albumen which rotates as the egg through the oviduct the course
of time circling the albumen, spins in circles, this is referred to as khalaza that serves
to keep the egg remains is centrally located in the albumen and keeping the
institution is always facing upward. Eggshell can chalk on posterior of the oviduct,
and the air cavity between the eggshell membrane initially narrow but during embryo
growth increasingly large cavities (Djuhanda, 1981).
Reptiles, birds and mammals apart from Cyclostome development (fish and
amphibians), because it has a special embryonic development, the fetal membranes,
including the amnion. These membranes are very important, in addition to
maintaining the humidity of the embryo also prevents damage to the embryo. The
amnion is formed as a result of the evolution of reptiles to adjust to a new life, the
habitat land and air (Wallace, 1991).
Chicken is an invertebrate animal belonging to class aves, which reproduce
by laying eggs. Chicken undergo internal fertilization but their embryonic
development does not take place in the uterus or in the female parent chicken embryo
has developed embryo outside the mother, which is the egg yolk which has been
equipped with the very large (Nelson, 1953).
Yolk in eggs is also often referred to as yolk or lecite. The content of the eggs were
very much on the chicken or class aves the other is used as a food reserve to
anticipate the needs of food needed during embryonic development (Djuhanda,
Chicken egg yolk included megalechital because the content is very much on
the chicken egg. The content of the yolk or lechit just being in the vegetal pole, then
the eggs, including egg weight telolechital with type of development is the type
meroblastic discoidal, namely of development occurred in some eggs and splitting
parts such as disc or cup or shield (Wallace, 1991).
Embryonic development in chickens (including class aves) as well as in Pisces,
Amphibians, Reptiles and Mammals also take place gradually and requires a certain
time. The development begins with the formation of sex cells of males and females,
then proceed with the fertilization process (fused gametes) followed by cleavage
(cleavage segmentation) covering morula, blastula and gastrula and organ formation
(organogenesis) to develop into an individual that is similar to its parent. On
embryonic development in chickens can be observed by making whole mount
preparations of chicken embryos and examined under a microscope (Djuhanda,
The use of chicken embryos aged 1-3 days in this lab chicken embryos incubated
for 1-3 days began to grow from around the germinal disc so obvious and easily
observed and the shape is still flat (flat). Chick embryos were incubated for 3 days
has done a torque on the entire length of the body. Torque perfectly on the posterior
heart level. 1-3 day old chickens eggs is early development of the embryo starts,
looks blastodic. Chicken embryo will undergo a cleavage to make the process of
morphological development.

B. Purpose

The purpose of this lab is to observe the development of chicken embryos

and identify the structures that are formed in the chick embryo 24 hours of age up to

the age of 72 hours of incubation.


A. Materials
The materials that used in this practical class are alcohol 70%, tissue, and
wholemount preparations preserved chick embryos were aged 24, 33, 48 and 72
The tools that used in this practical class is light microscope.

B. Methods

The methods that done in this practical class:

1. Light microscope is prepared with the chick embryo preparations.

2. Chicken embryo wholemount preparation of aged 24, 33, 48 and 72 hours were
observed and identified parts.
3. The morphology and structures of the chick embryo are observed under the light
4. The figure showed is drawn.
5. Guided image from the assistant is used to help identify the structure of embryo.

