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Modified Task 4 Assignment

Fall 2017 MAED 3224

Section A: Context for Learning
1. Grade level:

First Grade

2. How much time is devoted each day to mathematics instruction in your classroom?

About an hour, broken up throughout the day is dedicated to math instruction in the classroom.
About 15 minutes is spent on doing math at their own pace as part of morning work and then
after lunch about 45 minutes is dedicated to both direct math instruction as well as independent
and group practice.

3. Identify any textbook or instructional program the teacher uses for mathematics instruction.
If a textbook, please provide the title, publisher, and date of publication.

enVision Math Common Core Realize Edition Grade

4. From your observations, list other resources (e.g., electronic whiteboard, manipulatives,
online resources) the teacher uses for mathematics instruction in this class. Provide one
example of how a resource was used to teach a concept.

Promethean board

Counting cubes

Pearson enVision online videos: These videos are used at the beginning of all direct instruction
math lessons to give the students visual examples of problems for the units they are working
on. They also have places to pause during every video. During these pauses the teacher usually
check for understanding by asking students come up and perform the problem posed to them in
the video or by having discussions to work out problems as a class.

5. From your observations, explain how your teacher makes sure the students learn the
standard/objectives conceptually giving a specific example. (one paragraph)

The only ways in which I really saw my teacher ensuring the students learned the math
conceptually was by testing them and by formatively assessing them during direct instruction
on the carpet. After direct instruction on the carpet students would usually go and practice in
their workbooks so the teacher only really made sure they understood conceptually based on
their work on their math tests. During direct instruction on the carpet, students were asked to
raise their hands and explain why an answer was correct conceptually or be able to solve a
problem on the board.
6. What did you learn most about teaching mathematics from observing this teacher? ( one

The main thing I learned about teaching math from observing my teacher is that it is not
something to stress about. Out of all the lessons I teach, I get most stressed out about teaching
math. I am always afraid I wont explain it in a way the students can understand and then end up
over explaining. From observing this teacher I have learned that having students work in order to
find solutions on their own is an option. It is not always my job to give them every single answer
and hand hold them. Letting them struggle a little to work through problems and find answers is

Section B: Whole Class Lesson

Meet with your IMB teacher and decide what you will teach. Make sure your teacher
understands that your lesson must have a conceptual understanding instruction along with both
procedural fluency and problem solving components. You teach just one lesson.

1. Describe the Central Focus of your lesson (a description of the important understandings
and core concepts that students will develop with this lesson).

The central focus of my lesson was on adding and subtracting within 20 using doubles facts as
a strategy to do so. Students will hopefully be able to understand how to use doubles plus one
or doubles minus one.

2. State the CCSSM Standard and the objective for your whole class lesson.

Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use
strategies such as counting on; making ten; decomposing a number leading to a ten; using
the relationship between addition and subtraction; and creating equivalent but easier or
known sums.

3. Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks: (summarize the lesson plan components by
briefly describing the instruction and the learning tasks you used. Include the tasks students will
solve during the lesson.) ( one paragraph)

The standard and design of the lesson plan were based off of what my cooperating teacher
wanted me to teach. Math instruction in this first grade classroom follows a strict guide as to
how students learn math each day. This flow of instruction allows for the students to do some
math discovery on their own as well as in a whole class setting with the use of technology.
Students are first asked to do some math work based on our standard for the day on their own
to see what they do and do not know. Students then come to the carpet where a formative
assessment in the form of a whole group question and answer is given to see how much the
students know about a topic. Students will be able to recognize doubles facts and add and
subtract doubles facts within 20. Next, the pearson video that corresponds with the standard
and topic they are learning about is played. The video allows for students to come up to the
board and work out problems and answer questions as the video progresses. After the video is
played, students continue to take turns to come up to the board and solve problems and work
as a whole class. Finally, students return to their desks to start work on their exit ticket
problems as well as independent work.

