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9 Truths That Will Turn Your World Upside
By: Dave Aschaiek
Owner, (A Law of Attraction Social Network)

Copyright 2015, 2016 by Dash Solutions Inc.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents


Truth # 1: You have created everything you have ever experienced in your life

Truth # 2: Happiness Comes First

Truth # 3: Coincidences can be controlled and serve a purpose

Truth # 4: Focusing on what you dont want is different than focusing on what you do want

Truth # 5: Contrast is an amazing thing

Truth # 6: There are unlimited resources in the world

Truth # 7: How you feel has nothing to do with anything else

Truth # 8: Your current reality is a function of your past thoughts

Truth # 9: Being Selfish is a good thing

The Truths Summarized

Truth # 3: Coincidences can be controlled and serve a purpose

My name is Dave, and I am the owner of a Law of Attraction Social Network. Needless to
say, I believe in the Law of Attraction it makes a lot of sense to me, and speaks to me on a visceral
level. In the interests of full disclosure, I am not a Law of Attraction coach or expert. I am a regular guy
with whom Law of Attraction resonates. And, as I practice Law of Attraction in my life, I see evidence of
its existence and power.

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, most people think of The Secret - a film released in 2006 that
introduced millions to the Law of Attraction. I believe that what people found most appealing about The
Secret was its promise that you can have anything you want in life by changing your thoughts.

Now monitoring and changing thoughts are central to law of attraction, but I believe there is more to
Law of Attraction. Among other things, I see Law of Attraction as a worldview and a way of life; it guides
your perception of who you are, all you do, and all you experience.

In this book, based on my reading of and thinking about Law of Attraction, I outline nine tenets of a Law
of Attraction way of life as I see them. In this eBook, I consider each truth in some detail. If you take the
truths, embrace them, and put them into practice, they will help you feel more at peace and put you in a
better position to achieve your dreams.

For many, these nine truths represent a departure from how we are accustomed to thinking and living in
our society (and by that I mean much of the US and Canada, where I live). Adopting and living these nine
truths can literally, therefore, turn your world upside down.

For those of you who are deep into Law of Attraction, already embrace it, and live by it, most ideas that I
have included here will be familiar to you. In my experience, reading these ideas in different ways, using
different words and examples has been helpful for me. Ideas that were unclear become clear when read
in different ways. Overall, I felt that repetition and reinforcement are good for me.

Before I jump into the truths, I ask that you keep an open mind. Please read through the book, and try
integrating the nine spiritual truths into your life. If you are dissatisfied with where you are in life, want
to change your life for the better and feel things you are doing to make life better are just not working,
then what do you have to lose by trying on a new worldview a new set of truths?

On that note, and without further ado, lets jump into the nine truths that will turn your world upside
Truth # 1: You have created everything you have ever experienced in
your life
Whoa, bold statement indeed but it is the truth.

Now I know some of you might be thinking, Dave, what the heck are you talking about? Youre a quack!

Well maybeor maybe not. Hear me out.

Try this two-minute exercise: Think of 5 people in your life (not including yourself). Now think of the
types of experiences those people have in your view. Compare their experiences to who they are their
general attitudes (positive or negative), assumptions they make, actions they take (their ability to take
action as well), beliefs they tout, and their general happiness.

I will make a prediction that the five peoples experiences match their attitudes, assumptions, ability to
take action, level of happiness and beliefs.

I am willing to bet those with terrible jobs, in poor health, in consistently bad relationships or seem to
have nothing go their way are also negative, generally unhappy, judgmental; this, I maintain, has to do
with their restrictive and punitive beliefs.

Am I right?

Now, you may assume how they think, feel and behave is a function of or follows the bad things that
have happened to them. I would submit it is the opposite their behaviour creates their reality.

And this is the great truth underlying your past and current experience of life you create your reality,
always, 100% of the time. While this idea is shared by many writers on law of attraction, it is seen as a
controversial statement and one some do not find palatable for various reasons. In this book, I do hope
you can appreciate and embrace that you create your reality and feel empowered by it; this will help in
a significant way as you move forward in your life and experience.

At this point, you may wonder why I instructed you not to include yourself in the two-minute exercise at
the start of the chapter; this is because we all have blinders that prevent us from really seeing ourselves.
Getting deeper into the function and purpose of self-deception (and what that means) is a conversation
for another day. For now, let us assume how we see ourselves is not necessarily an accurate reflection
of reality. It is possible, however, that some of us may be closer to seeing ourselves for who we truly
are if we are more self-aware.

Okay, so now we have covered all the foundational assumptions, we can take things a bit further. If it is
true that you create your own reality, that is like saying you are responsible for your reality. And, if it is
true you are responsible for your reality, you are also responsible for all that has happened in your life.

Yes, this is a scary proposition, because it means accepting our experience is our own doing; it is not the
fault of anyone else. And while I know that this is scary, I ask that you stop and recognize that accepting
responsibility is the most empowering gift you can give yourself.

Because if youre responsible for it, then it also means that you have the power to change it. You simply
need to create a new reality.

I know, Im saying create your new reality as if it is simple, like pouring yourself a glass of milk. I know
that creating a new reality requires quite a bit more work! My point, however, is that you can change
your reality, but you have to know how. Luckily, though I am not one of them, there are many Law of
Attraction coaches and experts out there and many books on the topic that can provide you with the
direction as you engage in your process of re-fashioning your reality. You can find coaches here.

Before we move on to the second truth, I want to take a moment to consider an important item. If you
recall, a few paragraphs ago, I indicated some statements I make here, and that are made by other Law
of Attraction writers and experts, are controversial. Perhaps the most controversial of these statements
are related to tragic, traumatic, abusive or otherwise painful and negative realities. In these cases, how
is it that we can mete out responsibility to individuals and collectivities for creating their reality?

In this worldview, how do I explain the experiences of natural disasters, acts of terrorism or other acts of
God people experience? The prevailing spiritual understanding of such tragic events is that these come
about as a result of what is known as collective consciousness. In other words, the collective community
has created it. Natural disasters are explained by science as a result of collective disregard for the health
and well-being of the environment. Terrorism has been explained as a cry for help resulting from actions
on a societal level.

Of course all of these claims about creating reality and accepting responsibility for horrible occurrences
and events can be and are debated. However, here is an excerpt from the book Conversations with God
by Neale Donald Walsch describing what is termed, in the book, as the Hitler experience:
it was collective consciousness which provided fertile soil for the growth of the Nazi movement. Hitler
seized the moment, but he did not create it (Walsch, 1997, p. 66).