B. Discussion

In chicken, the generation of the extraembryonic sacs takes place after

gastrulation,with the appearance of the extra-embryonic coelomic cavity in the extra
embryonic mesoderm (ExM). This cavity contributes into two major of extra-
embryonic tissue layers: the splanchnopleure formed by endoderm and the extra-
embryonic mesoderm (ExM); and the somatopleure formed by ectoderm and extra-
embryonic mesoderm (ExM). The splanchnopleure develops into a complex system
of blood vessels, the yolk sac, responsible for supplying yolk and egg white materials
for nourishment to the embryo; and it will formed the allantois too, thats a structure
connected to the primitive gut, which acts as a toxic for the embryo. On the other
hand, the somatopleure gives rise to both the chorion and the amnion. The chorion
will allow gas exchanges with the external environment, while the amnion
constitutes a protective membrane that surrounds the embryo and contained all the
materials needed for the embryo to develop: sufficient water, nutrients and energy
(Bernardo & Lopes, 2014).
At the beginning of embryo formation, neural plate is formed. From neural
plate will formed neural folds. In 24 hours incubation, chorda is arising under neural
folds on the central axis of the embryo. Chorda arise from cells that did not
differentiate between the two layers of mesoderm. Mesoderm grows sideway,
backward from primitive streak and also grows to the left and right of notochord
(Djuhanda, 1981).
Based on observations, at the age of 24-hour chick embryo already formed
parts but still simple. The structure of the embryo that has formed is primitive streak,
cranial neuropre, proamne, neural folds, neural groove, AIP, notochord somite, area
pellucida, area opaca and the margin of the foregut, while the formation of the neural
tube are neural tube and ectoderm. Mesoderm has formed 4-5 pairs of somites
mesoderm located on the left-right chorda in the central part of the fetus (Huettner,
At the age of 33-hour chick embryos was formed part parts such as cranial
neuropore, hand fold, prosencephalon, mesenchepalon, rhombenchepalon, optic
vesicle, foregut, heart, lateral mesoderm, vasculose area, AIP, somite, a notochord, a
primitive streak, area pellucida. In chicken embryos aged 48 hours, has been formed
organ of the eye (optic vesicles and optic cube and lens), heart, somite more and
more, as well as the brain is divided into three sections: the forebrain
(procenchepalon), midbrain (mesencephalon), and brain rear ( Rhombenchepalon ),
branchial arches, lateral fold, lateral mesoderm, vitellin vein / artery, notochord, PIP,
tail fold. (Huettner, 1961).
At 72 hours old chicken embryo, already formed the organ of hearing (optic
vesicles), vasculosa area, the posterior intestinal portal (PIP). His heart is divided
into two rooms, namely the atrium and ventricle and the parts of the brain that are
divided again in the composition is more complex, the forebrain (procenchepalon)
divided back into two dienchepalon and telenchepalon, midbrain (mesenchepalon)
fixed, while the hind brain is divided into metenchepalon and myelenchepalon are
also somite and notochord, led tail bud and bud increasingly visible. In the fetus 24
hours, folds neuralnya approaching each other. Unity first neural folds occur in
advance of somites First-somites (Huettner, 1961).
Based on observations, 24 hours old chicken embryo has a specific structure
of which is still a simple one intra-embryonic area (inside) and embryonal extra area
(outside). Regions are intra embryonal head fold, the margin of the foregut, Anterior
intestinal portal (AIP), neural folds, neural plate, Somites, Area pellucida and the
primitive streak. Embryonal extra area consists of the area pellucida and area
opaca. Splanchnic mesoderm in the AIP had thickening that would later develop into
the heart of the reed, while in the group called the mesoderm opaka blood island and
area opaca containing fibers of blood vessels called the area vasculosa (Yatim, 1984).
According to Huettner (1961), that the 24-hour chick embryo stage parts are
formed are still modest. As for the structure of the embryo that has formed is striae
Primitiva, mesoderma, proamnion, mesenchymal, islands of blood, somites, gut
front, notochord, neural folds and vesicles amnio-cardiac.
The beginning of the formation of the embryo, namely the formation of
neural chip. From this piece occurs neural folds. In this case the anterior layers of
neural chip forming an exaltation and grow to his advance on the ectoderm. Then
folds the head that later differentiate into the head. Between the head and the
ectoderm folds, underneath there is a structure that has a sac called the bag sub
sefalik (Yatim, 1983).
The next stage of development of the chick embryo stage of formation of the
head. Part embryonic cepalic area is thickened and elevated above the level of
surrounding and coating blastoderma crescent clear boundaries. This occurs when the