4. Create a formative assessment that assesses conceptual knowledge, procedural fluency,

and problem solving. I nsert a copy of the assessment with your solutions here. (exit ticket used
for whole group lesson)

Students will also be asked to write a corresponding doubles equation for the problems. They
will only be graded on four of them but should do the rest for practice.
5. Define your evaluation criteria for mastery of the assessment in a rubric. Make sure you
define separately conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and problem solving parts of
this rubric, including the corresponding points. Insert this rubric here. ( how did you grade exit

Conceptual Understanding:

I graded conceptual understanding based on whether or not students drew at least one picture
to show them working out either the problem itself or the doubles equation. Showing of some
form of drawing was worth 2 points.

Procedural Fluency:

I graded procedural fluency by grading students ability to correctly answer the first 4 math
problems on the worksheet. Answering the the first 4 math problems were worth 1 point each
for a total of 4 points.

Problem Solving:

The students problem solving was graded based on their ability to write either a doubles plus
one or a doubles minus one equation to correspond with each of the first four math problems.
Each doubles equation is worth 1 point each for a total of 4 points.

Section C: Results of Whole Class Assessment

1. Create a graphic showing class performance of conceptual understanding, procedural
fluency, and problem solving of the objective. This can be pie charts, tables, bar graph etc. but
must show performance in each of the above areas separately, according to each students
performance in the formative assessment. ( provide a table and color code green/yellow/red
based on mastery)

Student Conceptual Procedural Problem Solving Total

A 0 3 0 3

B 0 3 1 4

C 0 4 4 8

D 0 4 4 8

E 2 4 0 6

F 2 4 4 10

G 2 4 4 10
H 2 4 4 10

I 0 4 4 8

2. Describe common error patterns in each of the areas of patterns of learning - conceptual
understanding, and procedural fluency. Refer to the graphic to support your discussion. (3
separate paragraphs, one per each pattern of learning)

Note: Patterns of learning include b oth q

uantitative and qualitative patterns (or consistencies) for different
groups of students or individuals. Quantitative patterns indicate in a numerical way the information
understood from the assessment (e.g., 10 out of 15 students or 20% of the students). Qualitative patterns
include descriptions of understandings, misunderstandings, partial understandings, and/or developmental
approximations and/or attempts at a solution related to a concept or a skill that could explain the quantitative
For example, if the majority of students (quantitative) in a class ordered unit fractions from least to greatest as
1/2, 1/ 3, 1/4
, 1/ 5
, the students error shows that they believe that the smaller the denominator, the smaller the
fraction and they have a mathematical misunderstanding related to the value of fractional parts (qualitative).
For example, if a student error occurs in a subtraction problem then the underlying mathematical
understanding may include trading or regrouping, meaning of subtraction, and/or subtraction as the inverse of
addition. You start with the quantity of students who made the specific mistake and you continue with the
quality of the mistake in terms of the mathematical misconception.
Conceptual -
As far as patterns in the errors of students conceptual understanding, it is obvious that
this is the area that students struggled with the most. Only about 44% of my students scored in
conceptual learning. Students were explicitly asked to draw some form of a picture to show their
thinking and how they arrived to the answer of one of the first four problems given to them on
the exit ticket sheet. The 4 students who scored a 2/2 for the conceptual drawing all came up
with a drawing and it was an accurate drawing.They all drew circles to represent the two addends
and then counted them all together in order to get the answer. Students who did not draw
anything were received no points for conceptual understanding because it was not clear to me
that they knew how to solve the math problems. Being that I know that students in this classroom
tend to use each other for help in solving their math problems, I wanted to make sure that I could
see the students thinking in the form of a picture. Given that less than half of the class was able
to draw a picture to show their thinking tells me that students in this classroom are struggling
with conceptual based learning and could use more work in learning strategies in order to solve
math problems.