There are lessons here, whether or not we wholeheartedly buy into Truth 1. One such lesson is that a
group consciousness based on separation and superiority produces a loss of compassion on a massive
scale. The loss of compassion is followed by loss of conscience.

Neale Donald Walsch continues from the quotation above:

The horror of the Hitler Experience was not that he perpetrated it on the human race, but that the human
race allowed him to. The astonishment is not only that a Hitler came along, but also that so many others
went along. The purpose of the Hitler Experience was to humanity to itself (Walsch, 1997, p. 67).

Group consciousness is powerful and produces outcomes of unspeakable beauty or ugliness. A central
question, however, is what can you do as an individual in a sea of collective beliefs? One option is that
you can figure out who you would want to be in the face of collective experience. If you face a natural
disaster or are a victim of terror, who do you want to be? What kind of person, with what qualities? In
that scenario, what actions would you perform? What attitudes would you have?

Then, once you have your answers, do all you can to become that person, living those qualities today!

In the words of Viktor Frankl, author of Mans Search for Meaning, Auschwitz Holocaust survivor, and
someone who lost his entire family in the Holocaust:
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms-to choose ones
attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose ones own way (Frankl, 1959).
Truth # 2: Happiness Comes First
The Hicks (Esther and Abraham) are leading thinkers in the realm of Law of Attraction. They have long
posited a theory that you must feel good if you are to manifest what you want in life. In other words,
once you feel good (i.e. once you are happy) your dreams will follow.

Researchers focusing on happiness and positive psychology are beginning to confirm the Hicks claims.
As an example, view the following Ted Talk by Shawn Achor, called The Happy Secret to Better Work.

Many of us, within our society, seem to believe when x happens, I will be happy, or when I have done
y, I will be happy, or when I find z, then I will be happy. More specifically: when I achieve this goal, I
will be happy, or when I make money, I will be happy, or when I find a husband or wife, I will then
be happy. In other words, I will suspend my happiness until I achieve X, Y, Z, and when I do achieve X, Y
and/or Z. Then, I will truly be happy.

Of course, that rarely happens. And, even if it does happen, that happiness is unsustainable. Look closely
at yourself or speak to someone who has achieved goals listed above, and ask them if they are happier
as a result of what they have achieved. You will likely be told their achievements made them happier for
awhile, until the euphoria wore off and was replaced by other desires or goals, worries or anxieties.

So, what gives? How do you explain this?

In short, as the Hicks explain it, we are are a species that always want more. Our desires and goals are
never ending. And there is nothing wrong with wanting more! Look at Bill Gates, the richest man in the
world has become one of the most important philanthropists in the world. He could really have stopped
wanting more after leaving Microsoft.

Lets make this more personal. Lets say you achieved everything youve ever wanted tomorrow. What
would you do next? Would you sit in your new luxurious house, sitting on a couch, as happy as a clam?

Probably not. You may continue to work on projects that inspire you. You may take up new hobbies like
traveling, crafting, or writing, volunteering, etc. The point is you wont be idle. You will look for more,
and as you achieve that, you will look for more.

So let us get back to the point of this chapter achieving our desires does not, in and of itself, engender
everlasting happiness; this is because as we achieve our wants, they are replaced with new wants. So, I
ask, how do we achieve happiness?

In short, rather than waiting for our achievements to come to fruition so that we can experience a sense
of happiness, we need to generate happiness first. But how?

A useful way to generate happiness, calm and well-being is by directing thoughts towards gratitude and
thankfulness. By adopting an abundance mindset, you will pay attention to what you do have, what you
are thankful for, and this will generate feelings of happiness and appreciation.

Lets do an exercise. Over the next five minutes, write out five things you are thankful for, and aim to
really feel feelings of appreciation for it. Here are some examples:

Your health
Financial stability
Your country
Your job
Mobile devices

I can go on and on, but you get the point. So, take 5 minutes and do it. Dont say youll do it later; this is


Did you do it? Okay good, I knew you would.

So, how do you feel? A little better than before? Perhaps a lot better?

As the theory goes, if you can get yourself into a place of feeling good, feeling abundant, positive, and of
course, happy, you not only feel good, but are also in a better position to achieve your desires. There is a
growing body of scientific research that gratitude is an effective method for achieving greater happiness.

Gratitude is only one way to improve how you feel. Below I have created a list of 20 methods you might
use to improve how you feel and move you towards happiness. Feel free to use some of these ideas, or
come up with your own activities that contribute to your happiness.

Random Acts of Kindness
Reading a good book
Listening to awesome music
Spending time with your kids
Playing with your pet
Hanging out with friends or family
Having an amazing meal
A nap
Trying something new
Doing art
Taking a walk
Having sex
Watching a funny movie
Taking a bath
Playing a sport

Now, though happiness for its own sake is awesome, there is a side benefit to making you happy it is a
key component to helping you manifest what you want in life. The prevailing view is that in essence, and
at our core, we are nothing but big balls of energy sending vibrations off into the universe. Or, to quote
Albert Einstein:

Everything is energy, and thats all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you
cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.

Another part of this prevailing wisdom is that our vibrations are defined by how we feel. In the case that
you feel happy you will give off a happy vibration. If you are sad, you will give off a sad vibration. As a
result, if you feel thankful and appreciative for money you have, you emit a vibration of having money.

Building on this idea of feelings and vibrations, it is significant that the Law of Attraction states that like
attracts like. In other words, vibrations attract like vibrations. So, vibrations of money attract vibrations
of money, and attraction continues until energy comes together, manifesting in the shape of money.

Of course, there is more to Law of Attraction than the example suggests; however, the example is meant
to illustrate a point being happy not only feels good, but has a side benefit manifestation.

So there you have it the second truth is happiness comes first. Instead of waiting for stuff to happen
to make us happy (which will not lead to everlasting happiness anyway), we need to generate happiness
first. So the first task you have is finding things that generate happiness in general, instantaneously if
possible. Is it a particular pen, a song, a thought, a motionwhat is it? Figure it out generating
happiness, causes us to attract more to be happy about, in a continuous cycle, leading to our perpetual

At this point, we have gone through two truths and have already thrown much conventional thinking
about creation and happiness out the window. On to the third truth.
Truth # 3: Coincidences can be controlled and serve a purpose
Bernard Beitman, MD and visiting professor at the University of Virginia, is the first person since Carl
Jung to systemize the study of coincidences. In his book, Connecting With Coincidence, he cites example
after example of coincidences (some of which are just amazing) and attempts to explain, based on his
research, why we experience coincidences.

