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In institutional settings, such as this one, in which the interlocutors do not know each other, they are

likely to choose linguistic means, which reflect the appropriate degree of formality and social
distance between them. Accordingly, the agent as well as the customer/caller will choose the formal
form of address vi (third person plural) and refrain from using the informal form of address ti (second
person singular). The use of one of the two forms of second person address reflects the speaker's
attitude towards the person spoken to. However, in the data, an additional non-standard use of the
singular verb following the plural vi ("polvikanje") is also used by the agent. Although grammatically
incorrect, this hybrid form has become widespread, to signal a somewhat friendlier and less formal
attitude: e boste kontaktirala. ("If you contact": you is in plural, the verb contact is in singular
feminine). One could argue that this strategy is used when someone, as in this case the agent, is
trying to somewhat overcome the social distance between the speakers by being slightly informal, by
trying to show solidarity or because the relationship is not constructed as formal and this is how the
agent understands their relationship with the customers despite the institutional context.

[10:20:46] sarulja: TU SE SAMO NE VIDI KOMENTAR

[10:21:30] sarulja: KOMENTAR JE: I can imagine why they might choose formality in restricted
settings such as courtrooms, classrooms bu t this setting is not a formal one, unless of course
institutional matters in which the state are involved are: the old and the new. Please reflect on



[10:21:41] sarulja: ONA PA NE RAZUME, DA PRI NAS SE VIKAJO... NE VEM

Klicni center S, o katerem govorimo predstavlja dravno institucijo, v katerih veljajo splono veljavni
predpisi lepega obnaanja in seveda tudi glede naslavljanja. Ker pa gre pri tem vseeno vsaj delno za
neformalen pogovor, se agent morda poskua na ta nain vsaj malo pribliati stranki na drugi strani
telefonske zveze in omiliti strogi formalni odnos med njima. Ker je klicni center lociran v glavnem
mestu Ljubljani, je jezik, ki ga uporablja agentka sicer knjien, vendar le delno, saj zveni rahlo nareno
obarvano. V ljubljanskem nareju pa je polvikanje zelo razpaseno in ga kljub mnogim javnim kritikam
posluamo tudi v pogovorih in intervjujih v javnih medijih. Ker se pri strogem vikanju skrije spol
sogovornika, pri polvikanju pa ne, je zelo verjetno, da se je prav zaradi tega polvikanje tako iroko
razpaslo v pogovornem jeziku, saj ima veliko ljudi pri tem obutek, da je tako odnos med
sogovornikoma manj formalen in bliji . Osebno pa mislim, da je razlog za nareno obarvan pogovor,
katerega sestavni del je tudi polvikanje v tem, da pogovor med agentko, predvsem zaradi njene vloge
vmesnika med podjetjem, ki nudi neke usluge in stranko, na ta nain poteka bolj tekoe in manj
zategnjeno. Se pravi, da ga verjetno uporablja takrat, ko se eli malo bolj pribliati sogovorniku.

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