Procedural -
Procedural fluency showed a marked improvement throughout the whole class. For
procedural fluency, I was looking for the students ability to arrive at the correct answer for the
first four math problems on their exit ticket worksheet. Though their conceptual understanding
on how to do the problems was lacking, all students in the class were able to score on more than
2 of the first four problems I graded. About 22% of the students scored a on procedural
fluency while the rest of the 88% of the students scored a 100% on procedural fluency. Because
most of the students did not draw a corresponding picture with their solution to the problem, it is
hard to tell whether the students had merely memorized the answers to these math problems or
whether they got them by looking off of their peers worksheet.

Problem Solving -
I was pleasantly surprised with the results the students had for problem solving. This was
the portion of the exit ticket where students were asked two incorporate the use of either a
doubles plus one or a doubles minus one problem that corresponded with the printed math
problem. Students were asked to do this in order to show their use of a strategy that could help
them solve a math problem. For problem solving, only 3 out of 9 students scored below 50%.
The majority of the students were able to correctly identify a doubles minus one or a doubles
plus one equation that would adequate in solving the problem. This shows me that although the
majority of the class struggled with conceptually explaining the answer to their problem, they
were able to problem solve using another method of writing the equations. Students who
received either no points at all or only 1 out of 4 points available for the problem solving portion
of the exit ticket showed an inability to think about the problem in terms of a doubles equation.
These students either wrote nothing or wrote equations that had nothing to do with the equation
they were asked to solve. This looked like the following: 0+0=0 1+7=8.

3. Scan and insert here the copies of 2 students first work samples as follows. Choose the
most representative examples from the whole class assessment (no student names). Then,
analyze each students misconceptions.

Student 1 Mathematics Work Sample (student struggles with conceptual understanding)

(one paragraph)
Student 1 answered the printed math equations correctly, however the focus of the lesson was
on doubles equations. When it came to writing out doubles equations that would have helped
solve the printed math equations, student 1 simply rewrote the above printed problems. I believe
this misconception in conceptual understanding may have been due to a misunderstanding of
the problem, not necessarily a problem in the students math skills.
Student 2 Mathematics Work Sample (student struggles with procedural fluency or problem
(one paragraph)
It is obvious that student two struggles with problem solving. As you can see in the first image,
student 2 was able to correctly answer some of the printed math equations while missing some
that were much more simple. The ones she got correct were more than likely due to her
receiving help from a peer based on my observation of her math performance in the past. In
addition, when asked to write a corresponding doubles equation below, mirroring the lesson we
had just completed, the student was unable to successfully create a corresponding doubles
equation for any problem. Drawings are visible at the bottom of the worksheet which signifies
that the student attempted to work out problems using pictures but they arent very clean and
dont make much sense. I believe this students misconception lies in a poor basic math
foundation based on the work on this worksheet as well as from observing precious work during
my clinicals.

Section D: Plan for Re-Engagement

Assessment results are irrelevant if you do not act on them. Thus, you are to create a plan to
use the results you described in Part C. You do not have to actually re-engage the students but
you must show that you understand what to do with these results. Thus, based on the
assessment results you described above, group each of your students into one of these groups:
Group 1 - re-engage for conceptual
Group 2 - re-engage for procedural
Group 3 - re-engage for problem solving
Group 4 - mastery/ready to move on
1. Describe the number of students you will have in each of these groups. (Note: if a child
performed poorly in multiple parts of the assessment, that child will start in the conceptual
While grouping students, I was conscious of which areas the students struggled the most in. I
had trouble grouping students who made about a 5/10, like some students who made a 6 or 8
out of 10 which showed mastery , even though they struggled profoundly in one area.

Group 1 (A, B)
- This group is comprised of students who struggled the most with conceptual
understanding. Both of these students also missed a lot of points in problem solving but
the re-engagement focus should be on conceptual understanding.

Group 2 (None)
- I had no students I felt like needed re-engagement in procedural fluency above needing it
in the other two areas or being able to move on.