This is how he defines a coincidence:

The striking and unlikely conjunction of two or more events that seem strangely connected (Beitman,

He has literally studies hundreds of coincidences and through his studies has defined what he calls
coincidence-prone people.
People create coincidences by matching their mental-emotional patterns with patterns that they perceive
in the environment. To notice a coincidence requires paying attention to ones own thoughts, mental
images, and feelings while also monitoring surrounding events. Some people seem coincidence-prone:
that is, they possess a penchant for noticing coincidences that is not shared equally by other people
(Beitman, n.d.).

If you reflect on how he defines coincidence-prone people, youll notice that there are two elements.
First, they pay attention to their own thoughts, mental images and feelings. Specifically,his research
shows that people with heightened emotional states are in the best position to notice coincidences.
Second they are paying attention to whats around them.

These elements of coincidence-prone people are similar to the common understandings in the law of
attraction community.

According to the law of attraction, a coincidence is never a fluke. Rather, they are energetic occurences
that connect us to ideas, each other, and our desires, often at particular points in time. And, much like
Beitman, these coincidences are directly related to how we feel and what we place our attention on.

How we feel generally impacts what we place our focus on. Its very difficult to feel angry and focus on
beauty, or to feel sad and focus on happiness. The same is true if you have positive feelings. If youre
feeling confident for example, youll place your focus on things that reinforce that confidence. And youll
ignore stuff that harms your sense of self. Now the fourth word in this paragraph is generally, meaning
that your focus goes in the general direction of how you feel. Focusing on something more specific
requires a conscious decision to do so.

Pam Grout highlights this in her book E-Squared.

In her book, she challenged readers to actively look for a particular item over a 24-hour period. The
specific item a reader would look for was the readers choice; however, Pam Grout gave a suggestion to
the reader to find butterflies. In her follow-up book, E-Cubed, Grout highlighted that the experiment
was a huge success:
The Butterfly stories alone could fill the Library of Congress.
Butterflies, in case you're new to the party, are one of the signs I sugested people look for to prove E-
Squareds Volkswagon Jetta Principle, which states You impact the field and draw from it according to
your beliefs and expectations.

People spotted butterflies on pie, in the middle of the desert, on toilet paper, on lapels in doctors offices,
and on casino slot machines to name just a few that spring to mind. Some people even wrote to ask, How
do I turn the butterflies off? (Grout, 2014)

What this means is that we actually have control over the number of coincidences we experience.
While thats very cool to learn, it does the beg the question. So what? Why would we want to have
control and increase the number of coincidences we have?

And the answer is because its an important part of our path towards manifestation. Now there are
different explanations for why coincidences happen and as youll see there is a common theme across
them, namely that its meant to propel you forward in some manner.

The first explanation is that our souls choose us in order to have certain experiences within our physical
self. As our physical, conscious selves, we distinguish our experience in terms of time periods of past,
present and future. Our soul, however, does not understand time in the same way it sees our life as a
bunch of experiences rather than a bunch of experiences on a timeline. In short, to our spirit, experience
is not classifiable as past, present and future. An explanation of coincidences, based on this view, is that
these coincidences are actually glimpses of the souls perception of your life events. For you, these are
happening on different timelines, but for the soul, it is as though all is happening at once. In short, these
coincidences are a sneak peak of future events as offered from the soul.

A second explanation, is that concidences are intuitions intended to guide us in certain directions. Law
of Attraction thinkers offer different ideas about how the law works. Some thinkers believe your soul
has its pathway all the experiences it would like to have in your physical body all planned out before
it even gets into your physical body. Your life, in this view, is about the souls efforts to bridge its plans
(which reside in your unconscious) with your conscious mind, as it guides you in a direction to fufill the
souls purpose. In this view, coincidences may be seen as the signals the soul sends to guide you in
particular direction. To some, coincidences are even possible to see as signals to show that you are
moving in the right direction.

A third explanation relates to our connectivity, or more specifically, our energetic connectivity. Since we
are all just energy, we are actually all interconnected with all the ideas that exist, with food we eat,
water we drink, plants, animals, buildings, and each other. Of course, these connections are
independent of time, physical location, or linguistic, cultural, or racial difference. It is suggested that
some of these connections may be stronger than others, for known reasons (such as deep caring and
love, genetic similarity, etc.) and for unknown reasons. Coincidences in this perspective are a function of
these energetic connections it is as though the energy between us is speaking to us.

The bottom line is that coincidences are not random experiences that happen outside our scope of
control. But rather something that nudges us forward towards manifesting our dreams.

So, I encourage you to stop treating coincidences as chance happenings, and recognize you attracted it
into your experiences somehow. Whether it is the sign of a path that you should follow or confirmation
that you are on the path to manifesting whatever it is that you desire or an inspiration to act or evidence
that law of attraction is working coincidences are not a fluke. And, as you start to align your life with
these spiritual truths, which are in turn aligned with tenets of the law of attraction, you should start to
see more coincidences.

Hopefully, these truths are starting to shift your perception and help you to understand that many of
the rules by which you have been conducting your life are backwards.

Now without further ado, lets move to truth # 4
Truth # 4: Focusing on what you dont want is different than focusing on
what you do want
Think of the intentions behind the following statements:

Statement 1: I do not want to enter into another bad relationship

Statement 2: I want to find my ideal partner.

Practically speaking, most people would intuitively understand intentions behind the two statements to
be similar, if not the same. If you say you do not want to enter into another bad relationship, it implies
that you want to find a good relationship for you.

Energetically, however, the statements are drastically different. To the universe the statements capture
two completely different intentions, resulting in attraction of different results.

Let me explain.

As mentioned above, we are vibrational beings and the vibration we give off leads to attraction of a like

So, what? What does that mean?

Its time for a quick experiment to illustrate my point. First, I would like to say the following aloud and
with feeling: I dont want to be poor. Now, take note of how you feel.

Now, say this aloud with feeling: I want to be rich. Take notice of how you feel.

Do you notice differences in your feelings? I am going to go out on a limb and guess you did not feel the
same when you said the statements out loud. For the first, your statement is focused on poorness, and
it is quite likely your statement was tinged with an undertone of dissatisfaction, desperation, and a bit of
disappointment, anxiety and even sadness.

For the second, your statement focused on richness, and it is likely your statement was tinged with a bit
of energy, excitement, power and hopefulness. Perhaps some images of what it means to be rich passed
through your mind.

In short, the focus of each statement was placed in a different direction, and generated different sorts of

Your emotions serve as an indicator of your vibration; this is an idea the Hicks state repeatedly. And, it
is the case that the vibration of feeling rich is not the same as the vibration of not wanting to be poor. In
the terminology of the Hicks, the former is coming from a place of abundance, while the latter is from a
place of lack.