embryo is still 22 hours old. The period of the next 3-4 hours, sepalic area
experiencing rapid growth and for growht above blastoderm becomes clearer and
extend anteriorly and infiltrate the area proamnion. Folds like a crescent moon that
originally marked the rostral edge, cutting the sepalik embryo, and separating it from
blastoderma. 24 h incubation showed folding neural clearer. Neural folds appear as a
dark ribbon. Metameris system structure was first seen in the chick embryo somites-
somites are mesoderma (Soeminto, 1992).
According Djuhanda (1981), somites are part of mesoderma neatly arranged
in the form of segmented-segments so-called somite mesoderma. The somites-
somites mesoderma is a sign of the careful growth rate, embryo with the same
number of somites, a similar growth rate. Somites will develop into myotomy,
sklerotomy, and dermotomy. Myotomy will initiate and build muscle in chickens,
sklerotomy will develop bone in chicken embryos, and dermotomy instrumental in
the formation of a layer of skin on the chicken.Embryo age of 24 hours, somites
mesoderm is a sign of the careful growth rate; fetuses with the same number of
somites, a similar growth rate. Chicken embryos have formed 4-5 pairs of somites
mesoderm which are both on the left and right of the notochord in the middle part of
the embryo.
The top of the embryo looks more clear than the surrounding areas. Part of
the blastoderm is called proamnion , which actually is thus less precise term, because
this area will not form or be part of the amnion. At the level of 21-23 hour
incubation, mesoderm on both sides of the notochord somites differentiate into
mesoderm. Such as in frogs, here also distinguished their dorsal mesoderm and
mesoderm lateral widening between the ectoderm and endoderm. The somites next-
somites formed behind the somites foregoing, the somites at the front is the oldest
(Djuhanda, 1981).
Mesoderm may be formed of three parts, namely the mesoderm
dorsal or mesoderm segmental form somites, in the somites protected cavity
miosol . Intermediate mesoderm is not segmented but nevertheless form a segmented
nefrotom-segments. Lateral mesoderm is composed of layers of somatic and
splankhnis layer that extends far beyond the embryo, thus the solom can be divided
into two areas: intra and extra-embryonic solom (Kastowo, 1982).
Head fold is part of the anterior curvature of the embryo's head. The head
does not contain the mesoderm which is the primary layer, but built by loose cells
or mesenchymal . Margin of foregut is the boundary edge of part of the intestine
anterior (front) which will form the digestive tract .. (Balinsky, 1970).
Neural plate is coquettish sayaraf area that would later develop into neural
folds (neural fold). Neural fold (neural folds) is located at the crease formed grooves
in the dorsal and a pair of dark bands.Furthermore, neural fold would form the neural
tube (neural tube) (Larsen, et al, 2001).
Neural crest is an active cell move freely. Neural crest give signal to the
surface layer of ectoderm and neural plate to form the structure of intermediates
(neural fold). When both ends of the dorsal lip united to form the neural tube, the
neural crest will experience and moving towards specific service to differentiate and
form a specific structure (Larsen, et al, 2001).
The movement of neural crest through multiple pathways will result in certain
derivate. In general, neural crest will differentiate into melanocytes, dentin, adrenal
medulla and peripheral nerves (Larsen, et al, 2001).Neural tube (neural tube) is a
form of folding intermediates neural plate and surface ectoderm that blends sedingga
form a cavity. The neural tube is the development of the neural plate and neural
fold.Neural plate, neural crest, and neural tube are derivatives of layers ectoderm
(Larsen, et al, 2001)
Notochord grows to advance from the node Hensen line with stria Primitiva
disappeared. At the 24-hour-old chicken embryo, the notochord arises under neural
folds on the central axis of the embryo. Notochord did not arise because of
delamination of the mesoderm like the frog embryo, but its origin is from the cells
that did not differentiate between the two layers of mesoderm. This is also due to the
multiplication of cells in advance Hensen node area.Mesoderm grows sideways,
backwards stria Primitiva and is growing into the face of the left and right of the
neural chip. After the crease formed head, mesoderm grows on the right and left
notochord (Yatim, 1983).
Primitive streak (striae primitive) is a condensation of epiblast cells that
appear on the stage of gastrulation. (Chuai, M, et al, 2006).gastrulation occurs at the
end or at the beginning neurulasi, ie at the time of the unification of the lateral lips
blastoporus. Stria Primitiva chicken embryos is the posterior part of the adult
animals. Chicken embryo growth occurred in the anterior of stria Primitiva. Stria
Primitiva chicken embryo is an area that is very active cell division.In the anterior
