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Names Sophie, Albert Section 8-4

Spectral Color Conundrum

2 days


[insert an image of the set of 5 colored test tubes]

[insert an image of the set of 5 calibrated colors]

Data Collection

Objective: To recreate the masterminds sample set, #s1-5, using trial and error, to figure out the correct ratios of
liquid volume for the spectral colors necessary to make each 20 mL sample.

Document your groups trials T1-T5, and final samples, #s 1-5, below, by typing in the amounts [in mL] for each
spectral color used to make the sample, and inserting a PB image for the final color outcome.

The max volume for any sample is always 20 mL

The individual spectral colors are always whole amount of mL.
Cover test tube with thumb, flip, and shake to evenly distribute the colors.

#1 - 2 colors Ratio of colors 15-5

#2 - 3 colors Ratio of colors 10-7-3
#3 - 2 colors Ratio of colors 13-7
#4 - 3 colors Ratio of colors 9-7-4
#5 - 2 colors Ratio of colors 18-2

Test Tube Amount of each spectral Total amount of liquid Color Outcome
color used [mL] volume [mL] [PB image]

T1 15 red 20
5 yellow

T2 10 blue 20
7 yellow
3 purple

T3 13 yellow 20
7 blue

T4 9 yellow 20
7 red
4 blue
T5 18 yellow 20
2 green

II. Analyze Results

1. Identify your groups final results for each sample, #s 1-5 below, by filling in each color [in bold] after the correct
ratio listed for that color needed to make the sample. *TBP = colors to be provided

Sample # of Ratio of Colors Groups Results Ratio of Colors Actual Value [*TBP]
# Colors Total = 20 mL Total = 20 mL

1 2 15 [ red ] : 5[ yellow ] [ red ] [ yellow

2 3 10 [ blue ] : 7[ yellow ] : 3 [ purple ] [ blue ][ red ] [

green ]
3 2 13 [ yellow ] : 7[ blue ] [ blue ] [ yellow ]

4 3 9[ yellow ] : 7 [ red ] : 4[ blue ] [ purple ] [ blue ] [ red]

5 2 18 [ yellow ] : 2[ green ] [ yellow ] [ blue ]

2. What was your groups overall initial emotional reaction to this challenge?
Our group's overall initial emotion was stressful and excited. SZ

3. How did your group choose to begin, as in, what was the groups initial step?
Our initial step was to figure out which color combinations would create the sample colors. AT

4. Based on the Ratios of Colors Actual Value provided by the teacher, how did your group measure up in terms of
accuracy? Support your response comparing your results with the results the teacher provided.
We completed 2 out of the 5 colors accurately. Colors 1 and 5 we matched exactly, while colors 2, 3, and
4 we couldnt figure out.

5. Based on your groups experience collecting the data, identify which sample[s] was the easiest for your group to
figure out and explain why.
The samples easiest to figure out were the ones with only two colors to make the specific color. For
example, 1 3, and 5. SZ

6. Based on your groups experience collecting the data, identify which sample[s] was the most difficult for your
group to figure out and explain why.
Sample 4 was difficult for us because it is a dark purple, and as purple overpowers color, it was hard to
figure out which color combination would create that shade of color.

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