Of course this has more implications than how you feel. From a Law of Attraction perspective, vibrations
attract like vibrations. In short, feelings leads to what you attract in your life. So, vibrations of focusing
on what you dont want is not the same as the vibration of focusing on what you do want.

Thats why those who worry about not wanting things to happen, find that things that they do not want
to happen do happen. A person who does not want sickness in his or her life will get sick more often, or
hear about sickness more often, or find his or herself around sickness more often. Even if it is not really
sickness they experience, it will be something on the same vibration as sickness.

What does this mean for you? It supports the idea that you should pay attention to what you say, how
you say it, the questions that you ask yourselves and most importantly, your feelings. Asking yourself
why do I keep ending up in bad relationships? is the incorrect question. The correct question could be
How do I find the right relationship? or saying What qualities do I want in the right person or What
adventures will we have when were together?

Whoa, that last question was a bold one, but do you feel the difference? Thats the point.

Thats pretty much it with truth # 4. I know, it is shorter than some of the others, but I believe I have
said everything that needed to be said.

Okay, lets see what # 5 holds in store for us.
Truth # 5: Contrast is an amazing thing
This truth is a fun one for me; it shifts my perspective on every observation and interaction in my life to
one that is appreciative.

How is contrast defined in this context? Basically everything you experience in life serves as a piece of
information that helps you decide what you want and dont want in life.

This includes your past decisions, interactions with others, decisions of others (like parents), places you
visit, foods you eat, products you buy, things youve learned, mistakes youve made, books youve read,
T.V. shows you watch etc.

Heres an example to illustrate this concept. Think about the car you own or perhaps the car you want
to own. What make is it? Whats the purpose of the car? What color is it? What features does it have?
How much does it cost? How are you going to pay for it?

Now let me ask you how did you decide on this particular make of the car? How did you decide on its
purpose, color, and features? How did you decide how much you want to pay for the car? How did you
figure out the payment method?

As you answer these questions, notice how your decisions were made in relation to something else. I
bought a minivan because it provides enough room for me and my family. Or, alternatively, it is possible
you said to yourself that a sports car is not practical. You may prefer a blue car to a red car, having read
that red cars have a higher probability of being stolen, black cars absorb sun and get hot and white cars
show the dirt.

All of the decisions highlighted above are examples of contrast in action.

It is impossible to make a decision in a vacuum; there must be some frame of reference in order to first
even be able to comprehend it and second in order to make a decision. I mean can you conceptually
understand up if there is no such thing as down? Left if there is no right? Hot if there is no cold? (If you
are familiar, this was something that Neale Donald Walsh suggested in Conversations with God).

So as you interact on a daily basis, your mind is constantly deciding on what you want and dont want
based on what it experiences. Now a lot of times these decisions about what we want or do not want
are unconscious, but we can become more conscious of them.

Once you truly understand the notion of contrast you gain a different perspective. Others may laugh at
what is different and perhaps even try to convince others to be more like themselves. I know you have
never done such a thing ;-), but can think of at least one person in your life who has done it. In fact, it is
clear that groups of people do this all of the time define what is normal and then ask others to change
to meet their norm. In recent news, countries have suggested (if not required) that those different than
the norm (by some standard) should assimilate.

In our own lives, we also find that we do this we try to convince others to accept our views on politics,
or our opinions in child-rearing, or our advice about how they should behave, live their life, etc.

I am not judging or criticizing, I am merely observing. And from a Law of Attraction perspective, these
observations are essential and we might thank them for allowing us to decide what to feel, how to be,
and what we want in our lives. Differences in all manners make life beautiful and interesting and help us
figure out who we are and want to be. I mean really, if everyone wanted, believed in and did the exact
same thing, what a boring world it would be!

So the next time someone states an opinion that you dont agree with, dont try to convince them that
your opinion is correct. Rather, look at their opinion, truly analyse it and decide whether you still like
your opinion, or might want to change it.

The next time you purchase a crappy product. Dont get upset. Bless it for aiding you on your journey
for deciding what product you do want.

The next time your parent does something that you do not like, appreciate that experience because it is
enlightening you to what you do not want and, more importantly, what you do want.

Next time someone cuts you off in traffic, dont get angry with that person; thank them for helping you
decide the kind of driver you want to be.

I think you get the point. But I really believe that if you embrace this spiritual truth, like the others, your
level of appreciation will go up immensely, while your stress levels will drop significantly.

Arent these life changing? I told you soOkay, lets get to # 6.
Truth # 6: There are unlimited resources in the world
Uh oh, did I just hit on a controversial topic? We saw the 99% protests a few years back, which were a
reflection of the prevailing understanding that resources are finite, limited, and only available to a small
subset of society. It is assumed access to resources is a zero sum game that there need to be trade-
offs. In other words, if someone has or gets access to resources, then someone else loses out. And in
this game, where there are winners and losers, winners by virtue of being winners get preferential
acess to more resources.

In the realm of law of attraction, this idea is simply not true. There is an infinite amount of resources and
the base of resources are consisetntly growing. Further, the resources are equally accessible to all.

And thats because of how the law of attraction community define, source/universe/God or whatever
else you want to call this intelligence that permeates all things seen and unseen.

Now these characteristics I will ascribe to God may not align with characteristics you ascribe to God and
to be clear I am not here to renounce any religion or other teachings you might believe in. I have read,
reflected and learned a lot, but I am not an expert, coach, spiritual guide or guru. Now that I have that
off my chest, I would still like to try something with you if you can humor me for a moment. Get into a
state where you can feel what I am about to write do your best to clear your mind and briefly suspend
all you have ever learned about God..

Ready.Here we go..
God is infinite love. If youre in the feeling of total and complete love, you are aligned with God. God is
the ultimate creator, who created you in Gods image as a creator. We in the physical realm are God
experienced, and in this physical World, God loves you unconditionally and forever. God has granted you
complete and total freedom to be, do and create whatever you want, and God will never judge you for
your actions (ever!). In this realm, Gods only job is to experience creation through you (in the physical
realm) and to completely and totally grant your every wish and desire and God has given infinite
resources in which to do so.

Now step back. How do you feel at your core? Are you in agreement with everything you have just read?
Does your heart sing when you read it? If not, skip this next part. If it does, is it not possible that there is
a scintilla of truth to it? I mean if I told you 5 + 5 = 24 would it feel the same as me telling you the truth
(that 5+5=10)?