stria Primitiva are thickening of Hensen node. Along with the development of the
embryo, Stria Primitiva regress due to the formation of the tools and the structure of
the embryo (Djuhanda, 1981). During the process of gastrulation, elongation stria
Primitiva followed by elongation of the area pellucida, so the area pellucida which
was originally spherical shape into an oval (elliptical). Primitiva striae longitudinal
axis, the axis of the elongated body of the embryo. Caudal ends of striae Primitiva
docked at opaka area that is at Hensen node (Soeminto, et al ., 2000).
The boundary zone between the outside and inside area opaka compiled by
mesoderma that has grown towards the periphery.Distal zone called vitelinus because
vitelus opaka area beneath.Zone of Proximal as a growth direction mesoderma called
vaskulosa area because of mesoderma this area arises blood vessels vitelus
bag. Mesoderma aggregation into groups of cells called blood islands, which marks
the level of the beginning of the creation of new blood vessels and blood corpuscles
(Soeminto, 1992).
Surface area blastoderma opaka be as wide, posterior to appear pitted,
the islands of the blood that would become a large part of the system of extra
embryonic vessels . Area opaka freckled now called vaskulosa area. The spots are
caused by the thickening of the mesoderm-local thickening of the lining that
splankhnis. At first islands is a collection of blood cells that are compact, then going
cavity and separated into a collection of cells of the central (Balinsky, 1970).
These cells will become the central blood drops that contain hemoglobin,
while the peripheral cells that live, build walls of blood vessels, called the
endothelium. In the islands of the blood of so many, that come into contact with each
other, and there is a network of capillaries called reticulum. Finally the cavities in the
blood island is filled with blood plasma (Balinsky, 1970).
In age 33 hours old chicken embryo begin to bring structure and new
characteristics. Neural tube has been formed and differentiated part of the anterior,
middle and posterior section that resembles the roof.4nm and somite embryo is
formed 12-13 pairs. Primitive streak growing optic vesicle rudiment and looks
great. Unity neural folds the most recent in front and behind, pitting neuroporus-
anterior and posterior. Neuromeri occurs in the anterior part of the neural folds as the
first indication of brain organization that metamer. Structures emerging Structure
divided into ectodermal, mesodermal and endodermal structure (Djuhanda, 1981).
1. Ectodermal emerging structure consists of:
Brain , parts of the brain begin to emerge that the
forebrain(Prosencephalon), midbrain (mesencephalon),and hindbrain
Prosencephalon occur from three neuromer first and the anterior part of the
brain that is divided into telencephalon and diencephalon.
Telencephalon is a part of the forebrain that will be bilobed, and is associated with
olfactory organ and sense of smell as central intelligence. We used to call
cerebrum.The diencephalon is the organ part of the forebrain. The structure is
difficult to distinguish from telencephalon, but can diientifikasi with lateral
evaginasi (the release of one cell pack) optic vesicle.Remaining evaginasi lateral
wall will form the thalamus (sensory integration area). The bottom will be the
hypothalamus (sender hormone into the posterior pituitrary). The top of the
diencephalon to form the anterior choroid plexus (secreter spinal
fluid). Evaginasi top diencephalon (epiphysis) will be the pineal gland
Optic vesicle is a differentiation of the lateral wall of the diencephalon
terevaginasi. Optic vesicles do invaginasi formed optic cup which will form the
interior of the eye such as eye nerve, retina and retinal pigment. will become the
embryo of a chicken embryo organs of vision.
Invundibulum which is derived from the diencephalon (the bottom layer results
evaginasi diencephalon) that appears semicircular located in a ventral-caudal
region of the forebrain.
M esencephalon the middle brain is oval and provide for the needs in the process
of data from the eyes and ears. The dorsal part will form the optic lobes, and the
visual center. Mesencephalon consists of two neuromer. R ombencephalon part of the
hind brain associated with hearing and balance system. Rombencephalon divided
into Metencephalon and Myelencephalon (Djuhanda, 1981).
Metencephalon is part of the hindbrain that forms the basis dorsal cerebellum
and pons vertically. Cerebellum korrdinat serve to regulate and balance the body in
the stands. Pons serves to connect the cerebrum with the cerebellum.
Myelencephalon is part of the hindbrain is commonly called the medulla
oblongata serves to regulate the movement of motoric and sensory nerve connects
the brain and spinal cord
Spinal cord is a continuation of the posterior part of the neural
tube.Characterized by the extension of the back of the embryo.Optic placode is a thin
