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1. What is sociolinguistic?
A. The scientific study of language usage
B. The study of animal vocalizations
C. The study of human behaviour
D. The scientific study of vocal sounds

2. The following answers are the subordinates of social dialects except

A. Social class & education

B. Age & gender

C. Ethnic & background

D. Linguistic determinism

3. Which of the following would not be considered a part of sociolinguistics?

A. The study of the sounds in spoken language

B. The general perception of a dialect within a society

C. The study of the attitudes of people towards certain speech characteristics

D. The study of socioeconomic and/or political power factors and their influence on

language change

4. In New York, the higher the socio-economic status, the more [r] sounds and the lower the

socioeconomic status, the fewer [r] sounds were produced.

Based on the statement above, what is the main factor of this social dialect?

A. Age & gender

B. Social class & education
C. Ethnic background
D. Style, register & jargon

5. What is speech community?

A. A particular speech community in terms of relations between individual members in a community

B. A group of people who speak the same language and share the same words but different grammar


C. Discrete group of people who use language in a unique and mutually accepted way among


6. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about diglossia?

A. Two very different varieties of languages co-exist in a speech community, each with a distinct range

of social functions.
B. There is normally High variety, for normal or serious matters and a Low variety, for conversation

and other informal uses.

C. The personal dialect of each individual speaker of a language.

D. A form of diglossia exists in most Arabic-speaking countries.

Questions 7-10 are based on the presented research article.

7. Which one of these statements is TRUE about CSA licensing MRGCPA exams in 2007?

A. UK black and minority ethnic graduates who passed CSA > UK white graduates who passed CSA

B. UK black and minority ethnic graduates who passed CSA < UK white graduates who passed CSA

C. International medical graduates (IMGs) who passed CSA > UK candidates who passed CSA

D. International medical graduates (IMGs) who passed CSA = UK candidates who passed CSA

8. How many candidates sitting the CSA between February-March & May 2011 were collected for analysis?

A. 120

B. 200

C. 40

9. Which one of the following statements is FALSE on how candidates managed the exam format?

A. Managing role player contribution

B. Managing role player interruptions

C. Managing the simulation and examiner presence

10. All of the following statements are TRUE about this research EXCEPT

A. Successful candidates tended to be better at personalising formulaic phrases commonly heard in

the CSA.

B. Poorly performing candidates tended to have miscommunication and misunderstandings and their

explanations were less clear.

C. General skills such as how to structure the consultation were mastered by the minority who all used

similar professional language.

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