My goal here is not to change your view on God. I believe your perspective on and relationship with God
is your own and something you should hold dear. I am just pointing out that God is on your side, wants
you to win, and has provided all you need to win.

If you are still struggling with this truth, or if the esoteric stuff is too much for you, give me a chance to
explain what I mean on another level one which will appeal to your sense of logic.

Once the wheel was created, were there no more ideas? Has there been no innovation or
invention since?

Once the first millionaire made his or her fortune, were there no more millionaires? (by the way,
the first multimillionaire in the United States was John Jacob Astor, in the 1800s)
If a person falls in love once, can he or she not fall in love again?

Consider this:

Since 1900, the airplane, recorded music, the light bulb, radio, television and antibiotics were
developed. Electricity spread to masses, radar waves were discovered, the photocopy machine
and the electron microscope were invented, the first digital computer was completed, the
microwave was invented, the sound barrier was broken, highways across the US were built, fibre
optics was developed, as was the alkaline battery, the laser was invented, agricultural
innovation has been occurring, the birth control pill was developed and approved for general
use, satellites were launched into space, heart transplants have been done, men landed on the
moon. During this time, the VCR, video games and consoles, mobile devices, laser printers,
digital cameras, MRIs, artificial hearts, the walkman were invented. The human growth hormone
was engineered, the internet was invented, as was the CD rom, disposible cameras, 3D printers,
disposible contact lenses, digital cell phones, digital answering machines, pentium processors,
and bluetooth technology. The gas-powered fuel cell, viagara, the artificial liver, the fuel cell
bike, iPod, solar tower were all invented. Hybrid cars were released to the masses, toy robots
and smart shoes were invented. Facebook, Youtube, the Nintendo wii, Twitter were created.
The iPhone, Tesla roadster, retinal implant for the blind, iPad, a synthetic hand, and assisted
walking device, invisible skyscraper and driverless car were all invented.

Clearly, the idea pool is becoming bigger rather than running dry.

Since 2012, the number of billionaires has grown 32.8% (from 1226 to 1826). And there are 12
million millionaires around the world.

The points above may be long-winded, but is important. If there were limits to the number of ideas,
growth of finances, or extent of emotional resources available, how can we explain the growth of these
resources? Not one example above shows resources are limited, or that there is a need to re-distribute
or re-allocate resources to allow for growth.

For our purposes here, we can conclude that in regards to many resources, competition is an imagined

Now you might be thinking what about sports? What about when someone beats you to the last beer
or piece of pizza? What happens when you submit college applications and they receive thousands for 5
spots? Is that not competition?

I see why you would say that and I have struggled with that myself. However, as I took a larger view, I
was able to see two things. First, if we lose a competition it might not be that there is scarcity; rather, it
might just mean the last beer, piece of pizza, college spot, etc. was part of our spiritual path. Second, the
way that we define abundance is significant here if we dont get the last piece of pizza, that does not
mean that there is no abundance. There is an abundance of friendship, laughter, comfort and joy, even
if there is no pizza left, right now. Third, timing is not inconsequential here sure, a team might lose one
game, two games, or every game in a season, overall this does not mean a team is not abundant. Each
team has a place and purpose, benefit and is abundant in some way. And if winning is a resource, in the
life of a team, it will do its fair share.
In short, if it is meant to be, then we will work hard to manifest abundance. And we will surely achieve
it, even if the odds seem against us. Interestingly, I was watching a documentary on Justin Timberlakes
tour, and if you watched it, you will remember that all of the performers introduced themselves at the
start of the show. You may also recall there was one performer who said his being part of the tour was a
direct product of manifestation. He described saying, years earlier, that he was going to be on the tour,
and so he was. He could have calculated probabilities, and decided that the chance of getting on tour
was low, that getting on tour required luck, that there were only a few spots that he would have to vye
for, etc.

One might ask if there are not winners and losers in business? Even in business, resources are not at all
limited. There are always new markets to pursue, new products to develop, new ways to market these
products, new ways to grow; this is especially the case in a world with 7 billion people.

For individuals, starting a business today is easier than ever before. It can cost little to no money, and
access to people and tools are much easier than even 10 years ago.

If you want to find that special someone, you can go online, sift through peoples profiles and select who
youre interested in meeting.

If you want to experience the World, you can literally travel to (almost) every country or learn all about
a culture from the comfort of your own home. And soon enough virtual reality will allow you experience
it in the comfort of your own home.

If you want to give back, there are endless ways to give charity, or even to volunteer.

You may not get that particular promotion, but new opportunities (often times better ones) pop up all
the time, and now you can easily find them.

The list goes on and on. But a lot of people get caught up in their day to day lives or focus too much on
all the wrong things going on in the news to truly appreciate how much abundance there really is how
many resources there are out there.

So next time anxiety creeps in, and you start to worry about losing something a spot in line, money, an
opportunity, a chance, etc. to someone else. Stop and read this truth and remember, you have the most
powerful creator in your corner, waiting to give you all you want. And, if you cant get your mind around
the idea that resources are not limited, look and see how much has changed over time. You cannot deny
that rather than resources being limited, they are abundant and their abundance is ever-increasing.

Wow inspiring! Okay, #7.
Truth # 7: How you feel has nothing to do with anything else
Earlier this week, a friend told me about a situation he was having at work. He was clearly upset, quite
defensive and completely frustrated. He felt several colleagues were out to get him and aggressively
asserted it was not fair because he does more, works harder, etc.

I would imagine you have met similar people. How these people feel is justified by stuff that happens to
them. While some might passively receive and absorb that which happens outside of them, others may
seek to actively control their environment, vigilantly hoping and praying that they can avoid or stop that
which makes them feel bad.

Of course, the question really is what makes us feel bad. Is it the stuff that others do to us? Is it the stuff
that happens outside of us?

Not really what we feel comes from within.

As harsh as it might sound, my friends colleagues did not make him feel anything. Rather, he chose to
feel as he did. And that pretty much sums up spiritual truth # 7 how you respond to a given situation
is your choice, and has nothing to do with anything or anyone else.

If someone bothers you, it is because you let it. If you are stuck in traffic and annoyed, it is because you
have chosen to be. If you are late to a meeting and feel anxious, it is because you decided to be. If you
get dumped, and sit around moping all day, you have elected to feel that way.

Imagine walking into a restaurant with only one item on the menu. Would that not be annoying? So why
would you restrict yourself to one emotional reaction to an event. Your emotional repertoire is like a
menu. When you experience something disconcerting, you can either be disconcerted, or you can order
a frustrated with a side of hopeful.