section epidaermal anterior to the head which serve to estab shape initial hearing
Mesodermal emerging structure consists of :
Heart (heart) is the organ of the body backers. Located in the foregut. Heart
development will undergo elongation and assisted by vitelin vein scattered on the
ekstraembrionic will be entered into the heart through the posterior part of which will
produce some space, called the sinus venosus. The development continues with
forming the atria and then the ventricles to form the intact heart (Djuhanda, 1981).
Embryos that have been aged 48 hours, the results obtained are in the embryo
has seen rhombensefalon, mesensefalon, optic cup, prosensefalon, ventricle, aorta,
somites and neural tube. According Djuhanda (1981), that embryo was 48 hours of
the parts that can be observed is mesensefalon, rhombensefalon, diencephalon,
telensefalon, notokhor, cranial nerves, tube neural, aorta, arteries omfalomesenterika,
venous omfalomesenterika, farings, gut a preoral, ventricular, plat oral, and Rathke's
The development of the chick embryo 48 hours started happening
differentiation and structure of several organs emerging. The embryo looks like a
bent form the letter C. The brain is divided into five vesicle (telencephalon,
diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon and myelencephalon). Lens placode
begins to develop (placode = plate) which in turn will form the lens vesicle.Optic
vesicles developed into 2 layers and developing into optic cup.Invaginasi optic
vesicle is already completed and connected by duct endolimpatikus. Auditory
placode begins to develop which would then form the auditory pit. Heart-shaped
tubular and pentagons.Has not yet formed the heart of the room. Kidney simple
(Pronephros) has been formed. Somite number to 25 pairs (Djuhanda, 1981).
According Djuhanda (1981), the development of chicken embryos aged 48
hours are as follows:
1. Neurulasi
The brain and spinal cord is the most prominent of all the organs.The third part of the
brain went through differentiation-differentiation, prosensefalon be telensefalon and
diencephalon.Optic vesicle narrowed and elongated, and forming optic stalk that
grows laterally and induce primordia lenses in the ectoderm.vaginated optic vesicle
formed optic cup (optic cup), in the presence of the mouth of the cup occurred lens
pouch which later differentiate into the lens.
2. Vascular system
Heart-thickening thickening occurs from mesoderma splankhnis.Heart initially in
the form of a tube that is located under rhombensefalon. The anterior part into the
roots of the ventral aorta and the posterior part berhubungn with omfalomesentrika
vein coming from the yolk. Sinus venosus and atrium formed from the veins
omfalomesentrika united. Flexure heart protrudes into the right ventricle. The
circulatory system of the embryo can be differentiated intra-embryonic circulation
system contained in the embryo itself and the extra embryonic circulatory system
built by circulation vitelina the yolk bag and circulation allantois (Djuhanda, 1981).
Based on the observations, the structure of the chick embryo formed has a
35 pairs of somites mesoderma. Embryos undergo cervical pelekukan, so the area is
next to rhombencephalon dorsal and telencephalon approached the development of
the heart. Folds head growing posteriorly, opposite the tail amniotic fold (developing
anterior) and lateral fold body is getting close. eye is located more towards the caudal
of the otosis. The development of neural crest derivatives in the form of a couple
ganglion cranial nerves in the area ventro-lareral rhombencephalon. Thickening of
the mesoderm which will develop into the upper limb bud or bud wing, the wing
primordia in the area as high as AIP, while in the lower caudal bud is formed
primordia feet (Syahrum, 1994).
Based on references, structures emerging and differentiate after incubated for
72 hours of the nervous system, digestive system and respiratory system, circulatory
system / circulation, urinary system, solom, and mesentery.The nervous system,
events that occur include: Vesicle formation telensephalon by the end of the third day
of the anterolateral wall of the forebrain have experienced evaginasi primer pair to
form vesicles are respectively located on each side of the median Linia. This.
Evaginasi telensephalon known as vesicles. Diensephalon the lateral wall at this level
showed little differentiation unless the next ventral optic stalk where the walls join
the brain. Mesensephalon not show specialties except thickening walls.
Metensephalon not show differentiation. Mylensephalon dorsal wall thickness is
reduced, as the fate of the final user as thin-walled medulla korda (Djuhanda, 1981).
Several factors affect the further development of the embryo eggs of chick.
The ambient temperature, light intensity, the medium, the distance light of an embryo
(Admin, 2010). Reported that even a small temperature difference can have a
significant effect on embryonic development. (French,2000).