Group 3 (E)
- Student E makes up his own group. This students needs re-engagement for problem
solving because he/she missed all of the points available for problem solving.

Group 4 (C, D, F, G, H, I)
- This group of students all scored a 8/10 or higher on their exit ticket. This group
contains 6 out of the 9 students in the classroom. This tells me that they have showed
mastery and are ready to move on.

2. Plan to re-engage for conceptual understanding.

a. Describe your re-engagement lesson for this group (objective from CCSSM, learning
tasks, strategies, materials, assessment). ( one paragraph)
- My re-engagement lesson for this group will focus on not my standard from my
lesson plan of using doubles minus/plus one as a strategy to solve addition
equations within 20. Instead we will work with
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.A.1 I believe the best way to approach their
problems with conceptual understanding is to just start with basic math addition
word problems where we will go over different ways to represent two addends of
a problem in a picture. The students dont have much experience working with
manipulatives in this classroom so one way we can go about this is by using
counting blocks to visually represent two addends in a problem and then
counting all of the counting blocks together to get the total. I will have students
work on translating the manipulative counting blocks into similar representations
on their paper. Students will be asked to show their understanding by then
solving a word problem without the use of manipulatives but instead going
straight to representing their work in picture form under the problem.
b. Explain why you believe this re-engagement lesson will be effective based on the
error patterns you found in the data. Score here will be based on how well you describe
the connection to the re-engagement lesson and the error patterns found, effective use
of materials, and sound methodology. ( 1-2 sentences)
- The data from these two students show nothing as far as conceptual
understanding. Both students failed to draw any semblance of a picture. This in
turn led to both of the students missing points in procedural as well as the
majority of points in problem solving. I believe that by doing a re-engagement
lesson in conceptual understanding, it will be effective in providing both students
with a strategy to help in the other areas.

c. Explain how you will reassess for mastery of the concept. (exit ticket)
- I will reassess for mastery of the concept by providing both students with the
following simple exit ticket:
- 1) Solve the following problem by drawing a picture to show your thinking:
- 10+7=___
Choose to do either 3a OR 3b:

3b. Plan to Re-engage for problem solving.

a. Describe your re-engagement lesson for this group (objective from CCSSM, learning
tasks, strategies, materials, assessment). ( one paragraph)
- My plan to re-engage for problem solving focuses around my same standard
from my lesson plan: 1.OA.C.6. There was only one student I put in my
re-engagement group but I do feel as though more students in the class could
benefit from re-engagement. We would focus on doubles minus/plus one again. I
feel as though the student just needed more practice time and to become more
familiar on what was being asked of him for this lesson. Again, I think
manipulatives would be great visual aid for students to think about doubles
equations. By starting out representing the two addends of an addition problem
and seeing how the manipulatives could be arranged to create a doubles
minus/plus one equation would be our main strategy.
b. Explain why you believe this re-engagement lesson will be effective based on the
error patterns you found in the data. Score here will be based on how well you describe
the connection to the re-engagement lesson and the error patterns found, effective use
of materials, and sound methodology. ( 1-2 sentences)
- Based on the data I saw, students had trouble not particularly with the math part
but with the strategy parts. Therefore, I believe my re-engagement lesson would
be a useful way to build on these strategies the student needs in order to be able
to move on and possible solve harder problems using the strategies.
c. Explain how you will reassess for mastery of the concept. (exit ticket)
- To reassess for mastery of the concept I will provide the student with the
following problem:
- 1) Solve for and write the two doubles minus one equations that goes
with the following problem:
- 7+3=___

Scoring Rubric

Section A: Context for Learning

A1 1
A2 1
A3 1
A4 5
A5 5
A6 5

Section B: Whole Class Lesson

B1 1
B2 1
B3 10
B4 8
B5 10

Section C: Results of whole class assessment

C1 10
C2 14
C3 6

Section D: Plan for re-engagement

D1 2
D2 10
D3a or D3b 10

Total of all scores: 100

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