Experiences are what they are, in other words. It is how you assign meaning to them that affects how
you feel. And you can choose to make those experiences grand, offensive, and earth-shattering. Or, it is
also possible to assign a meaning to them that leads to a different feeling. In other words, you can
change the emotional context of your experience.

As if our own interpretation of outside events does not do enough to affect us, there is also what others
do and say. Have you ever seen a caricature of a person trying to make a decision, with an angel on one
shoulder and a devil on the other? In this caricature, both the angel and devil try to make their case to
the person, and influence his or her decision. Now, start with that image and answer this if you had a
character sitting on your shoulder, telling you how to feel all the time, would you listen to that person
and respond in kind?

For many of us (perhaps not all) the answer would be no. We are sentient beings with free will, right?
But, how many times, really, have your emotions been impacted by what others do and say? It happens
all the time not only from people close to us, but also from people who we do not know at all.

It suffices to say that we do not really need to pay attention to anyone else and what they say at all. But
we often do give credence to these voices inside our heads even though we know that we should not. If
that is the case, then it might help to acknowledge that when others say or do things you dont like, it is
often because they are trying to manage their own emotions, trying to get to their own better-feeling
place. Of course, it does not really work, in the vast majority of cases, since they are looking to us their
external factor to affect how they feel. In other words, If you do this, then I will feel better.

In short, it is madness. People try to manage their emotions by controlling external factors. Others let
their emotions change based on what they experience outside of them. And none of it works.

The truth is and has always been that you are in complete control of how you feel.

Monks who meditate all day do not allow their emotions to be swayed by outside factors. Flies land on
their faces. They can meditate in freezing cold weather or under icy waterfalls, and just be. Okay, so it is
important for me to indicate I am not at all suggesting you have to become a Monk and meditate all day
(unless you want to, of course) without swatting flies or in icy conditions. I am saying though it might
take practice, but you have no less capacity to master your emotions and take control over your

I will not get into ways to grab hold of and control your emotional context. For now, what is more
important is understanding this truth and embracing it. Implications of believing this truth are huge and
do not only have implications for this truth. In particular, if you think back to Truth #2 Be happy first
you will recall feeling happy is a cornerstone to manifesting what you want in life. Gaining control over
how we feel is important to feeling happy, and it should be empowering to know that we have the
ability, within ourselves, to affect how we feel.

You may now be wondering how to master your emotions. If you do a Google search on how to control
your emotions you will see suggestions, many of which are grounded in psychology and science. Please
do have a look at those techniques, but here I will specifically focus on methods grounded in the Law of

As we have established in earlier truths, a basic tenet of Law of Attraction is: how you feel will attract
more of that emotion. As an example, if you are angry, your anger will grow. If you are grateful, on the
other hand, then your gratefulness will grow. The specific emotion matters less here than the idea that
having an emotion will attract more of a similar or the same emotion.

To illustrate the point, take the next two minutes to think of five things you are feeling grateful for in
this moment.Ready, Set, Go!

Done? Great. Now think of 15 more things to be grateful for and notice how much easier its getting.
Ready, set, go!

So, did you think of 20 things to be grateful for? Did it get easier as you went along? Did more things to
be grateful popped up in your mind? Thats law of attraction at work, my friends.

It is funny only recently did I realize this is what happens when you brainstorm. You open your mind at
a particular idea and then allow the ideas to flood in. Once you get on a roll, it is hard to stop. Without a
definite end period, you can keep it going on and on and on.

In the grateful game you will find that new things are popping into your mind as you think of things to
be grateful for. You are in a grateful feeling place and cannot help but attract more things to be grateful
So this has some pretty big implications. Why? Because you now understand the power of momentum,
and if you start your day on the right foot, your positive emotions will only get stronger and stronger, as
long as you will it. The Hicks talk about this concept of momentum. And so, two actions come out of
this discussion.

First, start your day right. As you wake up in the morning, think of 10 things you are truly grateful for, or
listen to good music, or play with your kids. Do something to get yourself in a good mood.

Second intentionally not let negative emotions get in the way. If you start your day on the right foot,
chances are everything will go right for you anyways because that is the Law of attraction in action. But
sometimes, things dont seem to go swimmingly. Thats where you have to exercise control.

You may ask why things would not go swimmingly if you are in a positive state. One reason is that there
are times when stuff happens, and this is often, part of the manifesting journey. I think that we all have
had experiences that seemed painful or confusing, but when we look back on them, we realize that they
were a part of our process. We might realize the experience taught us something we would not have
otherwise learned, or it was a necessary foundation for something else to happen. In my life, I have
often looked back at situations that were far from pleasant to see it was all part of a path, though I could
not have seen it at the time.

During the day when something has the potential to upset you, it helps to recognize that this situation
serves a greater purpose though the way in which it does so may not be immediately clear. Or see that
experience as a potential source of contrast. Whatever you do, try to reinterpret it in a positive way.

As an aside, you might want to practice priming if you know about a particular event or experience that
you will be having on a particular day. Generate good feelings around the event or experience, visualize
the experience unfolding in a way that you would ideally want it to, engaging as many senses as you can.

The prevailing Law of Attraction theory states how you feel prior to going to bed at night will affect how
you feel in the morning. If you go to sleep feeling good, you are likelier to wake up feeling good and
this makes things easier. So, I strongly suggest you take a few minutes to improve your mood so that
you feel good when you go to sleep. Whether you find things to be grateful for from the day, remember
pleasant experiences, visualize something that you desire using all sense, watch something funny, read a
good book, listen to soothing music, cuddle with a pet, or whatever it is.

Okay, so thats number 7. Now on to # 8.
Truth # 8: Your current reality is a function of your past thoughts
Truth #8 requires that you accept the following:

1. Your thoughts create your reality;

2. Manifestation does not happen immediately

I am going to assume if you are still reading this book, you already align to condition #1. But, condition
#2 may take a bit of explaining.

The basic premise of condition #2 is there is a time lag between thoughts you have and desires being
achieved. You might be wondering why, and I intend to help answer that for you.

A flawed assumption is that there is magic involved in the Law of Attraction you make a wish, and
poof, you get what you wished for. There is certainly an esoteric element to the Law of Attraction, and
the universe is involved in ensuring its manifestation, but your participation is still required.

In other words, you still have to take action.

There is an old joke that comes to mind, and the following is as it is told by author, Elizabeth Gilbert, in
her bestselling book, Eat, Pray, Love.
Theres a wonderful old Italian joke about a poor man who goes to church every day and prays before the
statue of a great saint, begging, Dear saint please, please, pleasegive me the grace to win the lottery.
This lament goes on for months. Finally, the exasperated statue comes to life, looks down at the begging
man and says in weary disgust, My son please, please, pleasebuty a ticket (Gilbert, 2006).