A. Conclusion

Based on the result and discussion can be concluded that:

1. The parts that observed in 24 hours old of chick embryo are cranial neurospore/
anterior neuropore, proamnion, neural fold, neural groove, anterior intestinal
portal (AIP), notochord, somites, primitive streak, pellucid area, opaca area and
margin of foregut.
2. The parts that observed in 33 hours old of chick embryo are cranial neuropore,
head fold, prosencephalon, metencephalon, rhombencephalon, optic vesicle,
foregut, heart, lateral mesoderm, somites, notochord, primitives streak, pellucid
area, vasculosa area and anterior intestinal portal
3. The parts that observed in 48 hours old of chick embryo are amnion,
prosencephalon, metencephalon, mesencephalon, optic vesicle, otic vesicle, arch
branchialis, heart, lateral fold, lateral mesoderm, vitelline vein or vitellin artery,
somites, notochord, posterior intestinal portal (PIP), and tail fold.
4. The parts that observed in 72 hours old of chick embryo are otic vesicle,
myelencephalon, metencephalon, mesencephalon, diencephalon, eye,
telencephalon, heart, pharyngeal cleft, arcus branchialis, notochord, somites,
posterior intestinal portal (PIP), leg bud, tail bud, and vitelline vein or vitelline
B. Recommendation

All things that has been done in this practical class are great, but it would be
better if later we also make the wholemount preparation.
Admin, Ludi. 2010. Testing for egg fertilization . Gramedia, Jakarta
Balinsky, BI, 1970. An Introduction to Embryology . London. WB Saunders
Bernardo, Ana de Melo and Lopes, Susana M.C. de Sousa. 2014. The Involvement of
The Proamnion in the Development of The Anterior Amnion Fold in The
Chicken. Journal of PLoS ONE. Vol.
Chuai, M., Zeng, W., Yang, X., Boychenko, V., Glazier, JA., Weiier, CJ.2006. Cell
movement during chick primitive streak formation.Depelopmental Biology 137-
Djuhanda, Tatang. 1981. Embriologi Perbandingan. Bandung: C.V. Armico
French, N. A. 2000. Effect of short periods of high incubation temperature on
hatchability and incidence of embryo pathology of turkey eggs. Br. Poult. Sci.
41:377382. journal The effects of different eggshell temperatures on embryonic
development,hatchability, chick quality, and first-week broiler performance.
Turkey. Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture
Huettner, AF 1961. Fundamentals of Comparative Embryology of the
vertebrates . New York. The Mc Millan Company.
Kastowo, H. 1982. Zoology General. Bandung. Publisher Alumni.
Larsen, WJ., Lawrence, S., Serman, S., Steven, Potter., William, J.
Scott. 2001. Larsen Human Embryology, 3rd Edition , pp. 85-102, 126-130. New
York. Churchill Livingstone,
Nelson, O.E. 1953. Comparative Embryologi of the Vertebrates. New York . The
Blankston Co. Inc.
Soeminto, Y. Sistina, dan G.E. Wijayanti. 2000. Embriologi Vertebrata.
Purwokerto.Fakultas Biologi Unsoed.
Soeminto. 1983. Fundamentals of Embryology . Purwokerto.Faculty of Biology
Syahrum, MH 1994. Reproduction and Embryology: From Single Cells Become
organism. Jakarta. Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia..
Wallace, R.A. 1991. Biology : The World of Life. New York. Horper Collins
Yatim, W. 1983. Reproduksi dan Embriologi. Bandung.Tarsito,
Yatim, W. 1984. Embriologi. Bandung.Tarsito,

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