The same joke can be found in many forms (do a Google search), but the key point is the same you can
pray all you want, but unless you take action in the directon of a desire, prayers cannot come to fruition.

Now, that is fine and good, but there are a few points to clarify. First, specific characteristics of an action
vary based on the nature of a desire. Second, when we talk about action, we refer to action initiated by
the subconscious mind. In short, if you consciously try to force things, the road will be harder than if you
let your inner wisdom (i.e. the all-knowing, all-seeing side of you) steer the ship; this is, of course, the
side of you that, when you are well, runs your body and every organ in it, with little to no conscious
participation on your part.

Action initiated by your subconscious mind can also be described as action that you are inspired to take.
In other words, inspired action is action you feel guided to do by some unconscious force.

While you may really want to be inspired, or be in an emotional state that is conducive to being inspired,
the inspiration might not come to you until the universe is good and ready. In short, the universe may
(and often does) need time to line up whatever it is you are trying to manifest, which may involve some
very complicated sequences of life events. It is the point when all is aligned that you will be inspired. Its
similar to how a plant grows. It does so at its own time, without any push to make it grow faster.

If you assume your thoughts create your reality and manifestation does not happen immediately, Truth
#8 makes perfect sense. Recall, Truth #8 is: your current reality is a reflection of your past thoughts. In
short, it means what we currently are experiencing (our current reality) reflects the nature and
character of our past thoughts; these past thoughts may be recent, not so recent or very distantly in the

If you are now overwhelmed by ways your past thoughts might be reflected in your future, there are at
least two good reasons why you should get un-overwhelmed as soon as possible. First, assume that like
any emotion, your feeling of being overwhelmed will also carry into your future. Second, Truth #8 really
should leave you empowered by re-shaping your current thoughts, which you have power to do, you
can affect your future in a way that better aligns with your desired future reality. Lets say this in yet a
different way.

Often we get sucked into a viscious cycle we look at our current experience, and as we do so, we feel a
particular emotion. We feel an emotion that resonates (energetically) into our future. That is, we
experience, and then observe what we experience, then experience more of the same. It does not occur
to us, in those times, that we can deliberately change our thoughts to create a new a reality.

In fact, the only time that it does occur to us to point our thoughts in a new direction is when what we
experience is so painful that we are unable to take it anymore. Our relationship has gotten so bad that
we need to change our situation. Our job is so awful we need to shift our perspective. In other words,
there are good reasons why change is often motivated by the straw that breaks the camels back (this
often involves limiting beliefs), but nothing says change cannot be initiated sooner.

So let us assume, right now, that you accept your current reality as a reflection of your past thoughts. If
so, you have a decision to make do you want your current thoughts and feelings to shape your future?

Let us now assume you do not want the thoughts you are currently thinking and emotions that you are
currently feeling to interfere with the idyllic future you desire. In other words, your current experience is
generating thoughts and feelings that are incompatible with your desired reality. While it is challenging
to disentangle what you think and how you feel from your current experience, this is critical. And, after
all, what you are thinking and what you are experiencing are mutually exclusive, though we often find
ourselves interlinking them. As such, you can think whatever you want, regardless of what you are in the
process of experiencing.

At the end of our discussion of Truth #8 we recognize that in the past, we might have let our experience
and our feelings and thoughts become all entangled, resulting in a future that reflects our current (often
negative) emotions. We also realize we can depart from how we used to do things we find we are now
armed with the knowledge that our thoughts and our experience can be separated, and as a result, we
can now take conscious control of our thoughts. We can become the conductor in our train of thought
and steer in a direction that we choose a direction in which we feel good.

And as we feel good, we generate good-feeling experiences. We get into a virtuous cycle where we then
have good-feeling experiences, observe what we experience, then experience more of the same. As per
the law of attraction, your thoughts build momentum in a positive direction and, once in a positive
state, it is less likely to generate negative experience, and difficult to think negative thoughts.

If you have embraced the eight truths considered so far, your world is likely very different from what it
was when you picked up this book. You might not even recognize yourself. But there is one more truth
one that does depart from traditional thinking. Lets get to it.
Truth # 9: Being Selfish is a good thing
Sure, the statement above is controversial, particularly if you are less familiar with the Law of Attraction.
Though it departs from conventional wisdom, Truth #9 gives you power to break away from the crowd,
rise above mediocracy, achieve what you want in life. In other words, if you wanted more of the same,
you probably would not be reading this book. You probably would have moved on to something more

So, what do I mean by being more selfish? Lets review the truths:

Truth #1: You have created everything that you have ever experienced in your life

Truth #2: Happiness comes first

Truth #3: There are no coincidences

Truth #4: Focusing on what you dont want is different from focusing on what you do want

Truth #5: Contrast is an amazing thing

Truth #6: There are unlimited resources in the world

Truth #7: How you feel has nothing to do with anything else

Truth #8: Your current reality is a function of your past thoughts

Truth #9: Being selfish is a good thing

Can you see the commonality between the truths? Pretty much all of them have one thing in common
you. Specifically, if we are to look at the previous eight truths from a slightly different point view:

Truth #1: You create your experience and reality

Truth #2: Happiness comes from within (you)

Truth #3: You have to keep your eye open for coincidences that benefit you

Truth #4: By changing your focus, you can influence how you feel and what you attract

Truth #5: You use contrast to decide what you want

Truth #6: You dont need to compete for resources to get what you desire, because there is
unlimited abundance in this world

Truth #7: You can choose how to feel

Truth #8: You can focus your current thoughts to affect your future reality

As you can see, these truths are all about you, nobody else. While being selfish has come to have such a
negative connotation, it is really not about putting yourself on a pedestal, or looking down on others, or
about you knocking down old ladies on your way to a supermarket checkout. Being selfish is really about
being concerned with yourself and about making yourself a priority above all else. And why is that okay?
Not only does putting yourself as a priority function to make you happier and more fulfilled, but it also
allows you to be better at things and better to the people you find important.
In fact, we might actually say all of our behaviour is ultimaly self-interested. Does that mean that it will
involve harming others or being unconcerned with humanity? No. But when we volunteer, or give to a
charity, or love a child, or any other act of kindness we benefit as well. We benefit by feeling good, or
engaging in behaviour that aligns with our morals. Obviously, the pursuit of our selfish interests not only
allows us to fulfill an internal need or internal benefit, but can also have important, impactful offshoots
for others and society as a whole.

Sometimes, we may appear to give to others at the expense of our own interests. For example, we are
willing to sacrifice our own needs for those of our children. Though the basis of another discussion, I
would like to suggest that the pursuit of self-interest is a funny thing and not all behaviour that is self-
interested is necessarily adaptive. For example, we might get some strange satisfaction by being able to
say we are a good parent because we sacrificed. Or we may feel a benefit, like attention, from others
pitying us. Do you see what I mean? While we may frame our self-interested behaviour as martyrdom
and victimhood, we benefit from it. But, as I said, that is a conversation for another day.

Okay, so it suffices to say while selfishness has a bad reputation, we are naturally pretty selfish people,
and there is nothing wrong with it. Our selfishness started when we were babies, and continues over the
course of our lives. If selfishness is so natural, why does it have such a bad reputation? In my view, it is
that people are selfish in the wrong ways. Of course, that sounds pretty judgmental, so I will qualify it. I
mean people are selfish in ways that align with a distorted view of how the world works. Or, in another
way, people are selfish in ways that do not align with the truths highlighted in this book.

Okay, so lets review the truths one more time:

Truth #1: You have created everything that you have ever experienced in your life

Truth #2: Happiness comes first

Truth #3: There are no coincidences

Truth #4: Focusing on what you dont want is different from focusing on what you do want

Truth #5: Contrast is an amazing thing

Truth #6: There are unlimited resources in the world

Truth #7: How you feel has nothing to do with anything else

Truth #8: Your current reality is a function of your past thoughts

Truth #9: Being selfish is a good thing

So yes, if we view selfish as being focused upon you, these truths do seem sort of selfish their focus is
on you, benefits to you and freedom and independence that you will attain. The truths mean that:

You no longer need to rely on anyone else to help you achieve your dreams.

You no longer need to rely on anyone else for you to feel good.
You no longer need to make others think and do things as you do; rather, you would prefer they
do and think differently than you so you can decide what you want and dont want (through

No longer do you want to make others think and do the same things as you; in fact, you need
them to do the opposite to help you decide what you want.

No longer do you have to compete with anyone, or step on anyone elses toes; or to put it
another way, no longer do you have to steal anyone elses slice of the pie because the pie is

No longer do you need to blame anyone else for any of their actions.

Okay, so let us summarize this spiritual truth that being selfish is a good thing. Really, what we have
found in this discussion is we are already fundamentally selfish beings; however, since selfishness has a
negative connotation within our society, we do not want to admit that we are selfish, even when what
we call selfish behaviour ultimately benefits others (in addition to ourselves). So really, what we discuss
in this chapter is calling a spade a spade we are naturally selfish.

Now, in this chapter, we acknowledged that our selfishness may be, at times, maladaptive or amoral, in
light of societal standards. We are not, in this chapter, condoning self-harm, or hurting others to satisfy
our own needs. In such circumstances, you may want to identify how your behaviour is selfish in nature
and puts your own needs above your own best interests or others well-being and get necessary help in
order to affect change.

In this chapter, we are suggesting it is okay to put yourself first in a manner that is adaptive and that
you can own it. By being selfish in this manner, based on the rules above, we can be more confident,
self-reliant and independent. We can become more empowered, responsible for our own lives. And we
will come to expect less from others, we will not need them to do anything for us, and we will not judge
them for their decisions.

Of course, as described it seems you will be relegated to a life of isolation. On the contrary it is likelier
your relationships will improve and you will become more magnetic. Not only will people be attracted to
your energy, but they will also feel accepted by the more compassionate, grateful, you. Your life will be
so good you will want to share it with others. You will feel inspired to give and will not be fearful
because God will replace what you have given away and more. You will feel healthy, strong, full of
energy and vitality. And you will naturally find that your desires shift to helping others.

So, your natural feelings are not betraying you. It is okay to be selfish. In fact, it is the only way as long as
you are selfishly involved in living these nine spiritual truths.
The Truths Summarized
Okay, so were done. This is AWESOME! Are you hyped? Are you ready to take on the world in a way
youve never experienced before?

I encourage you to read this book again and again and embrace these truths. Living a Law of Attraction
Life is a process, and I encourage you to practice the nine truths until they become habitual. Heck, you
dont have to live all of them. Even living one or two can make a difference. Embracing the nine,
however, will change you forever.

Even if you are familiar with the Law of Attraction, I hope that this book had some impact. As I wrote in
the introduction, this is less about my nine truths being new material as it is about seeing familiar ideas
imparted in a different way. You really never know what will resonate, stick or move you. And, there is
no harm in reinforcement.

I also encourage you tell others about this book. Let them know that subtle changes can cause dramatic
shifts in how they see the world, to the extent that they may not even recognize themselves.

Finally, I want to thank you. I want to thank you for taking the time to read this and listen to what I have
to say about what I have read and learned over recent years. A book, any book, comes to life in the mind
of the reader, and this book is no different. I absolutely appreciate every person who has come to read
this book, and believe that through this book, we have found each other for a reason. If you have found
this book helpful, please leave a review on Amazon and share your thoughts with others.

The END!

OH WAIT...One more thing...on the next page is a summary of all nine truths that you can print and hang
up wherever you are inspired to
Truth # 1: You have created everything you have ever experienced in your life
So take responsibility for it all.

Truth # 2: Happiness Comes First

Then everything else will follow.

Truth # 3: Coincidences can be controlled and serve a purpose

Become a coincident-prone person

Truth # 4: Focusing on what you dont want is different than focusing on what you do want
They will produce completely different vibrations, and you will attract different things

Truth # 5: Contrast is an amazing thing

So bless all thats different and use it to decide what you do want in life

Truth # 6: There are unlimited resources in the World

Remember abundance comes in many forms and will come to you in the right time, in the right way.

Truth # 7: How you feel has nothing to do with anything else

So start taking control of how you feel, rather than being dictated by others

Truth # 8: Your current reality is a function of your past thoughts

So deliberately direct your thoughts now to affect the future you want

Truth # 9: Being Selfish is a good thing

Follow the truths above to become the right kind of selfish
Beitman, D. B. (n.d.). Coincidence Studies. Retrieved from Coincider:

Frankl, V. E. (1959). Man's Search For Meaning. Vienna: Beacon Press, Boston.

Gilbert, E. (2006). Eat Pray Love. New York: Riverhead Books.

Grout, P. (2014). E-Cubed. Carsbad, California, United States: Hay House Inc.

Walsch, N. D. (1997). Conversations With God Book 2. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons.

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